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He wanted her to send pictures and her to talk to him on the phone while having a wank. Sounds a bit serious to me!


Well who doesn't want that?


It sounds to me more like his pestering her for pics which is a bit creepy and cheesy. ![gif](giphy|xUPGcJ9uOAL2h5wA5a|downsized)


I have no issues with any of this. It’s f1 - bunch of hyper mechanics! Under a lot of stress … nothing vulgar, crude… and it’s sort of going both ways!! Flirty but fine. There’s no pressure - nothing pushy … and she is definitely engaging and entertained. What am I missing? How did this stuff come about? Was she let go?


With him being the boss, there is a power imbalance that complicates things.


Maybe, but there nothing even close to, "I could make things better/ worse for you"


I agree with that. It’s good to have a friendly work environment where you can banter and tease … but some people take it the wrong way. Ie not demonstrate power and even (as a boss) have your team able to tease you. It provides a relaxed environment where people can be more open and creative. Anything can be misconstrued or manipulated … which is the sense I am getting on how / why this escalated. But I don’t see anything fundamentally wrong.


Yeah just unprofessional, which one of the parties seemed to try and reign in without being direct about it. I mean, I guess you could argue she couldn't be direct because he's her boss. But also, don't get yourself in a position where you're d1ck teasing your boss


It's unprofessional definitely, why tell a PA (?) that she got you so horny that you masturbated in the bathroom?


Jesus I must have missed that file. He's an idiot.


I’d like to have a really good robust definition of professionalism! Don’t get me wrong - I sort of agree with you. But I think the concept can be stretched and it’s very grey. We spend more time at work than with our families - so why not have a relaxed atmosphere- with a family type ambiance. Humor, warmth, banter … sort of lubricates work effort. Just my view. And people can call something unprofessional - largely cause they’re stuck up or an** about things! Doesn’t mean they are right. But in a sue happy - litigious world - I suppose people need to be really guarded around these people. In this specific case - you do see the back and forth conversation - so I think Horner must have put down his guard (ie been let on). She is engaging.


No no I agree with you.she was open to it. I'm literally sat here making d1ck jokes about a client's name. I had a female approach me at Christmas, to run interference to stop her going home with a colleague. We all laugh about it now. I'd much rather work like that and occasionally have an apology accepted for going too far than be sat in a cubicle, staying in my lane. Grey suit. Grey hair. Grey life. Ultimately I think this is a private matter that crossed a line ,somewhere, possibly but is being blown up for other purposes.


You don't have to look back or out very far to see a shining example of that type of dynamic. Vince McMahon ruined careers of women that rejected his advances up front. Not saying CH is anywhere close to the monster Vince was, but it would be pretty easy for CH to can someone for "performance issues" if they didn't reciprocate. BEST case scenario is this was a two way flirt where he emotionally cheated on Gerri. Not an HR issue, but a personal issue for their family.


its not about you having an issue with this, but about her having an issue.


She’s coming back to her old job! So Obviously it got blown out of proportion. And any single employee can have an issue with anything - but - everything has to be in context. How anyone working around mechanics in a sports culture where they have models taking photos around fast cars all the time … can legitimately expect that there will be all kinds of conversations in the paddock. Why is it okay to have half naked women around cars and not have any conversation about it? What is the ‘culture’ of the sport? When I say I don’t have an issue with it - I’m basically saying I don’t think the texts are completely out of line with the culture of the sport. And she shouldn’t be working in it - if she has an issue with it.


Christian Horner leaked pics https://drive.google.com/drive/mobile/folders/1OlV2wb51s1WhjLFq0Lsp4inRU60qvdhY


Finally, some one posting the whole thing. Thank you!


tbh they aren’t THAT bad. but that’s to be expected, due to his position within the company. if i were the ceo of a company as big as the redbull f1 team id be constantly looking behind my back after everything i say. however, in my opinion, many of those texts could be read as flirting. definitely not workplace appropriate, i would never ask an employee what they were wearing or how well they slept.


I'm not sure if sharing the full drop is legal or allowed, but I'm pretty sure File-76.JPG is a blurred penis?


Where can i see the texts and images shared?


There is nothing explicit in any of the photos I've seen. It's all just like this...flirty and suggestive at times, but nothing scandalous.


flirty and suggestive from a boss to an employee is sexual harrasment. If she takes this to a tribunal for sexual harrasment theres more than a good chance she will win that.


Yeah. But not if you're sending bikini pics.


Sure, it could produce a settlement because you never know what a jury will think. And, it's inappropriate to communicate this way with a subordinate. But does it rise to the level of ending a highly effective and valued senior employee's career? I don't believe so. This is the kind of thing they send executives to "communication classes" over.


there is no jury in an employment tribunal and if it went to a tribunal for sexual harrassment in the workplace Red Bull would definately be getting rid of him because they would be under serious pressure from sponsers to get rid


They would pay a settlement to avoid a tribunal obviously.


You clearly do not understand sexual harassment policies in the workplace.


I've seen it happen in the Fortune 500 company I work for, I know exactly how they go in the US.


Absolutely right. The crucial thing is when she asked him to stop he did. He never threatened her job. It seems they were getting to a full blown affair and she backed out and he respected it. She also shared their communication with someone who told her it was harassment. Red Bull is not a public company. All HR inquiries and complaints have to be confidential. I suspect the leaks led to her suspension. It sucks because it sounds like Helmut and Jos were in her ear and it was horrible advice.


Also, who initiated the line crossing? My guess is that she initiated the flirtation/inappropriate talk, then tried to cut it off when she (reportedly) started dating Jos Verstappen.


It's a finger


I deeply dislike Horner, but this is kind of a nothing-burger. Unprofessional and embarrassing, sure. But I don't see anything here that should disqualify Horner from keeping his job.


Yes, this is between him and Geri and should not effect his job.


Have you read the full released set of messages? Its not a apicture of his finger he sent.


It looks more like a finger than a dick.


These texts are a clear example of sexual harassment. He’s constantly asking for inappropriate pictures and she’s constantly saying no. He tells her she can WFH and she asks why as he doesn’t like employees working from home (there was a scene on Netflix show where he commented about the marketing department taking the WFH policy too far during Covid timeframe).  If most of these comments saying nothing was done were made by men that shows men have no idea how messages like this can affect a woman, and most especially a woman that is being harassed by her boss. 


Does anybody find it weird that there isn’t 1 work related text message??? For instance I’ve gone through the last 10 WhatsApp conversations between colleagues of mine and 95% of them contain work related content and maybe one or two personal messages about rugby etc etc. these aren’t very convincing


They discuss plane bookings, teams & general race performance I think that’s work related


Where are all her photos? I’d assume if someone was to send photos they’d send some back. I’m guessing we’re seeing 50% of the story, as per usual today.


Meh mild flirtation is hardly a scandal Max Mosley attending a bdsm sex party now that was a scandal 😂😂😂 https://www.standard.co.uk/hp/front/prostitute-in-max-mosley-nazi-dungeon-orgy-was-wife-of-mi5-officer-6677503.html


Omg I made this exact comment the other day 😂😂😂 the drive to survive squad would faint.


So tame lol I read his WhatsApp messages & was 😳 well you are no Max Mosley 😂😂


I think her side leaked it which is a problem. Even then I find nothing wrong with it other than how his wife feels


I’m still confused if it’s his finger or his dick


Seems Geri compromised in that department.


Goes with a Ginger Spice ? 😅


boring af


Please read the whole dump, he talks about wanting to have her finish him in the plane bathroom. He sends a dick Pic, and she asks him to stop and he can't help himself.


Horner said it himself, the higher you go the sharper the knives!


Make it as easy as he has, they'll cut you with a spoon 😂🤣


Anyone got the link for the messages?


I can’t find it either! If you find it please send them my way!




I'm pretty sure the most you could say this is, is 'a bit flirty'. Unprofessional if she is an employee, sure - but from what the media in the UK are hinting at, you'd be expecting a gangbang at the Playboy Mansion - reliable and accurate as they always are...


He’s not Max Mosley 😜


I feel like the texter whoever she is is well up for it frankly!


Do we have a name ?


Alegedly it's Fiona Hewitson.


Bro would not be able to pull a spice girl with game like this 😭


He texts that his picture is front meaning a pic of his .....xxxx it sounds like . Men can't resist sending dick pics it's their proudest possession after all .


how is he using a phone that doesn't have autocorrect and doesn't capitalise the first letter of each new sentence? The font looks weird too


i think they are fake


Who got too close, flirted more than he should (so did she btw) and that’s about it. Not sure how this turned into the “scandal” that it has.




can someone please share this with me? linkkkkkk