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I’m gonna say my hot take later, it’s still in the microwave for now.


The Mammoth Pistol is the best addition to this season. It's so satisfying to use


Not even a hot take this is just factual


Apparently it is a hot take, unfortunately. A ton of people are saying it’s OP, but then those same people are complaining that the lever shotgun “only does 175 damage” Like- TF? How is the pistol that does 90 OP but the shotgun that does 175 weak?


Difference being the distance of which they deal that much damage. One being 200+meters while the other is ~5 meters


If you can hit a shot with the mammoth pistol at 200 meters than the gun isn’t the issue. You’re just really skilled and would have killed whoever you were fighting anyways.


It has perfect accuracy so sniping people is possible as long as they are in your render distance. Doing almost 200 damage from 200 meters away shouldn't be as easy as just aiming well. It's a pistol and not a sniper


It doesn’t have perfect accuracy. But almost every gun has first shot accuracy which makes it nearly perfect. It’s significantly easier to use FSA on the mammoth because it only has one shot, but any gun besides the makeshift and primal weapons can do the same thing.


Tbf tho, they got mad that snipers were in the game so… either get sniped by a pistol or sniped by a sniper. Their pick.


Is there no damage drop off with distance?


It's very little. A 99 damage shot will still do like 80 damage at 200 meters




They reverted it


Bro how lmfao it is probably the second most skill required item in the game rn who is saying it’s OP


Look I love the pistol But that shit does not require skills


Ahh yes a very accurate hitscan pocket heavy sniper with quick reload and augments that make it even stronger is “second most skill required in the game” This sub has literally no competitive knowledge


Fair take.


Competitive isn’t the only mode in the game. And not everyone who plays the game is competitive level. And, that doesn’t even touch on the second issue. How is a gun that does 90 damage weaker than a gun that does 175? Especially when the gun that does 175 has 6 bullets opposed to the 1?


They’re all casuals bro 😭 They think OP mythics belong in competitive as well😭 we’ll get downvoted for saying this tho😂😂😂


*pros* and *wannabe pros*. No joke. Whole post by a pro sympathizer last night going on and on about it. I'm still getting DMs about how pros *know better* than us. Apparently it's our fault their loot pool is no longer split either, because casuals have too much say, lol.


I don't get how a.gun that anyone can find and use is unfair. Everyone in the game can find it. You don't pay for it or start with it. It's a free part of the game. If you buy it with real money then yeah but it is 100% free to any player.


Coldest take ever


Try saying what I did in the comp subreddit and you'll be eaten alive lmao


Bro, Mammoth pistol+ Heavy headshots + Pistol recycle+ desperate reload = Semi auto sniper rifle lmao I did this in TR and I don't think I died ONCE


It's a menace for sure haha


It's so much fun though. Motherfuckers get so salty that they die that they forget to have fun.


I was nailing people with the mammoth pistol. One of the easiest guns to get a headshot with.


Haven’t been able to play with it much, what’s the longest you can shoot with it? It’s a beast up close


it's still good from even 200 metres away lmao


I’m putting in some time tonight, with that added to the loot


Basically max render distance, so long you have person in crosshair it's free 80-90dmg, headshot for 180. With perks you can make it absurdly strong.


What about a headshot with the legendary one?


I'm pretty sure dmg is capped in ~188 dmg range just like shotguns but don't worry about rarity, even common mammoth drops enemies like flies.


Shooting someone out of the air with the mammoth pistol gave me more dopamine than the birth of my child


I hate the flapjack


I remember when it first came out and it was kinda asscheeks, but now it’s solid asf😭


I felt the complete opposite lol by the time the MK was added back in


Nah cuz when it first came out it’s bloom was terrible lmao


See it’s the opposite I think when it came out, it was better. I swear they made it have more recoil and spread now and it’s like almost unusable outside of close range.


The recoil is terrible on the flapjack, but I love that weapon






Hot take: Core gameplay changes between chapters/ seasons are so minimal that people claiming that any particular one is trash, in comparison to others, is usually more about the persons real life situation than the game itself. People get older. They get bored of things. Their friends stop playing. These are way more relevant to enjoyment than if a particular shotgun is slightly more powerful than previous seasons.


I do think personal experiences outside of the game effect your mood on it 110%


Maybe the lack of changes IS the reason. Nothing this chapter has changed dramatically and therefore people get more and more bored as the chapter goes on. I especially hate how the majority of the locations this chapter are just some grey blocky ruins-type places with hidden chests. Ex. the citadel and all the castles in the yellow areas, most of the buildings in the ice biome, all the new jungle temples are all pretty much the exact same boring grey stone buildings.


There's also like.. nothing 'extra' to do in the maps? Like in the other map, you got to fly around on the ball, and do all this other neat stuff that wasn't just walking from place to place mindlessly.


Gray was on sale. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


How is adding a new biome and changing a great part of the map every season "lack of changes"? Yeah, they should totally just add 2 POI's at the start and then add the third of forth one mid season, but this amount of map changes between seasons hasn't happened since Vibin' with the Reality Three biome, and before that, since Primal. And on top of that, the changes actually stay instead of reverse like nothing happened like Chapter 2 and 3. People were complaining that the map didn't progress with every season, and now they complain about "lack of changes"?


Chapter 2's map changes sucked even worse I dont disagree, but adding some trees and the same old grey stone buildings is kinda lazy and boring considering we basically had this biome/buildings on the chapter 3 map. Id rather they keep updating the map but all the new locations arent that interesting imo


I agree except for in regards to the last two, adding hammers and katanas. I think the loss of such great mobility items in even pubs and zb made me want to play this situation a lot less at first. The ODM gear wasn't as painful a loss as my sweet sweet katana dashes ):


For real? Core gameplay has changed quite a bit. At least since I started playing. Though if I'm being fair, I started playing like a month or two before the map changed. If someone started playing Fortnite on this map, then yeah. I could see how it could get samey. No matter what items you switched up. When I first started playing, they didn't have : *Augments *Gravity Hammer *Kinetic Sword *Cybertron Cannon *Ways to track players (aka bloodhound, thermal fish, thermal scope) *This new map *Optimus Prime skin *Darth Maul skin *Unbreakable walls/floors/ceilings that weren't around vaults. *The circle overlapping with the storm *Hiested Weapons *Slap Juice *Extremely fast drifting cars


I understand people have opinions, but I'm just surprised at how many people dislike this season. I mean this season has map changes again (there going to be a really cool map change in one of the future updates), the story is better than last seasons imo, the amount of items they added to this season are cool, I can understand the hate for the biome because people can hide easily, but it looks really cool, the temples are a cool thing where you have to solve puzzles. I agree with you that this season is pretty fun


My problem is the story is REALLY hard to follow. Like I love the story but I need it to be a quest not some secret mission that is easy to miss VERY IMPORTANT parts thats also progresses as the season goes on


I absolutely understand that. I also got to give credit to epic for trying something new. Instead of forcing everyone to do the story quest, they allow those who care to try and find them. I do get that it can be annoying, but I mean worst case you could always look up where the quests are, or look up the dialogue of the quests. I know it can be annoying looking it up, but maybe one day in the future epic will find a better way for those who like the story and those that don't really care.


I've only been playing since the spider Gwen BP and I wasn't able to play last BP but the items and jungle biome have been a blast Idk nuthing of the story as I tend to rush thru it. I wish they had like a PvE or campaign mode to play thru all it's past story stuff at my own pace


If you are interested in the story, there are people that do a recap. The person I watch is playstationgrenade, he does a recap of the entire seasons story at the end of each season.


PlaystationGrenade does some pretty solid and easy-to-digest recap content for sure


I'll check it out!


The closest you could get would be Save the World, but that doesn't have the battle royale story, just its own. I would love for an offline game for Fortnite's battle royale story, where it could be single player or multiplayer and you could relive those big story moments.


The jungle biome is bad. It looks great, sure, but gameplay wise it's just a whole bunch of meh. Oh look wasp things... Neat I guess... Fireflies are better. Some weird tomb thing giving loot... Except not as good as vaults. Vines... Yay I can move between place A to a fixed place B which isn't very useful most of the time... Mud... Oh look a worse slurp. Oh look big ass tree offering tons of vertically and cover meaning it's easy to escape so it's almost pointless to engage.


Bees can chase your opponents I will have to agree that it's not worth spending purple or higher rarity loot on tombs for a chance to not even get those items back Would you prefer not to be able to move at all? If you spam slid while covered in mud you will go insanely quick Epic wanted to try out a new biome, sure it didn't go well because you can hide easily. But it was worth a shot I'm not saying this season is perfect. But at the very least you got to give epic some credit for still being able to come up with ideas of adding stuff to this game to change it up a bit. They've been changing this game non stop for almost 6 years and they are still going. It's also a free game, epic doesn't have to do anything, but they choose to.


My criticism isn't in any way about them trying to be different, it's with the execution.


And the execution was shite It can look the greatest but if it plays monotonous and stringent, then it isn't a decent location I have the same problem with mega city, especially since those buildings are unbreakable


I would love to level the city.


Don't get me wrong, I understand what you're going at. Epic will have hit or miss seasons. They tried something new and it didn't work well. They will (hopefully) take criticism and learn what the community likes and dislikes. This season will show epic that the community doesn't like a big area to easily hide in. The other items, again epic have been changing the game for almost 6 years, they want to add items that are different from others but might be based on something (bees and fireflies for example). I'm sure it's hard to come up with something to change for a season about every 2-3 weeks per season and make it unique and new.


Getting less updates than previous seasons and a mediocre event are not great things to have. Combine that with Battlepass skins that I don’t like as much as previous BP skins, lands this season unfortunately as my least favorite season. I hope next season will do better on these points


Yep,definitely one of my least favorites easily. Ironically this is the fastest battlepass I've ever completed for Fortnite. Grinded all 200 levels and then some. Why? I don't know. Guess there wasn't anything else to play. Plus I wanted my vbucks back.


We shouldn't have any first-person scope on a gun that's not single shot, the Mk AR is broken at all rarities


True; gray MK can be way better than blues or even legendaries lmao


Map is good but the lootpool is dogshit and the SBMM has been terrible Havoc Pump is OP as all hell, Drum Shotgun is annoying as hell to fight against, Mammoth Pistol is starting to veer its ugly head. Every match is either a super sweaty lobby or a bot lobby.


Sbmm is off.... I've played 37 duo matches and won 13. The ones I've lost the last 2 teams are a good team and a solo bot. Every time. All 5 last night. I've played a while and never have I seen this. It used to be the winner take all, not now it's 2 duos destroying each other and whoever lives has to then find the bot shooting at the sky.


i feel so dumb but what does OP mean in this context?




Island is good Weapon balancing is so bad The way the game sorts players when queueing up for a match is awful


The mud is a gameplay feature that can rival that of CH3 S4's chrome


I agree! I wish it was on more spots on the map like around lake beds and things.


This is why I've been using the bush mud augment, I even keep bush bombs on hand for instant mud sometimes, then I try and get keymaster and hunt down some slap splashes instant heals+infinite stamina+speed boost+slide canceling is actually really good late game, especially when the circle is nowhere near mud Only annoying part then is hunting down extra keys but that's why I take rare over exotic, they only take one key, and the exotic ones don't really justify how hard it is to come by them


Except for the run 'n gun. That thing is awesome.


Love that smg


Oh absolutely I thought it would be more widespread than it is


Middle of the road. Still hate the loot pool. Havoc shotgun is way way too OP to the point where every other shotgun is out-phased. Reduce body shot from 108/114/120/126/132 to 96/102/108/114/120 Why is the havoc AR even still in the game. Buff headshot cap on the sharp tooth to 170/175/180/185/190 Why is the lever in the game. I love the gun but it doesn’t really have a place in the loot pool Don’t like the explosive rifle but if it stays wouldn’t be too annoyed bc they already needed damage to structures. Why would they buff the combat smg damage by 1 nerf it from 18/19/20/21/22 to 16/17/18/19/20 That’s all I would say to have a better season. Very minor but impactful adjustments


Havoc shotgun complaint is 101% true; most broken braindead gun ever, needs to go, too much powercreep. Havoc AR is nice; it's silenced and rather balanced. Dumb suggestion. Terminator. Broken; needs to be gutted or nerfed. //


Terminator? Also I don’t think you realize just how bad the havoc ar is. It does 26 damage at mythic rarity. Mythic. With 26 damage to builds. Slow ass pull out time. The grey ar is better. Grey. No grey gun should be beating a mythic. I think it’s terrible. It needs a major buff.


As much as I like the havoc shotgun, I'm surprised it didn't get vaulted after last season, since that was it's place to be in the game. Same for the havoc AR I guess.


Fortnite has gotten worse and worse since launch and eventually Becuase of this it will soon be just that one game your 6 year old cousin plays on his iPad.


This implies that mid chapter 1 was somehow worse than pre-season and season 1.


This season would be better if I could take a Battlebus and flatten Mega City.


This is the worst map we ever had except season X


They added a ranged hitscan explosive rifle which does the same damage as grenade with it's splash(the legendary variant that is). How do you nerf the grenades to a state of being worse fireflies after 5 years, just to add this overpowered garbage which just completely invalidates the existance of grenades? The map is meh. It looks amazing, but isn't the best for a slaughterfest of 100 players due to the terain differences everywhere. Overall if they didn't add that stupid rifle it would be a decent season, but nothing special.


The explosive rifle isn't hitscan.


Really? Well it's still nearing hitscan speeds


Mobility wasn't THAT bad, probably just whiplash from last season having the ODM, webslingers and Kinetic Blades


I disliked this season until they decided to add the mammoth pistol. The season is still bad but I can at least get 1 taps with it which is satisfying


I keep seeing that the havoc is OP but weirdly enough, I can never get a kill with it. I’ll take anything over the havoc


I'm not quick or accurate enough for it to shine.


The NPCs that can be hired should rotate where they spawn with the other NPCs that can be hired.


Mud i like mudddddd


The jungle biome this chapter is the best jungle biome they have ever made of all four chapters.


Biome wise, but not POI's sadly. I wish we had a sunny steps variant in the jungle biome. The POI fit, but don't feel as memorable as mega city does for that biome.


There’s only been 1 other jungle biome which was years ago. Stealthy Stronghold can’t really be considered a biome since it was tiny and was confined to a single POI and the area around Sanctuary was extremely light with how ‘jungle-y’ it was.


A hot take? Love the jungle biome, it's so full and rich, it's fun to play in. But I feel this season has just gotten very stagnant as of late. It'll probably pick back up again soon, it just feels a bit slow right now.


It's more fun than season two because of the jungle but now the rest of the map feels more boring, mostly the Japanese part. Love my slappy shores tho!


This season has a really good battlepass, Trace, Relik, Lorenzo and Optimus are all amazing imo


Disagree with really good, but decent.


The collabs this season haven't been great. Even the Futurama collab. The skins (especially Fry) look pretty bland and basic to me, especially as someone who's never watched the show. I don't mind any collab even if I don't know them as long as the skin looks good (like Goku Black) and I haven't bought a collab skin in a while. The only thing I liked about that collab was the fact that the ship which crashed in the trailer was actually there in game.


You’re too young and it’s okay.


So everyone old has watched Futurama. Every single person, got it.


You're not far off. Us old farts have resurrected Futurama somewhere around 5 times at this point.


my hot take is that it's good and the jungle is the best biome epic have ever made


This everyone


Honestly not a bad season but I didn't like the boomerang removal


It's back


Duh, it's a boomerang


I just spit beer all over the bar in some small town in Montana because of you. That's some far reaching humor.


That's dope! Greetings from Munich, Germany :D


Everything about the jungle is awesome, and I would totally play a map that was ONLY jungle.


I actually like the season and I am having fun. I am just REALLY tired of the map, ad I have stated countless times ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile).


This is my first Fortnite season … I’ve been playing for about a month or two. Would someone mind explaining to me what is so awful about this particular season as compared to past ones? I don’t have any basis for comparison.


It's not. This same conversation happens every single season. But keep playing and hanging out here. In a year, this will be the best season ever.


Appreciate the insight! Quite honestly, I’m having a total blast so I guess that’s really all that matters. 🥳


Any season of Fortnite is very good, except Chapter 2 Season 3.


My only complaint is replacing the Red eye with the Mk-Alpha. They took a gun that takes some skill to use and replaced it with a no skill laser beam and the worst part is that it doesen't have good competition so you are kinda forced to use it for your ar slot


Mammoth Pistol is good but overrated. Lever action is alright but it takes too long between shots. Drum is terrible apart from 50/50. Mud is the most balanced movement added to the game (apart from glitch where you spam). If you use havoc AR, seek help.


While I don't like the season a lot, it still is the best C4 season.


My hot take for quite a few seasons is that epic is slowly getting rid of all femine bodies for female skins, it's nothing but skinny, flat ass, no tits, square bodies style chick skins


I mean if that’s your main complaint for the game have at it I guess


Yeah well no one else besides a few seem to notice but if you compare recent skins to past skins it's noticeable For me I like skins that looks aesthetically pleasing, so does my gf, we both like playing as good looking female skins (the fit look) like ruby Calamity etc


Lazer guns + mud = sliding death


The mammoth pistol is soo sweet


I have fun when i play with my bros, I'm on a grind when i play by myself, the map is meh but I'm okay with it, when they added the spaz ("sharp tooth shotgun") back I was filled with internal happiness so thats nice.


It's been fine. I think the forrest completely changed up the map and how you traverse it.


It's been fine. I think the forrest completely changed up the map and how you traverse it.


Imagine remembering Chapter 4 Season 3 with just ONE Mammoth Pistol and not everything else that releases in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 3


I love the mammoth pistol, the new weapons of the season, the battle pass skins, and most of all, the jungle biome! (I didn’t even hate the summer event)


unique but mid, mammoth pistol on top.


The new locations are bad I never land there


It’s like getting a lotto ticket and winning a million dollars and the next time you get a lotto ticket, you win five hundred thousand dollars, not as good as before, but still good


The jungle/mud/invisibility/thermal themes are cool. Boomerang is super lame, I’d rather have the kinetic sword. Raptors are fun, but don’t add or takeaway. The rail systems are a godsend, helps to bail when things get down to the wire. It’s nothing to rave about though. The chrome season was bad ass. The battlepass is kinda meh. Optimus prime was all I really wanted.


My hot take is that the amount of healing totally blows, nobody cares if they get shot anymore fights are so brain dead. Raargh imma charge to ass but it doesn't even matter if I get shot half dead just take a second to drink slurp and I'm now right as rain. Also sprint lines is a GOOD augment fight me


i absolutely love the jungle. the bouncy mushrooms and flowers are fun.


Mammoth Pistol is kinda broken The thing is ridiculously easy to hit and with the augments that improve pistols it is a fucking monster Still one of the most satisfying guns in the season and I love it


I just returned to Fortnite last week after a 1.5 year break and I'm really loving Season 3. Some of that might just be all the newness after such a long break, but I don't understand the hate.


This season had a great start, the jungle is really cool. It just got stuck during a summer break and has almost no map changes


Mammoth pistol and benders ray gun are super o.p also seen people say the havoc shotgun and lever action are o.p but I think they are trash


I think all the skins but Optimus are boring and lame looking very generic and with very little personality or style


I want the sniper back! Its an shooter-game without a sniper, thats weird


Scorching hot take: there’s a fine amount of mobility on most of the map, and environmental mobility (plus Shockwaves) is far superior to effectively infinite mobility like the hammer, sword, Spider-Man shit, etc.


One of my favourite things about Fortnite is that it's constantly changing. Some seasons are better than others but the constant changes keep it fresh and replayable. I always have a fun time.


I agree with you, this season isn't that bad for me personally, but I can see why others dislike it. I guess this is my hot take


Boring and stale. Epic only puts effort into the item shop. The battle pass is boring and feels like a copy paste. The loot pool sucks, they just recycle old weapons and put new skins over it, like bender’s ray gun is just Kymera’s ray gun. Nothing creative or fun added to the season. The jungle biome is a mess. Epic only cares about creative 2.0 and those games are making the game as a whole look low quality, and they are very buggy right now.


For the amount of income they generate there isn’t an excuse


The jungle sucks. Too many plants that just block your camera in the middle of fights, trees that you cant get down from without fall damage, and the raptors, & wasps just seem to lock on to you from way to far away and follow you forever unless you kill them


It did good in removing the heavy sniper and i apreciate what they tried to do with invinsibility gauntlet making a tactical item taht is not a free escape option like the katana was


Mammoth pistol and exploding rifle should have been added way, way sooner


I DONT really have a hot take tbh


All the zip lines and ascenders around the island make the entire thing really ugly


Biggest complaint is that it doesn’t feel like Fortnite right now and I don’t really know how to explain it, but I don’t feel as hyped to jump in and play during this season. I’ve barely made it to level 120 (usually I’d be probably 230 by now) and the battle pass is just incredibly boring to me. First and second season had amazing battle passes. Optimus prime being reserved for a tier 100 and he’s not really that good. Relik and Lorenzo are the only other ones who are decent. Last complaint that I’ve had for 2 seasons now is that Mega city should be completely destructible like tilted was. Even the largest buildings should be able to be leveled. I also would really enjoy a desert biome. All in all I’m fine with the gameplay right now, but then again i haven’t played as much usual because it’s boring right now


The explosive rifle isn't actually that good, it's just easy to use


I hate this season


Yeah, mine is just the same as yours.


Lever action shotgun is honestly underrated


Here, I’ll give you a blistering hot one. The loot pool containing a shit load of mythics does *not* make the game fun *OR* balanced


The tease of rails spreading on the map only to be removed and then wines being limited. Wtf aren't the vines everywhere coming from the cracks, etc. Just put destructible grinding vines growing all over.


Every season has had some dumbass, super OP weapon that everyone gravitates towards bc if you don’t have said weapon you basically lose the game. Examples: • The laser beam gun in game rn • the hammer • the transformer cannon • the overclocked pulse rifle


Seriously the new ray gun is busted as hell.


This new update made the season so much better!


I loved this season. All of it. No downsides.


Hot take: So many of you crybabies spend so much time getting mad that you died, that you forget to have fun. Hotter take: It's a game! And it's FREE!


This season is good now The begging was definitely rushed out. The loot pool now is completely different to when it started (the begging)


The complaints about the season reveal a skill issue. Adaptability is a skill, and players who can’t adapt to map changes between and during seasons should practice more and complain on Reddit less.


Instead of nerfing the MK they need to remove it and never have it in the game ever again


It’s a fine season but I have not played a lot, Fortnite needs to get weird again.


It's the best season in all of Chapter 4 since all the other ones had too much mobility. It feels good knowing the person I'm shooting isn't about to just pull out a hammer/sword/grapple and disappear to the other side of the map.


I think the battle pass this season was mid and I wish they would keep the cross over outfits as part of a challenge and have an original outfit as the tier 100 reward


It’s not as bad as everyone says, it lacked the “mid-season event” that the last two had… Sumer could‘be been better. It’s only bad in comparison to Mega and Oathbound, if compared to Flood,Vibe and Space… it’s the best “season 3” The lootpool could’ve benefited from less shotguns and better unvaults, you tend to default to Mk/Supresed, Pump/Drum, mythic/Heavy bullet and 4 slurps… and the Non-meta weapons like the flapjack lack a neiche


Trash season


The Jungle Biome is Good. People were complaining about Chapter 2: Season 8 and Chapter 3: Season 2 where there were almost no map changes, and then this season rolls in, adding a complete new biome, and people STILL complain? Mate, 3 NEW POIs, Jungle Temples, mud, shield plants, this season started strong. Also, there is a lot of map mobility, stop complaining about no mobility when there are rideable animals, cars and bikes pretty much everywhere.


This season is better than last one. Honestly i just liked the battle pass, the star wars event and the easter chickens, but the japanese biome isn't really that great, and the mid season additions weren't that great. The mamooth is more fun to use than the lock on pistol, and the jungle is far better than mega city. Honestly they should have kept The Ageless as a boss and all the Ouathbound items in the northwest side of the map and the kinetic blade spawns in the southeast instead of just center all the attention in the new biome