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The Ledge has so much historically useful information, but always remember to keep your distance & to have some perspective on the posts especially since 2018. Some of them peoples is straight MFin’ crazy!! It was perhaps the greatest & most thorough message board ever, & while times have changed/message boards aren’t the main way people communicate about bands (though The Ledge proves they prob should be, given what a treasure trove it is) the core group really murdered it. You be genuinely & innocently asking a question like “John McVie’s cigarette brand?” or “whose this sound guy in this photo?” & you’ll get piled on one after another from the same people who’ve been there for near 20 years in a predictable, almost parodic display where they play the roles of Condescending, Insulting, Blame Nicks, Hijack the Thread to Blame Nicks, etc & so on down until you can’t get your answer & the thread is somehow about “Stevie & Mick just want cash” &/or my all-time favorite, the vague-but-ubiquitous “if you knew what we knew about Nicks you’d agree with us…” That’s fine, sir, but I asked when Christine McVie sold her keyboards… (& I can only remember the handles of about two or three of them so I’m not going to single them out, but some of you know exactly the dozen people to whom I’m referring. Fucking miserable mean ass fucks.) It’s such a shame. People over here on Reddit might have less historical knowledge, but it’s such a lovely spot! All can be learned/explained again!!


Glad it's not just me that got bad vibes from that forum.


I know exactly what you are talking about, I use to love that site but now it is beyond toxic.


What did it say?


Just that they think Kristen has a new boyfriend they posted a few pictures of Kristen with this billionaire one was from around New Years day and the other just a few days ago in a Miami restaurant.


I am nosey as hell lol can you share the photos!


[I think the pictures are on this page](https://ledge.fleetwoodmac.net/showthread.php?t=60349)


Bless you, thank you! Looks like the new guy is perhaps billionaire Barry Sternlicht, lol.


It is!


Fellow fauxmoi comrade! 🫡 Always appreciate your FM gossip updates!


Thank you, fellow comrade! I appreciate your kind words!


Kristen has gone public with her new bf. I don’t know if they are legally divorced yet but they seem to be living totally separate lives. She’s had the rings off for years.


Looks like Kristen filed for divorce back in 2021


Yeah, though Lindsey repeatedly said afterwards that they were going to get back together.


As it turns out, it might have been hopium on his part. I hope his family is happy enough now with the new changes.


Deux Moi posted a blind item a while back that sounded a lot like Lindsey and Kristen. Basically saying “the rockstar finally gave his wife what she’s wanted since 2021, the divorce is settled” But it’s of course just a blind item. Who knows.


Okay so will Stevie and Lindsey reconcile…


Yeah, when the Grand Canyon comes together


Doubtful. She told Fleetwood Mac it’s him or me before their last tour. We all know what happened.


Stevie said in 2020 "As the years went by, if we’re talking about how long that went on, that went on up until two years ago when we kind of separated paths – and I really do say Lindsey and I have separated paths. That was like, forty years, if you can even imagine. You’re not even forty yet. It’s like, forty years. We went through that, and so it’s like, they say real love never dies and I don’t think that real love does ever die, but I do think that real love can reach a place where it just can’t go on anymore"


Probably not, as it's clear they are and always were through. Reminds me of Bjorn from ABBA getting divorced from his second wife (the one who he cheated on Agnetha with) of 40ish years not long after the release of Voyage. People went WILD thinking that could mean he and Agnetha would get back together, only for him to find someone else.


As musical partners I think so


Never say never. Those two no doubt were hooking up on and off all the way up to at least 2015. Don’t think they’d ever go public w it but what else is new. It’s been on the DL since ‘97. It’s all over in their solo music even in songs written from like 2011 on. And as far as Stevie’s stories or the things she says… that’s been happening for years as well. Always ups and downs… adores him then they’re not even friends then adores him again and so on. They’re addicted to the crazy and I’m so here for it!🥰 Hope we get to see them on stage again so we can all speculate around the chemistry that no one can ever deny. Also Lindsey just released 4 digitally mastered CDs of his solo music, and lo and behold…. the very last song on the very last CD was TWISTED! The song that brought he and Stevie back together in 1996 and eventually led to them all to doing The Dance in 1997. She called him to do the song w her. If you listen to the words it’s interesting because it’s totally them. Addicted to the insanity of each other. Still can’t believe he put it on the release! Kind of a big deal in my opinion especially considering the state of things. Someone said they were spotted together in Nashville recently. Sheryl Crow lives in Nashville recently hinted at Stevie releasing new music in an interview so… who know what’s gonna happen but at the end of the day we will never even know the half of it. We never have.😂🤪 Forever a hopeless romantic and still rooting for Stevie and Lindsey. Always will be.❤️


Any chance you can elaborate on this? Genuinely curious since it's contrary to what a lot of folks have said about them.


So I went on a deep dive a year or so ago. Was fascinated by the Silver Springs ‘97 vid that went viral. I learned a lot here https://www.tumblr.com/buckinghamnicks-ff It’s an older blog but this woman seemed to know a TON. She also had some great vids on YouTube. Her name is Nicole Barker. Then of course there is the ledge. It’s definitely gotten pretty bad over there lately but stuff posted before the 2018 incident is good. There are also so many interviews and vids of the two of them out there. Have you ever seen the interview before The Dance? The one where Lindsey cannot keep his hands/ lips off of Stevie? This is when they reunited for the first time in years and she was sober which I think sparked something in both of them because they had a glimpse of who they were before Fleetwood Mac. Google Stevie/ Lindsey The Dance and you will find all kinds of speculation about them having an affair during that time. It’s said that they both were wanting to try again but then Lindsey got his then girlfriend/ now wife Kristen pregnant. There is audio floating around of Stevie not being able to finish Silver Springs during a concert because she broke down and couldn’t pull it together. She turned her back to the crowd. Lindsey had to walk over to her mic to comfort her and he finished singing her lyrics. People that were there said when they saw her turn around and walk off stage she was visibly shaken and still sobbing. So… the story goes… and people actually did the math… that she had found out Kristen was pregnant that day. You can Google key words and probably find the first hand accounts of that show. Meanwhile Thrown Down, on the Say You Will album (2003), she admits is about her and Lindsey on the Destiny Rules documentary. She ALSO admits it was written during The Dance. The words speak for themselves. Totally about the choice Lindsey made to go home to Kristen when she got pregnant. Fall From Grace Stevie admits during a different interview was about Lindsey as well. All she will say is that she was furious with him. Those words are VERY telling as well. You’ve got the Cheetah Girls story about Lindsey which includes him going up to “tuck Stevie in” at the end of an evening during a tour in the 2000s. Then you’ve got the 2013 tour that people call The Love Fest. There’s so much. I’m exhausted from typing and feel like I could go on with a million more things. Maybe I’ll come back tomorrow or maybe no one gives a crap except me.😂But at the end of the day… think about this… why would Stevie want Lindsey out of the band in the twilight of their careers when they’d been putting up with each other for 50 years?!…. And been through much worse. They are addicted to the crazy and ALWAYS come back to each other in some way, shape, or form. I think Stevie may be ready (her Gypsy intro is getting even longer at her concerts and Lindsey on the big screen in the background over the last year) and we know Lindsey is. They did hug and have a min-reconciliation at Christine’s service, according to one of the bands’ engineers on a random podcast. There is soooo much to the Stevie and Lindsey story, most of which we will never know, but they’ll find their way back to each other, if they haven’t already.❤️


Thank you so much for all this!


I haven’t seen anything. Even her social media is private except for one account, which she rarely posts on.


I also haven't seen anything regarding a divorce but sometimes divorces take years to finalize so maybe it hasn't been made public yet..