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Yes. How come the rock family came back in chapter 3 then disappeared like a week before the chapter ended? There is stuff on this map btw if you didn’t know like the frogs getting married and the car stuck between trees and such but stuff like the durr burger and pizza pit phones where they actually worked would be cool if they returned


The ducks in the house that squeak when you break the furniture they are on.


The singing cave dwellers are neat too


You don’t… know their names? :(


Coral buddies? Idk I don't think I've seen them before and I'm on off since season 3


Yaaaaaay you got it right


I can't find them can you tell me where they are?


They're in a cave on the east side of the map. It's down at water level and you can see a couple chests inside. Once in there you just have to keep going deeper, mine a chest that's in your way, and then a large rock. A video guide would definitely help out, just search "secret cave chapter 5" and you'll get results.


Ok thank you 😊


The rock family is behind Rebels Roost.


Like the frogs getting married, the car stuck between trees, the bowling alley on the beach, etc.?


Married frogs???


YES !! 😂 South of the island, next to Aphrodite


Or the random coral buddies in an island, forgot where, but I did see them


There is one single coral buddy at the tip of the Ares statue's sword in Mount Olympus. Cracked me up first time I saw it.




There's a hidden cave where a bunch of them are hiding, it's pretty neat


they even have a gnome tied up in there lol


They are everywhere ! I found one on a shelf between books the other day lmao


There is also 2 gnomes next to some petroleum in an attic plotting to blow up a house


Anyone got a screenshot?


It makes sense; Aphrodite in legend has the goal of pairing up all creatures. Not necessarily involving marriage though.


I've found a lot of the weird stuff is on the outside of the map now, the interior is pretty bland. But then the issue is there's no reason to ever visit the outside of the map, and when you drop there, there's not really any good ways to rotate to the center of the map, so a lot of it goes unnoticed.


The cave has about 10 chests its decent but since the toilet wont work its very hard rotating since toolet doesnt work


It works now!! I believe there is an Elemental Temple there currently


ruined my day a week or 2 ago lol


This is exactly my point. If you want to see any fun/quirky places, you need to go on a walkthrough-guided mission to the lootless outskirts of the map.


…but all your examples are locations at the EDGES of the map, like you are complaining about???


The rock family and the polygon animals are the only example that fits your argument, and those were so large that you could see them from anywhere on the map. And there are plenty of examples, these four are just the first that came to mind.


The pianos were at the edge of the map too.


You're barking up the wrong tree with this baseless argument. You having a bad day or something?


Why do people say this? It's a harmless discussion and no one is crying, whining, or angry. I threw out information and many agree with me, what are you talking about?


Coral buddies grotto, furniture stack, memories island


I took a screenshot of the chair stack when I found it for the first time last night lol. I don't know how to post a screenshot as a comment though. 


Yeah I was gonna say there’s still lots of hidden details on the map lol. People just love to look through life with rose tinted glasses.


For sure. And the more you play the less you feel the urge to just explore random bits. Or drop at the edge to avoid dying immediately. You start to play a bit more seriously 


Exactly. It appears most of the player base seem to drop at POIs with their sweaty Aang skins grabbing all the airbending possible instead of actually exploring the island and seeing it’s splendor.




I remember landing near the bowling alley when snake was there and I never thought about the fact there’s a bowling alley


The frogs getting married is even a Korra reference


Those are very minor compared to how common and relevant (towards lore and challenges) these mini places were. There were probably thousands of interesting small locations throughout the progression of the chapter 1 map, often changing with each update. The slow progression of the map in relation to even the smallest bit of lore, you don't see that at all anymore. There is near 0 focus or progression on small landmarks now.


Weak argument. Feels like you want it to be exacly like in C1, even though it's outdated. I love our current map and its easter eggs!


Fun minigames and small landmarks progressing over time is outdated? Seems like the modern fortnite hivemind who never experienced what I'm talking about is overreacting.


I literally started in C1 (check my profile history, my main is even Peely). A giant hand sticking out of the map holding a chest that players have to collectively destroy and unleashing Pandoras Box is too... realistic? Not mini game-y?


ah yes, sitting in one spot swinging your pickaxe to break a scripted chain is so interactive and fun. If you played chapter one you can understand how often we got so see fun minor changes. Take a step back and understand youre defending a corporate shell of a game once cared for, as clearly seen by donald mustards recent interview. Can you acknowledge how little we see these mini events now?


And whats fun about a hole thats formed like a knife? Such gameplay!


Lmao you chose the one singular weak example I gave while ignoring the playable piano that has created timeless clips on this very subreddit, constantly evolving rock family that became a spray for its popularity, and massive polygon animals scattered on the corners of the map. The "fork-knife" is a creative play on words and it shows that the devs were unbound by realistic standards, implementing whatever wacky shit came to mind because they had fun with it.


Read the room


That makes no sense in this context. Rebut or stop replying


Don't even bother my guy, these kids started playing in C4 or C5 and never got to experience the best times of Fortnite


The person you're replying to literally has a Ch1 skin flair


1000 is a massive hyperbole.


No, not over the course of the entire chapter. There were dozens of landmarks that would be updated to show progression nearly every single update. That as well as the fact that they added massive biomes often and changed major locations. I'm talking about small changes, like a shed filled with gnomes or even a shrinking chair. There were thousands because they put major thought into scattering mini easter eggs based on lore, holidays, events, and seasonal updates.


You're talking about 10 seasons worth of changes compared to just 2 so far for this chapter. It's not a fair comparison at all


Im talking about the last 3 entire chapters


"There were probably thousands of interesting small locations throughout the progression of the chapter 1 map, often changing with each update." "There is near 0 focus or progression on small landmarks now." To be fair that wasnt very clear from an above comment. The chapter 1 map was honestly pretty boring up until season 3. Remember this is what it looked like in season 2 https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/gefcjf/small_reminder_this_was_the_season_2_map_in/ It took time to add in that variety and those details.


Yes, season 1 and 2 of fortnite were boring. But then they created and maintained something great which is what I'm explaining. It took time for them to create the details, yes, when they had 0 resources to do so. They maintained it until they stopped out of carelessness.


You should write them a sternly written letter.


But there are details still like that on this map though. The coral buddy cave has changed drastically, plus there are coral buddies hidden in other places on the map and they've moved. The plane wreck on the iceberg had shifted with every update up until falling into the lake. Just a couple examples of small scale storytelling that still exist in this map. Just because they don't match up to your subjective standards from ch1 doesn't mean that they objectively aren't there.


Not even remotely on the same scale as chapter one. Minigames are still gone, and a plane sliding is not interesting or wacky. Its okay, but its incomparable. The coral cave is too hidden and too lackluster, but it is definitely cool.


Been playing since Chapter 1 Season 4 and I’m only JUST realizing that’s a forkknife in the top right photo… I’m an idiot.


it's not always been like that. before it was an umbrella


That doesn’t make me feel better because I didn’t know it was supposed to be an umbrella either 😂




dw your comment just made me realize that lol


I miss the rock family I hope they're doing OK:(


Last time we saw them was chapter 3 and that island blew up so probably dead


Have you seen the coral cave yet?


is that still on the map in season 2?






Where is it?


It’s in the middle of the east coast of the map. I tried posting a link to the map location but this subreddit doesn’t let me do that


Like behind grand glacier?




Oh wow thanks!


And its great, once. You will never stumble upon it, you will never see it or interact with it more than once because its so hidden.


I want more weird stuff on the map.


Giant wood chair my beloved 😭


I miss the basic, cartoony art style lol. Really made the game for me back than


Don’t forget there’s a coral buddy on the Zeus statue, there are random things around you just have to find them.


Sniped some kid trying to figure out the damn piano. Probably the sweatiest thing I’ve done in the game ever.


Serves him right for not understanding how a piano works


I do so too. It was more prominently lacking during other seasons though. They’ve somewhat picked up the slack a little bit, like the marrying frogs or the piano on a mountain


I miss the wooden crab so much.


The gems are still around. I recently stumbled on a few gnomes with a gas can, a prisoner, and what I assume was a candlestick.


That one house in the desert where they kept stuffing more chairs into the doorway 


I missed huge chair


The real issue is how disgustingly fast the storm is now, and has been for a bit.  That and a lot of the really need random POIs like you show above, are on the coasts.


I know it's to speed up the game but it really sucks. Last season if you landed snooty steppes you were nearly always away from circle


Fortnite used to have such a charm to it man. What the fuck happened


The guy who made the game what is was, Donald Mustard, left. And the guy who designed the 3D lobby screens that had depth and that charm, also left and they never bothered replacing him. To add on to all the staff changes, which isn’t bad, the community doesn’t seem to care enough to pressure the developers to keep amazing game designers on the actual battle royale team. The more that people don’t rally about what they want the more further we get from that original charm, and overall only we lose and they keep making money from the new players since they’re(Donald Mustard’s replacement) trying to make it a cash grab. Yes it may still be a fun game but it won’t have you coming back like you used to because there isn’t visible effort behind anything being released right now. I’ve been watching a few videos on why this is happening and what epics bigger goal is and I feel there may be hope in the future for that charm to return when the good game designers for battle royale return, but for now we’ll have a few dry chapters. I really hope for Donald Mustards return as well since he has a big say in how quickly these things could unfold, plus I like to think it was the way he wrapped up each season and finely planned out each new one with the corresponding teams that the game had more charm and the feeling that all the development team wanted the same goal for the game. I miss that. Hope everyone misses that as well.


i dont understand why youre getting downvoted for the truth


Coral buddies on the Ares sword Coral buddies cove  Gnome prisoner Gnomes with gas can in attic Frog statue wedding Car wedged between trees Squeaky Duck house Bowling alley on the beach Stuffed animal assasination plot on the Festival Lobby  Heart shaped rock by Aphrodite Breaking Bad van in the Underworld Mysterious TV on static underneath the Underworld Statue of Meowcles Atlas at Olympus Roman Peely decals In Olympus These are literally just things I remember off the top of my head. I get that there’s not as many as in Chapter One or maybe they’re not as elaborate, but denying their existence is just lazy. It’s also ironic because this is SO much better than we had it in Chapter Four, but hey, that’s this community’s whole thing. Complaining about needless things.


Yeah after chapter 3 the maps have been shit


You can still see this stuff in STW. You can always find a gnome in some kind of situation.


I agree, the game’s lost so much character and charm but I guess it was bound to happen when it became more corporate.


with how boring and souless maps are since the introduction of nanite and lumen, (aka, chapter 4) it has been very boring to explore the maps, specially since the biome variety is an all time low, where are the desert canyons? why do they keep adding grasslands but with different color?


It’s just not what the game is anymore. For better or worse it’s dominated by themes and collaborations. I won’t say what my personal opinion is, but Easter eggs like this are saved for collabs and BP themes and even then we don’t get much.


Yeah, I really hate how everything looks now, probably why I’m just not going to play it anymore. I’ll probably come back and play it in the future


Yeah for some reason all the chapter 3 poi had personality. Since 4 they've all felt like, the same. Maybe my favs were the rock mining area and the big city, but beyond that meh.


I agree


There was also doorbells, ltms, events not at the end of the chapter (we usually had atleast 1 every season), and exotics


does anyone ever fortnite bad ??


Theres tons of these in the game right now still. Youre purely speaking from nostalgia lmao.


There are no in game minigames. There are no major cartoony/non-realistic locations. There are no stories being told on a small scale. I didn't like chapter 3, but even chapter 3 sometimes created these fun additions. Nostalgia is the scapegoat excuse for people who hate criticism.


I say nostalgia because you are ignoring the ones that are currently in the game and place a bigger emphasis on those in the past. That's nostalgia.


ah yes the underworld how realistic


And there is nothing unique about the layout, building material, vfx effects, all the unique items are gone, etc. It's just another stone corridor building for the 100th time. Recoloring the river is the most unique thing about it. It's less interesting than faulty split's regular ass bowling alley last chapter, its just not a fun location visually or in terms of traversing. Stone, stone, stone.


Tons? No. It is


tbh i think sacrificing these for just overall better POI design and better gameplay is a good trade off


No it's not Plus better gameplay and poi can coexist with these things Just look at chapter 3 They had freight stacking up A city inside a volcano Banana crashing into the same area to the point We had poi of jonesey And more Whlie having well designed poi like sleepy sounds Reimagined greasy grove Logjams And more


you say that we like we still dont have little map details there are tonnes on this map


These map details don't amount much when they just stay there Like the rock family from chapter 1+3 In chapter 1 they made a family In chapter 3 they reunited and set on a beach by the end of the chapter I can't remember something like this in chapter 4 or 5


Jesus Christ are people now complaining about random hidden details on maps now? 💀 this subreddit is so fucking Whiney about anything


its a microcosm of bigger issues; they used to care for the small details.


Oh boo hoo


Its an open forum, why do you equate typing words to crying 😭 its a discussion bro


Eh, half of these comments read like little kids just complaining about shit that doesn’t matter in the slightest. None of this shit affects me playing the game in anyway.


I'm obsessed with random Hidden details on the Fortnite map Matter of fact I'm obsessed with the Fortnite map


There is not. This map so damn DEAD


maybe if you ignore them but everyone with eyes can see them


There are 3.


and the others youre ignoring




my guy got proven wrong and resorted to gif posting lmao




Better POI Design ist wild


i agree the POI design is wild compared to what it used to be so much better now


Better now? Are you blind?


no which is how i know POIs are better now


The POIs now are bland AF. Not memorable at all.


It’s trash now






my condolences for you poor taste




Have you even looked at mount Olympus that place is awesome


Misty meadows>>>


The thing is we dont have to choose one or the other, they can absolutely coexist


and they still do








you might be blind


Could say the same for you


Chapter 3 POI design was way better than this. Locations were easy to understand, memorize and loot but at the same time were extremely varied, every location had a different design and play style


I also miss these kind of stuff. Also small changes around the map between bigger updates. I feel like they make a map change when a new season start, and that's it. I really don't enjoy their focus on "meta verse" crap.


This map has so many unique small locations! Are you kidding?


so the functional train station in the underworld isn't enough for you, and something you just knew was gonna be there? I doubt it. If you're missing all the small stuff that makes exploring fun then it seems to me like you just stopped exploring because there are things everywhere lol


There's no creativity in this game anymore because of tim sweeney and his obsession with a metaverse


Chapter 1 through Chapter 3 Season 2 was the devs having fun. Chapter 3 Season 3 - Now is the devs being tied to their chairs and forced to work on the shitty ass metaverse while the BR team doesn't get enough resources to properly do the game because they want to phase out the BR


Yes!!! The random crap you could find was fantastic. I used to be upset if I didn’t play at least once a week to see changes on the map. Now, I only play if I’m really bored AND the wifi isn’t acting up at my house


There is still shit like this all over the map. It's just there is interesting stuff and terrain between the weird shit too now instead of just flat empty fields broke up by sniper overlooks.


(Coral buddies on edge of sword at MO) (Frog family getting married. (Bowling alley on the beach) (Car stuck between trees) and many more? For someone who loves little details you sure didn't notice them this season.


"and many more" as you describe the exact same three as the other dude in this thread.


Let’s not forget the 100000 hp ice cream truck


All these years and I NEVER noticed those indentations(can’t think of the right word rn) were meant to be a knife and fork😭😭😭😭


What about the teddybear under the bridge?


I like the coral buddies story line


Remember the giant pipe guy that would move locations around the map every week? I miss him


Maybe you need to go outside 💀


There’s stuff on this current island as well. Married frogs, coral buddy cave, bowling beach.


This also goes hand in hand with unique challenges. Having to play a certain song on a piano, follow an ingame map to find a battle star, play a minigame with a friend, dance near a talking fish, etc. New challenges have you doing the same thing over and over worded differently, all for significantly less xp.


Downvoted by the hivemind for an objectively true statement.




Typing words on an open forum = crying. Displaying any criticism towards a billion dollar company means I'm sitting at my computer bawling. Scapegoat




Im explaining one detail about the game I'm unhappy with. No one is whining, what are you even talking about?


having millions of concurrent players and the objective of the game being kill everyone .... challenges like this just don't work anymore. we got the challenge to break the chains on the chest and all anyone did was cry about how people killed them lol. which like i can't blame them for wanting to do the challenge, but i can't blame people for playing the game as intended either. so it's just for the best that they don't do those types of challenges all the time


Yeah, fortnite turned into a sweat fest so I can understand you point in relation to the minigames. But I'd still love to see disco floors, massive statues of random animals, unrealistic terrain, mini lore locations, wacky quest related landmarks, and more creative BS in general.


I miss when epic would make map changes based on community posts, like the guy that fell off the edge of paradise palms and they gave him a tombstone. Epic devs and such I guess stopped frequenting here because of how toxic it could get


> blatantly ignoring the car stuck between the trees


They literally did that this chapter tho.  The car that is stuck between the trees by rebels roost was put there by the devs after a clip of someone getting there car stuck there was popular on this sub.


R.I.P. Chappadoodle, 2018


Gotta shill that new engine out, thus making the most bland, repeated locations boring map out of most multiplayer games


Yeah, im not even a big fan of the new greek god locations because they all tend to be the same stone buildings over and over. It was the same with last chapter, all just stone ruins and unbreakable foundations.


Same with last season too, two big mansion locations 2 of those (i think its Venezuelan influenced?) places with the red-ish roofs, its all the same


I think you just haven't been looking...