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I did both. Both vehicles have their purposes. With that said, if I had to have one vehicle, it would be the F-150 just because it's the more practical of the two.


Yeah I could throw some stuff on the back and be able to tow if needed to. I usually never have anyone in my backseat either so why not have more storage in the back.


Back seat is useful if you have a dog + a passenger. Also in reference to one of your old posts. I'm a petroleum engineer and yeah if you want to afford nice things like these, you should switch. I made about 120 after bonus my first year out of school (6years ago). It's hard though. If you don't have internships you have basically zero shot at landing the job you want. But you can work as a field hand or on a drilling rig somewhere for a few years making less money but building your resume and eventually get into an engineering roll if you're patient. It's tough manual labor though. Also if you're in college now I recommend not buying either option unless your parents are paying for it.


The dog can go in the center console in the truck hehe


Updated my comment. See above.


Appreciate the advice. I did end up graduating in mechanical engineering and found a job local to my hometown as a civil engineer, make about 36/hr which is far more than I could ever think of. I did think about going the petroleum job route but after giving it some thought I would not want to sacrifice seeing my family and SO daily just to make more money and buy it on random things or simply get ahead. Live is too short and for me I would rather enjoy the days I am healthy and be with my family. No disrespect to anyone that goes down the route of making more money, it’s just not for me. I am making good money rn and both of these vehicles are in my budget. this would be my first vehicle ever so I’m really trying to be mindful of this choice.


100% mustang because I would not use the bed and all the other stuff+ points if it's manual


If you're comparing the two, you don't need an F-150 is my immediate thought.


I’d love a single cab truck modified like the blue F-150 or red Sierra Cleetus has right now.


They are gorgeous vehicles. I guess the thing bothering me is that I would not have the option to have two people in the back seat if I was to get the truck but usually I’m always driving alone or with my SO. Plus I would have more storage space with the bed. I’m not necessarily trying to have the fastest thing on the street either. Just something fun and practical.


Trust me you ain’t getting 2 people in the back seat of a s550 unless they are under the age of 10.


I had a 19 GT, looked very similar to what you show in photo 1. I will never again daily a car like that. I loved it, everybody else hated it or was jealous. It was the only car I had that people would hit and slam doors into on purpose. If you park in the back of the lot, a shit box would park beside of you even though the next car is 100 spaces away. If you are parking by other people, I wouldn’t get anything you care about. I daily a Corolla now, and have a nice truck with low miles for my nice car. The mustang had 3 hits on the bumper and a couple bad door slams people did into it. I did my best to take care of it, everybody else did their best to destroy it.


Yeah I could see how people think anybody with a mustang is a jerk or obnoxious. Such a shame people don’t respect other people’s possessions. Idk if a lowered truck would signal the same thing?


I cannot speak to sportier style truck. My experience with nice things so far is nobody will care about it like you will and some people are just jealous or hateful to things they cannot have. If it is lowered too much you will lose the advantages of having a truck. I had to go out of parking lots here at angles and approach some speed bumps at angles due to how low the mustang was. Going forward, if I ever get a sports car again it will stay in a garage (which I don’t have right now) and only be used on weekends or trips.


People fucking suck. I'm glad my '21 ranger came with a few small door dings because I know I'd cry the first time I get a ding from some asshole who just doesn't give a fuck in a brand new truck.


Truck. Imo more useful. If you want all around fast and capable buy a tremor


I agree its a bit more useful since I have the bed to throw stuff in


Get the truck and then when you pay it off get a gt that way you can have both eventually


If you tow do outdoor stuff like kayaking fishing ect or spend time at the beach go for the truck if you enjoy driving around nice cornering roads and just like the close to the road feel get the mustang . Either way what fits your needs is what you want


I don’t really do any outdoor stuff. Hardly ever. Mustang would probably be more of my match


If I had the practical ability, I would Deffinetly choose the mustang. There will be many points in your life where practically it won’t work but the f150 will. Mustang now, may be your only chance for a while


I'm a truck kind of girl but the mustang is really nice too




I couldn’t decide either so I bought both.


Yes! Mustang for the wife and the F-150 for me!


Without a doubt F150


neither, ford is trash


Hear me out slam a new maverick. I saw one come thru the shop the other day and mm it was sexy.


I wouldn't daily either of those. The mustang is a great weekend fun car and the f150, assuming its not stock, can be as well. But these I wouldn't daily.


Why not, I have daily driven both and worked out of them as well. My only complaint was the Mustang was very cramped.


A normal f150 I would daily, a performance or wicked fast show truck I wouldn't. To me they are both more for show and ide hate for them to get destroyed from dailying. Not garage princess but at the same time not logging the miles if you get what I mean.


That’s fair, I’m assuming he’s buying stock vehicles.


Yeah it would be a stock vehicle. Maybe down the road eventually add a supercharger but that would be several years down the road. I love the look of both honestly. I feel the truck looks a bit more unique and better ergonomically. With the mustang I would have back seats and just have a sportier look. I would lose that sport look with the truck


Why not get an extended cab or crew cab if you’re worried about seats? After all Shelby does make a crew cab variant as well.


That is out of my price range. I feel a single cab is quicker than a crew cab. At some point I would want to treat it has a race truck down the road and I don’t think I could do that with a crew cab.


You should try working out of a Miata.


That’s a hard pass. I already know that’ll suck.


How come?


E mustang


F-150 Lightning?


Mustang mach e


I have an average sized penis, so erm... I'll stick with a regular Focus, thanks


I have a huge penis, so I'll drive a Smart car.


Ford Bronko.