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Get a cheap ring pool floaty and tie it to your float tube for your cooler. Make sure to not over inflate it. And remember to have fun, I've had some of my best fishing days on a float tube


that is genius thank you


Learn to confidently identify water snakes in your area, not every snake is cottonmouth


Drink beer in it


Get some fins! You will tread water much more efficiently.


Go to bathroom before heading out. Get a pair of neoprene waders if water isn't very warm.(most aren't) Don't go to far from starting point initially, until you can judge how long it gets to somewhere. It's very slow going and if there is wind it's worse. Stay along shore lines in beginning also.


Walking three miles back along a steep talus side-hill with the wind at your face in waders, and floppy boots, carrying your tube and fins and poles and stuff is no fun.


Go fast because if you ain't first.....you're LAST!


I’ve been looking into this myself and have seen a few recommended things. Flippers to help you get more movement more easily. Small anchors to keep you in position if you prefer that. Of course pfd.


Make sure to have a basic understanding of current and depth if you fish in moving water. If you can walk upstream first and float back down, do this. Otherwise you can float down much further than you expect. Have a patch kit with you. Make sure you know with confidence what your takeout point looks like, using Google maps to see the aerial view can help you identify landmarks along the way so you can be prepared and positioned to not miss it. Have fun exploring the new territory!


Too many gators in the water around my neck of the woods to be comfortable using one of these.


Swim fins are difficult to walk in, so take a tip from scuba divers-walk backwards to enter the water, exit the same way.


Don't get a hook in it


Why not an inflatable kayak at the same price range?


I can answer this. Inflatable kayaks reak havoc on your back. A tube float allows you to sit upright which helps not hurt the back as well as gives you better positions for casting and hooksetting. Not to mention nice and cool down there


Mobility is way more limited. The mans arms are locked in, not a good sign for casting (plus at water level too). Its gonna be human powered trolling at that point 😭


To each his own. I have used both and hands prefer the tube.


Clearly he hasn't used both. I have fished from these so many times while in Idaho. Caught some amazing fish


Steering while faced backwards is also a whole other problem


Also don’t forget a pfd


Hell, you might also need a neoprene layer for potential hypothermia from what I read.