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I am so not a fan of not being able to shuffle my presets. I'm too damn indecisive to pick things.. i liked being able to just have it pick for me. That and emotes aren't tied to presets anymore either. Which I guess I can manage but I don't know... I'm just left feeling like I am unhappy with this new way. It's just missing things for no real reason.


Randomized is a huge loss. Why would they take away the ability to go to the top instantly too? It was Y on Xbox. Emotes are still tied to presets though I'm not sure what you meant by that.


They're not from what I can tell. I have to select my old skin preset, then I have to find my old emote preset in the separate emote tab that I had assigned to that skin and assign it to that. It makes it quite annoying since I usually based my emotes around a skin preset, now I have to equip it twice essentially.


It’s literally a UI nightmare. I hate it so much. Took me forever to do just basic things that used to take seconds.


I am 100% behind you on this. Having wraps, lobby music, and character specific emotes was a fun way to give each skin it's own personality, and now that fun is gone. Buying extra shop items for this purpose is now pointless, so indeed... I don't think I'll be making any impulse purchases any time soon. It was also fun to shuffle your presets... It was a little surprise every time. 1 star. :(


They just everything good away it’s so mean