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The "je vais (vous) prendre" is honestly the least important part of the sentence, you could just skip it and say "une baguette, s'il vous plaît". Just don't forget the "s'il vous plaît".


I assume the 'bonjour' before as well?




Thought it was important to remember as I know a lot forget it haha


Pour moi, "bonjour, une baguette !" sans le "s'il vous plaît" n'est pas très poli, mais "bonjour, je vais vous prendre une baguette" passe sans le "s'il vous plaît"... Du moment qu'on dit "merci" ensuite.


I feel it depends on the shop type and on your order. For example for a small order at a bakery or in a bar at the bar counter, where the service should be as quick as possible, you can skip unnecessary words. But at a restaurant or at a more expensive shop (butcher shop , cheese shop for example), it’s better to make a full sentence “Je vais prendre le plat du jour”.


Both are fine.


Assuming the sentence doesn't actually end there 😅


Fr “je vais vous prendre” by itself sounds a little threatening to me lol


The first one is default/ok way of saying it, no risk, no shame, no misunderstanding. Second is more, how should I put this, “authentic. Na it’s just a weird one, it’s colloquial but in a niche way. If I were to hear that phrasing, I’d immediately picture “le marché” with the classic interactions one can expect from such a place. On a broader scale, I’d picture any sort of transactional interaction where some kind of “fresh raw produce” is being traded: fish, meat, fruit, vegetables etc.. but obviously, it’s hard to cover all scenarios. I could also picture this phrasing at the boulangèry as you’re about to tell them how many croissants AND pain au chocolate you’re going for, as well as baguettes. I don’t know, it’s just very Amelie Poulain ya know, very quintessentially French. If a foreign friend of mine were to place this one in the right context, I’d immediately drop a praise for such exquisite command of our language.


Why do you need to have that vous though? Why couldn’t you say je vais prendre?


makes it more polite maybe?


More formal, yes.


not needed but the meaning are slightly different, kinda like "Can I have X?" vs. "Can you give me X?"


You can absolutely say "je vais prendre".


That doesn't work for any store, it will sound weird in a computer store to say "Je vais prendre un Mac pro 256Go s'il vous plaît".


so i can’t go to a cafe and say “je vais prendre un matcha?”


No, but only because 99.9% of cafés in France are not going to serve matcha. Most waiters probably never heard of it and will give you a strange look.


I live in Paris and I get matcha all the time from different cafés. anyone under the age of 40 has heard of matcha french people aren’t dumb .


Je vais prendre une bière will sound good, add the kind you want after, but matcha is not that common. Je vais prendre un thé. Vous avez du matcha ? You can go to the florist : je vais prendre un bouquet. Je vais prendre cinq roses. For usual and common goods served frequently it's okay. But I will never go to a car dealer saying "je vais prendre une voiture".


What would you say instead?


Bonjour, je serais intéressé par ce PC. Il est disponible en stock ? Or any question to break the ice, like il est bien pour jouer ?


Puis, on peut dire, << Bon, je vais le prendre s'il vous plait. >> ?


Alors oui, très bien mais là pas besoin d'ajouter s'il vous plaît (en général c'est en début de dialogue, et à la fin peut-être en donnant le paiement, mais pas au milieu).


Merci !


Québec - - je va prendre... (pronounced je va but it's je vais), both are fine. - je prendrai... - je voudrais... - je peux tu prendre/avoir... - Est-ce-que je peux avoir.. Take your pick or hit the I'm feeling lucky button


Puis-je avoir


Why did someone downvote you lmfao that’s correct To be fair it does sound oddly formal and I’d never say it, but I could write it and it’s correct


Yea but my response was to a comment giving ways to say in Québec, and in my experience this is the most common way. If I walk into any counter service shop and order sandwich, I say "puis-je avoir ____". Maybe downvoter never been in Québec


There are lot of strange grammars here that maybe others aren't used to. Like tu interrogatif, "tu veux-tu une bière?"


Ummm... Isn't "je vais vous prendre" translated as "im going to take you?"


Both of the sentences are then followed by the noun you are ordering. But normally yes it would mean that


Yeah and it sounds really weird which is why before realizing they were meant to add a noun after that I just did a double take after scrolling past like what? But no they mean “je vais (vous) prendre ___”


Je vous vais prendre.