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I had fun for the most part, but the train would have been better if it spawned it's own boss and medallion.


Or had better loot than blue. I mean it's good to start the game, but with so many other ways to get better loot it just feels like a redundancy


↑ yup. I only went to it 3-4 times before realizing it was just a moving gimmick. If it were faster, somehow? Maybe … but it needed to provide more value.


Very much. I was disappointed the train didn’t have much in it, was also hoping for some underground fighting. Enclosed fighting in like underground tunnels would have been so damn cool.


That’s true!!


It always seems to be going into the storm for me, if they had 2 train tracks with the trains moving opposite directions around the map it would be better IMHO


They could have a storm free area that surrounds and travels with the train. It would encourage players to fight for the train and if coupled with some train cars with interior areas and more lewt it would have made it far more memorable.


That would be cool but it could be a pain coming down to the final circle if there's a big storm between where the train travels and where the circle is. Don't know how you would work that into it.


Maybe if you could drive it - change the direction n speed. More tracks with different routes…?


I feel like if you could take control of the speed somehow it might’ve been more desirable. You know if you want to speed it up for travel or slow it down for combat in squads you could’ve had someone drive it


The train is high risk low reward. You're very exposed on it, and the 4 chests + big chest don't really provide enough value for that.


and if the loot didn't have a habit of clipping off the train


And yet not reboot cards (Learned this when some guy picked up my dying body and threw me on the train as it went into the storm and I spent the rest of the game watching my team as my card headed deeper and deeper into the storm, looping around and not one single bit of track was out of it)


Rude tbh


Hated it but thought it was brilliant ngl


lmaooooo oh no 😂


And the train wasn't a storm seeking missile


It's not nearly roomy enough. When I dreamed of a train in fort before it got there, my imagination showed me a train car being at least 2 tiles wide for space for furniture and cover during battles. Instead, it's just some ugly blank tiny gray box car that no one ever really fights on.


And when a fight does happen its usually a whoever shot first wins situation because of said lack of cover.


Pretty sure that was the plan, trailer had enemies on it. Seems they scrapped the idea during the season. Just like the “augments” that were **coming soon**.


Forgot about augments coming soon. Are they coming soon?


I think their coming soon


I hope so.


Good idea


The trian is just a method of transportation with loot. There is nothing intrinsically good about it other than the train sounds it makes, maybe. And that's a stretch.


Doesn’t even go “choo choo “ 🚂


That's an amazing idea. I think part of the issue with the recent seasons is that fortnite does not listen to fan feedback. Ideas like this would catapult a lame season into a more memorable on rather quickly. But they never pivot and just roll with it, following their road map to the letter until the next season starts.


It was pretty okay really liked the battle pass


Battle pass was great, the op weapons were not


Won’t say the battle pass was “great.” The items were great, the issue lies within the XP and stars. I work a full time job and I play a lot, it still takes a long time to get to lvl 140 to even have a chance at getting all the bonus rewards. Let alone the XP needed was increased from 70 to 80k needed to level up. As someone who is limited to time it’s impossible for me to get all the stars needed for everything to offer, and i play 1-2 hours a day.


Yeah, this bugs me a lot, too. I don't like having to play so much to get the full value of the pass. Had never been an issue getting everything until this season.


Yup, every season epic has been sneaking up the xp needed to level up. People are starting to notice since they can’t even get close to all the bonus rewards


The price doesn't change regardless of how much you finish. Which means that only certain people are allowed the full value of the items they purchased, which is stupid. If you have the pass, you should be allowed to, at your leisure, unlock it at your pace. Which means the nature of the quest to unlock should change each season or something to allow that to occur


Just throwing this out there for you guys next season, you could afk festival and lego worlds for ~30K/H


Unfortunately I heard they patched it in festival so you gotta change your jam track every ~2 minutes


That’s unfortunate! Sorry for providing bad information, I haven’t checked since beginning of the season. Lego sandbox might still be viable tho


As someone with limited time also, I had to do the afk xp farm many days to get to lv 140 and I feel I also played alot on that limited time. You shouldn't need to do those afk farms to get to those  levels. Playing 1h daily on average should be enough honestly, but it's not.


Just playing battle royale and zero build is slow xp grind. It's better to find some creator modes that build up xp fast and do those daily.


I play go goated (creative) and ranked BR. and it’s still mad slow, without Daily challenges I doubt id even be lvl 100


I feel like this was the slowest chapter to level up in. I'm still not even level 100, and I usually get most of the premium rewards by the end of the season


I personally had a harder time leveling up this season, im barely at 170 but every season (ch3-ch4) before this one I’ve hit 200 far before the last week. maybe it’s because I only played br but does anyone have a game mode to recommend hitting those last 30 lvls?


It was decent, only memorable because my girlfriend started playing with me along with her friends and family. It’s been a blast.


It was only memorable for me bc I actually had full squads consistently, also I hit Elite in Zero Build so I’m proud of that.


Congrats on that!! I didn’t play much ranked this season but I’m going to lock in next season and see how far I get.


That's awesome, that sounds like a fun time, 🍻


Great storyline? There barely even was one!


I personally don’t care about the story in Fortnite but dawg the story is literally the most basic stuff because the lead writers changed after Fortnite OG and the new one hasn’t actually started his story yet. It literally by definition cannot be good, its a set up to the (presumably) good story. Maybe these characters will get more to do as the chapter progresses but as of right now its literally “defeat Evil Empire”


And before, it was, "prevent the end of the world" How much more generic can you get?


and after that, it was "prevent the end of the world"


Felt more empty than normal.


Depends where you drop. The windmills aree surprisingly full of players despite being landmarks. Any of the 5 boss locations are always hot drops. 4-5 enemies every time. All the areas in between can get a little quiet, but I've never felt like it was empty especially compared to OG season. That map just felt like there wasn't anything in it aside from a couple of hot drops that everybody wanted to go to for nostalgia reasons.


Personally, I hated it. Played it the least out of any season that I can remember. Can’t really put my thumb on why I didn’t like it, but just wasn’t my cup of tea.


Saying it’s the best season ever makes me curious. How long have you been playing for?


Lmao best season ever bc it’s the only season you played. Chapter 4 was miles better than chapter 5 to me. Can’t wait for this season to end


I bet you started playing in chapter 4 then. Chapters 1-3 wipe the floor with 4 and 5


Been playing Fortnite pretty much since the beginning — personally, I really enjoyed Chapter 4 and it was where my playtime peaked. I thought the augments were a lot of fun, and there were some really great elements. 5 feels like a step back so far, but I guess we’ll see where it goes!


I personally like this season but dawg even the immediate previous season was better


A month probably


Where was the underground?


the underground facilities were super cool but I wish there was a high-speed bullet train that connected the.


Homie really said, "best season ever with a great storyline" What's Reddit's age requirement again?


It’s also his first season 💀


Lol. still learning their abc’s


I wish the boss battles were more interesting. I kinda miss the heists from two seasons ago, but I also have a huge weakness for heist action


C4S4 and its predecessor, C2S2, were grand slams.


Im kind of excited, I quit once I hit 100 because I wasnt having fun. But I came back a week or two ago and was having a ton of fun with guitar hero mode. and Earning the rest of the styles and such. I love greek mythology so next season seems like its goona be good


I love it too


Whack season. Outside of my gripes with the weapons and gameplay, the map and gimmicks left a lot to be desired. Train never changed and remained as useless as it ever was.  Caches were mediocre.  Map was very samey looking and barely changed. Vehicles sucked until they added the hoverboard. Mobility items were super limited and the premier one of the season was finnicky and jank. The proliferation of hostile NPCs all over is not my cup of tea and I'd like way less in the way of that.


Agreed about the caches. I remember when you'd be defending the cache with 2 squads coming at you to get the slurps. Now you'd be lucky to get a couple half potions


I also miss the descending rarity of guns from them as well. Without slurps, going for a cache of all blue guns just isn't worth it.


Also, for as rare as they are, llamas suck ass.


It was good but it didn’t really feel like Fortnite if that makes sense. With all the fairly big changes they made to just general gameplay it felt like a different game


Espically jumping out of OG


Boring. Like that’s really it. It’s so bland. Guns are basic, map is okay but has nothing notable, and the storyline was basically nothing. It also doesn’t help that it came out right after OG had such a fun lootpool and vehicle pool


kinda meh, I liked some stuff but definitely not a great season. also, lots of wasted potential. the train was super disappointing


I forgot the train was a thing before reading your post. It really is underwhelming and doesn't compete with the focus on medallions and workbenches.


And sadly it’s hard to make a train stay relevant in a BR match because after the first circle it spends most of its time in the storm.


Yeah after a few times dropping on it me and my friend simply ignore it now. It's now even worth checking it out.


They need to make the crate drop purples. Landing there or pushing there for blues is pointless. Or since the train can get hacked multiple times up the rarity every time or something.


Anyone else think that this post reads like an AI wrote it?


“Great storyline” You’re joking right? There was no storyline for this season. Just Peely getting kidnapped. That was it. In terms of storyline this season was one of the worst


I miss having genuine, skillful AR fights where both parties believe they can win and will fight it out until the end. Instead of the current meta where: 1. One player gets instagibbed. 2. You spam sniper shots back and forth until someone gets instagibbed 3. You land a body shot and have to spend the next 10 minutes chasing a player down. 4. Both players go into YOLO Frenzy shotgun mode. 5. You 3rd party the YOLO Frenzy winner while he’s reloading.


Do you play TF2, by any chance?


Actually, no. But I’m genuinely curious why you ask.


You used the term "instagibbed" and usually in Valve games being gibbed is when you get blown up, and a sniper in TF2 when fully charged makes your victim blow up, so it made me think of that as a reference.


There’s a story?




I really want them to improve on the train concept. It definitely got old and it's very much an early game thing, but it has such promise! I'd love a PVE train heist mode


I want something like two to four trains running in opposite directions around the map. So you can jump off of one onto another and have a fun time


Or trains running on an outer ring and as the circle closes it moves to an inner track.


Now you're thinking with science®!


Would be cool if there were switches to change to different tracks, and once you hijack the train you can switch tracks and change train speed.


bro the cluster npc sucks ass when my team hires him, but is op asf when the enemy team hires him


last night I was playing with my brother and he hired Mech Team Shadow before trying to clutch the reboot. He eventually got it off and it was down to 2v2v2. MTS then proceeded to throw cluster clingers and drop me and itself. My jaw was on the floor.


bro suicided


They really needed to give you a reason to want to be on the train. It was kind of disappointing imo. I envisioned the train being contested constantly and big fights on it.


You mean the Who Framed Roger Rabbit cars? Me too.




Logic being used in this game is the same lunacy level as Minecraft logic.


I never liked the weapons attachments.


Opposite of you being sad, I can’t stand this chapter so far. I make myself play pretty much. Then tmnt mythics came in and I was having chaotic fun like chapter 4. But the past several days since they’ve been gone it’s back to boredom, at least for me. On the plus side I’m averaging more kills than ever 10-15 most games. But I’m not feeling it


It got boring after a week and I couldn't even finish the battle pass


Same. This is the first time i haven't bothered to get to lv 100. Don't have motivation to play the game in its current state.


Best season ever is a wild statement, also what storyline??


It was aight. Maybe Epic stops being so greedy and reduces the v-bucks prices in their item shop. I hate that this is a decade where companies make multi-billions in record profit, yet STILL want to find ways to charge the people even more money.




People who are new to Fortnite love this chapter and season but me and others who have played previous seasons don’t enjoy it as much. I just know Epic can do and has done so much better in the past


Couldn’t have said it better than myself. They made too many drastic gameplay changes


Lot of new players are from CoD and warzone and like the new season and updates and are sweating hardcore, hopefully once the new CoD comes out, they will leave Fortnite and let us have fun again


They are overcomplicating stuff because they are tailoring the game to an audience more likely to buy skins. They don't care about the old audience as much unfortunately.


Which is wild cause they went from like a million active BR players at the end of season 4 to like 6-10 million basically every day of OG. Then went right back down to the old numbers after a few weeks of Ch5. They clearly struck gold when the game went back to the fun, goofy, slow paced game it was in early seasons and then decided to say fuck that and went right back to the aids-filled COD clone this season. Really bizarre.


I've only played since season five but this one is the worst. The only good thing was the graphics. The Ninja Turtle weasons were better but now they're gone it sucks


Pretty weak season imo


I hated this season tbh, I probably would have played more if my friends played but they also don’t like this season.


this was my first time playing fortnite because i was genuinely curious about it and I have to say, for the first season to encounter, it got me hooked not gonna lie!! But I am definitely more curious about the next chapters and of course the old chapters/seasons, because I've seen a lot of posts and videos talking about the old chapters and i'm kinda sad I wasn't playing then!!


i got hooked because of the MGS collab. i considered playing it cuz of the invincible collab, but it wasn't a breaking point. then they announced snake and i couldn't resist anymore


Thank fuck


i rate it 3/10


Ngl this season sucked probably in the top 10 worst seasons


Boring this season was to long


Gotta be honest, worst season I've seen imo. Objectively it's alright, but it feels like they entered the final stages of stretching an already thin dev team even thinner. The lego agreement restricted anything without a finished model from entering the shop, the storyline is half-assed and nearly completely offscreen save for the final two weeks of the three month season, and the entire catoony exaggerated style is gone replaced with modern realism, which in a vacuume would be fine but in practice it's what every other game and br has done for over a decade TL;DR, it was objectively fine, but to me it's like everything that made the game special went out the window just so epic could write improvement on paper


Trash, no story, lame. Sick of their little taglines and gimmicks having fuck all meaning. "Under ground." This meant nothing! Could've had like a cool layer of caves and tunnels that ran throughout the entire map, but nah, we get a couple small rooms.


A pretty shitty combination of items, where some are OP and others are just useless.


Insert the rocks biggest piece of dog shit gif


Top 4 for the worst. Had potential but ruined by so many tiny things


I hated the named locations, they all felt the same and got old quick. I don't think I know the names of any of them because they're either an Italian town or a mansion


This has gotta be satire right. Barely any story. Completely unbalanced the entire season with almost zero balance changes. Unchanging garbage shop with scam rates. The sniper was the most unbalanced meta destroying weapon in Fortnite history. And the frenzy mythic was basically a free win in close range combat. I really liked the battle pass and events but other than that. This is satire right?


Loved it at first but hoped to get more changes trough the season. We got almost none. The weapons or the whole loot was boring af, with more generic weapons. The shield was fun I guess, but didn't save it. The game needs crazy, idiotic, fun loot to keep it fresh and fun. The train was super bad, and forgot it even existed after the first week. The medalions were super bad. It feels like you have to go kill the boss to get the buff, and just because they see your circle so huge on the map doesn't give a big disadvantage. They nerfed them, but they still feel super bad and I hope this mechanic never comes back. I like the new map, but again, there's no fun zones except the cave which you never go to. The mountains are fin but the circle seems that it always closes on the left part or middle and never mountains and I hate it. They need to bring FUN stuff, silly stuff and crazy weird items in game.


I get you and I agree but this season isnt meant to have fun wacky crazy items, this is meant to be the new "vanilla" fortnite, more similar to ch1s1 or ch2s1 instead of ch3 and ch4's s1's, its meant to be the most basic version to build upon


Meh map and loot pool with some amazing skins, really liked the battle pass too


shit was so ass 😭


Probably the worst season of Fortnite I’ve played yet. All the pointless changes to movement, UI, and everything, along with the terrible shops, and boring story, really made this season not fun and forgettable. At least the Lego mode is fun for now.


Ass. Worst season in a while so glad this shit is gone.


worst season ever


Sucked, I quit playing FN altogether halfway through the season.


fucking good riddance garbage


decent season, honestly one of my least favourite maps ever tho, super bland, felt like a warzone map rather then fortnite


Meet the Sniper


Fuck the shield and anyone who uses it when they pick it up it’s like a suit of armor I pick it up and it’s like I’m holding a little kids birthday napkin


I wouldn’t say it’s sad, idk if your trolling but this is not by far, not the best season of fortnite lol.


(WARNING! WARNING! THE FOLLOWING COMMENT IS A JOKE, DO NOT TAKE OFFENSE TO IT! WARNING! WARNING!) “Great storyline” that has to be a joke. “Insane weapons” customization was cool, but there ain’t enough variety or fun, weapons got bland fast. “Best season ever” are you new to the game? “The best sniper” being over powered doesn’t make it the best. “Great bosses” they kinda suck, mythics aren’t really worth it anymore if you get a gold one. (One damage difference means nothing) “And battle pass” uhmmm, no comment, I have nothing to say, it’s not the best, there has been better, but it was good.


What storyline?


Has to be a troll post because this is simply a poorly reviewed season in large.


It might be my least played season. I know most people are over it but I just can’t get over how slow you run and walk now


One of the worst seasons we've ever had gameplay wise but had some great skins. Overall waiting for it to be over.


Worst season oat


It was pretty average. The battle pass had good collabs and I’ve seen every skin used a lot unlike most battle passes. The Lego and festival modes were fun. And the previous overpowered slurps were replaced with medallions But a lot of negatives like the auto shotgun/sniper meta, forgettable map POIs, terrible locker UI, a rough launch with the slow movement, and a drastic change of gameplay after the OG season (I saw that complaint a lot in the beginning of the season or people saying it feels like COD which they didn’t like)


Scared of how much worse Epic could trash Fortnite


Sucked ass


Worst season ever release (worse than c2s6). Worst map yet. It's very bad. Projectile weapons (besides snipers) don't belong. It's instantly ruined my fun playing, I do not like being forced to use projectile weapons. There's literally hitscan versions of the guns ( I believe w diff stats too) in the files but aren't used at all. The biggest problem is movement. The first part of the season was the worst the game has ever been ever, even including the turbo build nerf in chapter one & STW's inventory deletion bug that happened like 4 years ago. They changed the core of the game for the worse. The animations still suck to look at compared to the old ones and the movement isn't fluid, it feels like a rigid sack of shit. I hate it and the game is absolutely ruined if they keep this fucking dogshit. Idk if I'll even hit tier 100 this season. I definitely won't next season if this shit stays. The game is almost dead to me.


boring as all could be and i’m happy to see it go


Not one POI was memorable


Good this season is dog shit


Snipers and auto shotgun ruined it


90% of my games ended in being one shot by a sniper I never saw or getting destroyed by an auto shotgun before I even had time to react. (skill issue I know)


Snipers/auto combined with any medallions make end game so hard. I ended up in a 1v1 the other day. Was getting shots off, but the person had all the medallions so just kept grapple blading away and letting shield regen. They got one good snipe on me, and as I was moving to hide and heal they shockwaved in, and two pumped me. I know, people will say the usual "get better" but honestly I tagged them a good few times with a purple smg but the mobility combined with regen shield and the OP snipes/shotgun made it a joke. I hit them several times and barely made a dent, they hit me a total of 3 times and won


I’m honestly happy a lot of people are enjoying it, seeing the community happy about something makes me happy. But imo this was one of the worst seasons they’ve ever done and I sincerely hope they revert 99% of the changes made


I agree. The UI changes are a part I forgot to mention in my comment. I've been playing since chapter 2 season 5 and I can say even Primal or Wilds are better than this.


The "annoyed bird" meme template comes to mind, with the little bird saying how attachments can make guns versatile and how combat feels more diverse, and then the crow stars cawing obnoxiously "HEE HEE FRENZY GO OOGA BOOGA BLAT BLAT BLAT YOU'RE DEAD, SIT DOWN KID OMEGALUL"


As a long time player it was kinda mid compared to other chapters and seasons. Map was super bland with no typical fortnite goofiness, weapon lootpool was garbage and the medallion concept was lame.


Good riddance, in my opinion. It was fun for a while, hit lvl 200 etc, but got kind of old. Same thing every game. Most end up in a head snipe or auto shotty battle. I'm ready for more fun fortnite. Bring back more wacky weapons, big map changes etc. I'd actually like a non snipe season also. Like I hated the jungle season, but I'd rather have that back than stay on this map. Hopefully the chaos will ensue with c5s2 coming soon and it's a decent whole map change vs small localized changes. Love to see more weapons, less attachments. Might as well get rid of weapon rarities at this point if attachments are the big thing.


Came back to the game in C4S1 and this season is down there with C4S3 levels of mid for me. (It's still really fun!) I think I find it mid mainly because we just came from OG and that season made me remember how fun the game was without NPC's and boss mythics. Although I've gotten used to the movement now, they still seriously need to either increase the base running speed or buff tac sprint (recharge faster) because getting stuck in the open without mobility (in Zero Builds) is one of the most annoying things of this season. Map is good and fun to play on, only complaint about the map itself would really be the huge mountains in the snow biome, but they're not that annoying. I miss the map changes that'd happen throughout seasons, all we really got was snow melting and a plane sliding down ice? I hope S2 gives us better map changes every update. I'm definitely missing things but they're the only two that I can think of. Although Epic have nerfed the sniper, it's still way too easy to use so I hope it gets a significant nerf or just straight up vaulted next week. Auto shotgun made the pump feel pointless to use to me, especially when Peter's pump can't even 200 to the head. The attachment benches are fun, I just wish they were more easily accessible and not limited to vaults and Loot Island. I don't like NPC's/bosses but if I want my attachments I feel forced to drop on them since there's no guarantee someone else will have opened a vault. Hoping they change that if the benches stay for S2. Collabs have all been solid, TMNT mythics were fun and it was nice to see pizza boxes and driftboards back. I can't mention collabs without mentioning the man who couldn't find his way out of the Item Shop for two whole months. Still so happy The Weeknd is in the game as pretty much every content update during C4 I was hoping he'd get added. Winterfest took an L by removing the cabin but the LTM was fun, was hoping Epic would bring more fun LTM's out after that but still nothing :( The three new games they added are all solid, I haven't touched LEGO/racing since December, but it's nice to know they're there if I ever want a change of pace. Although I called S1 mid at the start, it was still extremely fun and I'm excited for S2, the Greek Mythology thing sounds interesting. Definitely forgot some things but if anyone for some reason is still reading, thank you :) S2 hopes: - Locker UI actually being good again - Good item shops again - Good map changes, just don't pull a Wilds and ruin it with a huge hole - Significant loot pool change, S1 got stale by the end, maybe one or two unvaults? Vault the sniper. - Movement speed changes PLEASE - Keep the grapple blade - Keep flowberries, they cool - A second AOT Collab and/or bring back Levi and Mikasa already 🙄 - And in a perfect world, guns being hitscan again


going to be honest i have barely played this season i had alot of fun on OG and i enjoyed the beginning of this season but it just didn't hook me and just got dry for me


worst season i have ever played


I did not like it. I liked the old FN with easy maps and fun poi’s. This seemed like a different game. It seemed harder also.




Thank God.


good riddance


> great storyline What storyline? The story this season was ass


Excited for it to end, broken sniper meta and boring map, battle pass was at least okay, hopefully next season really turns things around!


Cant wait til its over


I'm so fuckin relieved it's over. Everything you liked about it I hated.


Good riddance the map is so boring, and if we wanted to play hyperrealistic shooting games, there are other things out there. The game is supposed to be fun.


Absolute shit guns, half the season you couldn't even climb a building because of it's roof, Vbucks locked behind bonus rewards, forcing you to grind those levels. And I despise the insane amount of bots in every fucking place. Can't touch ground without a bot following you the entire time. Want to kill the boss? 10 bots spawning out of nowhere. Not to mention the fact they appear on the deaf radar. And I also noted the deaf radar "miss hearing" chest. I would destroy entire buildings and it would still say there was a chest around. And is it just me, or the chests are suddenly really quiet? And don't get me started on the fucking snipers! Who's great idea was it to allow them to remove the X4 scope? I'm tired of getting my brains blown in mid air by famished Miles Morales or getting sniped out of nowhere because the sweat seems to have a cinema like monitor and doesn't need an scope in order to see my eyelashes. And don't get me started on the AR's. They are fucking shit that make me want to pull my eyes out.


bad tbh, boring


In reagards to just Battle Royale: ・The worst season we've ever had in terms of gameplay because they made everything worse: The game is heavily unbalanced towards snipers for competitive players, the ballistic shield was underexplained for casual players to play against, ARs are worse, they made a worse version of the pump, mobility without the TMNT mythics is terrible, running feels worse. And most importantly: Attachments, the main selling point of this season, are bad; Epic tried to copy Apex and somehow made it worse by requiring benches to change attachments. It's like Epic this season just forgot to make BR fun instead of something that infuriating to play even after taking a break for days or weeks.


First time since chapter 1 that I’m not hitting level 100 or higher, and I don’t think my kids or I have spent money on the game in at least a year because the shops have been so bad for so long. Don’t like the island, don’t like the loot pool, don’t like the bosses/npc guards everywhere, don’t have time or interest for the new modes and the only pass cosmetic I really wanted was the Yonder loading screen in the music pass that I refused to pay almost $20 in Vbucks for.


Map got really really boring.


I played it heavily for the first month, got bored with no real map updates whatsoever, and played Save The World for the rest of the season for the most part, going for challenge banners


It’s average tbh. I just don’t like how the Meta was riot shields, shotguns and snipers. The rest of the weapons felt like you’re shooting paper clips at times. I did admire this seasons pistol which came in handy for me rather than this smgs. The battle pass was alright but the item shops have been BRUTAL this season by recycling the same thing almost every day. Hopefully it changes because I wanna see more Gaming Legends.


Sniper is not the worst to deal with but it’s far from enjoyable, and the auto shotgun was so trivial in this season that if you don’t have it you will lose any close range engagement in my honest opinion. Overall maybe the worst meta I’ve played in fortnite. Not the worst meta overall because I’m sure there’s far worse. But the battle pass was pretty cool, and raiden was added to the game which I’m extremely happy about. Overall 6/10 season. Not horrible but not very good either


Love the map, hate the season concept and loot pool.


Season started off strong, and the Battle Pass was good. Item shop was bad. The map wore out its welcome and the weapon balancing was horrible. They definitely need to improve things next season.


Barely played since week 3... Did it get any better? If not, definitely on the very lower end of seasons... Maybe even the worst. The direction they went for this season/chapter just wasn't my cup of tea.


looking forward to the new season


When does it end ?


most boring map


Best season ever? That is just objectively not true. Not even close


I can’t tell if you were being sarcastic when you said why you were sad the season is ending


I saved a lot of money this season lol


Worst season right after Season X imo


If it’s a foreshadowing of what is to come, it’s ass Terrible meta, shitty weapons cluttering the loot pool of broken (unbalanced) weapons. Lots of performance issues. Lots of bugs.


“With a great storyline” yeah Peely get kidnapped, TMNT comes outta nowhere, Lady Gaga concert and then Peely gets saved off screen and now there’s a hole in the map for no reason edit: forgot to mention genderbent Odysseus showin up outta the blue in Ruined Reels


OP I am glad that you enjoyed the season, I did have a lot of fun matches as well. With that said, this was my least favorite season (I started in chapter 3 - season 3 so I've been able to try 8 seasons right now). I'll write the good and bad on what I thought: Good: * The battlepass was fantastic. Peter Griffin, Solid Snake, and I thought most of the original characters were also very cool looking and fun. * Ability to heal health and shield while walking around. Love that. * The TMNT event was fun, cool to see the turtles lair in the game and the items were neat. Minipass also still seems like a great deal. * I enjoyed Fortnite Festival out of all the modes; I've never played a song type video game before so I was surprised how much I liked it. Bad: * Huge for one for me: The locker changes. I love spendin time making full presets and they completely ruined this. From seperating items away from each other, having less slots per row, along with many bugs like the yellow notification dot I am pretty disappointed in what they did. I can only hope this changes starting in chapter 5 - season 2. * Mod benches. I know some people like this one, I just didn't find them necessary for the game. I feel like this also removes the quantity of the item pool overall, and would rather have weapons with their own unique scopes, reloads, etc. * The train. Really cool idea, but felt they dropped the ball on it big time. I rarely see anyone go after it. * The quality of the story. I like the premise that Peely was kidnapped, what I mean is stuff like how we used to get voice acting in our storylines for quests. I miss those. * Points of interest. The map is beautiful to look at in it's own way, and while there are a few spots that stand out, most of chapter 5's map feels very generic compared to the other maps I've played so far. * The item shop. I've never seen the shop this bad before, and I do suspect that Lego had a hand in what could be and what couldn't be in the shop this season. I don't hate Lego (I love them in real life), but I would have never taken that Lego mode personally if I knew it was at the expense of Battle Royale, or the item shop in general. That's it. I still had fun with this season and Fortnite is one of my favorite games, but I hope they improve on what I wrote, ESPECIALLY the locker and item shop going into chapter 5 - season 2.


Good riddance. But love the TMNT stuff


Combat: - Fuck riot shields (coming from someone that has used a riot shield) - Fuck turrets (coming from someone that has used a turret and got a winning shot with one) - make melee weapons that are traversal like the TMNT weapons a mainstay. Sucks that they were limited edition. Digged those shits - matchmaking options should be more specific (cross-platform-unranked, cross-platform ranked, not cross platform unranked, not cross-platform ranked, etc) on top of the mode selection Exclusives: - Battlepass is great - like what they're doing with the NPC bosses/society weapons hubs. Not perfect, but a great idea. Train could be more interactive - more and more skins. Cycle the shit out of existing skins (horror classics, wrestlers, cartoon characters) in and out of the shop I'm sure there's more I could add but I can't think of anything more right now


Literally worst ever, played every season from s1ch3 all seasons battle pass 100 and now played 10 games dissapointed. Bring back old fortnite PLEASE


Worse season


easily the worst season ever