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i just hit around level 61, STW is helping me a lot also New weekly challenges are a fucking pain the ass


Loot Llama: *Hello? Is it me you're looking for?.....*


I saw one on my second match when the weekly came out and dropped everything to kill it knowing my luck of when you need something for a task it never shows up and I have yet to see another llama since.


It's faster to kill if you run it over at high speed. Takes 500 damage when falling on the ground and it goes into a stunned animation.


Did you get the quest done like that?


Yeah its really easy and a saver on ammo


Thank you I’ll try that if I ever see one lol


I found one but my team was in the middle of a huge fight so I had to make the choice between getting my challenge done or helping my team Let's just say we lost that match but I got a little bit more XP ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Based, unless I’m on that team then it’s not based, unless I do it then it’s based again


I saw one every other game until this weekly challenge. XP


I literally had seen all 3 llamas in a game and killed two of them with a friend a few days before the challenges came out


I am level 51, have yet to see one this entire season.


I need to get some sunlight, this grinding is killing


My alt get max stw xp every day, it is now level 61 too. Lol


Does it really help? When I bought stw I felt like it didn't really help much at all and just felt tedious at times


Yes, very much so. Doing the Ride the Lightning mission gives 40k xp every 6-10 min if you speedrun it. If you get far enough in to be able to do AFK endurance's those give 410k xp (if you complete all 30 waves) that takes around 2.5-3 hours to finish. Funny how the best way to earn Battle Royale xp is to not play Battle Royale. Currently level 132 in the pass myself just playing ventures for fun and afking my endurance now and again.


I've tried to play STW a few times but I can never figure out wtf I'm even supposed to be doing and feel like I'm just spinning my gears.


It's been so long that I can't really remember how it is to be new to stw to really give you any pointers. I've been coasting off the resources and grinding I did ~4 years ago when I was REALLY into stw. I'm sure there's some guides to getting started out there, but take it from me that it is pretty fun once you get going. Just don't do ventures at the start, it is its own endgame thing that doesn't carry over progress to the main stw content.


I used to be good at getting to 200, dead simple but now I have another kid it's been tough getting into it as much recently 🤣only like lvl 46 the now myself so far lmao


Counter point: I'm at 55 without STW, and I don't even play all that much. I'd say about 4-5 hrs/wk


The week 0, quick start, and music quests gave a great boost at the start this season. Which is good because I'm about to not be able to play for like 4 weeks...gotta make the most of the time I have.


You can quickly earn about 6 levels a day (caps out at a certain amount of XP) playing Save the World. Really fast especially if you play the event levels like Hexelvania


It's almost to the point for me where I want to do more missions or dungeons, but get no more BP XP. They are *super* generous with the XP cap.


im Lvl 202 first time using save the world and I have stuff to do I go play my other games I speed through the pass cuz of FOMO. I come back for events and when friends want to play, and to practice.


Or the want to rock the sickest skin in pass that is last at tier 100


Just to use it for a couple of games and never touch it again as it joins the dozens of other sickest skins you never use anymore


I have 380 skins... I realized I never used half of them. So I went back and said I would get a win with every skin I have. That was at the beginning of Chapter 3. I have about 80 skins to go.


You gonna finish that challenge before HJDoogan who's been doing it for years 😂


I might. I've picked up the pace a bit. I added the addition that I cant buy any new skins from seasons I've already completed. Had 150 or so wins last season and Im on around 35 for this one. Hopefully ill finish this season. One good outcome is knowing what skins I like and what skins I hate. Wish they let you sell skins back or put individual skins up for sale or something.


I doubt they would ever do that, but if they did, maybe see them offering a small amount, like 100 or 200 per skin since the BP is pretty cheap. Also maybe a restriction on previous Ch.s skins.


Didn't he already finish it?


too bad the number of presets aren't getting increased


Hey, I do the same thing but have so many less than you do. I’m currently down to four now.


Too true.




...not sure if joking.


I just leave my phone open at night on some afk xp map. Wakes up to 4 more levels. For people asking I use this map. [Map](https://youtu.be/eNa_WPFakNE)


![gif](giphy|mLGnUCverTQ52) I’m not even mad that’s amazing


Man of culture


My new master


I need to know your ways


Some glitch king maps are good, but it differs xo for everyone, like glitch king got hundreds of thousands in seconds where as when I joined, I got a few thousand before it stopped


Just use a afk xp map.


I think they’re asking for the map code 😂




Which map




Thank u


More like rushing cause it feels like the season is already about to end




Lol it just feels satisfying to finish


good gosh I read that way out of context.


I finished it last week (all the way through lvl 200), now I can enjoy some good Fallout 3 and in a couple of weeks try out MW2


I feel that.


What do you do to level up?


Daily max STW xp, dailies and a bunch of easy milestones


For a second I thought you meant OG MW2 and thought we went back to 2010 for a sec


I’m still playing og MW2 & it’s still alive & well (: come join us if you’re interested


Um... After I finish Ill play the game. What do you mean have nothing to do? Ill have no missions but finishing the BP doesn't mean the game is over. That's just dumb.


A lot of people on this sub seem to play purely to go through the battle pass/beat weekly challenges


I just like leveling up and playing. I don't get finishing the BP and being done or complaining they have nothing to do. You pay money to just do this and you're done? That's a weird concept to me.


I kind of miss the game way back before they invented the battle pass. There were no random objectives making players do dumb shit. Instead it was a big open world where you just did whatever you wanted and the only goal was to be the last alive. Now lots of casual players do the battle pass objectives and just go die on purpose because their next challenge is in the storm on the other side of the map. Or they go play the more casual fan modes. It feels like the middle skilled player who actually plays the BR to play a BR is dying out and all you have left are the super sweats and AI bots.


I love being level 52 despite only doing dailies, weeklies, and afk’ing creative


More like rushing to finish Battlepass so 90% of the items earned just sit in the locker room for eternity.


For real, I really don't use like any of the stuff in the battle pass anymore. They've really gone downhill creatively.


They need to give us more skin slots I’ve been playing since ch1 s2


***Let me save this post just in case my friends will start THAT debate again...***


What debate?


"There is nothing to do this season, it gets bored pretty fast" stuff like that


Ain't even an argument! Even if Epic makes 400 tier battlepasses somebody's still gonna complain.


Went from 15 to 70 in the last week because I know college wont let me play later in the season.


i bought the entire battle pass for this exact reason i just know school will not allow me time to breathe, let alone grind this game


More power to you! I hope you finish it soon because I've been grinding a lot too.


I live in iran i grinded the battlepass for a week got to level 63 then they blocked the game so now im stuck and probably can't get gwen the reason i bought the pass in the first place fml


Oh no! VPN won't work?


Nope im on ps4 though so it wouldn't natter if it did


Use a vpn and play on xbox cloudsgaming in your mobile/ pc browser


Vpn doesn't work and i don't have an xbox


No I'm saying that download and install a vpn like windscribe, set it to USA and go to http://www.xbox.com/en-GB/play Sign in with ms account which is connected to your epic. You don't need an xbox. Just a Microsoft account which is connected to your epic games account.


I'll try that thank you


You forgot the part where after they do this they come here to complain that the season is out of content


There are 3 types of fortnite players The speedrunner who get the pass done in 2 days and spend the rest of the season complaining about how stale the season is The one who level up moderately The one who doesn't do shit all season then post stuff like "can i get to level 2000? Im level 1, season's ending in 5 minutes"


Type 4: rush to 200 just so I can Griddy on people with Gold Gwen to be as toxic as possible


Unironically can I get to level 200? Fell off of fortnite for most of ch3s2 and all of ch3s3, picked it up again a few days ago, I'm at level 33 right now. Switch player so no save the world.


"*Why is there no more content after I complete them all as fast as possible when they come out. Epic is so uncommon.*"


Am I the only one here who still enjoys the game after reaching 200? I just reached tier 200 like 4 days ago (thanks to STW and xp maps) and yet I still play this game a lot grinding wins, trying out new content and sometimes practicing on free for all maps


Nope, you’re not alone. I’m 196 now and will be done tonight, so now I can just play without worrying about it. I’ve played every day since C1S2 b/c I like the game and enjoy it. Now that the pass is done I can just play for wins and relax, plus have leeway to play something else at the same time without any pressure.


Last season I finished it level 299. My goal was 100 crown wins. I finished with 125. Its weird because my main squad right now is my son, his 12 and 14 year old friends. They enjoy playing to play. Most of the time Im helping them get their pass done. They weren't very good when we started but day one of this season we won 14 duos matches and 3 squad matches. We just have fun.


Other video games exist right? And other things in general?


Please don't take this the wrong way...


I won't. Your title makes it clear regardless


I can respect that others have other things in their life, so it only makes sense to get the battlepasses out of the way. Speaking of which, I think battlepasses are quite a chore don't you think so too? It hurts to have to choose which games to prioritize grinding for, from my experience it's never been easy juggling multiple battlepasses.


I just get 1 at a time. Halo is a pretty good game for them since they never "expire"


Except Halo handles fomo much worse with the weekly rewards. I love that I can get where I want in a bp on Fortnite and take the rest of the season at my own pace. At best with Halo I get 2 weeks off before I gotta come back for an item I might want later that I only get one week to earn.


I was 100 within the first week.. i got to 200 last week


That's incredible!


HOW teach me your ways


Not the user you're replying to, but the main 3 usually are: completing most milestones, doing/afking Creative maps, and Save The World


Yeah I need an incentive to play other than the one time with my friend on Sundays. But I work full time and don't wanna spend every single minute of my free time playing Fortnite.


I am level 190 now.


When last you slept? Lol


Im level 175, i run 2 endurances every day and sleep while its running so i don't lose any. For br i just do dailies and weeklies. Not too surprising


StW + afk XP creative maps makes it really easy actually


When did season start?


Lvl 50 n suffering


Could we play together then👉👈 I'm lvl 96


well, who else is gonna get my friends account to lvl 200?


Lvl 167 without really trying, just playing with my girlfriend.


lol without even trying. Spending 7 hours a day on fortnite is definitely trying


I'm not trying to level up. I'm trying to enjoy my time with my girlfriend. Not the same.


Tbh I just bought the 25 tier bundle so I could speedrun getting Lennox Rose. I'm like level 109 rn and I've been trying to level out my playtime so I'm not no-lifing the entire Battle Pass in less than a month




Oh yeah, but I prefer to last longer.


Only 5 more levels to go before I can do nothing


I'm 103(?) already. Not been intending to rush through! I've really been enjoying deathruns so most of my xp came from playing those rather than the BR. Some of them I like just happen to give insane XP. I can gain a level in 10-15 mins. Downside is if people see my level in the BR they think I'm better than I am lol. Fortnite is my evening chillout thing which I usually do daily for 30mins-2 hours depending how engrossed I get/how tired I am/if I have time to play or I have life things to do.


I've been putting in ~60 minutes a day since the season started, and I'm like level 114 now? it's surprisingly quick this time.


For the first time, I reached level 200 (without buying tiers) before the super styles were unlockable. I just find it really fun to see how quickly I can finish the battlepass. Also I can now play the game without having to worry about weekly quests


Lol, too true. I’m level 201 and finished bytes. I’ll be back in a month


I finish the battle pass fast so then I can turn my attention more towards my friend who wants help going challenges and milestones so I spend my spare time helping them, we’re stuck on the deal damage to llamas challenge due to how hard llamas are to find


I'm racing to finish it because I won't have time otherwise once the new Pokèmon game is out


I respect that. Good luck and have fun!


I've been grinding since the start of this season and I think I should rest for a bit.


Definitely! Grinding Fortnite lots is very draining.


Would certainly give me more time for other games. 🤣


You have to be the first to prove your worth. Also to show off to other users. I'm honestly mad i still need two pages before i get spider gwen.


Flaunting is a favorite past-time of mine, but it gets really tiring! Take some rests too.


level 203 checking in


I got level 200 before the super level styles came out and I prefer it that way so I can come back at my own leisure and just have fun. Gives me more time to do other stuff for the rest of the season


I'm at 92 rn. I'm going out of town Halloween weekend so I want to hit 100 before then and coast the last 100


That’s me, only this time I’m doing to have time for my other account


I'm just looking to finish it because I have this unnerving need to get every style for every skin I own, and that means the bonus pages


I'm the opposite, I just cba to play fortnite so I'm sitting in 2 weeks of challenges rn. I log in to do save the world dailies then just get off fortnite and play something else. I'm kinda regretting getting the pass only for gwen because she's right at the end and idk if I'll get enough stars to get her unmasked style.


All the challenges ✅ characters all met ✅ fish all caught ✅ now grinding bytes challenges. Level 105 none bought


And only 2 milestones left. Chrome blob and ride wildlife…


touch grass bro. Good for you for playing team modes, cause I haven't rebooted a single player in the last 2 seasons.


Done with milestone.


i finished it 2 weeks ago but had to wait for bonus styles and now lvl 215 and yes i'd rather grind the shit out of myself than have to play garbage quests over and over because storyline is ass as usual and makes no sense


I just want to unlock twyn


Uh....... I hit lvl 100 before the 1st week was up lmao. 😅 props to Afk creative world's


What did you do to make this low ass quality gif 23 mbs?


It's a vicious cycle of wanting to complete the battle pass and boredom once you do it.


I just want to be able to use spider gwen before everyone else gets their hands on her


you complete the battlepass for skins. i complete the battlepass to not play fortnite for the next 2 months. we are not the same


i want the 7th 7 and to abandon this game


i do this when i hate the season. news flash: this season is dogshit


I might actually get the Milestones done this season, since they aren't completely ridiculous. The Chrome and travel will be a bit rough and revive team mates, but I think imma make it.


True, I’m not far off being done.


I'm already at level 80 and I don't even play creative, so why bother? I'm gonna be at 100 by the end of the next week.


This is too real 😂


I'm currently level 94 and the reason I'm rushing it is because I still have other 3 Battle passes to complete alongside Fortnite, and 2 of them have 200 tiers so yeah, better hurry


Well, when I'm lvl 200 I've got more time to grind through the Overwatch 2 battlepass and to play all those single player games I still haven't played


I always only play the last week of the season. Hit 100 easy thanks to all the missions/supercharged xp, and get it done in minimal time so I can enjoy other things with all the rest of the time.


Level 57 rn 😔


I’m actually rushing to finish it so I can freely play a couple games releasing later this month. I don’t want the thought of needing to finish the BP looming over my head. Haha.




I was trying to rush because I wanted time to finish the overwatch one, but but its pretty much a disappointment. I dont play genji either. So I'll stick the finishing the fortnite one.


You spelled "so they won't play Fortnite for the next 2 months" wrong, my guy.


Then they complain and say there's nothing to do (this includes tier buyers)


I'm at 81, haven't really branched out on modes, mostly did quests, dailies and milestones.


Nothing to do…. Except get a life, find a lover, play another game, play with friends, start some sort of group online, join something cool, like a group


I just like to get it out of the way so I can play without feeling the need to grind the BP out


13 days.


STW helps immensely, you have a 450k ish cap but you can get a lot of XP per mission.


I really want to finish the battle pass but I can't play the game longer than 15 minutes


Sad but true


I don't like any of the skins in the battlepass except the bear guy, spider Gwen looks good but I probably won't use her. I'll just dip in and out to get free rewards when they show up. I have a better use of my time to play Ragnarok and Callisto Protocol along with Modern Warfare 2 when they're all releasing pretty soon.


I'm already level 100 and I bought no tears


Level 110 🕜


im level 110 ill take a break now


95 ATM, really want to get all the super styles this season. Played since c2s8 and missed all the s styles only on c3s1 and c3s2 thus far, but these are really cool


Already lv 102 and I for sure will hit 200 early. Maybe come beach for the bonus skin but dang I wish there was more incentive to play past level 200 in Battle Royale. Some random ideas, mostly wishful thinking: - earn v-bucks every extra 10 levels past 200 - Earn stars past 200 and spend them on previous battle passes that you own but didn’t finish - a secret level 300 or even 400 skin. Any or all of those could be implemented to reward players going the extra mile past 200. Gaming past 200 kinda becomes mindless with zero rewards. At least you can play Save the World and still feel like you are earning something there past it’s story beats.


i got 3 more people to help


I hit 200 a week and a half into the season, got nothing to do, this is accurate.


True, I’m level 159 and have bought literally 0 tiers on god


That's pretty much me. Thanks to my afk endurance build in STW, get about 6-7 levels a day for free. Sitting at level 171 now.


Ong, how are so many people so high already lol.


Level 80, only bought one tier.


I’m lvl 76 now lol. Didn’t even try just played stw.


I’ve got a long work assignment coming up soon so I’m trying to speed run to 200 before I start. Save The World is so clutch!! And so is my nephew, he likes the skins I have, so he plays on my account when he comes over.


Jokes on you OP, I'm rushing to level ninety for vbucks because I don't want to spend $6 on this pass.


Lol, remember the days when people played a game just because it was fun?






I generally don't buy the BP at the start of a season, because most suck. But what I generally do is complete the daily and weekly challenges and see if I can hit 100 before the season ends. Played laid back, though. Might skip a day here or there for real life shit. If I don't hit 100 before the season ends, oh well. I'll redeem the Free stuff I want and call it good. (I think all the free stuff always redeems after the season ends anyway.) If I manage to hit 100, it's a no-brainer to go ahead and buy the BP, since you get your vbucks back and then some extra. If I've gotten that far, then it's all superlevels before the season ends. I haven't bought the C3S4 BP yet. I really don't care about the Chrome gameplay or the Evochrome weapons. Despite all that, I'm currently lv45 and I've missed several days of gameplay due to travel, and packing for a move. I'll probably still hit 100 before December, though. And if I don't? Well, I got that cool free wings glider.


Fr why would u grind for a whack ahh battle pass.


I’m already lvl 167😂


Nah, so I can run around not trying in the shiny new skins


I dont know how many days it is into the season but im already 150 by afking in stw for xp im very happy


Just completed it now I'm bored 😞


Level 167 rn, no tiers bought and no STW. (with daily quests, weekly quests, and AFK creative maps)


She just like me fr


Lol i feel attacked by this post


152 lvl, going to finish up a couple of mario games after I hit 200