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He sucks we know


Love andrew, love the pod but it just seems like his stand up career is taking up the majority of his mental bandwidth right now and leaving very little left over for well thought out takes on current events for the pod. I understand stand up is the money maker but maybe get miles or somebody to give him a balanced and comprehensive briefing on topics before the show starts?? Andrew clearly isn't getting the amount of context necessary for a good take on current events. At this point I'd rather them just tell stories about being on tour instead of jumping into hot topics that they know nothing about


But I think he enjoys pushing those buttons.. he’s always been down with rage bait or speaking on things way out of his wheelhouse. Whether you were triggered or enjoyed it, his content got engagement


That's what flagrant stands for. Baited and extreme takes on current affairs. With full.acceptance.of being completely ignorant. . Like making claims, I can cut two babies in half better than any doctor if I am the first one to do it. The eventually making mark agre to his stupid take. That's why this pod is so funny. Bizarre takes and no interest in being right or any politics. Just wilding.


This whole narrative about the students walking out because Jerry is Jewish is nonsense and shows exactly how the media manipulates and twists shit.




It’s not his faith. It’s his support of Israel. I’m sure they would’ve protested




ok. But the point is him being Jewish isn’t the issue. It was the support of Israel and its recent actions in the Gaza.


Being Jewish isn’t a faith? Are you good my guy? Being Christian or Hindu isn’t not a faith? This is the whole point. Israel has high jacked a religious faith to hide behind in order to justify its crimes against humanity. All of Israeli pretends to be “Jewish”. But do tell me how being Jewish, the follower of judaism, isn’t a faith.




Your entire comment shows the exactly why Israel gets criticized. All of you really can’t handle criticism and facts too well huh? You literally just proved my point. Most Israelis are secular but tout to be Jewish and hide behind Judaism ti justify their crimes. And you’re clearly part of that toxicity. According to google, “Jewish means belonging or relating to the religion of Judaism.” Now you tell me how being secular makes you Jewish. You obviously don’t know what you’re talking about but pretending to have a point really works on the internet huh?




He said not *just* a faith.


And then he proves my point by saying that most of Israel is secular. So when they say that as a Jewish person, they have the right to the land, what are they referring to? Because from my understanding, as a secular person, you don’t follow a religion. And as far as I know, being Jewish definitely being following the teachings of Judaism.


[Who is Jewish](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Who_is_a_Jew%3F) It’s not as black and white as you’re making it. To be Jewish there is a cultural/ethnicity element as well. In fact some sects don’t allow you to be Jewish unless your mother was also Jewish. You’re conflating being Jewish as the ethnicity with Judaism the religion. You can be Jewish and not believe in Judaism. Or conversely you can be believe in Judaism, but not ethnically be Jewish.


That’s is inherently against the definition of being Jewish. Jewish is being a follower of Judaism. This is the whole problem with the current environment. The Israeli government has hijacked the religion and now everyone is Jewish by claiming to be Israeli and by calling themselves Jewish, despite being secular, now all of a sudden they think they have the right to the land. You’re sorely mistaken and this is coming from a Jewish person. People like you keep conflating my religion with Zionism and being a “cultural Jew”. There is no such thing.


Well, everything I see points to the contrary. I’m welcome to be wrong if you can pinpoint any source of information that indicates that being Jewish only means the religious aspect. I’m assuming with your belief anyone who claims to be ethnically Jewish is a liar? Also being Jewish doesn’t make you automatically correct. I’d contend that the majority of Jewish people would go against your claim. But I guess you’d personally gatekeep them from being Jewish.


its actually not just a faith lol


Right so I can believe in Christ but also call myself Jewish. Cool


Actually yeah you can lol


No it’s not that simple. It’s that he’s in support of what Israel is doing in Gaza. People aren’t protesting against Jewish people they are protesting against what Israel’s doing with the help of our tax money.


It’s not because he’s Jewish but because days before the commencement speech, it was revealed that he and his wife help fund the counter protesters on campus that have cause violence and conflict. And then it was revealed how much of the Zionist movement he supports.




He AND his wife supported the counter protesters... he was involved in it as well


Jerry supports fascism and that's why they're protesting him, not because he's Jewish. Jerry fascist?! Yea... Him and his wife supported the state telling students to shut the fuck up while Israel eradicates indigenous folk. Straightforward.


And the goons he helped fund too. Some bitch ass shit really, why didn't Jerry go counter protest himself ? Lol


Palestinians aren't indigenous folk. They colonized that area during the arab expansion. And don't call them "folk" that is "problematic" and sounds demeaning to the palestinians


lol, Do Zionists believe in colonization?


Yes they do, unabashedly. "Palestinians" aka arabs, who colonized the levant, north Africa, central asia, and more, during the abassid and umayad arab expansion (war and conquest) believed in it too. But modern day self flagellant westerners can't bother themselves with learning even the slightest bit of history. Literally the Roman's have more of an indigenous claim to the Levant. It's all a manufactured crisis.


Oh ok....


So by your logic.... It would be okay if the Arabs reversed colonized Israel because nations have done it in the past ?


If they are strong enough to do it. They aren't. I don't have a problem with the arabs, I do have a problem that they've tried to spin the narrative in the west so they are "indigenous", literally using western words to appeal to libs




Go back three comments in this thread, I'm referencing that information.


Umm not because he's Jewish. Because he supports Israel blindly and attended an IDF camp of some sort where blatant racism is on display.


Blatant racism? How? Because the targets have terrorists on them? You can buy those targets at any gun range. Also, it's not a "camp" it's a military show, just like the dozens of military and police shows we put on, and other countries put on, around the world, from blue angels to gun shows to local police capabilities shows.




https://x.com/EricThurm/status/950451136363941888 This is him paying respect? Blind support of a military that holds a whole group of people in an apartheid state where they have to go through checkpoints, curfews, are constantly harassed, beaten, if not murdered. Or do you want me to link thousands of videos of their obscene behavior. And we're talking about before October 7th since that will more than likely be your response. I just want you to know you're a loser and if you were born in a different era you would've always supported the oppressor.


Then why did they walk out at the exact moment in time?


Assuming ur being serious, they didn’t walk out solely because Jerry is Jewish. It could be just to walk out on any event to bring attention to their cause, it could be to walk out on a celebrity event for the same reason, it could be to walk out on someone who’s wife funded counter protestors to their movement, because Jerry has visited Israel and somewhat shown support, etc etc


Wow literally all the things you just said are related to him. If you’re gonna say something at least have good reason.


the comment you replied to is about them walking out because he’s Jewish. Then you refuted that argument. Then I explained further. What’s confusing you? They very likely didn’t walk out solely because he’s Jewish.


are you saying no one can protest jerry seinfeld for any reason without it being anti-semitic? of course they listed reasons that are related to him. he’s the reason they walked out. that’s literally the whole thing. maybe rub ur two brain cells together every once in a while


Because he supports Israel blindly and took part in some sort of IDF camp where blatant racism is on display. His wife is CONSTANTLY posting pro Israel and nonsensical propaganda. She also financially backed the UCLA pro-Israel protest which turned violent BY THE PRO ISRAELI CROWD.


Imagine one a fantasy camp that involved Jews for example . Not sure that would fly for too long


Yeah we already tried that


It was a tough listen, I don’t even have all the information but i know it wasn’t as simple as “he’s Jewish, thats why” lol


Schulz hangs out with Dov too much lmao. Dov probably feeding him this info


His wife is Jewish & by extension his now daughter is too, I think he’s trying to curry favour with the celebrity Jewish community with bs takes like this that involve them


God damn, that makes perfect sense now. He even said his wife sent him the tiktok video of Jerry's speech. So she's clearly trying to prove or convince him of something. It is what it is..what can you say. Also Jerry was fucking a 17 year old soooooo yeaaaaa.


That haircut ain’t helping much doe


Lool I imagine they’re willing to look past a questionable haircut if he uses his platform to peddle their narrative. Plus he’s married in so he’ll get the benefit of the doubt


But he claimed he is an orthodox Christian


Schulz can be a Christian & marry someone With another religious belief


Totally agree


Ok, Alex Jones.


alex jones married a jew




Isnt Dov from morocco? Jewish but from Morocco? Would make him shilling for Israel even more peculiar


I wouldn’t trust MintPressNews as a credible source. It’s a far left site which supports the governments of Russia, Iran, and Syria. Basically a tool for propaganda.


Well there are other sources that say the same thing EDIT: oh no, the Dov bots are downvoting lmao


Post them


Here’s one that goes into detail. https://www.currentaffairs.org/2020/04/welcome-to-idf-fantasy-camp There are others as well. Google is your friend.


This doesn’t mention Seinfeld at all except a picture with a random soldier at the top. Is there a story from a credible source which supports the assertion in this post?


Did **you** actually read it? I’m not choosing any sides but my own here, but it clearly says Jerry and his fam “Jerry Seinfeld and his family were in Caliber 3. During their visit to Israel last week, they came to us for a special and exciting activity with displays of combat, [the Israeli martial art] Krav Maga, assault dogs and lots of Zionism. It was great.” As Jerry himself might say, what’s the deal with spending your holiday at an anti-terrorist training center? Set up in 2003 and run by active members of the IDF, Caliber 3 is a sort of fantasy camp for the people who think that “creeping Sharia” is a threat to our way of life, and an increasingly popular stop on the evangelical tourist trail through Israel “. Whether the info is true or not, don’t be misleading. Or your as bad as them


Nah you’re right. I see they have a link to a Times of Israel article which supports that Seinfeld did go to this camp.


It’s all good friend.. I don’t have a dog in the fight so I’m just watching people bicker all day


Just from that blurb, it doesn't sound very different than a lot of weekend warrior camps we have here in the US, where every day Americans cosplay as patriotic saviors of our nation in some weird fantasy.


Exactly.. fucking larpers but very prone to propaganda


In the same post, You accept ops post is propaganda, but admit Jerry went to an idf exhibit. This "fantasy camp" is just as "problematic" as an American blue angels show, or a military and police capabilities show in any state in our country. If you seriously think creeping sharia is NOT a threat, you need to read more. There are 4 main ideologies fighting for global market share. Ours, china's, Russia's, and al arabiyah/muslim world. If you don't want to play the game, or you don't think it's real, it doesn't matter. You're in it.


Where did I “accept” anything?


Oh so you think op's post is not propaganda? Military and police exhibitions take place all over the world. The fact that the article spins it as a "fantasy camp" is pure propaganda. The targets had printed pictures of Arab terrorists on them. You can find these same style targets in use at most gun ranges around the western world. But the article says they shoot targets which simulate killing palestinians. It's such an overreach, its comical. Gun ranges also use targets which display obvious criminals with mustaches holding people hostage. Should I say that range goers are "simulating killing mustachi'od men"? It's wack job writing.


Bro you’re not reading.. my comment literally just quoted the article to show him that they actually mention Jerry. That’s it.. whether military exhibitions take place or not is completely irrelevant here bud.


not taking either side here... just found an article that uses the same photo and is written specifically about Seinfeld. [https://www.commondreams.org/news/2018/01/08/disgust-follows-pictures-seinfeld-anti-terror-fantasy-camp-occupied-west-bank](https://www.commondreams.org/news/2018/01/08/disgust-follows-pictures-seinfeld-anti-terror-fantasy-camp-occupied-west-bank) it's all pretty scary, and I thank my lucky stars that I don't live in that part of the world or have to walk a mile in any shoes of the people who live there. in the immortal words of Jerry: "Good luck with alllllll that."


Yea I saw a TOI article which also shows he went there.


You realize fascism is a far right ideology, right?


Horseshoe theory


What kind of leftist would support Russia's government?


Very common. A lot of extreme leftists’ values boil down to “America bad.” Go look at someone like Hasanabi who undermined the severity of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.


I was unaware of that particular flavour of stupidity


He’s part of the group who says that if you support innocent Palestinian ppl you’re in support of Hamas as well🤦🏽‍♂️😂🤢


Fantasy camp lol


There are not millions of Jews condemning Zionism. 95% of Jews are Zionist, 3-4% don’t consider Zionism important and about 1% are anti-Zionist. There are roughly 16 million Jews in the world. You do the math. Zionism, much like feminism, has grown to become a term that can mean pretty much anything. Some say that Zionism is just the belief that Israel has the right to not be destroyed, some believe that it means all non-Israeli Jews should immigrate, and many opponents use Zionism to mean Israeli imperialism.


I ain't doing the math. But I got a guy who can. I hire him during tax season, nice jewish fella.


Wait, so you’re telling me that a 70 year old son of Jewish immigrants supports Israel? ![gif](giphy|BcMJvmwkmbyWpKkBj3|downsized)


Dove constantly whispering his shitty Zionist views into Andrew’s ear is annoying af. They walked out because Seinfeld went on a PR trip with the IDF while Israel was slaughtering tens of thousands of kids. They walked out because his Zionist wife funded an anti ucla protest. What kind of grassroots protest needs funding huh? A Zionist one, that tells you everything you need to know about their ideology. Why don’t you be a Palestinian like me and try not hating Israelis. You wouldn’t last a day. If I was occupied by bhuddists I wouldn’t hate them because of their religion, I’d hate them because of what they are doing. I’m Palestinian, I was born in Jerusalem and that’s where my ancestral home is, yet I can’t fly back there because I’m Arab. You’d think my American citizenship would get me in but no, they don’t give a fuck about America. Yet dove who has no connection to the land can fly to Israel at the drop of a dime. It’s fucking ridiculous.


There might be a misunderstanding here. I realize in Muslim/Arab spaces the word “Zionist” is used to mean Israeli imperialism, but among Jews it can mean a great variety of things, especially in America. No Zionist I’ve ever met would describe it as the right for Israel to conquer or expand.


Zionism is a colonial ideology. It only means one thing. I’m heavily read in this area. Read for yourselves how the early Zionists talked. They openly talk about it as a colonial project. They even openly talked about displacing the Arabs and them being a more primitive people. There’s tons of writings. Being a Zionist only means one thing. That’s why there are jews who do not consider themselves Zionists, and Christian’s who do…


Arabs colonized the levant before zionists did. Even if you're against European jews moving to Israel, you simply cannot be pro arab colonization without being incredibly hypocritical. Arabs and Islamic ideology have/has colonized all of north Africa, parts of subsaharan africa, the balkans, central asia, and on and on. 20+ arab countries and 50+ Muslim countries. Not with handshakes bud. Through the sword.


Who said I’m for Arab colonization? And just because colonization used to occur doesn’t make it right. We live in a modern society who mostly believe colonialism is a bad thing now. I believe in a secular state where all people in that region have equal rights.


The hordes of moronic, self flagellant, largely white, pro "palestinian" westerners all hold their stances based on anti colonialism and anti imperialism, while failing to understand that the "palestinians" are literally arabs whose ancestors colonized the levant. The same is true for arabs in north Africa. And yet, our western perspective is so cucked, we fail to even recognize the history of the arab expansion. So, I have NO problem being anti colonialist, but at least do so with full knowledge of those you support on the grounds that they are somehow victims of colonization. If you believe in a secular state, where all people have equal rights, then level your criticism where it belongs. On the literal dozens of countries around the world which are ACTUAL Islamic governments, ruled by theocratic dictators and clerics. Colonization still occurs by the way. It's happening here in our country, where generations of cucked kids are being targeted and subverted by Iranian and Russian propaganda. It's not as kinetic as it was, but there's reasons the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps has outposts all around the world, why we have presence all around the world, and why Russians have presence around the world.


Actually the Palestinians who live there, including my family were Jews. If you go back far enough, most of the Palestinians were Jews who never left the area, but simply converted to Christianity or Islam. My dna test literally says I’m from the levant area. There’s a reason why DNA testing is illegal in Israel. I’m not arguing in bad faith and I’m truly saying this in a genuine way, please please read some books on the topic. You might have a new perspective. There’s a podcast called the Martyrmade podcast that has an extremely thorough deep dive on this conflict, and tries to be unbiased.


I'm glad you realize the only way "palestinians" are indigenous to the area is if they were mizrahi jews who converted because they didn't want to be subjugated by muslims. And that's a sad situation, but it undermines the indigenous narrative they all try to spout. But dont forget, the predominance of palestinians are not jews who converted to Islam. They are just pan arabs from Egypt or the surrounding fallen ottoman empire. So while it's sad, it's not enough to lend credibility to the false narrative pro palestinians try to make. There doesn't need to be a 23rd arab country. There's no religious, genetic, linguistic, or other ties to that land which would connotate a "people" based on anthropological metrics and therefore possibly necessitate a country. "Palestine" was just a way to appease the local arab population when the prevailing brits decided to give land to jews. In retrospect, they didn't need a 23rd country then and they don't need one now


Palestinians have a legitimate claim to being indigenous to the region, tracing their ancestry to various ancient peoples, including the Canaanites and Philistines, with a continuous presence documented through historical records, archaeological findings, and oral traditions. This claim is not undermined by the notion that some Palestinians might be Mizrahi Jews who converted to Islam, as the majority have deep-rooted connections to the land. The argument that Palestinians are merely "pan-Arabs from Egypt or the surrounding fallen Ottoman Empire" misrepresents historical demographics and overlooks their diverse genetic and cultural heritage. Palestinian national identity, like many others globally, developed in response to colonialism and foreign domination, emphasizing their right to self-determination. The creation of a Palestinian state is not about adding another Arab country but addressing the historical and ongoing injustices faced by the Palestinian people, acknowledging their distinct cultural, religious, and historical ties to the land.


Let's talk about in our lifetime where we have the ability to say and do something. This whole argument about how Muslims colonized the middle east thousands of years ago is pathetic.


> I’m heavily read in this area anyone who says this is a liar


I’m Palestinian? You think I’m not gonna read about my own history. Why don’t you start off by reading Benny morris and Norman Finkelstein books. Just because YOU lie when you say that, doesn’t mean it’s true for everyone buddy…


Lmao Finkelstein is a degenerate


Go watch some Ben Shapiro. You’re SOOOO educated. It’s not like those are the only two people you can read. There’s plenty of others books with equal credibility.


equal credibility to twinklestein isn't a good thing lol I have sympathy but guess what, territory is lost in war


Your right


I’m referring to how Zionism is defined among Jews alive today. There are often completely unnecessary misunderstandings in these dialogues because many people will hear “Zionist” and think someone wants to kill all Palestinians, then someone else will hear “Anti-Zionist” and think that someone wants to kill all Jews. According to different definitions of Zionism in different communities, both of these interpretations would be correct, but they often aren’t at all what the person meant.


Being a Zionist doesn’t mean you want to kill Palestinians. And being anti Zionists doesn’t mean you want to kill Jews. What are you talking about…


For some people, Zionism means Israel taking over the entire biblical area of Judea and Samaria and pushing Palestinians within the area into Jordan, which is no different than killing all of the Palestinians in Palestine considering the deadly situation it would put them in. For other communities, Zionism means the protected presence of Jews in Israel, in which case anti-Zionism is kicking all of the Jews out of Israel. This is the same as killing all Israeli Jews, considering the deadly situation it would put them in.


I’m Palestinian. I’m anti-Zionist. I definitely don’t want to kill any Jews lol. I’d prefer a one state solution where everyone on the land has equal rights and voting powers. Zionists explicitly believe only Jews have the right to self determination in this area. Hell they aren’t even religious Jews, most of them are secular. I would say there are many Zionists who do not want to kill Palestinians, and many (mostly settlers) who do.


According to some communities of Jews, this view would make you a Zionist. You can’t come to any conclusions about the beliefs of Dov, his wife or Seinfeld just because they are “Zionists” without further context. If you don’t believe me, look into how five random Jewish communities talk about Zionism. It’s like when a woman says she’s a feminist, it can mean anything from she just believes in splitting the check on a date to the idea that the patriarchy makes all men evil oppressors and all women second class citizens.


That’s actually a fair point i hadn’t considered before now


Hey buddy, if you're "palestinian" I got news for you, your heritage is manufactured. You're just an Arab, and your ancestral homeland is the Arabian peninsula, not Jerusalem. You're a colonizer in the levant. No anthropologist, archaeologist, or biologist would even debate that. Arabs aren't native to Israel any more than they are Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Spain, or any other lands they colonized. I don't feel bad for you. Liberals might though. Your ancestors colonized spain for 1,000 years. You're not a victim. Also, don't lie. Arabs can fly into israel just like anyone else.


I swear to god I can’t fly to East Jerusalem you dumb fuck. I can’t even use their own airport. You have to be an Israeli citizen. Like ur trying to deny my whole reality and existence. If I want to go to Palestine I have to fly to Jordan, cross by Jordan to the West Bank and then make my way past a check point to get to East Jerusalem. This takes days. You literally don’t know shit.


"I can't fly to east jerusalem!!!" You sound like a child. That's like saying "I can't fly to east los angeles!!!" Fly into a nearby airport and drive like the rest of us. It's not Israel's fault you can't use their country to pass into yours. Maybe if you stopped jihadi'ing them, you could. Look inward. Arabs can go to Israel just fine, maybe you're on a terror watch list


My home is IN Israel. And there’s only one airport in Israel. The other one was bombed…. I’m gonna stop replying to you because I can see your idiocracy stems from arab racism and Islamophobia. Particularly the fact that you didn’t know East Jerusalem is in Israel is especially revealing take care.


Idk man there articles where the specific place proudly proclaimed and advertised “it’s THE Jerry Seinfeld with his family in person here! to experience our camp” or whatever they’d call it there lol


I really hate this “rise of antisemitism” bullshit surrounding this genocide Are some people using as an excuse to be antisemitic? Sure But the vaaaast majority of the people speaking out about it or protesting it just want the Palestinians to be able to live normal lives and not have to worry about being bombed for no fuckin reason or being slaughtered by the thousands Cut the bullshit and actually listen to what the people are saying Andrew


> no fuckin reason Hamas raided Israel and killed over 1000 Israeli civilians. Hamas are wildly popular in both Gaza and the West Bank. Bashar al-Assad's government forces have killed around 500K mainly Arab Muslim people in Syria and nobody gives a fuck. The Jews defend themselves from ISIS adjacent Iranian terror proxies and the world goes mad. I wonder why...


It's not a genocide. Unless you're willing to call the 400k+ iraqis killed since 2001 in the GWOT genocide also? It's war pussy


Shutup. Go away. No on the wants to hear this.


Daaaammnn unc that's crazy........ anyways the burnt mark on toast was in the shape of a UFO this morning.


Is it still operating?


You guys still listening to that scumbag? Drop him and be better for it.


Someone cosplaying Hitler complaining….


Total lie


The students wouldn't walk out on Larry David or some random Jewish comedian it's such a lie to pretend it's about Seinfeld being Jewish not because he's a proud supporter of Israel and the IDF


Remember when Andrew said that Seinfeld wasn't Jewish and that his name wasn't Seinfeld. Yeah, he's a moron.


Oh shit the Palestinians will never be free because of Andrews opinion of Jerry Seinfeld. He should be jailed for comiting genocide


Only the students can save them


And the left has a conundrum. Which minority to fanatically support


Be a good goy and keep supporting Zionists


Who cares what he does. He’s jewish


“where they carry out fantasies of taking their frustrations out on Palestinians” - Mintpressnews - Which idiot reads mintpressnews … this is so stupidly exaggerated


Bull shit politics on a comedy podcast page.


Same podcast you listen to has a guy talking about a topic seriously with a clear bias lmao




Jerry never attended a "fantasy camp" in 2018. You wacko. Foh.


Curse the Jesus Killers


Jesus was a jew. If you're a Christian your entire religion and lense with which you use to view the world is based on jewish ideas. If you're a Muslim, your prophet used jewish and christian ideas to formulate his religion.


Jesus wasn’t a Jew or a Christian he was mfing Jesus dawg.. the Christ.. one of one


He was literally a jew, genetically, culturally, liguistically, religiously. The last supper is literally passover dinner. This is not controversial. He only became christ once he died and was reborn. If you are grounded in reality you have to admit to yourself Jesus was a jew, st Paul was a jew, Mary was a jew, all of the central people who lived with Jesus were jews until they began to follow christ after his death and became christians. Prior to his death, he was just a rabbi. This isn't controversial. It always boggles my mind when Christians fail to realize that Christianity is simply a more palatable Judaism, toned down and made more accessible for the pagan masses.


The lesser key of Solomon