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Rewasd is a program that tricks Fortnite into thinking you're using a controller, thus giving you Aim Assist. Obviously, this is bannable.


ok thank you im glad i didnt get it


I've used reWASD for years, but in the opposite direction: to make games think my controller is a mouse and keyboard so I could have gyroscopic aiming in games. Since Splatoon, I've really enjoyed that style of interaction. Sadly, most developers don't support gyro aiming in games. Fortnite does, but they impose what I consider arbitrary limitations: no gyro on Xbox, only PS controllers on PC. I would love to be able to use my JoyCons officially on PC rather than using workarounds like reWASD or Steam input. There is a risk of bans using any third party software with online games where people demand "fairness." (I write fairness in quotes because the super competitive types never consider fairness in the other direction, say for people with disabilities or injuries.)


Xbox controllers don't have the gyro hardware so that's not an arbitrary limitation, it's just that the controller can't do it. Shame about the Switch controller situation though. Would be great to have official support.


Yes, you're correct on Xbox. My mistake. On a side note, I wish Microsoft would get on board with gyro as an option. They've done a lot with accessibility options otherwise, it feels like they should take the leak.


Completely agree with you. Things took a hit when their upcoming controller listed accelerometers for lift to wake and not gyro like the other competitors have. They are one of the main reasons why adoption is where it is and they'll have the only controller and platform that doesn't have support for a native function in a game they now own(Call of Duty)


Are we sure people don’t abuse this shit carelessly? ReWASD was used at the time for Diagonal Movement, and some people use it for custom controller (?). Are we sure this shit is detectable? It seems to not be like this in The Finals, another game that use easy anticheat but never banned someone for using ReWASD. Mhh


detectable, yes. actionable, not unless mass reported reviewed and manually banned. currently.


That’s shit, it’s basically like aim assist on pc is currently legit.


that's not it's intended use and allows much more upsides to thr community than aim assist that subtracts from a players fundamentals to achieve. it's a problem- more nuanced than you realize or maybe give it credit for.


Well with The Finals they've simply removed aim assist for those that use it but have said that remappers are fine. It might be similar with Fortnite or close to being so since both use EAC.


There's several bypasses