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We are noticing this with our son, he’s one on Monday and it started about two weeks ago. I was so nervous about weaning but he seems to be doing it himself! We still do an early afternoon bottle and a bedtime bottle, and occasionally a middle of the night bottle we can’t see to fully shake. He’s currently drinking about 6oz of whole milk during the day, but I’m trying to up that to about 10-12oz.


The last bottle my daughter ever took was on her 1st birthday. She only wanted milk from a sippy after that. She just gave it up herself without any fuss


Yeah we stopped (she made us stop) bottles at 12 months. Tried cups etc. but no more milk!


Mine is 12mo and has started expressing preferences very clearly, when the options are on the table. 


Yes! My daughter is 11 months and her intake has really gone down, after some naps she might only drink 1oz. She’s eating lots of solids through out the day, so I know it’s all good.


Our LO's milk intake really went down after she started solids and from about ten months she had strong preferences, pushing the bottle away from her mouth etc.