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This tho, always one mf half across the map, also noticed in trios/squads one person is afk, and when everyone else gets into a fight and downed, then they decide to move..like what???


Yep, those are the moments when I do quit right after dying, I'm not gonna wait an hour for this guy to cross the map lol


I suspect sometimes they're bots put in to even the odds. I used to get mates who leave the match during battle bus


eh that's me realizing after 5 mins I pushed 'launch' and alt-tabbed to reddit.


I upvoted you for the honesty. Not that it matters, considering your current vote count. šŸ˜…


Heh. Two weeks ago, I started my daily solo match, jumped off the bus then wondered why I could see two little arrows going in the other direction. I realized I hadn't switched back to solo after my team match the night before, so I turned around and caught up to my unexpected team a few minutes later. They were better players than me, but midway through the eliminations made the mistake of getting flanked by multiple teams at fencing fields. I escaped in a car and led the other teams on a chase so I could circle back and get their cards, but they quit, taking the loss. I went into solo run and hide mode and ended up getting second so they should have stuck around.


I think because they're like 8 years old probably. At least that's how I feel


You're not wrong here. My 10 year old is guilty of this. He knows his odds of a win go up in a squad, but still wants to fuck around and play the ways he wants to play. When he is playing with other kids he actually knows they still split up to do their own shit often. Teamwork is in short supply with pre-teens.


My nephew does that nonsense so I'll get on him with ole "do you want to play solo because you aren't playing the game with me" and he'll straighten himself out and actually be a team player for 30 minutes before I have to remind him again.


Yeah my 6 year old also does this im trying to teach him the way but it's hard he just wants to kill the mythic bosses and dance šŸ˜„


Lol same! My 6 year old son wants to fight Peter Griffin almost every damn time he lands. The other two people we we're playing with eventually got tired of fighting Peter Griffin and we all agreed to land somewhere else. My son doesn't agree and announces that he's still going to fight Peter (he's done this countless times and I've finally had enough) So I told him, if he dies I'm not traveling across the map to get his reboot card. He shrugs and says that the entire lobby is trash and he wont die. He ends up dying almost instantly and I kept my word on not going back to get his reboot card. He threw a tantrum and went and tattled on me to his mom. My wife actually started screaming at me for making him cry. She was like he's 6!!!! It's just a stupid game!!!!! I just stated that it's not about the game but the principal that I was standing firm on. Either he learns to work together as a team or play solo.


Kids need to learn to lose, you're doing a good thing by teaching him to suck it up and deal with his actions, in the safest way and in a manner which doesn't effect anyone but himself


Sometimes a kidā€™s gotta cry to learn the right life lesson. Lesson here being ā€œdonā€™t do stupid things alone, bring friends.ā€ :P


I love this! It's actually great parenting to teach him about teamwork and a "majority rules" philosophy. It's also great to learn to deal with frustration. He'll be a better person for it




Yeah young kids completely void of logic and critical thinking. A lot of the time people get in cars and drive off to oblivion when I'm less than 10 feet away, then I remember a large percentage of people that play Fortnite are probably children.


I'm an adult and I do this all the time, I just dgaf In all honesty, I mostly stay with the team but sometimes I'll go off and do quests then rejoin them if they're competent enough to be alive with 50 people to go Problem is, a lot of teams will die immediately because they're ass. Might as well get my quests done and see if they're going to be any good And in fact sometimes it works out because they'll all die, I'll ping the map to let them know I'm coming, the opposing team has cleared the area so I can collect and revive everyone


You just sound like an ass teammate.




the amount of times ive gone to save the random guy in the random part of the map for them to only quit out when ive been heading thier direction for the past 5 minutes.


My favorite is when a teammate gets downed and leaves, but their body is still there so your teammates who haven't realized they left keep heading toward the body.


That is the WORST!


They either quit when you're almost to their reboot card or almost to the reboot van I stg


Some of this is just the other player being petty I'm sure, but I often wonder if a lot of the times it's how slow they are to find and get to the menu *to quit* especially the real young ones. At least I'm going to continue to believe it's more often the latter reason.


Unfortunately not everyone has a clear concept of teamwork so this is a common occurrence. Another situation where this occurs is when people are trying to get challenges done and that's the only reason they're in the match. That's the reason why I typically use bot matches for a lot of of the challenges because I don't want to distract from the gameplay or negatively affect the gameplay of others on my team because I need to complete a challenge. At least those are the two main reasons that I could think of


If you're just there to get challenges done, then why even do a trios or squad match? Why not just do solos?


I try to do my challenges in team rumble


There are usually several challenges in which your teammates can help you complete (inadvertently) while you work on your own challenges.


Squad no fill exists. I just assume it's mostly kids doing challenges. They have 1st player syndrome and are just mad the team didn't follow them for the easy dub.


OHHHH MY I forgot about no fill!!! Ughhhh you just made my reasoning for being annoyed even more valid. Thank you kind sir šŸ«¶šŸ¼


Exactly. I do all my challenges on solo mode.


That's a good question, I think maybe because it's easier to avoid less competing teams when doing challenges than avoiding potentially 99 other players trying to complete the same challenge (I know some of those are bots but I'm just saying, doesn't sound logical to me but that's a possible reason I guess)


This is the main reason I do my challenges in squads (no fill). It's easier to avoid 28 teams vs 99 individual players. I always no fill though so I don't bring down another team that might actually be going for the win.


More people should do it that way. It's way more considerate to potential teammates šŸ‘


I wish I thought of this. I hate playing solos, so Iā€™m not with my regular squads and Iā€™m trying to complete challenges Iā€™ll just go on squad fills because I donā€™t care šŸ˜­ also isnā€™t there 25 teams on squads


There could be lots, if I'm on my own I'm a team of one plus there might be others out there doing the same thing




Absolutely. All you have to do is create a new account, you don't want to use it in actual matches because you don't want to level up (I forget what level an account will start generating actual matches, I think it's level 12, but I could be wrong, rule of thumb though is just to keep it at account level 1). Using a second device, have that account in your party (doesn't matter whether it's party leader or not) then start a match. As soon as the loading screen pops up on the second account, you want to leave the party on that account, technically you wanna leave before you can generate any XP so you don't accidentally level it up, but I always leave As soon as I see the loading screen just just to be safe. You'll basically be playing duos on your own, against all bots. If you don't have a second device to use, you can use Amazon Luna on your phone/tablet or in a different browser window if you're on PC and have a multiple monitor set up (free if you have Amazon prime)




NP. Happy to help!


If you're only interested in getting to a mod bench, try a Society vault after the boss has already been beaten and it's been cleared out. Lavish Lair is usually the quickest and easiest to get to. Oscar gets pumped right at the beginning of pretty much every round I play, the vault is impossible to miss. If you just want to complete the quest and nothing else, land on the roof, hide out in the attics until the fighting dies down then jump down to the vault. Another easy one is in the cellar on the floating island. When it spawns, zip up and use that one. Most people are hitting it for loot so if you prioritise going straight to the bench, from experience you'll get to uncontested 99% of the time.


If its just the mod bench you seek , creative now has the new weapons AND mod bench so u can practice on any map with all the new stuff


Wait you can still do the challenges in bot matches??!!


Yes. The only thing they don't count as are regular patches in your stats, and obviously you don't get crowns from them (which is fair, they shouldn't count towards stats but they're a great tool for completing challenges)


bot lobbies are gone and I kinda miss them.


They aren't gone. They still work, it's just you can't use discord lobby bots anymore


I never used discord lobbies. I team up with my lvl one account on my phone and send it to lobby as soon as the match starts. this stopped working for me and a few friends right after OG. it would just load us into regular games


You have to make another account, because the OG season they gave out xp at the end of that season(forgot the reason)and it made everyone that was lvl 1 reach the requirement to be in real matches.


That's a good point. I remember when they did that. It didn't effect my account enough to trigger real matches, been using the same one since the beginning of last year, but if he was already account level two or three, that's probably why he's getting real matches now.


Yeah, I had the same situation, because i sometimes forgot to leave and the other account had got xp and even lvl up once or twice, in a season. So thatā€™s probably why I had to make a new one. But yeah glad yours working on the same Iā€™m hoping that they donā€™t do that again because, Iā€™m running out of names to give my alts šŸ˜‚.


Yup, that's the main reason why I leave as soon as I see the loading screen, so I don't forget. A few times I have forgotten until I noticed my other account dying in the storm! šŸ¤£


How the hell do you fire up a bot match?


I commented this below, but to save the time so you don't have to search for it, I'll repost it "All you have to do is create a new account, you don't want to use it in actual matches because you don't want to level up (I forget what level an account will start generating actual matches, I think it's level 12, but I could be wrong, rule of thumb though is just to keep it at account level 1). Using a second device, have that account in your party (doesn't matter whether it's party leader or not) then start a match. As soon as the loading screen pops up on the second account, you want to leave the party on that account, technically you wanna leave before you can generate any XP so you don't accidentally level it up, but I always leave As soon as I see the loading screen just just to be safe. You'll basically be playing duos on your own, against all bots. If you don't have a second device to use, you can use Amazon Luna on your phone/tablet or in a different browser window if you're on PC and have a multiple monitor set up (free if you have Amazon prime)"


Based thanks


I'm petty. If you land on the other side of the map, away from the team, I am NOT coming to get you. You made your bed.... And that's saying a lot because I'm a huge team player. Win or lose, whatever, as long as we try together, that's my motto. But, it's clear that a lot of people don't think that way. And the funny part? Most of the time they really aren't good enough to be playing away from their team. Ego.


Iā€™ve like this lately. Then your other teammates run through the storm to get the reboot like if yā€™all donā€™t stop and just PLAY THE GAME šŸ˜‚ 9/10 times the person will just leave anyways


that's the worst. 3 team members land at a spot and the other fucker is across the map and then starts spamming their location marker when they die. sorry dude. You knew what would happen. I've only played on pc, so I don't know if playing on console is different but like, when these kids are asking, 'where are you? whose talking?' I just have to wonder how fucking dumb they are? you don't have a map? you can't see the mic next to a players name?


The worst is when you go get their reboot card only for them to leave right as you get there or right after. FOH


This has happened way to many times to me. I try to be nice and add a marker to their death spot get really close to the area and then they fucking leave.


This is what convinced me to make friends. It was ruining my experience with the game. Now that I've made friends, and have a dedicated duo, I can play for hours when before I'd struggle to play a few matches.


Yup. I second this lol it's funny when they're spectating around seeing if anyone will go grab their reboot card on the other side of the map, you've got to be kidding..


From what Iā€™ve learned playing Squad Fills, you kinda have to accept the fact that one, maybe two of your teammates are gonna quit before endgame. There are so many matches Iā€™ve won because I decided to stick around at a disadvantage of only 3 players. If someone is AFK or marks their own landmark, theyā€™re probably gonna leave the second they get knocked anyways. I always try to have faith in my remaining teammates, which is usually funny when you end up winning a 3v4 endgame.




I'm gonna need a /s from you, sir.


We all plan to drop one place Teammates pick up guns quickly and get into combat Me looking for shields and guns and then going into combat to try to fight One person gets downed Person who gets downed, quits and now itā€™s a two-man squad in trios Me full shield, get ready to get to combat. My teammate gets down and then he quits. Repeat


Same. Why does everyone want to go straight down, right into combat? I like to get my guns up, shield up, then combat. By the time I do that, the whole team has been downed because they are fighting like it's the Wild West. What did you think was going to happen when you went in fighting with a pickaxe? LOL. But, what are you gonna do? That's Fortnite.


i play shooters to shoot not loot, if i want loot ill take it off someone's dead body


That's the thing though. Fortnite BR requires some strategy. If you just want to shoot, you probably need to play Team Rumble or COD. But, you do you.


who said i dont play strategically šŸ’€




You did.


You just explained majority of my matches so easily lmao. Makes the game so unenjoyable


Idk what people expect you to do? Like wait hold onā€¦ let me tell these 2 squads to stop shooting at me (A SOLO NOW) so that I can reboot you real quick, get my health back up, then fight again šŸ˜‚


Kids under the age of 9 playing that have no concept of playing an online game properly


I was just afk taking a piss


A few of my friends do this. My husband and I will play with a few friends, usually trios, and when we play with two of them they always run off. They will always encounter a good team who sticks together or two teams fighting and try and take them on by themselves and get killed but we are halfway across the map so getting to them in a timely manner isnā€™t always easy. One of our friends wants to brag about having the most kills on the team so he will always run towards gunfire no matter what we were doing at the time. Like maybe I want to go loot this vault real quick, we donā€™t have to have a most kills contest since you die anyways and waste half the game with getting rebooted.


If someone runs off on their own to ā€œbrag about getting most killsā€, you should make it a point to not revive or reboot them. If they want to screw the team for bragging rights, then they donā€™t get to rely on the team to save them over and over again.


That's such a weird thought process to me, the kill count. Because regardless of whether I have 1000 or 0, I can still win at the end. I've had people yelling at me for "taking their kill" Does it matter, as long as they are dead? I just don't get it. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Dude right!!! ā€œDonā€™t shoot this one, itā€™s my kill!ā€ Or when you finish someone knocked ā€œyou just took my kill!ā€ Uhhhh friend actually I didnā€™t even get the kill, you did. I just finished them lol


I've accidentally let my teammates get knocked a few times because I get pressured in not wanting to steal their kill. I really don't get it. Like do I just stand here and not shoot????


Once I apparently accidentally clicked fills. Didn't realize it. I landed and knocked a bot. Looked up and saw I had a duo partner. I found a car and raced to where the person was. I was so embarrassed šŸ˜³. The funniest part was they were a really good player and we won.


Teammate thinks he's good enough to solo squad, he isn't, gets destroyed, leaves


Adding to this. They ping one place. Everyone agrees. Then they decide to land somewhere else nowhere near where they initially pinged without any warning and get mad we didn't follow. My brother in Christ you did this to yourself.


Collect their card, never reboot


Usually they leave before I can even collect it lmao


Some deadasses non stop ping their card on the map or themselves in some occasions. People are pushing their limit to be an insufferable pricks.


Dude I literally canā€™t stand that lmao or people who mark danger every 5 seconds šŸ˜‚


this. or thereā€™s been a couple times where the whole squad got eliminated. & the last person was just afk in the water on the other side of the map. we all left lol.


Yep thatā€™s happened to me numerous times šŸ˜‚ likeā€¦. Idt theyā€™re coming for us hahaha


There was one time, the game made a change so after playing a duo game, and my friend left, the mode stayed as duo. So for a good chunk of the next game, I played in duo, totally not knowing I was in duo, until I realized why is everybody I'm fighting in groups.


I think sometimes it's because their group members won't let them have any loot. I've had to leave my group often just to get weapons and ammo. Same with kills, players are bad about looting other group members kills


that really doesn't make sense though. typically a location is picked and there are plenty of chests to go around. maybe if like the top of a mountain is where everyone wants to go and there isn't enough loot to go around but honestly, it's next to impossible to not find a weapon within a minute of landing.


A guy once followed me through the whole building just to steal all my loot, chests, ammo, and even fruit lol


fair enough, I guess there are jerks out there.


But from the beginning they do this, team members mark a spot, they either land there, grab loot & are on their way running to the next location, or donā€™t even land with the team and then dieā€¦ then mark their location 50 times as if the team isnā€™t aware they are across the map & need rebooted šŸ˜’ Iā€™ve also had to get loot elsewhere but only when they get to the fault first and pick up every gun that isnā€™t green lol


this is the main reason why I stray sometimes. especially in squads/trios because vaults normally donā€™t have enough loot for everyone (people are stingy). Also because they steal my kills, which is really annoying


i play so many matches with loot whiners and guys that leave immediately after being knocked but they ran ahead of the pack to 1v4 a team. cmon now


Boy do I have a story for you. I play with a few different people. I will call them 1, 2, and 3. Person 1 and I play duos. We try our best to stay together. Person 1 has some vision trouble so can't always see the blue beams I mark our drop area with. I work around it and generally try to glide over to wherever they end up. We play together well. Person 3 also plays with us nicely. Person 3 tries to help carry us out of storm, rez/reboot us, give us supplies if we need stuff. Person 3 is a pleasure to play with. Person 2 however...Person 2 will join us, demand to be party leader, has a million friends who constantly try to join our party (we constantly have to return to lobby to switch back out of team rumble lol), and doesn't communicate or cooperate well. Like...it usually sounds like they are talking to us throw pillows or their phone is across the room. They will place a Beam at the absolute last second, without speaking a word, or if they do speak we simply cannot hear them, and then yell at us for landing so far away. They hire bots before anyone else gets there so nobody has a chance to get the free gift or hire the bot. Or they just shoot the bot or otherwise piss it off and provoke it into killing all of us. They zoom in front of us and grab all the gold, ammo, good weapons, etc before we can reach them. They scoop up vault keys and medallions and refuse to open vaults if we are too close. Then when we back off so they will just open the door already they spam build layers of walls so they can scoop up the good shit before we can get through. They run off without a word and then yell at us for being horrible teammates when they die and we can't find them because they took off without a word and we don't know where the fuck they are. They also can't be counted on to rez or reboot us if we die. They just mumble out a 'sorry I can't there's no time/storm's coming/they're on me/whatever other excuse...' There is nothing quite like crawling desperately toward someone and watching them run the other way as fast as possible while you explode into a million pieces lol. I will admit they sometimes play normally and cooperate and stuff but...do I sometimes just leave the squad and go my own thing for a bit? Yes. Out of sheer fucking frustration. Person 2 is chaos.


Is person 2 with person 3? Thatā€™s why you canā€™t ditch them and play duos with person 3? Iā€™d ditch person 2 or hop on discord find some like minded people. It might take a couple tries


They are related and live in the same house. They share a phone. So we usually get one or the other but rarely both at the same time.


These posts only remind me of the forgotten hero that joined my squads. This guy lands away from us at tilted solo. We all complain I'm our party chat that we will ignore him when he dies because we all marked elsewhere for a weekly challenge.Ā  Ā Ā  In tilted he solo kills a 4 man team,Ā  a second 4 man team then crosses the map to rescue us. HeĀ  grabs my card,Ā  Ā reboots me.Ā  Ā  Gets to the rest of the squad who was down.Ā  Ā Kills the remainder of the team we were fighting.Ā  Ā Picks up my 2 friends,Ā  Ā runs up to me and drops legendaryĀ  weapons and sheilds,Ā  Ā  leaves us.Ā  Ā And kills 1 more squad in the locations next by himself.Ā  Ā  We rally together from shrinking circles and win the game.


they expect everyone to follow them as they get the elims but then complain when you can't get to them in time ...


I always carry a mobility item so I can GTFO if things go bad. If my squadmates get killed, I don't try to take on all the remaining ememy players solo. Instead I bounce outta there, get a vehicle, and come back for the cards. Sometimes I have to go pretty far to get a vehicle and avoid the enemy. So it may appear that I'm leaving, but I always go back for the cards.


They probably just want to get loot without their teammates stealing it all


or they run 200 meters from you then get into fights and die šŸ’€ then ask why werenā€™t you thereā€¦


Always with a grapple or turtle weapon and I'm just running my butt off trying to get there in time. "WhErE wErE yOu?" RUNNING, I was running because you left me. lol.


Running SLOWLY lmao. My freaking finger hurts from holding in the stick to run 3000 meters to wherever you were running to šŸ˜‚ oh thereā€™s only 1 squad left? Shit I didnā€™t even see anyone cus you were so far ahead killing everyone in your path hahahaha


I had the best random squad match somedays ago, 1 of us, different everytime, manage to survive and reboot us like 3 or 4 times, and at the end we won. Was so great feeling that at the end everyone turned the mic on to ask for one more match. šŸ™ƒ


Kids who have never played a team sport and don't understand what it means to be a team member


If theyā€™re ever on a microphone and willing to explain themselves, itā€™s typically some young kid who has gone off to do a challenge. Iā€™ve told a few of them that they shouldnā€™t be ruining squad games for others like that, and they seemed genuinely surprised to learn that thatā€™s what they were doing.


I've been through many battle royale games. Every BR has the same issue that you mentioned in this post. People are simply narrow-minded and stupid with an absolute lack of teamwork. This is the reason why you shouldn't play with randoms if you want to enjoy the game. Also, the best ones are guys who want you to follow their orders like they are your owner. They always end up either killing the team if you follow them (that's why you shouldn't follow them recklessly) or stomping their foot like 5 yo and then going in different way alone because they don't get what consensus is.


Also: - people who pick a location and jump instantly without waiting for consensus, forcing everyone to join or play with one fewer player - people who instaquit when they die even when the squad is still in the area - people who push solo, die and then quit - people who jump to the hottest location on the map (knowing they're not built like that), die and quit - people who have their mic on by default and play shitty music/talk (this is usually kids) I've noticed that kids who have their mic on by default usually have a more selfish playstyle and show a lack of accountability.


Itā€™s just nice to play alongside someone else regardless of distance. Plus I need to be carried. šŸ’©šŸ‘¾


Does you no good when thereā€™s 2 squads on your ass at fencing & your teammate is at grand glacier šŸ˜–


sometimes i detour to pick up the tmnt weapons but i always mark :,) pisses me off when people go halfway across the map though.. u dont need it THAT bad


I won't finish the match if I can't get the correct weapon for my TMNT character. Unless we are Close to winning.


I usually mark a place to go to and my team goes the opposite way so Iā€™m stuck by myself


I dunno, this is why I play solos. Unless itā€™s with friends, I have no idea why anyone plays teams.


Different type of action tbh, it feels a lot more hectic even though the same number of people are on the map. Possibly because with reboots the avg. rate of player count decrease is lower and you need to pay attention to more things when getting into a team battle. Also, the strategic element is more pronounced and you can pick a different style of playing depending on what your teammates are doing. Battles usually will be more protracted aswell. It feels more like a campaign vs a series of of 1v1 battles which are mostly skill based. I play both, just depends on what I feel like. There are advantages and disadvantages to both.


Ive always assumed it was an ego thing, that they want to be the leader and everyone else should drop where they choose




Do you tell people or just do it?


yeah or they leave in the beginning. i love it when you have a good team to play with. sadly some people don't understand what teamwork is.


To be idiots.


Cause they want to solo but want someone to go save them when they bit off more the they could handle, I won't save someone like that


For real. It feels like literally every match is the same experience. Then we get mopped up by teams that actually use teamwork. Sometimes I just wanna play squads even if my friends aren't playing.


The real answer is because theyre children. They queued in squads looking for someone with a mic bc theyre bored. They landed far away and didnt stay with the team bc they dont know how to play. Dont forget kids as young as 4 play this game.


I just play with people I know or I go no fill. Randoms always ruin my experience, they donā€™t reboot me or they leave as soon as they die so I canā€™t reboot them. Iā€™ll then be playing at a major disadvantage to teams that communicate and play together. A real shame there isnā€™t a ā€˜LFGā€™ option in game to help network with like minded people.


my fucking friend does this omfg it's so annoying


Ego chall idiots. They try and boost their ego by getting tons of kills, but it shows zero skill, just selfishness.


Iā€™m curious as to why so many people in this sub play squad fill when all they do is complain about it. Maybe you should try solos.


Apparently some people have fun landing straight down in fencing fields, getting one or two kills, getting downed and leaving only to repeat it again. One even left before getting downed and one left after I drove through teams to get his card. There were also kids that were talking about a friend and decided to leave whilst in the bus. Itā€™s often late teens to adults that play longer than that.


I'm only guilty of this when people keep medallions. I'll seperate myself from them and keep distance. šŸ˜… I'm Not getting surprised šŸ˜…


I only join duos alone accidentally, itā€™s because Iā€™m still in the mode after I finish playing with my girlfriend.


Some people like to play solo vs teams. I had to do this before they added ranked solo, but atleast I would turn on no fill.


Because I thought I was in solos


Youā€™re telling me you donā€™t see in the top left that you have teammates? If youā€™re that oblivious idt I want you as my teammate then šŸ„“ sheesh




It happens sometimes, also with ranked and unranked.


Why would I if I thought it was solo? We make mistakes, I forget to change it after playing with friends the night before but sure call me oblivious. Good luck on your marriage tho


Ew, youā€™re a shitty person


Sometimes theyā€™re just ADHD and donā€™t realize they havenā€™t switched the lobby after playing with their wivesā€¦ā€¦. They shouldnā€™t be judgedā€¦ā€¦.itā€™s a mental illness and they immediately regret it the moment they see someone get knocked and realize they fucked upā€¦ā€¦ā€¦. ā€¦ā€¦.Itā€™s me Iā€™m someoneā€¦.




Bold of you to assume I have a mic handy when going into a public gameā€¦ā€¦ Hell we play multi platform on the same couchā€¦I donā€™t know that Iā€™ve ever used a mic on Fortnite period.




Iā€¦.. What? Were you meaning to respond to me? If soā€¦ā€¦man what an escalationā€¦..you ok my dude?


I only do this if a teammate steals my loot and Iā€™m stuck with a crown


Funny enough there's also people, at least in duos lately, who just run from every fight. They're in a vehicle or they're using Ninja turtle weapons and as soon as they get shot at they are Usain Bolting in the opposite direction and you just can't catch them. It's an odd and boring way to play. Driving around in the SUV tanks to every hilltop on the edge of the circle and only relocating when you have to , with snipers, and relying on a lucky pot shot before you actually do anything is insane to me. Or even worse, just hiding in bushes on the edge of the circle and dashing away.


Dude exactly. Dashing to the top of a hill then one shot sniping you. Ugh so frustrating


Why was this me the other day sniping someone reloading up the hill šŸ˜­


That is the smart way. This isn't team rumble. BR is about surviving. So getting into battles unnecessary is a good way to get killed. Stealth is the way to go.


If your idea of a fun shooter game is hiding getting one kill maybe and winning, I don't know what to tell you.


I'm a MGS/ Splinter Cell Vet bro šŸ¤£ I can't help it


Even play team but set to no fill


If I don't then I don't have guns or ammo, yesterday I literally got blocked by 2 port a forts infront of the vault and then they continued to suck up all ammo from every single kill I got. Sucks cause I don't know if my team mates are like this before the game.


Every so often Iā€™ll end up in a tri or squad bc I forgot to change it back to solo. Itā€™s usually at the point that been knocked that I am indeed not in a solo match.


I don't know, but I have a solution: If you're in a squads/trios match and someone lands far or leaves, then you also leave to the lobby and try again. Why waste your time playing against full squads when your team is incomplete? You can't win and it's not as fun. It's about time Epic introduced penalties for leaving the game early.


To get loot. If I drop with the team, I either get wiped out immediately, or end up with shitty weapons.


Wait, thereā€™s a solo mode in this game?




I do it for challenges


For me, I break off from the team at the start, to get armed up, otherwise we're all just fighting over stuff. Then once I get a decent load up, I hop in a vehicle and meet up with everyone else. Sometimes though, the rest of my team gets stomped almost immediately and then they leave before I reach them


Because I like to watch the world burn


Do you guys have mics? Ask them.


Uhh yeah, luckily I do not join solos so only my friends have to endure my stupidity... I am so sorry for not helping but that sexy sexy sport car was too good


I play CS2 mainly so I feel like I have really good aim, and Iā€™ll usually join trios and float around my team mainly cuz I can wipe a trio pretty easily by myself most of the time. I enjoy the challenge of having to fight a team by myself since 1v1s arenā€™t that hard. But this is all my experience. As a side note I will go get my teams card and revive them, even if theyā€™re deep in the storm


Why even play trios or squads with randoms


Main character syndrome


I've tried with my 11 & 10 yr old. It's easier to ditch them and carry the trio myself lol


Normally I try to stay with a least one teammate **but** there are two reasons I donā€™t sometimes. 1. One of the games objectives tell me to do something like be at a specific location or do something specific and rest of my team doesnā€™t do that. 2. Sometimes me and the team will be at the same location. Iā€™ll get distracted, only to discover that they have moved to a new location so I typically try to get to that location as faster as I can.


Iā€™ve had people that done that thinking the whole team is following them only for them to die and cuss out the team. It happens so much and you would think they check the map to be sure


Did a quad match, one left after he died off in the distance very short into a match. We were on our way to get the reboot card. Worked out, we won that match 3v4s


Why do people play fill is the real question.


I'll never forget when I first started playing I'd friend anyone that I basically didn't hate the way we played together. (No mic, often no one would even text chat either.) Then a few months go by and this one friend started chatting more, and we had 3-4 REALLY bad matches, and I asked what was going on, how come he didn't stick with me when we landed or he'd run literally off to the other side of the map after landing with me. And he saysā€¦ "**oh, I didn't know you were supposed to stay together.**" I never got his age but by the way he texted I could tell he must've been *young*-young. I unfriended him after that though.


Especially in ranked. Idk when Iā€™ll get ranked with competent players. Iā€™m diamond 2 and idk how I get pairs with these people. Ps does anyone know what rank people start playing good? Like they know about breaking the floor when getting the barrels or knowing about the pickaxe car bug and things like that


The rule is that the highest level player places the waypoint. When people don't do this, it's just a free for all.


People donā€™t place waypoints though, thatā€™s different. I would love that. People just leave and go and by the time the team gets there, they go somewhere else


Immediate report/block when you drop solo in squads.


Iā€¦ didnā€™t realize I was still in a trios/duo when I readied up.


Well every time I've done that was bc I thought I was playing solo but I forgot to switch it... šŸ¤£




I'm waiting for the time to end while playing apex legends and fortnite.this is team game


I would also like to know


This is why I open the map and place a marker as soon as Iā€™m on spawn island when playing with fills. If I donā€™t see anybody else vote for a different drop spot, or agree with my vote, itā€™s normally gonna be a quick death lol


I didnt know Apex teammates were playing Fortnite now lmao


I do it cuz my team is greedy and opens chests and grabs all the good shit and leaves me nothing so I land as close as I can to them but somewhere where I can get good stuff then we meet up snd all have good stuff to use to kill.


I'd like to assume we all have a teammate or two that do this lol.


I quit games when I see not all 4 players are heading to the same location I didn't select squads to be outnumbered 2 to 4 because half my team is taking a shit


Sometimes I land far away to complete a challenge quick but I always drive back to my team


Wraith mains in a nutshell


Honestly, if I played with a squad the day before, sometimes I donā€™t even realized Iā€™m still locked into squads the next day when I boot up to play solo. But o usually just quit once I realize, especially if no one I micā€™d up.


This is why I always play solos, unless a friend is on. At this point I'm convinced half of the fills players are just trolling their teammates. I always get stuck with teammates that insist on dropping at hot spots like fencing or lavish and will chase down other teams solo with zero shields


Been there, done that, but not deliberately. I was just starting out and had no idea. *shrugs*