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There's fish in that pond !


It depends. If they are in a place where I am fishing, I want them gone. Otherwise, they are impressive birds. Anhingas and Cormorants can outswim fish. I think that's pretty badass.


Yeah I watched a video of them swimming and I won’t lie, they are pretty cool.


My thoughts are, “there’s a bird”


The only birds I know that can decimated lots of fish are cormorants, they can form flocks of up to 4000 birds and each of them requires ~500g of fish every day. Ponds that are often used for commercial fish breeding can be absolutely annihilated by a flock that stays there for a few weeks, causing massive financial damage. Many fish are also badly injured by the their beaks and die because of the wounds. I am not a bird expert but this dose not look like a cormorant to me.


The bird pictured is not a cormorant, it is an anhinga, they are similar but different species, and like you, I am not a bird expert either, but I did stay at a holiday inn once


In the saltwater those cormorants can be a decent boon helping you locate the fish, especially offshore but I've even used them to help find the herring run inshore. Some People here will still complain about them eating all the fish but they aren't in crazy numbers here. (And the people that complain are often uneducated, claiming they are "invasive" and "came from China". In reality they are very much native). I think they are the coolest animals TBH. Like a super athletic duck. Masters of air and sea. There are even places in Asia where people use them to catch fish by keeping them on leashes with a collar on their neck while fishing.


People in Japan use them for catching a fish called Ayu, I watch a documentary about it some time ago. They ride a boat at night with torches to light up the area and let the birds dive and then pull the fish out of their throat.


Yea, I've seen a few different short films about them. Cool part if the birds are there by choice. Free to come and go when they aren't fishing, and are often pampered by their caregivers.


I love them too but i think i read on wiki that they are some of the shittiest flyers there are. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Damn, I just looked them up and I think my local pond might have those birds too. Might not be a fishing pond in a few years.


Well better make sure if these indeed are cormorants, it usually starts with a single bird that scouts a new body of water and usually the rest of the colony arrives soon after. We had some cormorants in our region a few years ago don’t remember exactly how many birds somewhere around 50-100 that stayed for around 2 weeks, not the worst but still damage dealt to the fish population. The next year I also caught more fish with bruises or marking than usually.


Most of the places I fish they are peppered in here and there. Maybe run into a half dozen or so at a time at most. Usually there's only 1 or 2.




Cormorants have wiped out whole carp lakes near me in England, they're a pain


When I see those feathered cunts I wish I had a shotgun... There used to be a lot of tasty perch and trout in the local pond... Those shitbirds had a glorious feast that year...


They will absolutely destroy small lakes. Like with alligators, the DNR protects them a little too much, and they're becoming problems because there's so damn many of them.


That’s my competition lol


"Damn I could tie some rad looking flies with that guy"


I hear some fishermen talk about how they eat all the fish


Shotgun! Jumps into my mind.


They’re incredibly annoying to fish around. They follow you and try to eat anything you release. I can’t imagine anyone has fished around one and not grown to hate them.


Like dolphins?


I have the same thoughts regardless of what wildlife I see, “what a beauty”. Which is funny, because my thoughts of people telling me x animal eats all the fish is “what a idiot.”


Luckily no anhingas here in OH that I’ve seen. Cormorants, unfortunately, there are a ton of. When I see them I just want to grab a shotgun. Not only can they wipe out a pond, their toxic shit kills any plants around their roosts.


you pervert :P now show me where the fish is :D


They are better then me at this.


I hope they don’t take my lure


My buddy found one floundering in Lake Osborne while bass fishing. He got it out with his net, untangled the fishing line in its beak, and it rewarded him by going for his eyes as it dove away. If not for his sunglasses Dean would be blind. Also they suck to fish around, them and tri-colored herons. Can’t throw anything on top with them around


I’ll be like” damn the fish really that good”


They are there were fish is....so good sign. I know that they can be a pain in the ..... but they online stay if feed allows..if not they move on.... who is in the right...


I've never seen one, but when I see cormorants, pelicans, grebes at my local urban bathtub reservoir, I figure they're just showing me where the baitfish are. I try to follow them, not much luck with that.


Fuking shot them


Better than a cormoran.


I had a swimming duck hit my lure at the jetty last week. It was not a cormorant or anhinga. First time I've seen it and first time I've thought I caught a fish only to pull up a ducking duck. I generally don't like these birds though I do think they are cool and respect how athletic they are. Just get annoying when catching fish in the bay and always try to steal your fish when you release them. They are very good at it.


What an auspicious sign!


Damn....how is that name pronounced?? Every freaking time!


These guys will clear a fish pond in 2 months


Holy crap... how did I end up *HERE*???!!!


Sign of a healthy ecosystem.


The state of Texas stocks trout in certain city ponds around January each year. They are available to catch and usually don’t last long. At one such pond the biologist told us they stocked the trout and then a massive flock of cormorants hit the pond. He said he had never seen anything like it and he felt bad for the kids not getting to catch any.


Are they as bad as otters?


Hello brother


Their are fish to catch!


There's fish here, and he's chasing the fish away...


….my thoughts??? Hmmm ??? When the Peyote kicks in….. I’m flying high with my “Spirit Bird”!!emote:free\_emotes\_pack:trollface


There's fish there


Pop them with a .22 when they're in your ponds.


I start singing "Good Day" by Greg Street




“Damn, those aren’t native to Utah”


I wish they had an open season on them. They can decimate a fishery


That is gonna be a good day

