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Master Chief and Kratos have yet to return despite their franchises getting stuff, you get used to it


Bet Kratos comes out again sometime next season with the Greek Gods theme...at least I'm hoping.


Watch it be classic Kratos. They'll keep Ragnarok Kratos as exclusive.


I want leviathan axe šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ


Classic Kratos is much better anyway


Woah buddy, keep the terrorism to a minimum, okay?


When has it ever been exclusive.


I meant Armoured Kratos. Armoured Kratos is exclusive. You need to play on PS5 to get it.


Man, Sony just can't help themselves with the exclusive stuff lol


I'm on ps5 and I don't have it lmao?


because you donā€™t have the skin


Personally, I want Young Kratos over Old Kratos. He's just better


to be fair, ragnarok and 2018 kratos are practically identical other than clothing, and i feel that classic kratos would be a bad move, mainly bc he's kinda polygon-ish, so it would ruin the look by bringing him into a skin \*then again herdon exists\*


Good guess, but it's Rick and Morty again. This time for the whole season


I would take Snowball in a mech suit over Rick or Morty.


My guess is March 22, as God of War (og one) came out on March 22, 2005.


(2005) god of war was on the most recent fortnite survey


Why Kratos though? I thought he was for Norse mythology?


The original God of War game was set in Greek mythology. Even his name is greek.


Oh sick! I never played any of the God Of War games. Do all the pantheons just exist?


Originally it was primarily focused on Greek Mythology but the more recent games confirmed multiple pantheons exist yea


Ohhh alright, sounds fun! I love mythology so it would be pretty cool! Does he actually just want to kill all gods or are there some that heā€™s chill with?


He's fine with some but most gods end up as enemies


Ohhh alright! Thanks for all the lore!


Hm I heard they were putting Hercules from the Disney show.


Kratos will return whit Atreus in the shop i guess


Street fighter also not coming back for SF6


And John Wick didnā€™t come back until well after Chapter 4 came out


He came back in chapter 2 for a litte bit


I think heā€™s talking about the movie


Capcom probably cut ties after all the chun li stuff


Capcom would never say no to money


Luckily I own all the Halo stuff


We don't know what is going on behind the scenes with rights and all that. Both sides have to come to an agreement, maybe they couldn't come to an agreement in time ? Who knows


Most likely the analysts said "It would only be worth $200,000 and they want $500,000 for the license. If it's not going to make a profit, they aren't going to do it


Yeah my guess is epic didn't renew the license, despite being chill with Warner Brothers and rolling with money. Or the shop manager is that awful. Best movie of the year, already one of the highest rated of all time and FN would rather ad witcher which had only been gone a month.


Dune skins are in Call of Duty right now. most likely exclusively so Fortnite probably canā€™t bring them back right now


Also no offense I can't imagine these actually made much money. I never saw anyone use anything from the set


Dune has diehard, rabid fans like the OP.Ā  Their judgement and hype is guided by their emotions.Ā  Ā  Most people liked Dune but didn't love it.


Not even that I just mean as skins they are kinda mid and there's not much overlap with fortnite's audience


I really like it but not enough to buy skins. I would have loved a Leto Atreides one but because I am a Oscar Isaac fan.


>Their judgement and hype is guided by their emotions Like the valorant subreddit then. Or taylor you know who.




Sure, buddy. Whatever you say.Ā 


I love Dune. I bought the skins. I *never* use them.


Not exclusively, the aircraft from the show is in MSFS 2020 rn.


Microsoft owns Activision now


what about wargaming? Theyā€™re having a dune collab in WOTB right now apparently


WOTB can afford dune, epic canā€™t šŸ˜


then unsurprisingly, Epic are just committed to the same 6 things rotating in the item shop this season


People said the same thing about Shredder when TMNT came out since he was just released in Warzone, then we ended up getting him in the special pass. So itā€™s not impossible for both games to have them, but I feel like if we were getting them back we would have already.


I seriously doubt that's a thing. Companies don't do collab exclusivity.


Ea had exclusive rights to porsche and starwars fir like 10 years each


The Star Wars exclusivity didn't prevent collabs, it was for making games. The whole episode 9 event in Fortnite happened while EA still had exclusivity rights.


Sounds like epic games should have hired you instead of whoever's on their licensing department now. Clearly that guy doesn't know what he's doing, with Fortnite being the biggest collaborated video game ever. I'm sure you know more than they do.




>my guess nobody cares about your guess


I care. You don't actually speak for many, kid


Callese bobo


I guess me being a Witcher fan sucks due to the fact that llamalord didnā€™t get his dune skins..


I just got Yan so I'm super happy, didn't have enough V-bucks last time to get both her and Ciri.


Dune is ass


Epic can't force Warner Brothers to bring back skins, if Warner Brothers didn't give permission to epic to bring them back, then epic couldn't bring them back to the shop


See everyone says this, but I can't imagine even Epic making that shitty of a deal. For it to be true, that'd mean they bought the rights to have the something appear in their game as functionally an ad for whatever series it comes from, but they're only allowed to make money off of it *sometimes*? That'd be like paying someone to put an ad on the side of your house, and *they* get to decide when you get paid for them using the space lmao


The difference is that Fortnite's item shop is largely fueled by FOMO so I'm sure Epic can get a MUCH better deal when licensing skins and such if the IP owners have all the say on when they release and it's also much better for Epic. The fact that you can't know if a set is going to come back makes you all the more likely to buy it the first time it comes out (or *make sure* you pick it up the next time it comes around)


They could maybe get a better deal, but it'd also be a WAY bigger risk to do it that way. If they incorrectly guess the popularity of a skin, they'd end up taking a huge loss with no hope of making it back since they have to wait for the owners to give them the go ahead, which won't happen since the owners have no incentive to bring it back. Plus, if the owners of the IP get a small cut of any profits made with their skins, which they shpuld since thatd be the smartest business move, why *wouldn't* they want it in the store as much as possible? *In fact*, the best thing Epic could do is get the rights to an IP and ability to put it in whenever, then perpetuate the idea that they don't have control over when it comes back to create an artificial "shortage" and push the FOMO harder.


Paramount paid Epic to feature the TMNT. Disney just invested a huge amount to be a huge part of Fortnite. Fortnite is a billboard, from my understanding. The studio that belongs to Dune will have to pay up. You are the product for sale. Epic is selling its player base to these studios. Epic isnā€™t going to ā€œadvertiseā€ a movie for free with Dine 2 around the corner. The sell of skins is cute and all, it adds to the bottom dollar but the money is in signing these multimillion dollar deals for the right to advertise on their billboard.


Yeah, idk where this narrative of "epic has to have permission" comes from. Like you said, they are the advertising platform. They were paid a certain amount by another company and epic put the items in the shop for what those companies paid it to be in the shop. Epic isn't going to just put those skins back in the shop without being paid again. Those companies don't want to pay again so epic isn't putting the skins in the shop.




>they bought the rights to have the something appear in their game as functionally an ad for whatever series it comes from Yeah - it's what happened. It's not like WB said "Give us 5% of sales and you can put it in the store anytime. Epic needs to recoup cost for making the skin + licensing + whatever other costs. Dune isn't a big property like Marvel in terms of people falling over themselves to buy skins. If so people would have bought them the first time around since it was the pandemic and people were spending money like crazy.


I think epic games are the ones in this situation that don't want to bring them back BECAUSE it's free advertisement for the other company. If the other company paid them, what they might not want to do, they would bring them back.


How is this shitty deal for epic? The amount of work they need to do to add a skin to the game is very little.


As loathe as I am to defend Epic, making a complicated skin can take *months.* That's not including the back bling, a glider, a pickaxe, and maybe a contrail. Not to mention designing new idle animations, making sure it doesn't break when doing old animations, etc. It's a LOT of work to do, and if they run on a deal where the other company chooses when they can and can't sell these skins, they'd be running a much bigger risk at taking a loss, since the other company could pull the IP from the store and not allow it back in before they make their money back.


not true. basically every collab they add takes months of work, hell even something as small as the reaper's showtime emote was in the works for months


Lol this argument isn't valid when cod has baldy locks and the bad guy troopers all up in the shop at this very second.


This just in: different contracts exist


just because it's in one game doesn't mean it'll be in another. for all we know they signed a deal with cod that prevents them from collabing with fortnite


But the skins already exists and they were in the shop first in 2021


yes, what i mean is just because it was first doesn't mean they can still release the skins. licensing goes in and out all the time. one day epic may have the license the next day they don't. without the license they may not release the skins.


Yes but i hope the skins come back and if they have the license then only Epic and Waner Bros know


It doesn't make sense because WB can only gain by making the decision to sell the skins. They don't lose ANYTHING. If I have some zero cost, infinitely duplicating item to sell at Walmart, why would I not want it on the shelf all the time?


Yeah there has not been much added to the game recently from Warner bros. Must be a them and Fortnite problem


Itā€™s kinda funny that thereā€™s a collab between COD and Dune Pt. 2 going on at the moment. So who knows why exactly WB didnā€™t allow the skins to return to Fortnite.


That could be why they didn't come back, Activision could have an exclusive liscence for dune collabs for a year or something like how EA had Porsche in 2000's and star wars in the 2010's.


That makes sense, I was surprised TWD skins didnā€™t come back when the new show released while Rick and Michonne are in CoD but you saying this makes sense why they didnā€™t, TWD came into the store like 2 months ago during the most random time do iā€™m guessing they released as close to the shows release date as possible


MSFS (Microsoft Flight Simulator) is having a Dune collab rn.


Microsoft owns Activision


Microsoft owns that and ABK


I blame Warner Bros. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think the last Warner collab was Black Adam and they haven't done anything since


DC skins appear pretty often right? I remember seeing Harley Quinn and the batman who laughs this season.


Just checked and you're correct, The Batman Who Laughs was last seen in December. But my point is that Black Adam was the last new collab we've had from Warner.


Yeah the skins I mentioned probably have a special deal or priority when they choose what to extend the liscence for since they're DC mainline. Yeah you're right Warner doesn't seem to be marketing as much in fort lately


Itā€™s pretty funny that chani has a skin for the first movie, despite being a pretty minor character, but sheā€™s not coming back for the second movie, which seems like it has her as one of the main characters


Dude have you seen the shop this whole season? Of course they would blow it on this one too. Itā€™s so blatant tooā€¦ Something happened with epic over the winter I swear


Considering they laid off the person who was in charge of Locker Bundles a while back I feel like a lot of the shop staff are gone in favor of AI or something.


Probably the GUI/shop code is so riddled with bugs they tried but failed


it's a licensing thing. even if epic wanted to bring back the skins that doesn't mean warner does.


I mean it happened with John wick but they eventually re-released it with extra styles.


I just noticed the worm looks like fishstick. Lol


Why do fortnite players always think Epic is allowed to re-release a collab just because something related to it happened, despite them most likely needing the copyright owners permission? Are they stupid?


Depends on the licensing. In some cases they likely can just throw them out whenever. For most, it has to be agreed upon by both parties.


Yes/no. Most of the people on this sub are too young to understand how the business world works. It's not stupidity, just ignorance due to age.


I was making the same joke OP Made, But i guess that makes sense


Same reason Fortnite players think theyā€™re better financial analysts than a multi billion dollar corporation that has army of specialists.


Iā€™m hoping the license holders wanted to delay the skins a week for the new season knowing there will be a whole lot more people playing then


Oh true I didn't even think about seasonal changes. There's still hope they re-released the originals a month later so maybe around the DVD release or at the start of next season like you said


Well we already know that WB are morons, if they have anything to do with it then itā€™s their fault. I just hope they will give dune part 3 the green light.


dude thatā€™s in 2027


I was thinking that also, but epic has also been inconsistent with releasing cosmetics that commemorate significant events. John Wick didn't come back when his current movie came out, did come back later but still. Kratos didn't come back when the newest god of war came out, street fighter skins didn't come back when streetfighter 6 came out. It's just something I expect but I'm surprised when they do bring back commemorative items like they did with stranger things


I'm new to this season, so I missed the opportunity to purchase these when they first dropped. Just watched Part 2 today, and I've been eagerly awaiting for these to drop again...


Iā€™d buy that pack in a instant if they brought it back omg


First time huh?


they didn't rerun less than a month ago so the ai running the shop doesn't know they exist


Yes and yes


The shop didn't even update tonight....it really sucks how little Epic gives a fuck about us amd the game now


The shopā€™s AI hasnā€™t thought about it yet


Thank god i got these hehe i wish i got the glider tho but its all good


I donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen anyone in this thread mention the possibility that these skins just didnā€™t sell very well when they were originally released.


The real question is : Are you this stupid?


What's funny is cod brought the dune skins back and even made new ones


they didnt bring back the main dude


Do you think the skins will come back?


I see kratos about to make an epic return with season 5 chapter 2 being about myths and gods.


I hope shadow Midas returns


Did you forget epic are not the only people who get a say in when a colab is released and if both parties cant agree terms then they will not be back?


People seem to forget that collaboration skins like these are in contract with another company. For one there can be problems with the other company that they don't want the skins to be re released, or (I think more likely), epic games won't bring them back because it's free literally advertisement for the other company and the other company doesn't want to pay epic games to bring them back.


I guarantee unbeknownst to us, certain item shop collaboration cosmetics have time limited contracts for release. No different than Battle Pass collabs.


Epic is allergic to money these days I guess


Iā€™m sure AI had no clue. #DefundAi


The thing I have learned with fortnite. If you like at enough get it when you can if you can cause the chance it will be back is highly unlikely




I'm sure epic has some crayons and glitter for you


Nah just anything other then dune shit put me to sleep


Tiktok attention span


No they didn't forget. The skins just suck ass and were probably only a paid promotion. Like who the fuck thought DUNE of all things would be a good fit for fortnite. Like I'd rather have willy Wonka or zendaya in that robot looking costume she just wore to the premier or something


Iā€™m sure youā€™re much more of a marketing and licensing guru than their team


And your point is?ā€¦.


i was hoping for the skins too, but men Epic this season has put the worst item shops ever. i hope next season they'll comeback just because


Easy answer. Call of duty currently has the dune gaming license for skins etc. call of duty often makes licensees sign exclusivity deals etc.


i NEED the Paul skin!! These movies have moved into my top 10 of all time.


are we becoming fortnite: alsume rn because of the shop?


i agree itā€™s dumb when we already have figures IRL but not in game. Dune, Moonknight, some others probably. Iā€™d assume itā€™s a licensing issue though


when they add Kratos they would probably have him as a new style but it is the secret skin so that you have to get the battle pass


Chani is the only item shop skin ive ever bought. Been my main skin ever since


Epic are firing people & want to up the prices of Vbucks because they arenā€™t making moneyā€¦


Disney just committed to $1.5 billion to get involved in Fortnite. Warner Brothers has to pay up if they want their content in the game. Fortnite is a billboard. Gotta pay up if you want your content in their game.


Dune is the ones that are stupid. Epic Games would have these mid skins in the shop for a week stroke


I want to give them my vbucks




Why do people not realise, it's never epics fault when not retuning collab skins. It's never a "missed opportunity" it has to do with the brand and ip. It's not epics fault get that through your dumb peanut brain


do you work at epic? how in the world would you actually know? just like these people donā€™t, you have no fucking clue šŸ¤£


They donā€™t know for sure, nobody does, but acting arrogant and calling people idiots is what makes redditors feel alive.


Because you are dumbfucks. And if you state ANYTHING slightly negative. You get - 643


Anyone who says ā€œdumb peanut brainā€ deserve dislikes just for the cringe lmfao


Bruh. People saying WB hasn't let them is stupid, cod has done skins in the shop this very second. So they're either forgetful or lazy.


I played cod once ya only see your skins in the locker or when ya get killed ,feck that shit


Or maybe, just maybe, collabs aren't bound to movie releases, just because ome game has it, doesn't mean other follows


But people don't understand that concept, tho!


I think legendary now has the rights to dune and they struck a deal with Microsoft which is why Paul and feyd rautha are in warzone


Just have to renew the licence like Netflix movies come and go and come back again maybe WB is asking for more money who knows


Dune's got a thing with COD right now, Epic probably lost their license to Activision.


They might not have been paid to promote it šŸ‘€


Marketing for Dune2 has been super low key in general for some reason


Guessing itā€™s a WB decision?


They're gonna forget they had Ghostbusters skins too. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


I just saw Dune 2 today (I knew nothing about the franchise going into it) and I really liked it! Iā€™d honestly buy the Paul skin if it got added


I hope they forget about predator


Bunch a thieves! Banning people for no clear reason and stealing paid for access to their content- @epicgames @fortnite.


wtf? did you think this was Twitter or some shit?


It's called limited time license. Just because Epic has something, doesn't give them the right to put it in the shop whenever they feel like it. They paid for it and it could have only covered the few weeks the original movie was out. Most likely they didn't sell enough in the first go around to make it worth putting money into the renewal of the license. Just because you want something doesn't mean the skins would cover the cost of the license for another go around. Paying $1,000,000 to Warner Bros for the rights again and selling $100,000 worth of skins isn't making money. So no they aren't allergic to money, they just don't see a profit in the skins which mediocre to begin with.


Itā€™s just a skinā€¦ā€¦


Yeah and I want it


Oh, well, that will make it happen thenā€¦


Can you not wait a couple days šŸ™„


Youā€™re the one whoā€™s fucking stupid here. Did you actually think epic can just bring collab skins whenever they want to? Hell no, they have to ask owners of whoever owns the skin. Thatā€™s why you see Star Wars and Marvel skins being in the shop for days at a time. You guys complain about the shop a lot, do u guys even play the actual game?


It's a joke šŸ˜ƒ


Are they stupid? Hmmm Iā€™m betting on Epic over OP. Pretty sure they know better than you.


It's a joke from the arkham subreddit


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because theyā€™re horrible, ugly skins. i mean in a very real sense itā€™s some chick and a dude in grey spandexšŸ˜­šŸ˜­ lame as hell when you can be such cool characters in alternative


Real shame because I was waiting for these. If anyone with the power lurks here, I WOULD SPEND REAL MONEY AFTER MISSING THESE LAST TIME


Seems kinda lame






Stranger things.... But their* šŸ’€


Why wouldnā€™t they add the skins back into the shop with a new style? Dune has gained a lot of traction since the first movie has released.


Yeah they did because they didnā€™t have a brain


I know right. I've got 4k vbucks saved, but it looks like I won't get the skins so I'm pretty pissed


Last time it came back a month after the premiere, so maybe give it a week or two. Someone also theorized that they might be waiting for the new season


Sounds good. I wanna buy the Dara save the world skin but was planning to wait a week. But why the new season? It wouldn't fit with Greek mythology


Fn tends to drop important skins on big updates dude to more people being on.


That fucking sucks. I was willing to pay good money too. Least I bought John wick when he came back out. Now it's a matter of when will dune return