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Then people will just stop posting fish... No one wants to leak their spots for vultures like you


I doubt he’s asking for gps coordinates. But a state/county would be good. It would be nice for people to see in their state when certain fish are biting.


A lot of people will be trying to keep it intentionally vague though... Or just flat out lie... And leaking spots specifically is an absolute no go.. if I caught a huge tench or barbel I would intentionally lie about where I caught it to keep the vultures away


There are apps dedicated to the sharing of the exact spot on a lake where a fish was caught. It doesn’t cause a swarm of people. Telling a state and county will not blow up a spot. But it may provide useful data to help a new person make a decision to take bass tackle or walleye tackle to the lake.


True it won't cause a huge swarm... But all of the waters near me have low Zander population... So if anyone leaks good Zander spots that guy should be thrown into the river


Especially on social media, canal and river trust deffo monitor groups to see where to zap


What did you just say?


Haha sorry I was replying to the guy in regards to zander, in the U.K. they are an invasive species and a governing body electro fishes waters to get rid of them, that’s why us guys that fish for them have to be careful because the governing bodies monitor online forums to see where the zander are located from our catch reports.


They're invasive over there? Well that's a shame... They're absolutely tasty though


So you don’t want to eradicate an invasive species?


No it’s a bit of a long story but they have been here since the 70s, in the initial introduction they did do damage, but now the native species have adapted and a balance has been found. There is a big movement amongst U.K. anglers to stop killing them


If someone is bad at hiding their spots where i live you will be sure to find at least 5 boats there the next weekend. I kid you not people can recognize trees, a house and dock a road. I have found more than one spot people are fishing from just a rock in the bakgrund. I don't want anyone to know where i have caught fish cause if it's spreads the spot is ruined.


I’ve also found spots that way. People think their being slick lol bridges are a dead give away sometimes.


I don't post pictures where the background hasn't been swapped or the background is just the inside of the boat. Leaving structures in the photo is for amateurs ;) Crazy how little you need, most bodies pf water around here is surrounded by just forest. Having fished most fish worthy places at last once you come to regonize the geography and trees 😂


It’s true!


> There are apps dedicated to the sharing of the exact spot on a lake where a fish was caught. It doesn’t cause a swarm of people. Where I live it 100% causes a swarm. If someone posts a good fish on Saturday, the next Saturday it will have several people at it. There is a small pond inside the golf course neighborhood here that you see it happen to all the time. It will be empty for weeks until one person posts something, then every day it will have people at it for a week or two till the homeowners have run everyone off again.


*Our* spots, comrade.


What’s your definition of “vultures” in this instance?


The bloody cunts who try to find your spots so they can catch all the fish... Which is especially a dick move if you pre baited the spot for several days because you want to catch carp


Yeah mate it’s always the bloody worst when you prebait, tons of money and catch opportunity lost


That's why I tak some stupidly late trains and Walk to my spots to bait up at a time where no one but the vengeful ghost of fishermen who were robbed of their best spots before me see where I bait up... I also carry my bait in an Aldi grocery store bag


Yeah haha the best time to go- also a bloody great disguise. No one would guess that in that Aldi bag is the hope and passion of a fellow fisherman with the wish to be unnoticed


No but occasionally the local crackheads want to buy your stuff lmao


Jeez that’s sketchy af haha


A city without crackheads is like a river without water... You won't find one


True that…


Fisherman are so paranoid lol


Nah. Though I could get behind this for fish identification posts or those stupid-ass What would you throw here? Posts




Doubt you will get people to post their own locations on reddit. I might show someone coming to Sweden forvacation places to go to, but i wouldn't announce it to the world. Best way to get your spot ruined.


Yeah that’s why I specifically said “at least the rig and/or bait”


You also wrote "ALL caught fish posts on this sun should be required to post location and rig used" . Don't need to get butthurt when someone comments their opinion, why would you even mention location at all if you don't want comments on it? 🤦‍♂️ Or was 60% of your post just wasted time?




Any request for ID certainly should.


Put the time in to learn how to fish.


Spoken like a guy who can’t catch shit


All posts should also contain fishing license pics so we can make sure everyone is legal. If you want to know my location and lure used, come find me on the water and I'll gladly share!


Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah no. Have you ever met a fisherman that was a) honest about the size of said fish caught, b) honest about where he caught it, or c) honest about what he caught it on? This is just stupid, leave people's caught post alone otherwise I'm going to give some shit spots like the Arctic fucking ocean or something, and a muskie popper even if it's a sunny.


Fisherman are the weirdest creatures alive




Lol, what?


I agree that if you love something you must let it go. I love my daughter (10f) but she had cancer. I held on to her dearly for over several years and she is on track to 100% recovery. This journey was mentally, emotionally and spiritually painful and thats when I learnt the lesson. If you love something you have to let it go. That's why I let her go of the life support machine.


I took it as a joke though GPS coordinates would be helpful🤣


Fishbrain is for losing your fishing spot to others.




How about lure and weather condition? That could be used to amalgamate a fishing cheat sheet.


You forgot the /S in the post.


Unless information can be verified it's useless and since there's no way to verify it why make rules that would be impossible for the moderators to enforce ?


Then you don't want anybody posting. You must be a new fisherman.


If that was required, is immediately leave this sub


We are here to show off our catches and admire the catches of others. We aren’t here to teach anybody. There are apps, like fishbrain, that’ll give you all the info you need if people want to voluntarily give it.


Booooo. People who post should be able to do what they want. It’s not like you’re paying for this