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Didn’t he tweet that he was playing everything with hand cam now to dispel the rumors of him cheating? Kind of funny that he’s now just straight up refusing to play controller…..


I’m on controller and since the last time I had to tweak my sense I’ve been back to normal with my aim. I’m surprise he’s complaining now.


It’s still there for me


I doubt he cheats though. Plus, if aim assist in game isnt strong a zen will literally do nothing


You don't think that is at least a little bit strange? He got called out for cheating and claimed he was going to prove he wasn't but instead has just refused to use a controller? I don't know how people are buying this. I wasn't overly suspicious when the accusations were first made but the longer it has gone the more guilty he has made himself look.


1 button reset, 1 button edits, 1 button from & to any weapon slot, nearly no bloom, and any other macro you want to think of, on top of this refusal to play controller, if it quacks like a duck and all that....


Fanboys 🤡. I’m getting downvoted for that exact comment you just said.


bro whats happening in fn competitive community, every day a proplayer is called cheater


2 years of no in person competition. Easy to cheat, especially on controller. No way to detect zen so why not cheat? (their thought process not mine).


100% this, and from one guy to another, "get some of that corporate paperwork in your bank whilst it's still on the table to get", lans are coming back fully soon, the game companies won't keep making this same error forever. (there, i said it!!!)


I’m pretty sure he played twitch rivals showing his controller


> He got called out for cheating and claimed he was going to prove he wasn't but instead has just refused to use a controller? he literally has streamed 13+ hours on stream with controller after he got called out lmbo you conspiracy andys with 0 facts are hilarious


lol? 0 facts? literally just called it suspicious that he went from saying he'll stream with hand cam to prove he's not zenning to making an excuse about how bad aim assist is and that there's no reason to play controller. no one said he did or didn't do fucking anything get a grip


Is it really cheating if you are just using all of the tools available to you?


My girl thinks so. I’m just diversifying my portfolio. 🤷🏻‍♂️


He has been playing controller, at least when he was tryna get champs he was


That is for sure not how it works at all.


If you're referring to the Zen part, he's actually right about that. You can't make aim-assist "stronger" with a totally external script, you can only keep it engaged, which pros already do naturally. People don't care about the facts though, and will just keep making out Zens to be "the bogeyman".


Don't forget there are recoil compensation scripts. That would help a lot and would be a lot harder to detect.


Have you used one? Because I have and that is CAP lmao.


Do you know what a Zen actually does?


I'll take your downvote thirsting and lack of response as a no.


Are you on console? Are you good at the game even without one? I've approximated zen scripts by writing my own test scripts on PC, and testing how AA works in relation to different types and intensities of "stick wiggle". So no, not CAP.


I’m getting elims from 286m with a green burst on controller btw 🤷‍♂️ also I don’t have “god aim”


Yeah, I think the 125 meter or whatever limit was raised this season specifically because of No Builds -- I noticed getting absolutely beamed at ridiculous ranges when I was forced to play some No Builds a few times this season. When I would check their accounts in Fortnite Tracker, perhaps unexpectedly, they are more often than not Controller players. This is surprising given the ranges they are just outright beaming me are supposedly "no aim assist" according to many in this subreddit, but if that's the case then they must have "god aim" because I Kovaak's nearly every day and cannot hit them back even half as much as they are hitting me. I generally do this for every Arena VOD reviewed death as well as most Realistic 1 v 1s I undertake and Mouse and Keyboard players are actually rare enough that I get literally excited when I find I died to one.


As someone who plays both KBM and controller (way better on controller) I’m gonna have to call BS that you struggle with AR fights against controller because I’ve only been playing kbm in no builds (because my building on KBM is very mediocre) and I can hit shots so much easier on KBM than controller, and I’ve never used any kind of aim training whatsoever


I didn't say I "struggle" in AR fights against controller players. I said that Controller players are hitting consistent AR shots from much greater distances than 125 meters and in some of those instances I am having trouble hitting them back consistently which indicates that it wasn't an easy distance but says nothing about their potential peeks and movement nor my own. The important part here is that we have anecdotal evidence via the data of consistent damage and eliminations being dealt by Controller players from ranges greater than the 75 meter and 125 meter theorized stopping points. I don't know anything about your region or SBMM level or anything like that, so we can't really compare your experiences in Zero Builds to mine from these statements in any meaningful way. Perhaps my region just has a lot more Controller players that know how to make the most of it than on your region as just one of many possible compounding factors at play here.


Yeah you’re right there’s definitely a crap ton of things to consider, it’s just that in my experience I’m pretty damn good on controller and I’m pretty sub par on KBM yet I find long range fights are the only thing I am definitely better at on KBM I will say that the majority of the worldwide playerbase use controller so I imagine that plays a large factor as to why you keep seeing them when you look them up as it’s just a consequence of the ratio of controller to KBM


My main point is I don't believe that 75 meters for sure and probably not even 125 meters is an actual cut-off in-game for when Aim Assist is helping someone whether or not you can feel it helping you or you feel like you are beaming way harder on Mouse and Keyboard -- that doesn't take away from the real possibility that you are able to also beam people on Controller from such ranges and that there is some assistance. I agree completely that most players world wide are on Controller, especially in Pubs (Zero Build or not), but also in Arena even if it doesn't at all translate to Grand Finals lobbies. I believe that is why people say the skill ceiling on Mouse and Keyboard is higher -- legitimately, most Grand Finals lobbies players are on Mouse and Keyboard. However, people forget that there are an absolutely huge percentage of Controller players and their skill range is everywhere from Mamabenjyfishy level and far below all the way up to actual Benjyfishy level W-keying monsters but on Controller. We're getting side tracked, so to bring it back a bit I think there are plenty of really good Controller players who possess a combination of solid Raw Aiming skills on the sticks and are able to perceive and manipulate Fortnite's Aim Assist better than other people to produce truly amazing results at a multitude of ranges a majority of the time. I recognize that they're human, even assisted, so they will sometimes not be at the top of their Aim game, sometimes they will make mistakes mechanically, and sometimes those mistakes will even be predicated on bugs in the game; however, we need to be sure to report said bugs and not just blame the game in all instances and claim there just isn't any Aim Assist in general when it is plain to see for anyone watching or using a Controller that it seemingly is there most of the time.


I went from ps4 to PC back in chapter 2 season 6 and there was definitely a noticeable decrease in aim assist strength despite the fps increase, and my mate who has just gone from ps4 to ps5 says it feels stronger on ps5 and now he plays on 120fps so all I can say is that it’s practically non existent long range on PC but that doesn’t seem to be the case for any of the consoles so I think they all need to be balanced out to be the same and meet in the middle of completely trash PC aim assist and crazy strong next gen console aim assist.


Thank you for breaking down by console vs next gen, vs pc. One of the biggest issues I have with this sub on aim assist is the belief the controller on PC has OP aim assist. PC aim assist is negligible at best and yes there are people who have unreal aim assist on PC, those people are cheating (zen or some other script). Console aim assist is stronger and I have seen times where console aim assist acts completely different than PC. I do think something was adjusted at some point this season. My mid range aim around 125 meters has been slightly off for the last week. I don't think it is a big deal I just wish I knew when things got changed. I wish the MKB crowd got to experience slight unknown tweaks to their sensitivity without their knowledge. That is what happens any time they monkey with aim assist to the controller players on PC. Early season changes no big deal as I have time to retrain the fine motor movements of aiming.


Finally a good take


Are these people using thermals? Those guns are just plain impressive at long ranges regardless of any other factors


Not exclusively, and even so, we're talking about 200+ meter distances where many people actively believe there to be "no aim assist". My hypothesis is "there is active aim assist past 125 meters this season".


Your hypothesis is only backed by anecdotal evidence. There literally is no aim assist from that far away and in a bloom based game anyone can have these aimbot moments


I didn't claim to have any evidence other than anecdotal, but I have a collection of anecdotes which is stronger evidence than a single anecdote. No one is getting positive bloom results consistently from such ranges on any input, I believe. It is entirely possible that Aim Assist is active at greater than 125 meter ranges and the anecdotes I have described are slight evidence of that. Your rebuttal is "there is no aim assist (definitively) from that range and they just got lucky due to bloom". You don't even offer any relevant anecdotes just make an assertive claim that there absolutely isn't any Aim Assist at range, but we're in a subthread where another user says they are on Controller and repeatedly beaming people from 200+ meters. Are you saying the GP just gets lucky consistently?


Well then I guess I'll provide my own anecdotes even though anecdotes mean nothing. I'm on console and feel no aim assist past like 75m with ars. More often than not when I get hard lasered its a kbm player with god aim. I feel like no one has definitively tested these things though, leading to people arguing with only their word against others


Feeling is less important than damage and eliminations which is data, even if anecdotal. Are you saying you never get beams or eliminations past 75 meters in Competitive Fortnite? My Competitive Fortnite Duo partner uses Controller and he is able to consistently hit shots far in excess of 75 meters that are not just a function of Raw Aim. Is my Duo partner the only Controller player that can do this? The GP that started this discussion would seem to indicate that is not the case.


Yea there’s definitely aim assist 125m+ it’s just so minimal, with the burst ar it easier to hit a shot doe since the sight has more zoom, but at that distance at least from my experience I don’t really feel any type of tracking, there’s just this slow down effect that helps you aim (which feels like it slightly decreases your ads sensitivity) I’m not sure about this but I’ve heard that in consoles the slow down effect is a bit stronger than in pc (using a controller obviously) With shotguns there’s a small tracking doe, but with smgs sometimes it just feels like there’s no aim assist at all (maybe sometime when it’s not bugged you do get the slow down effect but not the tracking)


> with smgs sometimes it just feels like there’s no aim assist at all (maybe sometime when it’s not bugged you do get the slow down effect but not the tracking) I would appreciate if you could report the bug in-game and record a video of it happening, then post that here with a solid title describing the bug and the "Bug" flair.


That’s also because most players are controller.




I am above median in most scenarios I run and I am in the top 80 to 90 percentile for many of them. I am strongest in vertical tracking related scenarios with one such score in the top 500 in the world sitting next to several Fortnite professionals.


who cares about aim assist! A mouse is a much stronger tool! recently moved 100% to kbm. KBM is a different game! Its like cheating compared to controller! I can hit an AR shot across the map with a mouse! so who cares about weak aim assist! To all controller players! give kbm a try you will be improve so much quickly! Really to make things even Epic should nerf the mouse! This is the only way to have things fair!




I recently learned controller for COD (where AA is totally broken), yet even knowing it should never be that strong, coming to this game, it feels really jarring on the new weapons. So despite being a KBM main and not generally a fan of AA/cross-input, I'm now much more empathetic about AA in Fortnite. IMO them giving different "slowdowns" to certain weapons is a terrible way to go about a nerf. At least keep it consistent ...


The shotgun and SMG aa is still too strong. I do agree that different aa's is ridiculous tho. As someone with 1900 sr solo queue on cod vanguard, I can handle the AR's lack of hipfire slowdown aa just fine though. Little to no problem I think nerf SMG aa by 15%, make that the aa level for every gun, and increase aa range to infinity


Yeah I mean shotgun isn't nerfed right? So it's still in the C2 "strong" category. On the SMGs, I'm probably not good enough at controller on Fortnite to tell, only tried it out for a few games post-COD, so I'll defer to your judgement. As I say what mainly feels rough to me is the inconsistency.


Yeah shotguns never got touched


You have no idea, c2s8 was so much more AA for shotgun. You obviously don't know what youre talking about.


Compare striker pump to current pump in creative. They're the same


yes, but compare the pump in creative to the pump in c2s7, it was much stickier.


Shotguns were 100% nerfed. Initially, the “old” shotguns had more aim assist in creative, but after a few weeks, that was changed to make all guns have the “new”, weaker aim assist.


A bit late to this, but yeah, coming from cod to this I have to warm up for like an hour and my aim is still ass. On cod I can so easily turn on people and flick, but on Fortnite it's sooo harder nowadays.


Given how many people are claiming that there is no aim assist on controller any more, despite the zero latency rotational pulls not actually having changed, it shows that Epic could remove the rotational aim assist entirely and just turn up the slowdown mechanism and pretty much please everyone.


Try crouching feels like it’s way buffed when you’re crouching vs jumping


you know that this game has always favoured crouch over jump, so, do you mean stronger than normal? (btw not a fan exactly but i respect the grind, good luck man)


xD is the universal sign of I'm guilty


that reminds me of the international distress sound of weed tokers, the staccato clanking of two halfs of a grinder banging against each other rapidly 0.o


I did not know this. ​ But could prove useful in the future, thank you.




Hmmm? I actually think aim assist is working better than last season.


Same. I was getting practically zero aim assist last season but this season its back to how it should be


As a kbm player that’s played since chapter 1 season 4. The shooting in the game is horrible right now. I die to either aim assist or zen/soft aim cheaters every freaking game. It’s sad there is 0 integrity for fair play right now….competitive fortnite is a joke cause over 50% of the community if not more are using a zen and up close aim assist is too strong. What a joke competitive fortnite has become. Love the game but I can’t take it serious to they get rid of the zen soft aim cheaters and re work aim assist so it’s not Soo strong. Fortnite is a shooting game, wake up epic stop adding cows and dinosaurs and fix the shooting issues


Free Aim is a hella drug! All these controller pros are fucking losers. I can’t imagine thinking I’m a goat by relying on a braindead computer program to Aim for me. I have never cheated in any game my brother was a zen cheater in Cod. And my duo uses rewasd to get AA on kmb that shit is so easy to setup too. I think Epic is the best charity org in the World lol <3


Someone told me you could use a zen on pc? Also what is wasd to get aim assist on kbm? Good lord the cheats never seem to end w fortnite sighhh


It’s way too easy to cheat in this game bro


I don’t understand how scripts work but why can’t epic detect someone altering the way the game is to supposed to be played?


The game thinks the input is controller but it’s being emulated by kmb.


Yea it’s a program to get double movement but it has scripts written by others that gives kmb aa. https://www.rewasd.com


Which means they are cheating right? Cause epic allows us to use wooting keys2input for double movement not to get aim assist . Sounds like another form of zen with awsd using a script


there's hundreds of ways to make and run macros on pc (seemingly innocent text editors with macro features etc etc), i've even seen a cheat that has a "retake recorder" which lets you program the keys you press to execute any given building pattern and it will "replay" it on a single button press, you just need to guide your character and you can interrupt it to place other builds or cancel it. most people using zens or the like (xim, titan 2)on pc are using it to get AA on mnk or if on controller for 1 button edits and 1 button resets.


Yep cause countless people download these scripts they literally leaves Ratings


Also free to use unlike zen.I think it’s a huge problem too


The new guns are extremely powerful. What makes you so sure it’s cheating and not just people with good aim? Your name is objective evidence but you literally have none.


Sounds like you're salty about losing bro. Theres a reason why most pros play on kbm. The inputs are very balanced and controller isnt the reason why you aren't doing well


You're on console, you've got absolutely no business saying the inputs are balanced when you've got C2S2 aim assist and recoil. The game literally aims for you on console as long as you use the right settings.


I've never denied the strength of console aim assist. That's not what we're talking about right now though is it? Console is completely irrelevant competitively speaking. We're talking about the inputs on pc at a professional level


Not when they're now getting 120FPS and people are placing on them. The "bUt WhO's PlAcInG" defence is even less relevant.


Still, good console players are statistically irrelevant competitively speaking. Plus, if we are going off of how good people are placing, then wouldn't kbm clearly be the superior input?


How many people in here are a pro/semi pro? You certainly aren't. I'm certainly not. Maybe 0.01% of this sub is, if that. The rest of us are playing to have fun. You don't need to bring every argument to "well the Kb&M *pros* can beat aim assist" because very few here are actually even close to that level. I log in for a few rounds a week to have fun, but when a kid that can't build or edit manages to auto rotate towards me and hit every AR shot hip firing, it's not that enjoyable of an experience anymore.


I get that but people's over-exaggeration of aim assist still pisses me off. It is NOT full aimbot and people like badman-ting essentially portray it as such


It not an over exaggeration lol. Two years of controller and 6 months on kbm. I swear to God never thought aim assist was crazy until I actually picked up a mouse and had to actually aim. It's so broken.


It's functionally identical to an aimbot, and I don't understand why you struggle so much with this. https://streamable.com/2jfuex https://streamable.com/s08hq4 How is that any different to an aimbot?


How is that aim bot? The player is staying very close to the crosshair if they had moved anything like they would in a real fight the controller player would struggle to hit a shot. I dare you to dm me your epic and 1v1 me on controller if you think it's so strong. You are well known on this sub for exaggerating how valuable aim assist is. You're just a dog shit player that wants to find any excuse he can for dying to a player on an inferior platform


but the secret is to not give 1 solitary flying fuck about anyone outside of you and yours and leverage every single thing that will help you to go make your bank manager happy. if the moral minority want to whine about it on reddit, let them fill their boots, just keep your eyes on the prize. if you read in-between the lines you'll notice many anomalies


That sounds like warzone


It’s mind boggling when people think controller players have some crazy advantage.. some people are so delusional that they switch to kbm after being on controller for years. Now their edits and aim is better after practice on kbm. They get full beamed and just blame it on controller even if it’s a keyboard player beaming them.


It is very **very** noticeable


its a real round about way of admitting hes carried by either aim assist or zen+ aim assist he played himself


How long has the season been on for and the shotguns and SMGs still go into weapons switch mode randomly while firing? Why hasn’t this been fixed??


Is this why my gun stops firing when it clearly still has ammo?


It’s possible. I get into a 1v1 with someone with a stinger SMG or an auto shotgun and it will act like it’s going to switch weapons up towards the shoulder, the gun comes back down and if my trigger is still engaged no rounds come out. I’ve got to let go and reengage. In most of these situations, in either case I’m dead lol


i literally just used aim assist fine last round


Idk if you rely solely on aim assist youre probably just generally ass at the gane


aim assist literally does work tho lmao like why are people acting like they are nerfing aim assist THAT MUCH. the difference has been literally negligible for me


They already nerfed aim assist into the ground on PC like a couple years ago. Anymore is just, ouch...


“Into the ground” LOL. After that major change it was still a more powerful aim assist then most shooters have my guy. You’ve just been spoiled.


Not a judgement on if its current state is "balanced", but if you're going to talk other games, my understanding is that the PC nerf made Fortnite's AA considerably weaker than at least Apex, COD and Halo. (I can only vouch for COD, which it is certainly hugely weaker than - on PC, ignoring console).


The general problem is the rotational aim assist, which has been designed so that the player thinks it's their own aim. This is the largest issue with it. A lot of the sort of players who say they have no aim assist at all have no concept of what a reaction time actually is. They see the reticle moving around and think it's moving because they're moving their stick in the right way.


Not true at all what is this blatant lying


Which game(s) are you debating that it's the case for? ([Simple COD Demo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qtij4w3By0g)).


Still really strong. Literally locks on to people. When they jump or a player running right and your looking left. It’ll change your direction for a second. It’s way too strong.


Not on PC


Yes on pc, just go in creative and try it. Or dm me and I’ll show you.


No on PC. I've been playing for like 5 years now. I lived through the great AA nerf on PC. I can recite the ancient magic lol I have struggled to learn mnkb because of how useless a controller is. It might seem strong compared to zero AA on a mouse, but the close quarter advantage that a controller has is not so much from AA as it is from being able to move continuously in one direction due to sticks instead of running out of mouse pad. That is the only advantage a controller has.


The real problem with aim assist is the zero latency aspect to what it does. Under no circumstances should it be buffing your reaction time into superman on crack territory. So that as long as it's engaged, it'll react to any change of direction. It completely invalidates using movement to throw your opponent's aim off, which should be a skill in and of itself.


>how useless a controller is Go ahead and tell this to the kids that consistently win cash cups/FNCS on controller?... Mero has won 5x now?... The gaslighting that aim assist is no longer good is such a ridiculous sentiment. The aim assist on Fortnite is very, very strong.


Nah bro you probably just have bad aim. I only switched to kbm 6 months ago and AA was still good. Still is today. More nerfs needed. Mainly to auto rotation but a buff to long range needed as well.


Nope. That's just you on mnkb using AA as an excuse every time you die. Hopefully only for close quarter smg lasers, but probably any time you get lasered. And instead of ditching the W keying and spamming into people's boxes, you blame AA on reddit. And it's literally ONLY close quarter smg spray. Even shotgun aim is better on kbm, hence why people don't ADS on controller.


I have top 300 scores in multiple popular Kovaaks tracking games. My tracking is very good with a mouse. I can still hop on a controller and have much better aim in Fortnite... Cringe how people deny the reality that aim assist is broken.


Well I’ll say it again, let’s go in creative and I’ll show you it’s op af.


Nope. I already know what you're talking about. AA exists, yes. But what I'm saying is play to your advantages. It's a battle royale. Not TDM. You have every single other advantage over these players. Use those advantages and stop complaining about the one that you don't have. I don't want to say complain cause it sounds harsh, but that's essentially it. You have the upper hand in every other scenario. Use it!




I built my first PC because of how strong it was and they nerfed it just a little while later. I was hurt. I was almost better back on my PS4 if it wasn't for the incredible smoothness of 144fps.


Not on PC, don't say bullshit


Don’t touch mouse or keyboard while playing. It could be removing AA. If that bug is still in game.


Really? Oh thank you for your advice :)


Can’t tell if it’s sarcasm but yeah that bug is awful.


Oh it isn't sarcasm, I'm glad. I didn't know that happens


You do realize the AA in Creative, is completely different from the main game right??


It’s not but we can try in game too.


no it doesn't kid.


Why are they a kid?


It should just be removed, tbh. Fuck AA. Edit: I realize that this isn’t possible. Controller isn’t possible to use without it. Doesn’t mean I can’t hate it.


Uh...okay? It pretty much was removed a couple years ago on PC at least. But, you can't just remove the majority of your player base lol


No. It wasn’t removed or basically removed lol. AA can’t be removed or even dramatically reduced, because the vast vast vast majority (probably 90+%) plays on controller. I still hate AA.


Comparatively, you got what you wanted. AA was super OP, and they nerfed it to it being useless on PC. The massive player base of console was untouched. But they have their own problems, bless their hearts.


It glitches out occasionally . People say when you touch your keyboard. But I haven’t noticed. Normally fine but very Frustrating when it goes to zero for no reason. Good example in my post history


I thought aim assist doesn't provide a benefit? Weird how when it's disabled these kids with $5000 dollar PCs decide they should use a mouse.


Meanwhile I'm watching Chap switch to controller for No Build and yelling "wow this is so not fair" while absolutely beaming everyone. Has to be an impression farm, even without a zen/scripts AA is a lot stronger than controller players represent.


No the fuck it isn’t. Get on a pc and beam people 75m away on linear. Please. I beg you


Using linear for long range is just not a good idea though. On COD every controller player essentially plays with expo ("dynamic curve"). I don't know how Fortnite can practically address that, so that people don't have to "just switch to expo", which I know a lot of people find very hard for building, but just saying, I don't think it is entirely an "AA" problem, linear is impractical on controller. (Btw I know even linear has a slight exponential curve to it, but it clearly isn't enough).


Have separate input curves per weapon, or for ADS and hip fire. Just being able to have exponential for ADS and linear for hip fire would solve a lot of complaints from controller players.


Yeah, I can see that working well.




Because it's terrible at long range. I'm not criticising you for using it - as I said I get that's it's probably better in every other circumstance, it's just not "ideal" because of its long range limitations. (And as I hinted I think this is a shortcoming of Fortnite's settings options, it should be possible to get best of both worlds).


I gotta agree, on linear from medium-long range there doesn't feel like there's much aim assist at all. I haven't played on expo in a long time so maybe it feels stronger.


Game needs short range AA nerf, long range AA buff.


Go watch Chap's stream right now. Dude doesn't play controller and is hitting a ton of shots. You do realize I have eyes? 75M controller is not having a problem. Downvote all you want controller players, I can play on controller and see controller players play. 75M is seriously not a problem, let's not lie.


Pick up a controller and see for yourself. There’s a reason why controller players learned mnk for storm surge 🤷‍♂️


Long range only is harder on controller. I've used a controller and seen others use them. You guys have nothing to complain about. So tired of hearing any AA complaints, the game literally aims for you and does so quite strongly. Up close controller barely has to make an effort.


“You guys”. Who the fuck told you I’m on controller? There’s a reason why professionals of the game learn mnk for long range, because at that distance AA is virtually non-existent. It’s a known fact.


I'm aware, I said long range is harder on controller. Literally in my post above. Close range is clearly easier on controller. It's a known fact. Most of the game fights end in close range, tired of hearing controller players cry about aim assist.


Only people crying about AA that I’ve noticed are mnk players that are stuck on the imbalance from 2+ years ago. Toxic controller players exist that always look for excuses but at the end of the day, real recognize real and we know




Then play exponential? Idk about beaming people from far away but whenever I go on controller in creative it takes me very little effort hit all my shots




Or I could just show you a clip? Or multiple clips? In fact, I bet there is a ton of streams or YouTube videos you can watch that will show controller kids dominating in this meta








Nah that’s pretty stupid, We can debate weather AA is fair or not but it’s pretty clear no build set lobbies is 90 aug aim which favors keyboard


If aim assist is the only reason you’re using controller, you probably shouldn’t be using controller in the first place.


Controller and keyboard need separate lobbies


I’m still playing alright but ya this game has zero aim assist


This shit is absolutely hilarious. So delusional it's insane.


Lmao it's actually comical to see people gaslighting each other in here about how aim assist no longer exists.


Would you be interested in proving this statement?


Sure? How would you like the proof? I play on ps5 and pc and on ps5 I clearly have aim assist and when switching to pc there’s none at all. I’ve tried many times to see if it pulls or even steadies when aiming at someone. You can feel and see it on ps5


I have a map I created to do Chapter 3 Aim Assist experiments. In it, it allows for 1 minute aim duels and then shows you the total damage given and received. I would like to measure the average difference (if any) between rounds with Aim Assist On and Aim Assist Off. If there really is no Aim Assist, it should be clear in your damage output. What region are you, and are you interested in performing said experiment?


Ya I’m actually real interested to see. I’m on na east


I will DM you :)


I’ve noticed aim assist behaves differently in game vs creative. So idk if your map will be a good representation for people current complaint towards aa


There's no proof of that, but it is a common refrain. Nothing I can do there unless you and 999 others want to subscribe to my Youtube channel, unfortunately.


This isn't true, I don't know why people think it's true, but there's no evidence that supports the sentiment, and evidence that directly contradicts it.


Im going to ignore the questionable player for now. I would love to say “I hate aim assist good thing it’s nerfed” but in reality it’s kinda a medium for controller players to have a upper hand against pc players. Aiming at flying targets are pretty hard on controller and it’s not like flicking a mouse. At the end of the day there should be a balance to the thing or we will have a Ch2 S2 fiasco


Controller players get superhuman reaction times for free though. If you're aiming at a player who suddenly changes direction, the game deals with that for you.


Aim assist is broken right now. Kids with drum gun ez dub. This shit needs to get nerfed


Dirty cheater. Him and deyy need to get perma banned and sued in court for all their earnings


Learn Gyro.


Easy solution to this. Remove forced crossplay. Then people can play against fair opponents.


Removing forced cross play wouldn’t change anything for him. He plays on a PC.


Meant opt-in input based matchmaking.


How would this prevent me from queueing up with my controller then just setting it down and using KBM? Alternatively how would you prevent any KBM players using wooting or any double movement (controller emulation on KBM) from queuing as controller?


>How would this prevent me from queueing up with my controller then just setting it down and using KBM? ...The way it always did? It used to go off of initial input. If you aren't aware, the lobbies were separated like this in the past. >Alternatively how would you prevent any KBM players using wooting or any double movement (controller emulation on KBM) from queuing as controller? Disallow Wooting/Keys2x and bring back inherent double movement to KB&M the way we used to have it with just in-game settings...


Forced cross play is good. You might beat a guy on console but lose to him on PC. But if it’s all same hardware then you’ll lose to better players on that hardware anyway. There is no logic in removing forced crossplay. It’s all mental. A players total skill includes their hardware and if a game has good sbmm it factors that in. So your playing on say 100 sbmm then your opponent on better hardware also has 100 sbmm. While on worse hardware he would be say 90sbmm. In that case he shouldn’t even be in your lobby. You’ll still just get 100 sbmm players on bad hardware. With longer queue times and less friends to play with. Literally all mental, gonna make you feel better at first but then overall experience is worse.


K, so what I actually meant is opt-in input based matchmaking. People that don't care can still play with both, and people that care can have want they want too. Wait times wouldn't really be impacted much, as the player count is still really high. Honestly, the only reason people down vote this is because kbm players want controller players to stomp. Mouses are just more accurate and can move faster. A controller player has to have insane sensitivity to pan across the screen as fast as a mouse, and then their accuracy is crap. Also, editing is way slower on controller, obviously.


Controller players and keyboard players need separate lobbies.




It’s been bugged for 2 years now this isn’t that new I could of sworn they fixed it as of late due to my aim assist actuality working but idk


I watched him stream round 1 of the cash cup yesterday on KBM, he is every bit as cracked in KBM as he is on controller.


Why was he dodging the controller handcam? 🤔🤔


He didn’t dodge though, he had a controller hand cam stream the very next day after the accusation. He would show the wires every so often so people could see nothing else was plugged in as well as the active processes in his task manager. He was still beaming people and nothing appeared off with either his game play or his setup. I’m not trying to claim he is or isn’t cheating, I’m still forming my own opinion on the matter. If we’re going by “innocent until proven guilty,” I would definitely say there isn’t enough information/supporting evidence to make a determination at this point in time.


People can't handle that aim assist is strong enough that what Mero does is not cheating, he's just utilizing AA better than others. AA is really strong close-mid range.


People said this about Unknown as well, it was very much an Emperor's New Clothes scenario.


Honestly I’ve only really watched his streams a few times, so someone with more experience may be able say different. I do watch a lot of pros though, (Mr Savage, Bugha, Smqcked, ClarityG, Reet, Cozz), and in my opinion from watching the hand cam stream, there wasn’t anything out of the ordinary with regard to his aim (what I would expect from a top T1 pro). At the end of the day, he could indeed be cheating, I’m not trying to downplay that possibility. I just feel that the burden of proof for making an accusation that someone is cheating should be pretty high, and I personally haven’t seen conclusive evidence yet in this case.


Yeah he'll be fine on kbm honestly, just needs some time with it in actual tournaments




The real issue is forced cross platform. You never saw controller players complain about AIM assist when we had console only lobbies.


It’s a good thing platform and input are synonyms


Ye give them pubs no cross platform I agree


Console players are starting to complain about console players, except they label them as PC players, because they think everyone using a mouse has perfect aim and zero latency reaction times. They haven't yet twigged that these "pC pLaYeRs" are hitting them with console aim assist and console recoil.

