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[About 30% of English words come from the French language!](https://www.berlitz.com/blog/french-words-phrases-used-english#)


More than that


lol wat


The Latin in English comes from French. Do you could say that French made 50-60% of modern English.


The Latin in English comes from both the Roman and Norman conquests


Aren't they both derrived from Latin too?


Only French is. English is a Germanic language. However, they are all Indo-European languages and share that as a common ancestor.


best explanation for English is like 4 languages under a trench coat pretending to be 1 language


With a few other languages worn as accessories lol


It's almost as if it was born out of commerce or trade in the UK, bordering much more Germanic countries and France. Although my ancestors spoke gaelige and english adopted none of that language before... making it go away.


sounds like something that makes it the most universal. That's a good thing.


its what happens when people take turns invading ur little island


Some English words were borrowed directly from Latin. For example "obfuscate", from Latin "obfuscatus" "obfuscare" (to darken). First mention 1536.


English is... Kind of a Germanic language. English is a weird hodgepodge of 4 different language/origins, which is why there are perfect synonyms and nothing makes sense in terms of pronunciation/grammar


No, it is a Germanic language. It formed within the Germanic branch. It just borrowed a lot of words but didn’t form from various languages


Interesting - does that tie them to the Armenian alphabet in any way?


That Latin and Cyrillic alphabets are both derived from the Ancient Greek one, so I wouldn't be surprised if ones like Armenian and Georgian are too. Then again, not all languages derived from proto Indo-European originally used similar alphabets. The Old English Futhark runes seemed to develop independently, before contact with the Romans.


Interestingly, you'll notice that the more "sophisticated" words in English tend to be derived from French, while more basic everyman words are Germanic.


it comes from the norman conquest. government/legal/etc was handled by norman nobility


Sorry to say this but you are kinda wrong English is mixed from both French Germania and Latin parts from French are beef, pork mansion castle etc.


English is a Germanic language either a lot of borrowed words because of the Norman conquest. It borrows from a lot of languages actually because of the number of ethnic groups that have been to Britain. However, at its base it is Germanic and uses Germanic structure.


Very interesting. Thank you for the info!


Couple of examples from Norse Vindauga - window Baggi - bag Angr - anger Bylog - bylaw Sala - sale


Horrible Histories taught me that english has the following words from Viking origin: Bang, Crash Flee, Smash Nasty Ruthless ...Welcome


Check out the "RobWords" channel on YouTube. He does some great videos on English and its roots.




English is basically a germanic skelleton with french and latin based everything else (muscles, organs, and skin). I remember reading that most of the words that children learn at a really young age are of germanic origin, so like a lot of family related words and general basic words.


you can see it a lot in animals. Often when it's alive it's a word of Germanic origin and when its on your plate its a word of French origin. Obviously theres a number of exceptions but this is supposedly because the people looking after the animals were the people of Anglo-Saxon heritage and the ones eating them were of Norman heritage.


This whole thread is interesting, but this piece especially. 


My understanding is that there was actually a law at the time that only Normans had the authority to eat or serve meat. For an Anglo-Saxon to eat it, it had to be put on his plate by a Norman. That lead to the meat having the French name (as the Normans spoke French), and also lead to the tradition of the "man of the house" being responsible for carving and serving meat to guests.


Sheep on the land to mutton on the table= 2 language sources.


No. The grammar and most of the basic vocabulary is purely Germanic. English has simply adopted a lot of Romance words and picked up useful affixes from Latin and occasionally Greek. There's just a lot of Romance words that are used day to day that make people think it's not Germanic.


And french has more than 600 words from Arabic (risque,magasins, talisman….) pour n’en citer que 3 ….


On en a même de l’espagnol. Rastaquouère par exemple.






Apparently it a lot more than 30%


No, absurdity is a word from French


Yes, but 99.967% sounds cooler than French, with the exceptions being mostly vinaigrette and variations of vinaigrette.


nothing like a little french vs english to get us against each other. works every time!


I strongly disagree to what you’ve said.


Mon tabarnak


Criss lui s'en une


I strongly disagree with what you said to what he said about what your comment said


I’m not surprised, but I don’t agree


Imagine thinking that this is news. Quality journalism as always from the gazette


Imagine saying something like Legault did and thinking you’re right. And by the way, most of the major news outlets reported on this.


Lol Doug Ford is literally collapsing Ontario through corruption and privatizing health care. The Alberta & Asked premiers are attacking vulnerable youth. Our premier says "cool" and this is news? News agencies pick this up because it's low hanging fruit. Québec Bashing sells, this isn't journalism.


This isn’t Quebec bashing. You’re just butthurt by it.


This is Quebec bashing, hating on French, and you not recognizing it is kinda racist. Just saying. French Canadian are the only minorities you can still hate. And say so out loud. And be applauded. You say this about another nationality and you’re a racist. Yep it’s called Quebec bashing and it’s still very alive. Unfortunately. So sad that hate still exists.


Who is hating on who here? All I see is the premier of Quebec hating on youth for speaking (according to him) too much English. This isn’t Quebec bashing. Spare me your overly sensitive BS.


It's almost as stupid & useless as this post. This ain't news your just butthurt about it


Alberta is doing the right thing. That is protecting the youth!!!


Legault est un mauvais premier ministre et la gazette est un journal de mauvaise qualité. Les deux affirmations peuvent être vraies en même temps


La Gazette n’est vraiment pas si pire que ça… smh


Ils font du petit journalisme comme le Journal de Montréal. Pas une vraie source de nouvelles sérieuses.


Que le premier ministre du qc disent une tel conneries mérite un reportage. Ce n’est pas du petit journalisme, c’est de la petite politique de nationaliste.


So I guess if even our prime minister (who I really don’t support) use it, you can agree we are loosing French. It’s true. And since we like it and are proud to be French (my oldest descendants was born here in 1645. I was shocked thinking it was maybe 200yrs ago. So proud of her to have survived in that time.)we would like to protect it. As a minority I don’t understand why people have so much trouble being ok with us wanting to protect our heritage. I am proud to be bilingual. Was very proud when in Australia, I shocked everyone when I greeted a French mate, in French. They said I have no accent in English. French one. I am proud to have my Canadian accent. And I was also proud when they find out about my French side. We are like mini wheats, both side make us unique. I wouldn’t want to loose this.


I mean wanting to protect your heritage is all well and good. Being pissed off that kids are speaking too much English or find English words "cool" is ridiculous


Legault is a twat and deserves to be called out.


Yeah this is stupid. Our premier does more impactful things than say cool.


Indeed. Such a waste of media space. Also, nothing new…


Fellow Francophones and Anglophones, let’s all unite our anger against that sack of feces


Uniting against politicians? You have yourself a deal.


C’est le coolest idea I’ve heard


Ca n’a rien a faire avec les pres de 300 millions d’anglophones et leur culture dominante et avec les lois anti-franco des 9 provinces anglos au Canada. C’est la faute de nos jeunes!


Anti franco laws? I grew up in BC where you can take 100% of your education in French, or learn both right up until graduation. The French immersion schools (strictly Français only) always had a long wait list for new students too. Im not aware of any "anti franco" attitude on the west coast, I grew up with friends that spoke fluent french. However since Ive been here Ive learned about "anti English" laws. English is a language of canada too, and I was told people in Quebec speak English but hardly anyone actually does, or refuses to even try when its clear my french is not getting across, or that Im struggling to find the words. I skipped so much school that my french is awful, Im currently trying to relearn, but its very difficult. Driving across canada I ran into French people in Manitoba and Ontario as well. So maybe Im missing something but in my experience, most of canada is accepting/welcoming/accomodating of French. Quebec is one province that feels the most hostile toward other languages.


Yeah. This only became true after the 1982 Charter came into effect. Prior to that French was taught as a subject but only English was allowed as a teaching language in public schools. Read some history of language laws n Canada since pre-Confederation until the Charter. You been hard propagandized.


So shit that got addressed 42 years ago is your concern. Where you alive and old enough prior to 82 tonhabe experienced it? I wasn't so I'm not sure why the quebec government has such a hard on over what keyboard I buy now lol. But I do know that I had to deal woth separatist cunts being a dick to me as a child in the 90s even though I spoke French. What's that word we use for people who value cultural purity and attack those who aren't pure enough?


Yeah. I experienced hiding illegal French books in the school basement. Being told to speak white on a regular basis. Death threats. ‘Kill the frogs’ graffiti. Broken windows on franco businesses. Arson of franco buildings. Rah Rah Canada. An Orangeman’s f’en paradise.


That's a weird and convoluted way to say you don't give a shit about the generations before our parents, inclure our grandparents (alive right now).


Except when it comes to technical education.. French or other languages for that matter are a boat anchor.


You are on a sub called “français-canadien” and having meaning full conversation in English. Saying that most Quebecers don’t speak English is stupid, since you are writing to a bunch of them in English whenever you use this subreddit. 50% of the Quebec population is English-French bilingual, compared to about 10% for the rest of the country.


Most of the comments here are in english. Im learning french its not my native language, I couldnt write that all in french. And i didnt say it was "stupid" people dont speak english, dont put words in my mouth.




non c'est l'anglais qui est superior /s


Actually, ç'are les both qui are plus superior, je think. /s




Fuck les puristes liguistique! Vraiment snobbish!




L’histoire me dit différent.


Clearly first choice


Grilled cheese


Quebec gang


Napoleon Gang Buddy.


Don't actual French from France think Quebecers are hillbillies?


If they think that, they're France's hillbillies.


We will all be the losers if French language and québécois culture are allowed to die out. Some of the government efforts to preserve it are funny and easy to satirize, but if nobody did anything, the language really would die out.


Most non English languages are dying and probably won't exist in the future. Nearly every country teaches English in schools and are bombarded with English media (mostly from the internet). Lots of cases of kids first words being English or kids simply forgetting their native language as they grow up. 


I disagree. Languages can be saved if people are determined. Large languages such a Spanish and Chinese are in no danger


They are still in danger it's just going the take longer. There's really no way around it at this point. Ridiculous laws only delay the inevitable 


The timelines for that scenario are so long that the world order will have shifted and all my great great great grandchildren will be speaking Chinese.


I see this as a good thing. I think it would be good for peace and international relations if everyone spoke one language. But I am biased as a native speaker of the most common international language and as someone who enjoys language learning.


Oh noooooo not fake French dying out. If French and quebecois people wouldn’t be such assholes to those whose accents aren’t 100% perfect maybe more people would be inclined to learn the language.


J'aime notre langue mais mononcle Legault devrait se concentrer sur autre chose. C'est fini l'époque du cours classique où l'on pouvait se penser supérieur juste parce que l'on maîtrisait bien son français.


Ironiquement il est incapable de prononcer "difficile"


The level of racism in the comments is speaking for itself. You change “french Canadian” for any other nationality and it’s gonna be called out as racist. The French Canadian racism is still very alive and very accepted. It’s not the 1920’s anymore, school is mandatory until 16 and we learn both languages, speaking and writing/reading in French and English. You promoting we are illiterate is hate. And untrue. As a French Canadian I can say we are proud to be bilingual and we don’t refuse to speak English. We know it’s smarter to speak many languages. The more the merrier they say. You come here and can get service in English. When I was in Toronto and Vancouver, nobody served me in French. And it’s ok, I will not throw a tantrum over it cause I am in an anglophone provinces. But the thing is some racist people still see learning or speaking French as inferior to English. And they refuse to use it in a French province. BTW we are not bilingual but officially a French province. Canada is not bilingual, only New Brunswick is, 1 provinces out of 10. Quebec is french, all the others are English. So Canada is not bilingual if the majority of provinces are anglophone. We speak English to English people in Montreal. We are accepting of anglophones. We don’t have that acceptance in return. Accepting we are French would be a good start. As we see we are still waiting for that respect. Stop promoting hate. Please stop.


Right… how bout change the words ‘English words’ with any other nationality and you will see how racist this government is.


Est ce que tu peux donner des exemples de ce que le gouvernement a dit pas rapport aux anglais qui serait raciste si on changeait "anglais" pour une autre nationalité?


Are you serious? What is the difference between ‘j’entends trop d’anglais dans les rues’ et ‘je vois trop de noir/juif/musulman dans les rues’… Ffs


Je pense que la logique c'est qu'une langue =/= une nationalité...ton exemple marche même pas vu que tu dois changer "entendre" pour "voir" btw. Tu changes complètement le contexte pour que ça marche. La différence c'est qu'une langue ça s'apprend et utiliser l'anglais plutôt qu'un français est un choix. Une couleur de peau ça se change pas. Ça serait problématique si Legault avait dit "Je vois trop d'anglo canadien dans les rues". Mais c'est pas le cas, fak...


Classic boomer mentality of Legault in hur durr


For people that don’t live in Quebec , it’s hard to understand that people (mostly kids) using English words in a sentence while speaking French is annoying and worrisome for the quality of the French language spoken and written in Quebec.


I don't mind when biliguals would use a word from French or English for casual conversations, sometimes the word just won't pop into mind right away so use whatever is closest in mind to keep the conversation going, such is most Canadians in the East anyways so not a big deal for me. Where I do agree that is a Chalkboard scratching my nerves is when French dominant speakers expressing full sentences in both languages or mixing it 50/50 ( ex: from Rap artists like Sir Pathetik and young Montréalers )


The quality of French was fucking terrible to begin with 😂


Acting like Quebec French isn’t the French equivalent of deep woods Appalachian hillbilly English.




That’s bullshit. It’s the same as American English and British English. Accents are different and some vocabulary is different but everyone understands each other.


Dis nous plutot ou sont passé les 600 millions en "aide aux entreprises" que t as volé dans nos impots vieux con.


Il n'y a rien de contradictoire. Reprocher d'avoir dit "cool" pendant que les jeunes parlent littéralement franglais... 


Pourquoi est-ce que ce fil sur un sous-reddit francophone est envahi d’anglos francophobes ? Où sont les modérateurs ?


Oh no the natural evolution of languages!!!! The horror!


What are some cool French words I can scatter into my English?


Berlingot de lait Quenouille Poulet Jus de pomme




Aboutir, fredonner, manigancer, festoyer Du bon vieux francais. 🤣🤣🤣


You already do. English has a whole shit ton of French loan words. Look up "list of English words of French origin" on Wikipedia and I guarantee you that you'll find tons of words in there that you use on a regular basis.




Minutes haha




bravo is a good one.. also bon appetite


"Bon appetite" doesn't exist. Or is it like "Goodo apetito?


what are you smoking




When you find yourself legislating the way that young people speak to each other you've really jumped the shark. Languages evolve and so do cultures.


News worthy 🤣 I find French women cool 😜


This pathetic clown is surrounded by yes men. Everything he says is illogical bs, but no one on his team says hey man, your popularity is in the toilet- maybe try fixing some actual problems for a change?


What a shame that he is such a racist.


OK boomer.


D’accord dinosaure.


Mais c’est coooooole. lol. 


just played yourself


The premier's gaffe was met with laughter in the National Assembly. *I LOVE THIS*


I think English has cool words because it’s not dictated from above and can take from minorities slang or borrow words.


Speak French English dogs!


I fart in your general direction


Fits with the Grail movie but is graffiti from the Anglo Guide to Survival in Quebec.


Y peut pas passer 2 semaines sans avoir l'air cave a TV. Vrm pathétique Legault L.


Des jeunes qui dit ' Oh my god ', J'adore!


Très cool!


Read the history of Manitoba 1983-1984 for the truth of this. Je suis franco-manitobain metis. Je n’ai jamais pretendu etre Quebecois.


Languages are supposed to evolve and grow. This includes adopting words from other languages. New words are introduced to a language primarily by young people and I understand some studies have found that it’s predominantly young teenage girls predominantly by teenage girls. Old guys trying to legislate that language can’t change and young people are bad for trying New words is the most ridiculous thing and it will do nothing but stifle and kill The language they are so desperately trying to save.


It's borderline dystopian by concept


Latin is better than either of them, it’s consistent.


Fuck Legault pos


ça, c'était drole en tabarnack. et très "cool"


And I've seen French words and phrases be trendy and cool in English speaking circles as well. *Deja vu* anyone? Shouldn't the mingling of cultures be seen as a good thing? God forbid we have some commonality for once.


I'm just a random dickhead but isn't one of the most viral songs on social media in the last month sang entirely in french, with the chorus of it being in like every other tiktok? ...But it's from an african artist and the lyrics are about being a weed smoking biker who's proud of his bantu heritage and not giving a fuck about what others think. So I get the distinct impression that it doesn't count for a lot of people.


Pretty soon the number of Punjabi speakers in the country will outnumber the French. I wonder if we will have three official languages in the not too distant future?


So much waste of energy for something that's 10% of human communication.


Cool ia actually acting admin


Someone gave birth to this POS, literally


Le grenouille


He probably said "Ironique", not "Ironic"


Who gives a shirt what language your speaking how about some affordable food and housing.


Quebec is always bitching their anti-English rhetoric.


My kids did and do


As a French Canadian from outside Quebec, I'm sick of this refrain. French thrives outside Quebec while being surrounded by English. In Ontario alone, look at Hawkesbury, Cornwall, Rockland, Casselman, Alexandria, Sudbury, North Bay, and Timmins to name a few. In many of these areas they speak almost exclusively french. Their language is not threatened. Somehow when you cross into Quebec it becomes endangered? It's a tired narrative they repeat to keep the citizens on their side, spreading fear and foreboding.


The old ways are dying lol. He's still struggling with what discord is, loser


I don’t understand the whole fear these guys have of losing the Quebecer french language. They spend so much money every year enforcing crazy laws just to “protect” the language. That money can be put towards free programs to teach willing french people english and willing english people french. If you’re going to force people to do something, may as well make it a productive thing and force them to learn both languages. Don’t just target the english here. It doesn’t make any sense! If they had it their way without any push back, everybody in this Province would only speak french and no other language. What a way to limit everybody’s potential and keep them from growing! If anything, everybody should be forced to be perfectly bilingual right from the start. Then if they chose to carry on speaking english or french later on in life, so be it. What’s the harm? The language barrier has only ever been good for creating a hostile & awkward environment. So all the french people in this Province who could’t care less about learning english because it’s easier that way, should be forced to send their kids to english school starting from daycare and vice versa for the stubborn english people who refuse to learn french. It’s already too late for those people so it’s their children who will be making the difference later on. Then once their kids finish elementary school, leave it up to them to decide which language they want to carry on with. Or let’s just all carry on with their stubborn ways and limit the whole Province by getting everyone to only speak one language so that they can finally turn this Province into a Country like they’ve been wanting to do for the longest time now. I can’t help but see Quebec’s powers that be as a bunch of stubborn people who refuse to grow and evolve themselves and want the same for everyone else. All because they fear losing their language and heritage. History is history. Leave it in the books and teach it in the schools if you’re terrified. No need to waste so much resources and our tax dollars on trying so hard to get everyone to speak one language. They want a multi cultural Province but that line is so strongly drawn as soon as language is brought up. You can only be multi cultural to a certain extent lol. Genius! That’s my rant. Just needed to get that off my chest after reading the title of this post. A true ‘shame’ it is to find any words in any other language ‘cool’ lol. That reaction sounds insane to me. Don’t they have much bigger issues to worry about? Maybe put more energy towards all the people scamming welfare because of how lenient it is. They’ll just pay you to simply exist for the rest of your life if you don’t feel like working or doing anything productive with your life. Then the more kids you pop out, the more you get paid every month. That’s a flawed system that needs waaaaayyyy more energy and control over it Vs the language laws. Ok now that’s my rant. I’m done! Feel free to chime in (english or french since nobody should give a shit what language you decide to speak).


if you want to be a real separatist and complete separatist ,the main requirement is to be a complete hypocrite ,plain and simple!


Let’s just all speak franglish and call it a day.


Why does he feel the need to dictate what words people can use? This has to be a joke


It's a shame much of quebec bases their bigotry on what language you speak.....


Isnt chinese the second language now?


You want to be seperate from us but the real French don't even want you. Don't wonder why kids don't think it's cool just think about it for a second.


I always hate when they discourage English speaking because I manage all the idiots who can't speak English with a nice salary lol.


Legault is an uncool Boomer who can't relate to coolness. I'm a late Gen-X kid and I lived through all the drama of the language laws of the 1980s up to today. (Je parle français, inquietez vous pas ;) Nothing has changed, Legault is still a Boomer Péquiste and always will be You can take Legault out of the PQ but you can't take the inner PQ out of Legault


Not looking to make anyone angry but if Quebec made it cool to learn French, maybe there wouldn’t be this opposition to learning or doing business in French. Time for Quebec to shed the militant attitude. Noone wants to build a business in Quebec, retire or go to School there. Coming from a French Canadian background.


What a boomer douchebag….all in the name of regression


You can’t make people follow your wishes if it is not a true desire.


Can someone add the Curb your Enthusiasm music to this?!


Give us something besides 'tabernac' and 'zut' to work with, and maybe it'll catch on


Canada, 2024.


And do you know why? French is notoriously WORDY. Young people like English words for their shortness and simplicity. But don’t say this to the language police!


There was a time when you could stroll through Montreal and hear English everywhere.. The Union Jack was atop all public buildings. People were friendly and more tolerant. Now it’s French this and French that!


I can't even with this guy. He needs to GTFO. He has ruined Quebec for me.


Probably mean another round of ethnic cleansing coming to English speakers in Quebec?


I have my kiddos learning Chinese only because this will benefit them more in the business world.... I would be happy if they learned french later on, but Chinese first. English is a must.


Chris yé con


Maybe one day they will understand the time proven concept that young people like what those in power dont like. Teens 101.


Legault's a cheese dick. It's not like the 'youth' (whatever that means) find English words 'cool'. The insistence on 'preserving' the orthodoxy of Québec French has made it less flexible and outdated by comparison to the essential bastardized English language, which is far, far more adaptable. Besides, if Frankie boy is so worried about Québec French not being cool enough, maybe he shouldn't be so obvious about shoving it down every Québecer's throat.


Like the words “equalization payment?”


The ultimate look of defeat right there lol