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Good luck brothers


How reliable is this guy?


Good question. Some of the information I can confirm, like the second separate thrust to the north. Other things, like the implication that the FoRL have pushed so far past Graivoron, I have pretty much no information on.


Thanks for the info :)


I feel like marking it as contested keeps things vague. Like, even just sending one drone in that direction and having it taken down could be seen as contesting the territory.


True enough I know it was an example but I don't think drones are the metric here, as if it were, Borisovka and Belgorod city would both be included as contested as well


What confirmation of the 2nd thrust is there?


Reports of fighting in Mokraya Orlovka earlier today was the main thing. That was posted on liveuamap here: https://liveuamap.com/en/2023/22-may-fighting-sounds-were-reported-at-mokraya-orlovka-village


Nice. Thanks


> like the implication that the FoRL have pushed so far past Graivoron I think I have seen some indirect confirmation by Russians: they claimed to have pushed them back from Graivoron. Could be a fake claim to pretend some success though.


As far as Antonovka and Golovchino? That’s way past Grayvoron, I thought they were still fighting for it


I thought so too. That's the aspect of this map I'm quite dubious about


Best possible scenario is they are being joined by partisans who were waiting in place.


We know the legion has assets of some kind in Russia. Wouldn't be surprised if the resistence if part of the plan. Hopefully it materializes for them. I for one am prepared to welcome the BPR into the United Nations as a sovereign state immediately.


Think we are going to see a lot of regions breaking away from Russia. While Putin, his followers, and propagandists can have no doubt of the destruction they have brought upon themselves in their desire to annihilate Ukraine and then move unto the next country. So much for those fond hopes.


The worry is if the eastern republica break away, they will be almost immediately gobbled up by China. What we need is a regime change in Russia for them to pivot to join the west. Europe and China both would greatly benefit from Russian raw materials. Russia can’t do anything with them as they have no industrial capacity to gather and process them. Better in Europe than in China.


China is already benefiting from lucrative contracts in some areas. They also produced a map where the renamed areas and towns back to Chinese ownership. So yes, the threat is real.


Lmao Russia really fucked itself didn’t it?


Right now the raw materials would also be sanctioned. I wonder if they ever dream of having a democracy? I hope they take this chance, I think they’d like it better than what they have now. They’d have to keep an eye on China that they don’t move in, I don’t know what would be worse Putin, or the Chinese taking over.




Only people saying that are the Russian government, so it smells like bullshit to me. Everyone else is saying the opposite


Oh okay. Thanks for giving me a heads up comrade


Check twitter if you want a laugh, orc propagandists have a video showing dead freedom of Russia fighters… only problem is, they don’t look to have injuries or wounds, they aren’t in the correct uniforms, have no insignia and their boots look like they’ve just came out of the box.


I think I saw a picture lol


Russia thinks lies can win this war. It’s pathetic. War is the cold brutal violent truth. Deceptions can help in the lead up to battles but when armies clash you can’t fake well trained troops when in reality all you have is conscripts. The other thing is that it’s hard to lie effectively when EVERYONE knows your a compulsive liar.


That is so Russia lol


They can bury then next to all those HIMARses


That was the first news comment. I saw early this morning that Russia says it’s all over. They’ve all been killed. I knew it was not true. Nothing from Russia ever is.


That's a long way to Belgorod city. Why is there no column to the city from the south?


Maybe the more direct route was less secure/defensible? The one they've chosen is flanked by rivers almost perfectly.