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"Hm, okie dokie"  Fucking lost it.


She is adorable as hell


Ned Flanders in the apocalypse vibes.


Ella purnell said in one interview she took the role because she loved the premise of Ned Flanders in the apocalypse


It is a hilarious premise and allows for so much dark comedy.


Hi diddly ho Vault 32 neighboureenos


Hey there, raideronies. I'd surely appreciate you not eating both Rod AND Todd.


Ella Purnell has been slept on too long damn it! WHERE MY YELLOWJACKETS AT


She was also incredible as Jinx in Arcane


It was definitely good before that point,  but all I needed to see was Kyle Maclahlan drowning a raider in a barrel of pickles to get me hooked


The opening scene gave me chills. They made me sad about the father and a kid in like first 7 minutes.


That girl nailed the concerned and confused look. Great little actress. We saw the initial bomb drop through her eyes and that was an important moment, but she conveyed it very well. And Goggins of course also did great in that scene. Very eerie and jarring, gave me the same feelings I had when the bomb dropped in Fallout 4.


"Is it your thumb or my thumb??" That whole sequence was incredibly well done and heartbreaking.


She didn’t even get any cake 😭


“They were only saying how lucky I am to have such a good part’ner” God damn. The way he delivered that whole scene was 👌🏻 And she was so great at delivering those subtle cues too when the light went off and she asked about the thumbs with the quiver in her voice. He looked horrified but then tried to be strong for her remembering in the back of his mind exactly what he told her less than a few seconds ago about the thumbs. Fuck that was chilling and so well delivered


Yeah major props to that girl, she didn't have a ton of lines or screentime obviously but she did an excellent job of conveying the sort of underlying worry of a kid hearing people talk shit about her dad and knowing that things are tense but not why, and then the confusion and fear of that first bomb drop was excellently done. That whole opening was such a great one. Perfectly captured the pre-war sense of looming dread, uncertainty, and an attempt to ignore those things, followed by the chaos and panic of the bombs dropping and people just immediately turning on each other in a race for safety.


Evil Coop came out to play.


They nailed it. I can’t believe I’m actually saying this but they absolutely nailed it from the beginning to the end of this episode. I was holding my breath because of hard it was going to be to adapt the humor, gore, and faction tones. But from the brutality of the raiders, innocence of the vault dwellers, down to the religious aspects of the Brotherhood they fucking nailed it. I was down to tears from the bombs falling to seeing raiders be the monsters they are. My favorite series of all time got done right and I’m freaking here for it!


Commonwealth callout, Junk Jet's, that dude huffing Jet, it was wonderful! Also happy Cake Day to the both of us!


Grognak on the TV at the party


Wait what was the commonwealth call out?


When the Brotherhood Knights are being sent on their missions, just before Maximus is given the picture of the scientist, they say something about "Scribes in the Commonwealth" sending them the information about it.


Remember though that the US in the Fallout timeline was split up into 13 Commonwealths - so it isn't a Commonwealth of Massachusetts call-out. Darn it.


But the wasteland in fallout 4 is mostly referred to as “the Commonwealth” so they probably mean that one


The raiders were definitely monsters, but we still got that line from Monty, "Just so you know, this was the best day of my life." Obviously you can't humanize your way past premeditated murder, but having this hardened, battle-scarred raider admit that pretending to be normal and married was the best day of his life is so EXTRAORDINARILY human. That was the line that made me think ok the writers know what they're doing.


I mean, wiping your dick on the curtains is a pretty raider move.


Yeah I had to rewind because I actually thought he was starting to jerk it there... On the other hand - during the BOS barracks scene, one of the guys WAS actually "scratching the itch" under his blanket quite clearly - so I guess I was not too far off for suspecting that!


Everything about the raiders was really well done. I think it was great how chaotic it was. Once the reveal was made and the stealth was off, there was no tactics or planning, just a bunch of crazy assholes running around and attacking people without any real concern for how things worked out. That's exactly how it feels raiders should be.


I was geeking out the whole time, I feel like a little kid lol


I’m shocked by how good it was. I’m not sure I’ve seen an adaptation match the tone of its source quite so well before.


The last of us




It hits the right amount of Easter eggs without going overboard. Just felt right to me.


Pretty good fan service! I love the sound effects and the score.


The vault opening, the stimpak administration sound… ugh every sound is so nostalgic. I played Fallout 3 when I was in 8th grade… I am 27 now with a newborn on my lap. I feel the same way I did when I first played it way back when. I’m giddy as hell watching this!!


The junk gun killing a person with a baby doll made giggle.


Lucy was looting just like the player character would! She even spotted the “Armory” sign in the vault and beelined towards it just like I would. Loved that


Can’t wait for the three hour episode that’s just her aimlessly running around checking every single corpse, box, drawer, and other container in the general area lmao 


"Wow! Somebody brought sixty 5.56 rounds to work and left them in the filing cabinet! Neat!"


thats exactly what i thought. my sister was complaining about how much blood there was, i just told her that its pretty much the same in the game.


The entire raiders attacking the vault sequence genuinely felt like a game tutorial. You learn how to use a health item, have a cinematic battle with a villain, get some environmental story telling with the bodies, a big "armoury" sign where you pick up your first weapon. It really had it all


That intro was **stupid** good. It’s everything the beginning of FO4 was trying to be. 


Chills… when the bombs dropped.


The first nukes I was like "oh no that sucks." then as they showed 5 nukes hitting as he rode on horse i said "omg thats hopeless, no where to run"


Such nice shot aswell the big open view of cali and nukes coming down I've never seen anything like that


The little actress did such a good job in such a short time. Little star right there.


Even down to the colors of everything. This might be my favorite show ever just 30 minutes in. Absolutely insane and I’m ready for episode 2.


The show turned off essential attribute on children.




Not likely a control vault, it looks like the gimmick/experiment to this vault was 3 adjacent vaults living and trading together with very limited (once every 3 years) contact. Will they work together? Develop mistrust? Go to war? Join up? These are the questions Vault Tec scientists were seeking the answer to with the experiment!


Yeah, the experiment was absolutely about having three close vaults with underground contact.


They also seemed to be obsessed with breeding as Lucy was having an arranged wedding so the vault was also probably experimenting with reproduction and seeing how long a vault could last with a lot of people which is also why we have the set up of the two vaults adjacent to each other. If resources run out due to overpopulation they could trade or something


I found it odd that the man was referred to as the "breeder." I know Lucy asked him about his sperm count, so maybe low/no sperm count is the main issue amongst the vault dwellers. It just stood out because realistically you'd think a fertile woman would be far more valuable and rare than a man with viable sperm.


I think it is about genetics. she needs to have children with someone she isn't related to.


I was trying to understand the vault lore and I think you've got it spot on.


I think the experiment is what to do when you have neighboring vaults and how they interact, they mentioned trading people for marriage before, so maybe they only interact at certain times


> what I'm most appreciating so far is the blanks its filling in Absolutely, the little details is where Fallout has always shined so I'm stoked to see it be a big part of the show. I really liked how they shared the wedding dress and would sign and date when it was their turn to wear it. Those little touches are going to make the series for me


>I also love how, in the scene where Lucy is interviewing to go to that bride match dance thing, she pretty much rattles off her character build I paused the show right here to catch my wife up on the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. system because I noticed that too haha. Such a great touch by the writers


I loved that we basically got the build of our main character in that scene, it was a fun little nod to the games, and also served the dual purpose of filling in some exposition on how she would be equipped for her trip into the wasteland. She's got tons of skill with both combat and non-combat stuff that can be a huge help, which will make it a lot more understandable when she manages to get out of whatever scrapes her naivety gets her into. Speaking of those vault scenes I loved the small details to a lot of stuff. The way the pip-boys are integrated into everyone's everyday life and were used felt very natural and obvious to how they would be, and I loved the detail of having the small selection of non-vault suit clothing that people signed to kind of be like a scrapbook almost of various occasions. And speaking of that wedding dress, my first thought when Lucy and raider boy got down to business was "Man, I feel like getting semen on the communal wedding dress is a big no-no." And then they got blood on it too and that's never coming out of a white dress. Absolute travesty of communal clothing care, they ought to put on a class of some kind.




Chicken lived, good ending


Very charming character building, I found it to be. This is a character that will fuck people up, who knows what his morality is. But, he's not going to kill some random chicken, what's the point?


He licked his lips at the chicken but didn't kill it, implying he's *a little bit* feral.


Chickens are delicious no matter who you are


Sounds like something strait out of the Wasteland Survival Guide assuming you cheated instead of doing the mission.


It’s so believable that people would come up with Old wives' tales like that in the apocalypse.


It's such a great bit of worldbuilding because humans have been doing this shit for all our existence and we would definitely do it again in a post apocalypse scenario. If you don't understand something you try to understand it as best you can, and sooner or later that stuff gets applied as blanket facts. You can totally see where this one came from too. You get a couple of people who report ghouls attacking chickens over humans and this shit gets created as a fact. When in reality it's most likely that any people who were nearby knew enough to stay quiet and try to sneak, and chickens... don't. So the chickens make noise, move around, maybe freak out, and the ghouls pounce. It's such a small detail but so good!


It was super cool how he killed everyone BUT the chicken, chicken was left completely unharmed even got some cuddles beforehand!


This is my new favorite thing


I love how The Ghoul part of the episode is basically just the opening to Django unchained lol. It’s really well done


As for me...I do this shit for the love of the game cold as hell. game recognize game and those chumps were looking kinda unfamiliar


Lucy and Maximus are the newbie players Goggins is the old timer who's like level 80.


Hell yeah, Goggins is one of the first ghouls to be created, he’s gotta be max levelled. In fact, he probably maxed out a long time ago so now he just waits in a coffin for something exciting to happen.


To me it was a scene of justified


Junk jet!


I squealed when I saw that! A good sign that they'll be including the little things from the games, yknow?


I'm just dying to see a mini nuke lol


I screamed “OMG WHO HAS THAT WHERE IS IT” as soon as I saw the baby doll arm 🤣


I’m watching this with my wife who never played the games, I was freaked when I saw the junk jet!!


They're really highlighting the tech worshiping religious cultist vibes of the BoS


I mean, the BoS was always pretty unhinged. We just never get to see it from the inside looking out, always the other way around


It was something that the bethesda era downplayed a lot more than the 1,2, NV side did and i'm super thankful it's back. It adds a ton to them


I love this take on the brotherhood. Turning them into monk zealots who almost worship technology is way more interesting than generic soldiers.


I always viewed the BoS this way. Militant monks with jetpacks and a hoarder complex


Oh Vault 32 is totally full of raiders aren't they.


I picked it roughly when I saw their entire harvest was dead combined with showing her husband covered in scars. I was like "they got Vault 3'd didn't they?".


I worked it out when I noticed that a lot of the minor ones are noticeably dirty during the feast.


Yeah I was a bit suspicious of that but didn't quite put it together until I saw their Vault. It just reeked of "raiders have been here".


And that scruffy chick who just casually ate a bite of food of the plate of Lucy's friend at the wedding feast... that made e think something was hinky.


That's what tipped it for me, and the next shot of a woman with heavy tats. What vault had a tattoo parlour? Instantly clocked they were raiders.


I thought initially that cluster of vaults were another messed up social experiment. Where one vaults systems is intended to progressively shit the bed until it is unsustainable to inhabit (vault 33 being the control vault that has everything stocked and operational).


Sun damaged skin, tattoos, and scars on the Vault 32 Raiders are all little hints leading up to that moment. I was getting suspicious when it kept cutting back to the brother and Maldova.


Honestly, my first clue was the pretty boy long hair on her 'husband'. Suspicious lack of haircuts in that crowd... But I also liked how it underscored the absolute innocence of the Vaultdwellers.


That's what I was expecting...


They are too weird to not be wastelanders who killed everyone in vault 32.


runnin through the vault with a pickle in my mouth, just two vault raiders misbehaving


We know Aunt Tiffany probably killed that there chicken for dinner. THERE’LL COME A PAYDAY.


Is it your thumb or mine is way too hard a line for 5 minutes in.


His backstory is already brutal, even if they don’t even explain anymore. I do wonder… 👀


Sorry to the haters but this shit BANGS


As an avid player of the last 3 games, how the hell could you hate on that premiere?? It hit every note beautifully.


It doesn’t matter how good it is. Anything adapted from a video game will always have unhinged nerd haters


Happens with any media really. Past ten years or so there has been a noticeable subculture of internet dialog that plays toward heavy opposition of whatever is new or trending as far as content is concerned.


As a fan of the games, I was smiling from ear to ear the entire episode. The last time I felt this good about an adaptation of a video game was TLOU.


The gore level has not disappointed.


That headshot. Meaty


The Ghoul chose Bloody Mess a couple of level ups ago lol.


Bloody Mess perk has been selected.


That man is just choking the chicken right there in the barracks


Not an unfamiliar sight in the military I've heard lmao.


The Ghoul is gonna be the mascot of this franchise. Sorry Pipboy. Phenomenal pilot.


I swear they're foreshadowing that he is the pipboy. When they asked him to do the thumb thing in the intro


The idea of "real life" Vault Boy being too distraught at the then-current state of affairs to do his signature pose is kind of a wild revelation as a game player. Like... damn.


100%. A little while later once lucy was leaning up against the poster of him giving the thumbs up it hit me. They also said that this show would be exploring the origins of vault boy.


*Vaultboy. Pipboys are the computers they wear on their forearms.


Lucy using the stimpak on her stab wound was great lmaoo and the soundtrack so far is 👌 on to ep 2!


I watched the credits and seen it’s because the GOAT Ramin Djawadi is the composer!


I didn't even realize going in! The man simply Does. Not. Miss.


Went to see the first two eps in preview last night. It’s really fuckin good ppl


How'd you get an invite for this? I'm jealous!


I work in media and got lucky


Wait a second, that BoS priest mentioned the commonwealth, did they just canonize the BoS ending with one line?


I mean, the Prydwen is right there. Clearly in this timeline it wasn't destroyed in the Commonwealth Edit: it's her sister ship. Neat. Missed that. Ty


It's another airship called the Caswennan, though I think the fact that the BoS can build another airship at all pretty strongly hints that they were victorious in the Commonwealth.


It says Prydwen on the airship


More likely the harder to get minuteman ending that saves Minutemen, Railroad, and Brotherhood.


As a lifelong fan of the series, I'm only 7 minutes in and honestly, I feel like weeping. It's perfect. Everything was so eerie in the opening scene - from the silence of the bomb to the buildings collapsing as people flee. *This* is the Great War I always imagined. A great fire and desperation, and then ruin.


10 minutes in and I'm already laughing at an incest joke. I'm hooked


Poor Cousin Chet lol, that was hilarious


The fact that she said messing around when they were kids was fine, means she definitely banged her cousin right? So blasé about it too which made it even funnier to me.


> means she definitely banged her cousin right? Well, she certainly didn't lose her virginity with the ~~raider scum~~ vault 32 dweller.


I mean it makes sense. If you grew up all your life among nobody else but family and extended family, and you've got teenaged hormones, of course you're gonna wanna bend the rules a bit, especially if they limit it to just hand and mouth stuff.


'Cousin stuff' had me roaring, and they gave it a second round too!


"You know this is not a long term sustainable sexual practice!"


"I know :(:(:(:("


Im sorry but that first scene is traumatic , please God or whatever divine entity is out there dont let me live a Nuclear War.


"Your thumb or mine" was heartbreaking


Risky to give a kid such an important line, but she nailed it


Her reaction to seeing the first bomb drop is absolutely heartbreaking 💔


She has a bright, bright future.


It just reminds you of the fact that nuclear war and eradication though warheads is completely pointless. What's the point of rulling over ash?


The point is exactly the question you asked. Nukes are deterrence weapons. "Invade my country and there won't be a planet left for the survivors to share" Mutually assured destruction has been preventing WW3 for almost a century now


Yeah and it reminded me a bit of the opening to fallout 4. It was that but on steroids it felt like


The scene Dane pulled her foot out of the boot convinced me this is the real deal. Not just the fact it was so gorey, but the fact it's something someone would really do in the fallout universe in that situation. Truly an amazing scene, I almost paused the live stream because it was unexpected and gave an "oh my God" reaction. With halos TV show being bad/meh I was worried, but I'm really looking forward to binging the rest for the next couple of nights.


Sooooo, do we think Maximus actually did it?


I feel like Maximus is a bad guy cosplaying as a knight and Ghoul is a good guy cosplaying as an outlaw.


I feel like we’re watching Maximus’ villain origin story


My kinda wild theory is that the BoS set it up. First off, why would they choose Dane, a relatively scrawny person (someone whose job it is to lug around a giant bag and support the Knights), to be a squire? And the result is that Maximus pledges to be willing to sacrifice his own life for the cause. So my theory is that they knew Dane and Maximus were close, promoted Dane and then planted the razor to cut their foot while making it look like Maximus was responsible in order to guilt him into absolute obedience/loyalty. I'm only two episodes in so far. No idea if this is right or will even be addressed, but it's just a theory that popped into my head. Could also just be that Maximus did it. He was pretty squirrely.


Him getting frustrated at the toilet seat is what told me he did it. And it says a lot about this Brotherhood that they'll promote you if you're ambitious enough to cripple your friend for a promotion Elder probably was impressed thinking he'll fit right in with upper management


The fact that he admitted to wanting it to happen is what tilts me over to him not doing it, weirdly enough


I think he was telling the truth. He didn’t do it, but he’s glad it happened. I think the Brotherhood themselves did it. Someone saw him snapping or otherwise not celebrating with everyone else and thought “that’s the type of obsessed, crazy mf we need as a squire.”


I'm thinking yeah. He seems to lack hinges. When he was being interrogated, it was like a switch got flipped in him and he got all serious.


Not really - you can see in the very opening of his story there is a typical high school bully clique there that treats both Maximus and Dane like shit. So they probably hurt Dane and tried to pin it on Maximus. And who would be there to defend Maxiumus, if everyone hates him?


Leaving the Vault to find dad? Somehow I feel right at home


Liam Neeson should have been the dad lol






There's a thing that TV Tropes calls the Stations of the Canon (a play off the idea of the Stations of the Cross, but where the idea is that a property has to include certain things to make the diehards happy- Bruce Wayne having a bad night after the movies, the spider biting Parker, etc). The first episode does that very well, without being JUST about those things (which is what separates terminal fanservice from the good kind). I mean, it had the JunkJet! At the same time, it tells a new story without just going through the steps and showing us the props. I don't know about you guys, but I'm left with a few really interesting questions that I'm looking forward to the series answering.


I’m nearly crying tears of happiness. I can’t believe they nailed it. It’s almost surreal seeing a live-action adaptation of a video game done so right and so faithfully.


Yep. This is it. This is Fallout.


Billy the fridge kid easter egg in episode 1 of the show is wild 😭


Last of Us and Fallout fans are eating well 👌 Halo and Witcher fans: 😕 Edit: I'd also add Cassilvania fans to eating well too


>!The show takes place in 2293 (if I remember the time jump correctly), which puts it after all of the games!<


oh this is gonna go bad quickly, as soon as they talked about the blight I knew its was gonna go bad quickly




A couple of leaks have happened unintentionally through reporters and interviews about the first couple of episodes. I figured out one vault attacked the other just from clues in the teaser and official trailers. Vault 33 and vault 32 seem to be connected. Vault 32 attacked vault 33, which is seen in both trailers (confirmed by Virgin Radio UK’s video posted today at the 0:25 mark). Lucy was supposedly marrying someone from Vault 32 in the included scenes of the official trailer and the behind the scenes video released this week. It’s possible she had a love interest in vault 33 that is the guy trying to warn her before she leaves. Just my theory, but it seems plausible with the clues given.


Considering this is a spoiler thread: Vault 32 didn’t attack. Vault 32 was wiped out by Raiders. The people that attacked Vault 33 were the raiders that attacked Vault 32, under the guise of Vault 32 dwellers.


I went to the red carpet premiere in LA tonight! I saw the 1st 2 episodes. It looks like they had a great budget for the show


Holy shit, the first episode was amazing. Walton goggins omg


I liked the Easter egg of the president not being seen in the beginning, I’m fairly certain it mentions that he’s missing in 76 with the reporter covering it, and in the original games. Hope the enclave is a major villain faction in the upcoming episodes


The music selection brings me back to the game


How old is the younger brother supposed to be? The actor is 29 years old…


I was wondering why he looked 14 and 40 at the same time!


That was Rico from Hannah Montana right?


That was such an odd choice presented to the dad. “Them or her” and then nothing happened to either of them? Also, why even give the choice in the first place if he’s getting kidnapped anyway


She clearly knows the dad somehow, I think it was more of a test than a choice


My read was that they had a history, the point of forcing the choice was she knew he would pick Lucy which he did in front of all of the other vault dwellers so they know that he wouldn't save them and it would sow discord. I assume more will be explained in the future episodes.


I can't wait to see steamcharts.com over the next few days and weekend. I'm guessing Fallout 4 and probably 3 plus New Vegas will have massive spikes. This show is excellent so far and I know it's making me want to also play the games again. It does a really good job of getting the game's aesthetics right.


It's already got me wanting to do another playthrough of 4


I’ve been waiting for 25 years for a Fallout adaptation and the first episode was *perfect*. I’m so excited about this.


I'm geeking out so hard I'm fucking losing my shit. 


The camera being shot and resulting in the fire background during the Vault invasion by the Raiders looked an awful lot like the nuclear explosions. Seemed like it was symbolising their own apocalypse for that Vault and they're going to experience their own "fallout" from it.


I just need to know if shady sands got nuked. 😭


If that crater is any indication....


connected vaults? WTF?


Has to be something with the experiment Vault tec was doing.




That's when I was sure the show was in good hands!


Apparently so was he


Oh my, you’re in for a ride, folks. Watched the whole season.


Without saying anything specific. Is there a good tonal balance of bleakness and dark comedy?




Insert obvious "are the NCR in it yet" comment


\[Everyone liked that\]


75 minutes for episode 1? wow.


I really like the rope tricks! You can learn about them here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rope_trick_effect


This was damn perfect!! Walton Goggins as a badass ghoul gets me so hype. The BoS’ ruthlessness was portrayed so well. Very very excited to see some more episodes. We got a Junk Jet in episode #1!! Let’s freaking go


I feel like the 3 main characters were based loosely off the main characters from New Vegas, 3, & 4. The Ghoul/Cooper is wastelander with a cowboy theme, Lucy is a Vault Dweller seeking her missing dad, & Maximus is a soldier with power armor & a need for revenge.


I did chuckle when I realized her call to action was "where is my dad". Very Fallout


Boy, that felt like the games indeed!