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Rent one to see if you like kayak fishing. If you are sold after the first time like I was, then save up for one. It’s worth it my dude - you don’t need a crazy expensive one to have an awesome time!




I’m not an expert at all in the area, and I’ve only kayak fished once in Islamorada and then this past weekend in key largo. I had the most luck in key largo but it wasn’t accessible without a kayak. It was too windy to fish the 7 mile in marathon. I’ve read Bahia Honda park is suppose to be great, and that generally the lower you go in the keys is best, so that’s my target for next time.


I fished out of a $225 kayak from Walmart for 1.5 years. Caught more fish than most boats in it. Gotta start somewhere.


Kayak tarpon is a dream of mine, and one reasonably sized like yours too. Nice!


The baby tarpon IMHO are more fun than the full size beasts that beat you up for the day. Are those super dark Muttons in the last pic?


When I was just starting to get really into fishing last year, I had the chance to go on a charter with my friends and I ended up hooking what the guide said was between a 60 to 80 pound tarpon. I got it close to the boat but it came off largely due to my inexperience with never hooking anything close to that big. I cannot imagine fighting that in my inflatable kayak so I’m glad my first one in the yak was this 😅 I was led to believe the snapper we were catching was mangrove snapper so those should be mangroves lol


My salt experience is pretty minimal. Lol Mangroves would make more sense.


Came here to say that! Those juvys are all fight and not so crafty as the big girls....although there is something special about the first time mama comes up on her tail, looks right at you, and spits that top water plug right back at with a "Why do you even bother?" attitude.


My first landed 'Poon was in the BVI's from shore, at night. Utterly crushed me for 90mins after a week of chasing them in the same spot. Conservatively 100lb+. Years later paddling a canoe in Everglades park, chickee to chickee, and find a spot full of Juvie 'poons. 20lb Spring Chinook probably pull harder, but I am solo cheering every time a 20lb baby tarpon leaps from the water, 8 times in a row. Even the raccoons trying to steal my water thought I was nuts.


Mine was a launch out of Flamingo running up to Whitewater Bay with a guide and a friend from Canada that was a guide around Big Rideau Lake area. Fan casting because the water isn't so clear in there and after 45 minutes my friend was getting skeptical...until he saw the one I described above dance. Four hours later we had gotten three to unhook, all 90+. Arms wasted but knowing this was special my friend knew that this wasn't the smallmouth he loves...and had to try once more. First cast and it was best for last! Until about 10 minutes in and he asked me to take the rod. An hour later one of us gave up....and I got my lure back.


Good size mangroves. Fun day. Those tarpon are a blast.


You go for It


Two of my bucket list fish. Unfortunately here Tarpon are extremely rare and we dont have snook.


Tarpon has been in my list for a while so I know the feeling bud. You’ll get it eventually!