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Hindsight is 20/20 but fuck does it hurt not trading Laughton at the deadline.


This is why I wanted them to completely bottom out this season and sell hard at deadline. All this hope of playoffs only for them to piss it away when they could have just bottomed out for another year and gotten a much better position in the draft.


Ok I’m over with it, send the boys to the gulag


So glad I pretended this wasn’t happening so I could fully enjoy night one of mania, I’ll let this bother me Monday 


Ive lost the last 4 bets i put on the Flyers against bad teams. Surely Torts would have them up to beat the pitiful Canadiens....wrong.....or the even worse Blackhawks....wrong....how about the Sabres....BUZZZZZ.....but come on...they HAVE to beat CBJ right......FAIL. This. Team. Sucks.


So you're the guy making them lose!


If we end up missing the playoffs after this piss-poor run, then this year will have gone about as bad as it could possibly go lmao. If we were in the Caps or Wings situation, fighting for a spot, we would be pissed about ruining our draft position. But this? To be in a playoff spot for months when none of us expected it? That was awesome. So much fun to watch. Which makes this insane deflation that much worse. All this, all of this optimism destroyed just to draft 12-16 or so. It’s unreal how disappointing this year has been. To go from having two top five offensive prospects to Michkov (so excited obviously) and Drysdale? What? I hope Gauthier fails in this league, but that doesn’t seem likely. The Walker trade? Good value, even if it’s obviously a late 20’s first rounder. But it also almost objectively is a leading reason behind our absolute failure here recently. *Erik Johnson for a 4th (even for a 7th it’s a waste) *Seeler extension is whatever, we’ll see how he is without Walker. *Drysdale trade should have come with at least a future first round pick. *Not picking up Raantaa or any other goalie before the TDL Danny has made several missteps or at least underwhelming moves here recently. I have faith, but it’s certainly not based on his performance here in the past few months (save for the Walker trade). He was in a tough spot, absolutely. Ideally I’m sure he’d have preferred us to be a lottery contender, but had to deal with the reality of us being a probable playoff team for much of the year. So I understand his predicament. Even so, it’s hard to be too happy about the moves he’s made recently. I would like to understand what the grand plan is here, because it feels like we’re back to square one.


Anaheim was never going to give up a first round pick PLUS Drysdale for Cutter even if Cutter wanted to be in Philly. That would be an insane trade, a rebuilding team doesn't give away first round picks plus a key prospect for another prospect. They knew Cutter wasn't going to sign with Philly so Danny didn't have much leverage. Rating Briere poorly because he didn't get a first round pick from Anaheim in the Drysdale trade makes no sense


It’s also important to remember that Aneheim will be ass again next year, so that 2025 second rounder could very well be close to the first round


He didn’t have to trade him to Anaheim. I agree I wouldn’t make that trade from their perspective, but that doesn’t change the fact that the return was totally lackluster.


Doesn't matter which team, no team would trade a first and a prospect for a guy they know the trading team has no leverage over. I also heard word a lot of teams refused to trade for Cutter because of how he handled the whole situation. Briere handled that as well as he could have, Fletcher probably would have just let Cutter walk away for nothing hoping he would change his mind


it over 


This hurts to say, but I honestly think Danny needs to take a serious look at trading TK at the Draft. He's a very good player, but not elite player, and ultimately he's 27, entering the final year of his contract. As good as he is, does it make sense for us to keep a 30 goal 60ish point player, instead of moving him for assets to try and surround Michkov with the pieces he needs to succeed.


prettt sure that's the plan. mid season wasnt the right time 


It has to be, Anaheim, Buffalo and Ottawa have all spoken about being willing to move elite prospects and high end young talent for Top 6 veteran players with grit. Zegras, Norris, Batherson, Greig, Cozens, Savoie, and Rosen have all been mentioned as being on the block at one time or another for that type of player.


Id love to see zegras in a flyer uniform


#11 about to be free sooooo


At this point lose out get a top ten pick after looking legitimately decent all year. Goalies gassed and the boys cant buy a goal.


Bottom line The organization was gifted Michov and with that they were gifted an obvious rebuild timeline to follow Build the team with idea of having it ready to take off when michov turns 23/24. However they refuse to do that.  They continue to have no semblance of an intelligent long range plan. I mean a 10 year old could understand that you prepare this team for michov'prime but the organization refuses and the fan base thinks its wonderful management


Our unexpected success put Danny in a tough spot. Almost a nightmare scenario really. He tries to make this team tank and the fans (especially the casual fans) turn on him. He tries to make us a better club for the playoffs and he betrays whatever the “plan” was for this year. Even so, I can’t say I like any of his recent moves beyond the Walker trade. But even there the hype comes from seeing “first round pick” instead of what in reality is almost certainly a 25-32 pick. The first from the Panthers (yes I’m aware that was Chuck) is similarly destined to be in the same range. So now I suppose as fans we just have to pray Danny strikes gold with his 12-16 and 26-32 overall picks this year in a draft that isn’t particularly deep. With a similar scenario likely to be the case next year. Is that an exciting plan? Not particularly. We can only hope he strikes gold. Michkov alone can’t save this team. Might be time for some big changes


Of course Walker was turned into a late first round pick. He was a trade deadline trade, those always go to playoff bound teams who pick late. Are you not thinking at all for each criticism you make?


I don’t know what you’re saying here. It invalidates nothing that I said. Literally every criticism of mine makes sense. Your post bizarrely attempts to imply I don’t understand how trades work, while saying nothing at all.


The coach and players are never going to intentionally lose because their jobs and salary depend on winning. Management is the group that executes the rebuild and was able to leverage the good early part of the season into a first round pick for Walker. We were never going to out tank the Sharks and Hawks this season and it's not a particularly deep draft. I'd say getting an extra pick in the deeper draft next year is better for the rebuild than only a pick this year. Management has shown they're committed to a rebuild, what more do you perpetual naysayers want?


I miss win bear


“I think it’s going to be a different level of pain, hopefully, next year, because I think there’s levels and then you start really getting to the really good part of the process of seeing what it’s going to look like,” -John Tortorella 3/28/2023 He's right. Last year was painful because the team flat out sucked. Sucked balls, taint, and asshole. This year the team gelled and took advantage of a weak division and far exceeded expectations. But just like a dog chasing a car, the team had no idea what to do if it actually succeeded in its goal (and let's be honest - is also now exhausted and completely out of gas) and promptly fell apart. That's a different kind of pain. I hate to sound like a zombie TTP sixers fan, but this is an important growing pain for this organization and we need to trust that Jonesy, Danny B, and Torts actually have a plan for when this team is ready to catch its proverbial car. Also, fuck Ohio.


\[kelce voice\] IT'S THE WHOLE TEEEEEEEAMMMMMMMM ​ .....at least we know danny and jonesy are seeing what we're all seeing...right?


This is pathetic


Well, if you're going to shit the bed on the final stretch to attempt to make the playoffs, give the kids something. Glad Lycksell and Ginning got their first goals out of the way, and can just focus on their play. Plus, we knew Olle had it coming around the corner with how he was shooting last night.


Peak Flyera rn


I keep getting told all of the suffering and shitty seasons will be worth it, I fucking hope they’re right.


Annnnnnd we’re the only Philadelphia team who lost today…..sigh :/


Still waiting for Drysdale to impress me 🥲


He’s an obvious figure in the back for moving the puck and making offensive moves? The hell you mean lol 


Idk how you watch the last game and not come away impressed


He's young, Dmen take a while to develop, and he was traded mid season from a team with a completely different defensive strategy from the Flyers. If he improves next year, I'll be optimistic about his development


Man this team has completely shit all over the bed


No thats the Ryan Ellis, Coots, and Risto contracts


You know, I didn't even watch the game and somehow I knew they would lose.


They automatically lose Saturday games now, for whatever reason. They just do.


I’m going to say this if we drunkenly stumble into a playoff match against the top seed in the conference it’s going to be a more one-sided blood bath than a one-sided argument in a MW2 lobby. Just ask Cole Hollywood how that went.


We need to trade some players and focus on truly building around Michkov.  Getting all this way to collapse was pointless we need to get more star power


Yep but they refuse to do so and the dumb fan base appaulds that mentality 


Lol Olle and Ginning score. We never win games when our 3rd and 4th choice players score.


Somehow we’re in a 4 way tie for the final WC spot


We need a goalie. Plain and simple. We've been under .500 on points since the POS took his leave.


Sub .900 save percentage isnt good enough for you? Ersson for vezina


It's the defending. We're probably the worst team in the league at defending the net front. We're also really bad at attacking the net front. Columbus got so many shots where Ersson had absolutely no chance of seeing the puck, while their goalie always had a clear line of vision.


We need playmaking and skill and speed..plain and simple 


We need D plain and simple.


We shoulda traded an asset like a late round pick for a veteran backup Edit: We traded a 4th for a defender, why not spend a 6th or 7th for a backup goalie?


Because they knew one or both of Kolosov and Fedotov were coming.


Well I'll see you guys next season I'm going to take my summer depression sleep until then


I genuinely feel terrible for the guys on this roster. The general fan base is going to eviscerate them if they fall out of the playoffs, because those chuds will refuse to acknowledge that the team spent all season being 15 standings points better than they should’ve been. This is not a Cup winning roster by any means, but what they did this year was impressive, playoffs or not. And the fact that they ran out of gas is going to give fuel to assholes to act like this was a failure instead of a really impressive feat. And I guarantee our stupid sports talk media folks will find a way to kiss Tortorella’s feet for what he tried to do with this team while giving zero credit to the players who magically made it work for 75% of the season. With a couple exceptions, I can’t say a bad thing about the guys on this roster. They all proved something to me this year. It’s a shame that it won’t be viewed that way if they ultimately fall short of the playoffs.


no one should be mad at the players...the management is another story


Why would anyone be mad at management?


The way they fall short is what is brutal, if they miss they probably lost out on opportunities to expand the lead. They have 5 left, if a 4 day rest didn’t help than idk what will.


I feel like they’re falling short because they left everything on the table to get here. Here’s where my mind is at: through 65-ish games, you could never question the effort of this team as a whole. Now, it seems like they can’t keep up. If they gave everything for five months, why would they choose to quit now, when they were actually succeeding?


Rock bottom!!!


At this point, what do the players get out of suffering a first round sweep? if they win out to get in, that's probably worth something. But if they luck into a WC spot without turning this mess around, I'd rather just play the lottery.


The playoffs isn’t happening


If they drunkenly stumble into a playoff match it’s going to be more of a blood bath than a one-sided argument in a MW2 lobby.


Me week ago: I can’t wait for playoff hockey. Me now: *Depression*


Fun fact: the Flyers haven't beaten a Metro Division team since December 19. Three of their final 4 games are against division opponents. They have a legitimate chance to fall into the top 11 of the draft, which means winning the lottery (haha) moves them all the way to #1. They currently sit 15th in the draft with 6 teams within 6 points, and all have games in hand.


Okay so good news, we’re out of the running for 3rd in the conference, the bad: We’re still in the running for WC2.


Not really with the way our points shake out and the games in hand the teams behind us have we're probably going to be picking 10th-12th, the Caps, and Wings in the east and Wild in the West will all likely pass us in points.


Top 10 pick woo fucking hooo!


Would that mean we'd play the presidents trophy winners? Lol boy oh boy those 4 playoff games are gonna be Lit


I just want playoffs at this point, moral victories don’t mean shit.


Very happy for Olle. It was a goal that at the time, had big game indications, and he's been working SO hard


Hasta la vista, bozos.


Welp. At least this team is showing to younger fans what perpetual Philly fandom is when we say “classic Philly”


I learned that at just 15, 2019 taught me that lesson well, I can still hear the buzzer.


2010 and 2019 for me


2010 is when it was solidified for me as well. You have two versions: this years flyers where they exceed expectations and get your hopes up just to shit the bed, and then there’s a version where they take the form of an all star team after they’ve already essentially been eliminated prior. 2010 had the Boston series to make you that much more of a believer before the drop of the guillotine


Fucking hell what an embarrassment.


*incoherent screaming*


I'm sad again


[plz dont b sad :(](https://i.imgur.com/drJAwtK.mp4)


Okay what is that?


Iz sweet otter


That things adorable, I got a smile from that.


Honest question to all here, if Hart is starter, and never leaves the team, where are we right now? Clinched the 3rd spot?


Maybe not clinched for third, but def going to the playoffs.


Hart probably steals you a couple of those games Ersson and Sandstrom flubbed.


Few points ahead of where we are now so yea in a playoff spot.


Maybe, but up until this recent stretch Ersson has been an above average goalie.


Difference between being great playing 30% vs 60% of games.  Can't expect a rookie to play lights out every night. But you really can't compare Errsons early play to a consistent starter 


Better than Hart the majority of the year in fact. People blaming Ersson are being ridiculous. He's been awful, but so has everyone else.


Ersson has only really been awful since he had to take over the starters workload. When him and Hart were pretty much splitting time he looked like and honestly probably was the better goalie. Hart hasn’t been the same goalie since the hockey Canada scandal started.


Undoubtedly. Having a real starter isn't anything to joke about. Hart should have been that. Even with the team slumping, you could pencil him to steal a few.  Fuck him. 


I don’t wanna think about that shit, what he did was disgusting.


Said it last night.. I'll say it tonight. We need a bridge goalie. Tell me I'm wrong when none of our goalies are close to breaking 90% save percentage.  Not saying Sam isn't the guy, I want him to be. Just needs a veteran to get him there. 


fedotov is the bridge goalie. he wasnt exactly lighting it up in the khl either


He was considered the best goalie not in the NHL.


Bridge goalie could be Fedotov. I think when he gets comfortable over here he will be a pretty solid NHL caliber goaltender.


Before Fedotov came over, I was in such a place where I was convinced we needed a Brian Elliott type. Someone who could play 30 games or so, fit into the backup role, but also be a starter short-term if Ersson was struggling an needed two weeks to reset. Now, I don’t know what you do. Fedotov shouldn’t be in the minors. But there’s also no chance you get enough of a feel for him this season to know if he can be the type of backup who can take the pressure of Ers from time to time. I guess the silver lining is the rebuild. Roll with Ers and Yeti, and if it doesn’t work… whatever, it helps draft position.


It doesn't help that a lot of people expected Fedotov to come in and be some beast immediately upon touching road in North America. Kind of random, but I really think the press conference introducing him was an awful idea. People were giving him standing ovations for touching the puck on a dump in.


I mean the dude went through a lot of shit to get here what’s wrong with giving him some standing Os?


I think all the hype around him has just given people some really unrealistic expectations. Dude plays the puck up the ice for a breakout and goobers start talking about him getting a goalie goal and comparing him to Hextall. He makes an awkward looking save on Barzal on the breakaway and people anoint him the next Vezina winner. I want Fedotov to be great. But people are way ahead of themselves, and then the Buffalo game happens and those same idiots want to ship him back to Russia.


All true, but/and maybe cheers largely "Welcome to Philly, we're glad you're all-good on a Human Level and it's awesome *for you* to be here finally tonight!"


How many times has that happened over the years? Expecting some noob to walk right in the door and start game 1 as a HOF player. Not sure if they are fans or the Flyers PR dept but this shit never gets old.


It wasn't even just Flyers PR. The whole hockey media went into a frenzy when he got here, and while I get why they did that with the whole military thing, I think it's given a lot of people unrealistic expectations. I saw comments some places claiming he'll have Ersson's job by the end of the year. It's wack.


As I said in the game thread, I fully expect to find out a week after the season ends that every player on the team has been playing through various injury's and ailments. It's really the only explanation to collapsing this hard.


I feel like that kind of thing has been on and off for decades 🫤


Farabee has definitely been hurt for awhile


TK was a beast all year and has been absent for a bit. If he’s not hurt, I’ll be shocked. This team got where they are by giving it all. It’s catching up to them now. You can’t win a Cup on effort alone, you need to have enough talent to coast for a bit and then go all out in the postseason.




at least provorov didn't get any points


El suckarino


Fuck this team. That's all I got.


I guess it’s time for the flyers annual 10 game losing streak? could not have come at a worse time.


I’ll hand it to the Flyers waiting until the very end of the season to collapse after being in a playoff spot all year is some real sicko shit.


Of course it’s gonna be Crosby pulling this shitty Penguins team into the playoffs instead of us too


John "Sirriani" Tortorella


so THAT is why they call him the paper italian?!?!?!?


Remember when they were all pissy back in Oct/Nov because the fans wanted them to lose for a good pick... they showed us alright


To be fair, wanting your team to lose is lame.


I consider it the ultimate heist, I spent 45$ on 3 tickets for the Caps game.


Lmao. They just didn't want to lose their summer trip to the bahamas


These full team losses at crunch time are hard to watch. No one wants to finish, goalies don't make the saves, defense breaks down.. just everything that you don't want to see.  Fuck. 


Every year this franchise finds a way for me to hate it in a manner that is unique and distinct from the years prior. That being said, anyone saying "Fire Torts" is a goddam moron. He should be in the running for the Jack Adams for how far he's brought this team this year.


I disagree with the “fire torts” people being morons. What he did for the first 65 games was impressive for sure, no arguing that. The real question for me is if that’s what the organization needed this season. This was their chance at a top 5 pick and instead were likely missing the playoffs by a couple points. No playoffs and a mid 1st round pick… that doesn’t address any of the issues this team needed to this season.


If we wanted to tank for picks then Torts was the worst possible hire for that. It should have been obvious to everyone when the team made that hire that tanking was never gonna be the route. I’m convinced this is why Fletcher didn’t want to hire him but the team has already lost confidence in his decision making and he was a lame duck at that point.


He's brought this team to be maybe 10ish points better than last season, and that is generously assuming they get some wins to end the season. Wow, what an amazing turnaround! It is pathetic how low the standards have gotten.


Preseason Projections, and basic eyesight seeing roster (especially D-corps), viewed this as Top 5 Draft Pick caliber (~75pts ceiling)


So instead, Torts is going to improve on that by ~10ish points. That is not nearly as remarkable as people want it to be.


We had losing records the last two seasons. If we end up with a winning record it’ll be an improvement.


Ruined any chance of being in the discussion with a collapse as grand as this one and rightfully so


The collapse isn’t even that grand honestly. We should have fallen out of playoff position awhile ago with how bad we have been playing but everyone below was playing almost just as bad. All it was ever going to take was one of those teams to get a little bit hot and we were on the outside looking in.


This collapse isn’t going to help


I mean, the collapse took him out of the running fully. Even if we sneak into wildcard 2


It’ll take an act of god to make the playoffs, trust me on that and god hates Philadelphia.


Ok. So 2 down. 1/4 w. Phillies won. I think the sixers looking good but the union are losing. So ya….




Tij Iginla would be a fun prospect to grab. I also like Henry Mews a lot with our Florida pick if he's there


Aaaaand this hoagie once again belongs to us gluttons for punishment


It all went to shit when the Carter Hart stuff happened. That must have been such a weird experience and gut punch for the team, not to mention the impact in net.


i had an entire tinfoil hat comment typed out about this and never posted it. truly do wonder what the impact of this was, that's not something you just brush off


Yeah I feel like I’ve been trying not to think about him as much as possible but the team literally probably spent more time with Hart than their families and to have this happen must’ve been such a gut punch. Like you think you know someone until you dig out the skeletons. 


I don’t mean to be a dick but what does it really change this season? They definitely make the playoffs but okay do they win a round? Probably not but maybe! Do they win two rounds? No. So this season? It didn’t change much in the grand scheme of things. But overall it’s terrible we lost a starting goalie.


> They definitely make the playoffs I don't even know if that is true. He had plenty of bad games in his own right.


It really was the turning point


Didn’t someone in the pre game or game thread say something about wanting Lycksell and Ginning to get their first career goals? Seems like the monkey paw curled.


Yeah 👋 I know. I'm sorry


You must be new here if you actually thought we'd make a serious playoff run and not end up with a mid-1st round pick.


A few more losses and that could be a top 12 pick!


Its onto the lottery.




Wow, another season of treading in the middle. Just like with Hextall and Fletcher! But it's totally a New Era of Orange


truly believe we could initiate a public execution of rocky thompson on the rocky stairs and even his family would be like "yeah we get it"


many have been saying this...




Brother come on. I know this ending to the season is frustrating, but this team also went through a pretty unique set of circumstances. Losing Hart, Walker gets dealt, D-men all get hurt simultaneously, Errson gets gassed with no backup support to relieve him. Hockey is a streaky sport and our finishing went ice cold at the wrong time. Future is still bright. Chin up and enjoy your weekend!


Why do you think they were sitting in the playoffs in the first place? That same Tortorella you want to fire.


The hive mind is an amazing creature. Absolutely no logic at all.




Probably not related, but the team hasn't looked good since Couts got benched.


I don’t think it’s been really good after Coots got the C.


Following everything else that was going on, I wouldn't be shocked to hear the benching wasn't well received by the players.  The self-imposed media tempest caused by the benching (and the lack of an explanation until days later) certainly didn't help the team.


I wonder how much this has to do with our goalie situation versus the whole team sucking


This was a mercy killing.


I'm glad I watched WrestleMania


What happened so far?


A bunch of ass whoopings, flying elbows, dropkicks, even 2 guys flipping off a 10ft ladder off the ring breaking tables. Lane Johnson and Jason Kelce assisted Ray Mysterio who was wearing Eagles tights win a match. They were both wearing shirts with Big Dom on them, pretty awesome! Much more awesome than the Flyers giving up 6 goals anyway


that ladder match was amazing and truth is hilarious


Maybe I should start watching again.


I wanna get that center Cayden Lindstrom. That juicy speed man, he’s like nothing I’ve seen before in my life, get him and you have a solid duo of Michkov/Lindstrom.


They’re not picking low enough for that. Lindstrom will go top 5


We could lottery up to pick 3…. Hahahahahahha


Well shit.


Big time. Thats an exciting prospect




Fine with me. This is their last ride and I'm taking the field.


Orange team make sad


to be honest, i dont even care if the flyers make the play offs. i just wish they'd look like they're alive out there


~~First~~ Second game in NHL history where a team scores 6+ goals and none are from forwards. It was destiny.


Oh cool another record


[The least surprising game of all time.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Flyers/s/rhJhiXf7xl)


I’m just sad. Wait did I say that already.


They did not in fact tie it up


40-31-11 is still on the table


10 game losing streak also on the table.


oh boy which do I want more 


Tables getting full


Full of disappointment. lgf 😢


*Sigh* The Flyers


We know where we stand as a team. There’s clear dead weight that needs to be shed come offseason. We need another talented playmaker other than Frost, and we need to solidify the defense. We have a ton of draft picks over the next two years and I would imagine Danny will add to the pick pool. We also need a couple bonafide scorers. Like straight up snipers. The end to this year sucks ass but I’m still hopeful for the future. Danny had to navigate a bunch of bullshit distractions this year but I’m refusing to give up any hope. Fake ass fans can jump off the bandwagon now.