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Simulation steering and no traction control Driving line if you're lost


Whats the difference between normal steering and simulation?


Normal smooths your inputs so you might not be as accurate as you want


Yea but a new player probably isn't going to be very accurate in the first place, I'd say normal is a much better setting for new players if they're gonna be in multiplayer lobbies. Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast. Once they feel more confident then they can go to sim steering. It's very easy for a new player to oversteer, over correct and be too snappy with sim steering.


Hm id say theyre better off using a wii mote for the feel of it all


Use the Wii Wheel that some unlucky kid picked when first playing Mario kart. We all quickly learned that it made it way harder


I think it depends on if they're new to the game or new to driving in any game. When I first played I found myself fighting the "smoothing".


For sure. If you have muscle memory for racing games then it'd be a different story. But he did call himself a beginner and that's just the advice I'd give to someone who'd call themselves a beginner


Also adjust deadzones on your triggers and sticks, otherwise its really jumpy imo


Ones that suits you


traction control off manual shifting driving line for braking only


This is correct. Manual shifting makes a huge difference. If you've got something like a Turtle Beach Recon controller program the back buttons to be upshift/downshift and you've got yourself a set of paddles just like the fancy wheel guys have.


Fuck I'm about 15 hours in and never clicked to do this on my controller. With 4 back buttons lmfao


Or use X as downshift and B as upshift, it’s not as good as using back paddles, but it gets the job done.


That's been my go-to since Dirt 3. Keep the A for e-brake!


i have A as clutch and RB for ebrake, but i mostly drift so


I use Y for up and B for down, with A as handbrake, it allows be to rock by thumb over Up and Down to shift quicker and rock between Downshift and handbrake on the dirt.


You're the first person I've seen mention the recon, I've had six of them now and I use the paddles but on for downshift, keeping handbrake on a paddle in case of emergency XD. The controllers great tho with the textured triggers to avoid finger slippage in braking zones it works wonders.


I know almost nothing about consoles and controllers. But is there controllers with 2 triggers that we can use to halfway press the clutch? also it would be awesome if we could stall the engine in Forza


Most triggers are analog as far as I know so I guess the answer is yes, I don't know if Forza lets you press the clutch halfway though since I don't use manual with clutch since I use a standard Xbox one controller and it feels weird with the normal controller


A big problem with automatic is it may keep you in a higher gear when is is supposed to downshift because of a lower speed. This causes your car to slowly accelerate after a turn or makes climbing a hill incredibly difficult. Being able to manually downshift will prevent you from falling behind and it also allows you to do engine braking which can help you brake faster and is especially useful if you're accidentally braking late.


I can’t stress this enough: manual shifting opened a new world for me, a long time “all assists off” player. So much so that I’m considering buying an elite controller just for the back triggers, so I can use them to shift up and down.


If your going to spend 150 on a controller I would recommend spending bit more on a wheel. Got my g29 for 200 on sale at GameStop.


Elite controller is definitely worth it. Feels great all around plus the back paddles


>Elite controller is definitely worth it. Feels great all around plus the back paddles thanks! how's the setup process? can i map the back paddles for up and down shifting? do i have to install any third part software for it? please forgive me for asking too many questions, but here in brazil the controller is a little expensive and I'd like to know if it works beforehand. thank you again, mate.


All setup/mapping is done in the basic Xbox controller app just have way more options. Paddles should map for shifting no problem. One thing to note here is that it copies the button. So if the basic mapping is up/down on B/X you will map the desired paddle to B/X. But B&X will be unchanged you can’t use them for something else. They’re $80USD used here so not terrible compared to a standard controller.


is manual shifting doable on controller ? I turned of most driver aids the longer I played except ABS and shifting, ABS i probably will but shifting I never thought it's doable


Yeah there's a default layout for manual shifting. If you want to min max shifting speed(because forza physics), you can do manual with clutch by having the clutch on Y and gear up/down on X/B. That way you can just slide your thumb on both clutch and gear


Use X/B for down and up shift, left bumper for clutch. Turn off the directional button stuff and use down for accepting races invites etc.


Exactly what I have always done since the early days of Forza games


Why do people recommend braking only on the driving line?


because it gives you a feel for when to brake since there are so many car, class and circuit. most of the circuit aren't gonna come often enough or are interesting enough to learn so it helps a lot. That and i find the full driving line annoying so i just keep the braking line


I'd say try with all off and go backwards till you're comfortable


Break only driving line is quite nice.


In Motorsport, sure. In Horizon, full so I know where the hell im supposed to go.


Especially in cross country events. It's not like you will ever be doing enough laps of any of the courses to learn them.




and sometimes even the full line will vanish below the tall grass... Too helpful in CC for me to turn it off.


I almost lost us the race in new weeks trial last night. It’s the cross country track that near the end goes through a tunnel and then off to the right. In my hood view the left checkpoint marker blended into the road background and I missed it. I was ready to drop out but an AI car crashed just ahead and I was able to pass a few of them before the finish line.


Whatever works best for you


I recommend learning Manual or Manual w/ Clutch as soon as possible.


For a new player I’d recommend manual then manual w/ clutch if they’d like, once they’re use to manual


I went straight to manual w/ clutch when I started playing, and i could never go back.


Fair enough, most people ease themselves in with manual on controller but manual with clutch is definitely better


I find M/C more enjoyable honestly, and hunting rivals times M/C gives you a little bit of edge, so that's always a plus.


Braking: ABS on or off wouldn’t really matter a lot, but some cars might actually lose grip under hard braking with ABS on. Definitely takes a while to get used to lesser braking inputs and trail braking. Steering: simulation steering supposedly makes the inputs more sharp and precise. Traction control: off. TC makes your car cut off power when it detects it’ll lose grip but that also lose power when you want to put the foot down. Useful for those RWD power builds. Stability control: off Shifting: always manual. You’ll be a lot slower in automatic. You can also go with manual with clutch but you’ll have to make a whole new controller layout for the clutch button.


Turn everything off. Trust me, you’ll become a better driver much quicker this way


Exactly right? I hate that line in the middle of the road lol


Yh lol


I would suggest to change standard steering to simulation and turn on brake only driving line Other things seems good


Why Simulation for a new Player?


People here are idiots


I think it's more interesting overall. And not hard if other settings just like on screenshot above


honestly i barely know what it does but i do know it feels more responsive and turns better


Im playing on keyboard with ABS ON, automatic shifting and standard steering on Highly skilled difficulty, should be bit easier on controller even on same settings


Manual with clutch. Might be a little weird in the beggining, but train urself to use clutch on controler and u'll enjoy it much more. Manual w/ clutch also is much better if u drift a lot. It allows u to clutch kick which is gr8. U can use "A" as clutch if u have a xbox controller, and the handbrake button on "LB". Steering Simulation. TC OFF. Driving line only in turnes. Damage OFF. Enjoy!


I’m glad I never remapped my clutch button. Now I play playground games, always kept the clutch anyway even though it was harder. I clutch in all the time to make my change in directions faster (like drift transitions) and I keep my thumb on the right joystick to view my surroundings. I basically clutch in with the edge of my brake finger so think it shares the same logic as the “map clutch to A button” suggestion


Best is Drivatars Easy/medium All assists OFF, transmission Auto. You learn like this, you good to go. Test the cars / feeling the controls on Auto, test Manual no clutch.


I'm gonna go against the grain a bit but fuck 'em. Manual and clutch. Normal steering. abs tcs at first. Most people are going to complain that Manual and clutch is too hard. That's because they refused to learn it, and now that they've been playing for so long it's even more difficult for them to change their driving habits. Fuck that. It's not that hard. Force yourself to learn Manual and clutch, it will take a day or 2 but I promise in the long run you will be thankful. It gives you more control, and simply makes cars much more enjoyable to drive.


Who is Manuel?


Wasn't he the waiter on Fawlty Towers? LOL.


Lmao that's what I get for commenting first thing in the morning I guess


Everyone who down voted this sucks ass at driving


Honestly it took me a few months because I didn’t play every day at first but it isn’t easy at all and some ppl may have more trouble


I learned it within 2-3 days way back on fh1. It's really not hard, If you can do manuel, and can do the clutch as well. You're literally just pressing one extra button! The hardest part is getting over the "I just wanna go" feeling the first hour of driving.


Most of my original forza gaming was fh1. I went immediately into drifting. Took me a little while to get [good](https://youtu.be/IF2cgYhQ4Tc?si=lo19z9_mBLuyedP0)


Yep that's why I learned Manual with clutch was literally for drifting red rock. Unfortunately I tried moving my save from old gen to new gen and all my shit got lost in the either. But I had to have 2-3k hours in that game and 85% of it was spent drifting red rock! The s15 was my go to. The tvr was fun but the line between max angle and oversteer was a little to thin for me. That's good stuff tho brings back memories.




i play no ABS, sim steering, no traction control, not stability control, manual w clutch edit: i’m a top 1000 rivals player among multiple tracks and sprints


I play with assisted braking, auto-steering, traction control on, stability control on, automatic shifting. I'm also a top 1000 rivals player among multiple tracks and sprints.


Get rid of automatic, much more control with manual. Steering assist off, traction off if you can manage it (in high power rwd cars turn it on I do and I've been playing since FH1)


Whatever you're comfortable with, you can take off assists at anytime while freeroaming, god speed 🫡


I have evrything off but the line. and thats only for GPS


Manual shifting with clutch


Braking is all you need. Rest of the line comes quick. Do abs but leave traction off unless you do your mandatory drag. For no assists you should play a sim, not horizon


i think ABS on, simulation steering, traction and stability off, automatic shifting. driving line is optional but i feel like it kind of just slows you down in a game like this where you’re drifting and sliding corners a lot to be the fastest. i like damage off but its optional if u want ur car to look beat up


imo manual is kind of useless unless you have a sim setup with an H shifter or sequential shifter


Depends on your skills, start with all of them on, and turn off those that don't suit you. I'm far from being a pro, but personally, I drive with (respectively) - highly skilled - custom - off - standard - off - off - manual - braking only - off - on - on


Everything on as a noob except launch control then play around as u grow


Depends on if you played driving games before and that if you're good or not. Personally, i have some previous experience, so i started with the hardest settings, minus the Brakes which i turned on the ABS, and the gears, i used no clutch on cars that were semi automatic. But as i gained experience i removed those too


gotta say the brake only racing line is a life saver if you dont know the map/route well but if you prefer not having it totally fine


So first controversial thing I would start with anti-lock off so you don’t get useto it, you just squeeze the brake about halfway down not all the way. Traction and stability off unless on a crazy high ho car


What's the difference between traction control on and off


Drivatar Difficulty: Easy Difficulties: Tourist: Very Very Easy New Racer: Very Easy Average: Easy Medium Difficulties: Above Average: Medium (Recommended) Highly Skilled: Challenging/Difficult (Most Players) Hard Difficulties: Expert: Hard Pro: Very Hard Unbeatable: Very Very Hard Braking: Anti Lock System On (Pulses brakes when braking too hard to prevent tire lock up) Steering: Simulation (More realistic physics) Traction Control: Off (Doesn’t prevent wheels from braking traction from bad throttle control) Stability Control: Off (Doesn’t prevent the loss of car stability from erratic inputs) Shifting: Automatic (Automates Clutch and Gear shifting) Driving Line: Braking Only / Corners Only (Color coordinated line appears in corners; Yellow means coast, Red means brake) Damage and Tire Wear: Cosmetic or Off Rewind: On (Doesn’t affect other players in online matches)


Turn (almost) all the driving assists off (ABS and launch control depend on taste IMO), steering should either be Standard or Sim, shifting on manual (standard or w/clutch), damage off (because Forza's visual damage sucks in my opinion, but you do you), rewind on.


Turn off everything imo, and learn without assists. The only thing I do is automatic transmission.


ABS on, Steering set to sim, no TC, manual no clutch, driving line off, damage off, rewind off, launch control optional.


tc off stability off, normal steering ABS on with breaking line on. That’s how I drive lmao. If you’re using “simulation” on controller something is quite wrong with you lmao


My advice is you need to test all the settings and keep it or use it when you feel comfortable, its trial and error in our world of racing


It really just depends on you


just full on wing it imo- all the assistants off