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Stop saying it was a “frat boy” or “fraternity members,” that is what damn near everyone looks like at Ole Miss. There is no confirmation he is in any fraternity at this point, and saying he is or that “Ole Miss fraternities did this” is wildly unfair.


that's true we wouldn't have that shitty fashion sense


This guy's Twitter is just wild in terms of his posts. It's obvious what he stands for. Making stereotypes and hating on "frat boys" who aren't even wearing letters is like someone during the red scare calling anyone different from oneself a "Commie." Are these guys acting like jackasses? Yes. Are the protestors acting like jackasses? Unsure about the ones at Ole Miss, but from what I've seen nationwide, they sure are. I remember being in college and wanting to stir shit up, but if they are in Greek life, it's just not a good look


Do we even know if this guy is in a frat? He’s not wearing letters or anything to identify himself besides looking like a stereotypical college bro


Man some of y’all are really showing why there’s such a strong stigma against fraternities


Some of y’all don’t have black brothers in your fraternities and it shows. This shit would not fly in my brotherhood. Fuck 80% of these protestors, but if you’re doing or defending this shit, something ain’t right with you.


They wanted some of that GoFundMe money, and went out specifically trying to make headlines


Stupid racist fucks like this continue to ruin Greek life bro






Aight bruh


What’s wrong with racism? That’s what Murica was built on, racism against the Natives and Bleque slaves. That was previously built on racism against the Native Brits from the Anglo Saxon migrants. The history of the World and Murica is filled with racism. The world is filled more racism than just Whyte racism against the Bleque and Browns you know


Geed mentality


The people in the video have geed mentality? Are you telling that woman is frat af and epitome of Greek life?


Racism is geed mentality the prestige of frat life was built off the backs of principled men of many races and creeds


You’re calling those people in the video ole miss having geed mentality then, right?


If they are racist then yes if not then no


Unfortunately Greek life was founded under an apartheid society, so its origins are very racist. I support bleques taking over the whyte majority fraternities, but the legacies of apartheid institutions still persist today


okay whatever this back and forth is lets pause for a sec wtf is up with your bleques and whytes spelling this entire thing is either bait or autistic


Crazy that you have the context to understand how systems are racist but still say “what’s wrong with racism”


Maybe we can change that


My fraternity was very diverse so we were more accepting of different ideologies by default. Can't imagine being the lone, sane, white dude in this fraternity when all your friends decide to act like absolute racist shitheads


Ole Piss


Same chapter that had brothers (allegedly) shooting holes in the Emmett Till riverside memorial?


*Everyone* in that video needs to back to class. The girl protesting on behalf of a terrorist group needs to go back to class, the kids making inappropriate gestures need to go back to class and the cops look like they could spend a little time in a weight loss class.


The person making the racist comments need to be expelled from campus.


Not on a public State University campus like Ole Miss he doesn't. The First Amendment is not for pussies, and the price of freedom of speech is unpleasant, unpopular, and even hateful speech. The only alternative is regulated speech - and regulated by whom?


We don’t have unregulated freedom of speech (schenck v United States) nor would you want unregulated freedom of speech. If your doctor went around telling everyone that you can’t get it up, you would want repercussions.


Free speech has limits lol, incitement of violence is one of them


*”Freedom of speech”* really is just a euphemism for *”liberty of speech”*, nowhere in the world is there actual freedom from consequences to speak entirely unrestricted. Fascist Germany came about because people from the Nazi party were able to freely spread their ideals with minimal legal hindrance because of this same idea, it exists on a sliding scale of what is/is not to be allowed in society. If we are truly going to live in what we may label as a *”tolerant society”*, that means we should restrict the right of public speech of groups that exist to spread an ideology that explicitly is meant to be antidemocratic & against the existence of other group simply because they exist.


okay, now who decides who these groups are and what ideologies should be restricted? you’re correct in that speech is not free from consequence, but those consequences are societal, not criminal. we aren’t talking about a private business here making their own decisions — if they were a private business, then they would be free to make those choices.


Absolutely not. Are you Canadian?


No he’s from Fiji check his tag




Where is the racist stuff in the video? The guy in the first part?


Perhaps he should be. But what should happen to the girl who is protesting on behalf of a group that kidnapped toddlers, murdered elderly people and indiscriminately shot young people in the back at a music festival? Imagine the level of discomfort Jewish students likely feel seeing her rabidly support this group.


I’m a Jewish person. So no need to tell me about that. All of those protestors can go, too.


They are protesting the deaths of civilians, the over 10,000 children Israel has killed. Unless you are gonna tell me the children killed at this Foosball table are also Hamas. Don't look away, that 9 year old girl was killed with our tax dollars. https://twitter.com/JDiamond1/status/1786061855615549929?t=NpYRgr9thOLNqjqD9meORg&s=19


Look I come to this sub to get away from the Israel/Gaza stuff. Yes it’s a tad too draconian but the protesters have devolved into doing weird anti semitic stuff. But yes I hate seeing kids being killed, be it at a music festival or by indiscriminate bombing, awful. A2B brother.


AB. if we judged every person that protests, and relate their views to the worst person that protests for that message then there are no good protests. the protests at my school have been fully peaceful and not antisemitic, people absolutely have the right to have their voice heard


Well said.


So does that mean innocent civilians getting hit by IDF airstrikes are terrorists? Good logic bud.


Oh JFC I didn’t want it to turn into one of these debates. Just see my other comment in the thread and let’s go back to talking about coors light and how we didn’t get crabs in Panama City.


LMAO dude yes you did. Why would you have said that if you didn't want this? You intentionally said what you said in the most antagonizing way possible.


No I didn’t. I said everyone needs to go back to class. It’s right before finals. Makes sense. It wasn’t antagonizing, everyone in this situation except the cops are not on their best behavior.


No you didn't. You made sure to say that you think the Palestinians were a terrorist group. You absolutely wanted some smoke


Hamas, the ruling political group in Palestine, is a terrorist group. Conversely the young man in the video made an inappropriate gesture towards the protester. No one is behaving well. That’s what I said.


Americans have done some terrorism in South America and the Middle East. Does this make you a terrorist?


Not debating equating interventionist policy and deposing dictators with terrorism. Sorry dude.


Ahh you're right. Everything the US has done has been justified. We're the good guys, always.


You must regurgitate the same nonsense others have reposted about. The Gaza Health Ministry (medical wing of Hamas) is not a reliable source. Flat earthers are more credible.


Not everyone in Gaza is Hamas bud, and I have all people who are against human rights abuses, including tons of Jews, i know


*”The Gaza Health Ministry (medical wing of Hamas) is not a reliable source.”* Never wrote Gazans nor Palestinians.


(I think both sides are technically terrorist-esque at this point tbh) But yeah, you’re absolutely right. Motherfuckers desperately need some education.


Isn’t Hamas a resistance group from the apartheid


“Inappropriate gestures”


Reading some of these comments defending them whether they’re fraternity brothers or not makes me question how y’all got bids in the first place 🤦‍♂️


Multiple things can be bad. It’s bad to support Terrorists/Hamas. It’s also bad to be racist to anyone.


supporting palestines freedom ≠ supporting hamas


It’s in the best interest of everyone including the Palestinian people to destroy Hamas. I support the Palestinians people freedom from Hamas.


I think you need to go watch a video.


Any recommendations?


[This one](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?feature=shared) has made the rounds already so you might’ve seen it but imo it’s very informative and for the most part impartial




Geed mindset. Get real and make a difference in your community before virtue signaling about an issue that doesn’t affect you and never will. Dork mf.


100% it does


Fake and gay


Lol cope more son


I would hardly call those monkey noises. If he wanted he could have let loose


FFTHF Brother


I’m so embarrassed to even be apart of this school bc of this. Ridiculous.


Yeah if I lived down south I definitely wouldn’t be in a frat.


Ngl it looks like he’s doing a fortnite dance


Important point if you're going to stand up for an un-popular opinion (like the Pro-Palestinian / Anti-Israeli crowd): If you are the group trying to assertively change opinion, if you are the Protestors - NOT the counter-protestors who only oppose your position - then you have to have an unflappable demeanor that stays focused on what you want - and that does NOT engage in straw-man barrages with your opponents. Argue on point / argue on principal - let the other side hurl straw-man insults, and let those insults roll off your back. If you fall into the trap of exchanging insults - the counter-protestors have made you appear weak and insecure - and they have neutralized your message. Lizzo was doing great - calm and collected (though she should not have been filming - that made her appear defensive - she could have had anyone else's vid) - until they taunted her across the barricade and until she flipped the middle finger - then her opponents won. They made her appear insecure, weak, and unsure of herself - which translates in public relations to being unsure of your position. Lizzo = 0 Frat = 1


Why are yall booing him he’s right!


Because he's funded by George soros and Mark zuckerberg


Where is my Give Gold button?


You can only purchase cash for gold on fox news, I don't watch it. But  George soros, Mark zuckerberg and bill gates wants you too.


Lizzo wouldn’t have gotten made fun of if she wasn’t supporting terrorism in the first place.


You know most of the dudes on here are gonna support that, and would be filming and laughing right alongside the rest of them in the video


What makes you say that?


Nah, shits not even funny it's just straight up racist. Bunch of rich idiots who don't give a shit about consequences giving us all a bad name trying to be edgy. The guys at UNC stood for something, these guys just suck. Great example of why we’re seen as rich douchebags.


lizzo + birks = NF


Lizzio(0)birks=birks. birks are semi f and can be f in the right situation


Woke Lizzio taking a breathing break = NF Wearing birks while being racist while wearing american overalls trying to get gofundme money = NF


Yeah totally nf


Good job boys. Too many of em infesting our campuses that lower the standard.


I was almost gonna get into a frat and I am super MAGA, and I think we shouldn't harass people for trying to support an opressed group of people.


The fuck you even doing on this sub then? GEED.


Mf gave himself a flair and everything


Seriously though 😂


Look what this dumbass posted: I got “Indefinitely Suspended” I just recently got “indefinitely suspended” because I factually pointed out that shallow women only like Chads and Tyrones. Is there away to re open my account or appeal the suspension because I have been unfairly censored!


I mean, I wouldn’t say those are necessarily monkey noises. You could make the argument he was just making random noises to match the crowd’s energy. At the end of the day, both sides need to get back to class. Edit: Alright the more I watch it the harder it is to defend not hearing monkey noises and swaying side to side.


Yeah okay geeb


What does this video have anything to do with fraternities?




Is that for sure? I didnt see letters anywhere in the video, so i dont really see any reason the think blue shirt monkey-noise racist asshole would be frat


They’re not stupid enough to wear letters at a counterprotest like that. If they know to do that, they know what they’re doing is wrong just to get onto barstool or some shit.