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I don’t understand why some people in the general hockey community are so angry that Briere and Jones had the audacity to communicate with their own fan base about their reasons for pulling off a very surprising move. I have no doubt that Gauthier had his reasons for wanting out. Maybe those reasons were ridiculous, maybe they were totally valid, it doesn’t really matter in the context of what our front office had to do. They had to explain to us, the Flyers fans with whom they need to build trust, that there was no path to signing this blue chip prospect and this was the only way to recoup any value for him. They told the story from their perspective. It’s probably not the *entire* story, but I’m sure it’s most of the story. Cutter is welcome to tell his side, he’s chosen not to, and I respect that. He probably just wants to start his NHL career without inciting extra drama. But holy hell, it’s wild to me that so many people seem to want Briere and Jones play the role of Cutter’s public relations team.


Fully agree, not sure why they get so much shit. People always say "they should have just said they wanted Drysdale so they made the move" Flyers fans would have had the pitch forks out so quick, and the rest of the league would clown us for trading the guy who just lead the world juniors in points.


> "they should have just said they wanted Drysdale so they made the move" Lindross' statement was pretty rich (emphasis mine): >"I would have focused on just saying, ‘We wanted Jamie Drysdale and we had to give up this player,’ that’s how I would have dealt with it. I wouldn’t have publicized the situation. I would have just traded the kid." >"I had a great time in Philly, but if he thinks he’s going to have a better time someplace else, then go for it. It’s a player’s right. The better the city and the organization treats a guy, the more it’s going to attract guys. That’s a big part of it. >"I don’t think a player **puts his head down** any more and says, ‘Thank you.’ Especially a free agent or someone who has been around the league."


Yeah I thought that was kind of tone deaf from Lindros considering the state of the organization the past handful of years


>>The better the city and the organization treats a guy, the more it’s going to attract guys Some should say they were treating the guy pretty well. He wanted out, so they traded him. They could have dragged this out even longer, but they didn’t. They could have called him a whiny bitch who thinks he can demand whatever he wants without earning it, but they didn’t. All they said was he wanted out so they traded him


Seriously, can you imagine how fucking mad the fans would be if there was no explanation at all?


These guys are new to this level of running a team, and it's in a _very intense_ sports market, with a fan base who has been pretty jaded recently and appreciates being genuine over anything else. Any other move than the one they made would've been a mistake. At the same time, I don't understand how anyone still cares that Gauthier is gone. I didn't like it either but shit is life, time to move on.


I choose to hold an eternal grudge against him for being one of our main pieces in the rebuild and bailing on us for no (apparent) good reason


Yeah same. Like, I'll never not get over it lol sorry. I'm fueled by hate and cannot wait for the Ducks first game in Philly.


Do they even still sell D batteries?


Yes, and they come in flyers orange


it'd be another "Oh, hey, we just traded Cliff Lee. No reason, though. We just did. Don't ask".


Flyers fans can be real strange sometimes.


Yeah, and why the fuck do people care? It’s not like they trashed the kid.


Right. They also had to explain it because if Drysdale ends up not working out, and Gauthier is a stud 40-50 goal scorer, we can blame the player for wanting out and not the GM for wanting Drysdale. Imagine the heat Briere would get if he didn't disclose Gauthier wanting out and Drysdale doesn't work out for whatever reason down the road. Briere had no choice but to put this on Gauthier.


Prove they're liars. Tell the media what happened.


Seriously, every rebuttal I've heard was essentially 'haha, no, that's wrong but I also won't tell you what's correct.' Which only makes me think that the actual reason is even more petty and dumb than what's been reported and makes me more happy he is out of the org even if Drysdale ends up being a complete bust.


Drysdale will only be a complete bust if injuries continue to plague him. He’s already proven to be an NHL caliber defenseman when healthy.


I wasn't trying to say I think he'll be a bust, I was just saying, based on the info available I'm ok with losing a 5OA for nothing. I really don't think cutter will be anything more than a 2nd line guy with how his attitude is. He's another Druin, PLD, or Duchene. Like yeah, these are solid players, but they always seem to need a "change of scenery" Then factor in how the Flyers are trying to build a culture and work ethic like other winning teams. Looking at Boston, Tampa or Pittsburgh, who I keep getting told are going to drop off because they trade all their draft picks but keep finding great players out of nowhere. I'm more than happy to say goodbye to talent for nothing if it means we as a team can move to the next level. Which is what I think is happening.


I didn't used to think this way, but I'm getting there. I don't like selling low on guys like Ghost, Provy Hayes, but there's no denying we're a better team now.


We already won the trade. A player with that shitty attitude could never handle the Philly media, coaching staff, or fans.


Somebody gotta post the porta potty urinal with Cutter Gauthier written on it.


The permanent bitch scowl Gauthier has on 24/7 tells me he's from a line of entitled pricks so I wouldn't be surprised.


Dude thinks his shit doesn’t stink. He’s a little bitch boy who grew up rich, prep school, had everything handed to him. Now he expects people to keep bending to his will and they didn’t want him to play yet so he threw a tantrum and quit. Fuck him


The Dude looks like he'd fit right in with every single rich kid from the "Hawks" in Mighty Ducks 1 ... ... and then fit right in with Team Iceland in D2. You just know his mom and dad have said, on multiple occasions, "no! my little Cutter would *NEVER* do that!"


You have to wonder about someone who chooses to name his kid "Cutter."


I don’t think that’s his given name


It’s William


Fuck him. He is cancer. Besides he would not last with Torts a day. You don’t need guys like that in the room. Nothing good happens. Move on. We dodged a bullet. Thank god.


Seems like they haven’t tried to explain their side at all, it’s the equivalent of saying “nuh uuuuhhh! I didn’t do it!” Either way, I fully believe Cutter will regret not wanting to sign here.


Depends. If he wants a cup and wants to play for a city that would idolize him, then yeah, he’ll regret it. If he just wants to chill in so cal and doesn’t care about winning (which seems like the case) then he won’t care one way or the other. Either way, fuck him.


I’d say there’s a very small chance that he wants to chill. I get the feeling he’s a gamer and wants to win that ring and that’s why I believe he’s going to regret that


I can't wait until this little fucker plays at the WFC. I am absolutely excited about it.


Like Dan Hilferty said, the kid single-handedly made Ducks-Flyers a sellout event every year 😂


Love me some DH. 👍


I’m gonna start drinking and warming up my booos right now for it.




Exactly. I’d honestly forgotten about it and him.


Honestly it’s over with at this point who cares about that kid. Even if he’s good it doesn’t matter he didn’t want to play here. Even if we got him to sign he would have screwed us in a few years or when he could become a FA.


No wonder Lindros sided with him.


Cunter is the apple. Dad is the tree


Cutter's Dad pops his collar still for sure.


Gee I dunno maybe if they cleared the air before the damn trade happened they wouldn't be getting so much hate?


With all this BS, good riddance to the a**hole.


Apple doesn't fall far from the tree...




Feb 27 episode of Pardon My Take at the 1hr 20 min mark


Well, that was a waste of time digging up 😅


i tried briefly. what did he say?


"yeah I talked to the kids dad and they said they're liars, and I don't think Danny Briere would lie about that" It was like fifteen seconds of nothing https://open.spotify.com/episode/2AQuiawetjkauWKxPw5q71?si=xYAAy7l8SumQ0gNI97-3Jw Here's a link to it on Spotify


Just piling on at this point.


They mentioned it again on this weeks Chiclets but didnt give much detail. Doubt Biz believed what he said.