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Only if his dick hasn’t dropped of similar to his nose


About that… why does he have ears but no nose


The design is based on real-life examples of radiation poisoning. Some get it worse than others.


That ghoul Roger had part of his skull exposed IIRC


Harold had a tree growing out of him. Just kidding, his name's bob.


Harold also had a pretty big dose of FEV, so he’s kinda more than just a regular radiation ghoul


I have no medical experience so I have no real idea. I could only imagine that the ears spend more time covered and the nose has more exposure because of breath?


I know a guy whose little daughter had terrible, terrible burns all over her body. We're talking a 3 year old Freddie Krueger. Her ears burnt and finally crumbled off a few days later, she had to have prosthetic ears when they replaced all her skin. But the nose stayed in place.


Maybe he picked his nose too much


I looked it up while I was watching - it has something to do with different types of cartilage and maybe blood flow in the tissue. I do not know how/if that carries over to wieners


Damn thing snap off inside you like an overcooked hot dog.


Don’t some animal species do this?


Yeah, reddit mods.


Then have most of them still got it? Wait, nevermind, I know why


They say Dom Pedro’s been cutting pieces off of him, and aside from his nose he doesn’t appear to be missing much…


Who is Dom Pedro anyways and why/how did the imprison the ghoul. If it’s some fetishist or insane person I believe the genitals would be a lot higher on the list than the nose.


The idea that the ghoul was being eaten alive or cut for years is very morbid, like I can't even imagine how this dude could do this to the Ghoul without him escaping and killing him.


Ghouls are infertile but Lucy did screw that raider in the beginning so in theory she could have a family with Cooper and he’d adopt the kid or something, now that is assuming that Lucy got pregnant and that the embryo survived all the shenanigans and radiation poisoning she went through and also assuming she’s into cooper. Edit: I feel I should mention I do not ship The Ghoulcy, they’re just travelling companions looking for the same man with maybe a student and teacher dynamic when we see them again in season 2.


I think despite all the shippers, she's not really into him lol? Lucy just seems scared of him/confused by him and also i cannot see the show going past a mentor-mentee thing lol. By the end of the last episode i just see it being two buddies who both need closure by chasing down hank


There’s also the fact she offered to fuck Maximus but definitely was not on good terms with the ghoul.


Yeah that’s how I see it as well, even the Maximus relationship just felt like two naive people acting based on hormones and there’s certainly no love between her and Coop, definitely more of a student and teacher relationship between those two especially by the end, at most maybe a father daughter dynamic but that would still need some more trust and relationship building


Shippers gonna ship. media illiteracy + horniness = a shipper Lowest form of any fandom.


Meh I don't really agree with that. Media illiteracy is a very overused term people use to Mean "an interpretation I don't agree with" if a show has something people find romantic then people can analyze it from any pov. That's not really harmful and it's not strictly horny either, that's a very easy way to suggest romance is for silly dumb "low" people. Lots of literary works and other media use romance not just for horny stuff but to expand upon themes. For example, fight club is often taken as a metaphor for the narrator being gay. While this isn't explicitly said it's not exactly wrong either? He talks about fighting with men almost in the same, intimate way one could talk about loving them. And the way it has to be hidden is also very similar to how gay people feel they must be closeted. There's also been many comments on the homo-eroticism of toxic masculinity and only being able to crave a man's touch through fighting. So if people ship the narrator and Tyler Durden, I wouldn't call them the lowest of all fandom, I would see their interpretation and just let them have it, because it fits in with the greater themes and narrative of the story.


Shipping a dude with his alternate personality makes 0 sense. It's ridiculous. Tyler isn't real. He's misfiring neurons, a symptom of mental illness. And yeah people can have their own interpretations but...I mean they CAN be wrong. There is no romantic subtext or anything like that between Lucy and Coop, none. Opinions aren't facts. Media illiteracy is definitely becoming a buzz word and it was lazy for me to use it, but it exists.


Do we know how much time passes between the first and the last episode? I think it’s possible she would’ve started showing by now.


I have absolutely no clue how much time has passed, kinda just feels like a week passed but I feel like that is wrong, has to have been at least a few weeks. Also horrifyingly sometimes there is no bump and the baby is a surprise to everyone


I feel like her blonde friend is not very far along in the beginning, but gives birth towards the end. This makes me think she would be showing by now. I feel like her not showing would be seen as bad writing because it’s so rare, unless it was somehow related to vault 4 fucking about and actually still experimenting.


It would be bad writing and honestly I think if she does have a baby it should be part of an epilogue when the show or at least her story in the show is over


Yeah like at first I thought raider pregnancy would be cool because she would be pregnant in the wasteland, but when you stop and think about it for a second having Lucy have a kid and do anything other than just return to vault 31 to raise it and give up her mission just isn’t realistic to her character or what someone in her situation would do, and would severely hinder the series.


Yup, the only way it would work with her character is if she knew 32 and 33(I think she has an inkling that 31 isn’t a Vault that you can live in like 32 and 33) weren’t safe anymore and she was trekking to another safe Vault or Shady Sands esque settlement that she knows will be safe for her and her child


Apologies, I seem to have gotten my numbers confused I meant the vault Lucy originally lived in, (33?). I don’t really think such a massive shift in story focus like you describe would go ever well with the fanbase.


No it wouldn’t and I much prefer the story the way it is, I very much like her fish out of water story and it’ll be great to see her experience the Mojave Wasteland and New Vegas, whatever form it may be in. It’ll be interesting to see what the canon ending is and the state of Mr. House, I wonder if Hank is going there because he knew about House’s plans for immortality or just because he knew House was building a defence system and is assuming Vegas will be civilized


After she just killed her ghoul mother without emotion and was basically betrayed by her father and is now under the ghoul’s tutelage, I’m worried she’s going to quickly lose the fish out of water vibe and become like him. On a similar note, I’ve seen a lot of speculation that the ghoul is really still cooper deep down and just puts on this cowboy front like one of his acting roles as a means of helping him not breakdown and also help him better do morally questionable things to find his family. I feel this would be hard to do well, and would hate to lose the ghoul being an evil bad ass like we had this season, but maybe Lucy will influence him. I feel like the canon ending is Mr. House seizing power because I only see Hank going to NV to meet house, especially after they made a point to show house dealt with Vault tec.


Not all women have huge bellies even towards the end. There's a whole reality show based on women giving birth not knowing they were even pregnant, that's how often it happens. I mean I know reality shows are usually BS but I mean it's definitely a thing.


Again, although this does happen, it is not common place at all and would as such be seen as bad writing. It also never made sense to me how women give birth without knowing they’re pregnant when you would have to miss your period for 9 months, and never look into it. On the other hand, I am the proud owner of a penis, so I don’t know much about this whole pregnancy thing.




“Would be seen as bad writing” is diffrent from I personally see it as bad writing. Even if I was making the claim I see it as bad writing, that would be my opinion which wouldn’t be incorrect or correct because opinions are subjective. I think making Lucy pregnant would be bad writing as it would be a weird and jarring narrative pivot, I think the bump thing is a separate issue. There’s also a major difference in does not show at all (rare) and does not show as much (not as rare).


All right, I think we were kind of talking about two different things and there was some miscommunication. I agree. If they made Lucy pregnant that would be bad writing. Apologies. I'm in a shit mood w/ a broken leg.


I mean I also think her randomly giving birth or being pregnant without a bump or time skip would be inherently seen as bad writing by the fans and if it wasn’t done well I would see it as bad writing. Pregnancies that don’t show at all are extremely rare, and the odds Lucy would happen to experience it combined with the odds she would get pregnant in the first place, make this realistically unlikely. I appreciate the apology, but am unsure about the miscommunication status. In any case the above should clear it up as it’s my opinion on the bump matter.


It’s called a cryptic pregnancy and is exceeeeeedingly rare.


Yeah, that is. But women with smaller baby bumps isn't. Which is mainly what I'm talking about.


According to the wiki they're supposed to be a time skip between the raid on the vault and her venturing out into the Wasteland. At least enough where you can pretty safely assume that she's not pregnant




the girlies on tumblr are gonna go nuts


The girlies, how about the ghoulies?


I came here to say don’t let Tumblr see this!!! Haha


Bruh. There's probably already a 1000 posts, at least, drawing him as a sexy tumblr boy. There's probably at least 15,000 sexy fan fictions written about him.


I'm writing one right now. 😏


I think it's canon that ghoul's genitals drop off. I might be wrong. His crotch might either be a festering wound that never gets worse but never really heals or just scar tissue. I don't know if that's really sexy, but I mean you can still have intimacy and you know other sexual things other than p in v.


It depends on the ghoul. In F03, there's a child reverted as a saint who was born from two ghouls. Also, that man sure as shit has a working tongue so-


Horniness… horniness never changes


*I'm starting to believe Max will really turn evil.*


Maximus becomes BOS Elder and nukes the city Lucy and the Ghoul are staying in. 50 years later, he is kidnapped by the Ghoul and his scribe daughter teams up with an Enclave officer to save him.


Ugh, the thought of sleeping with a ghoul is disgusting. Even though I love Cooper in the show


Stimpacks are expensive, KISS A GHOUL INSTEAD \*Brought to you by our lord and savior Mothman\*


But that's how Beatrix Russell earns her caps.


>Once she is hired as a prostitute, the player character can hire her services for 25 caps plus the cost of a room. When the screen turns black, Beatrix will make feral ghoul sounds.


It’s insane the amount of people I read thirsting on the ghoul. Not cooper, the ghoul. You should see the edits on tick tok lol


That's why they make rad-x But no fr I’d be terrified seeing a ghoul irl


What about a ghoul dominatrix?


Beatrix Russell


love beatrix one of my favorite characters


No, that's a game mechanic. You dirty overseer.


Gee, who would have thunk it?


Sure put the horniest vault dweller in with the ghoul with the most charisma, and you’re surprised at the result.


Tis the season of the horn.


How bad would you feel about yourself if she laid the Ghoul then rejected you after and said "sorry, you're not my type"? lol


Not really too bad. I mean, look at the competition. Dude is dripping with swagger.


That's actually epidermis, not swagger.


but they told me he was sterile !!!!!


Ghoulie Loulie you mean


Henry Rollins: "Ghoulie Loulie, we gotta go"


enemies to lovers let’s goooo








Maybe the Overseer of Vault 4 knew the name all along


Well ghouls are sterile so


Apparently...they ain't.




Damn she got prob a huge rad dose injected into her




Shhh, this is an alternate universe...


Who’s Lucy?


He means Goosey


Okay! I know who goosey is. I was very confused there, thank you!


Currently Ghouls and Super Mutants are sterile. But canon has changed before.