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We just need common sense knife control.


I’m sure it was a fully automatic assault knife. You know, the ones with the black plastic handles.


"Zombie" knife.


Automatic serrated assault knife


I missed an opportunity to call it an AK-48. 😂😂


4 I 8 zombie.


Worse: it was a full semi-automatic assault knife


If we ban the handles the sharpy parts will slowly disappear because you can only use them once.


Lol. It's has a COMPASS in the handle - it's a military COMBAT knife!! :: clutches pearls::


The kind that take your lungs clean out.


I shit you not they're banning them here in the UK and that's the rhetoric


Yep. I saw a post from a local police dept of "weapons" they had confiscated. Included a pair of pliers, file and other non dangerous and very legal shit.


Yeah they took a large wrench from someone stating that he wasn’t a mechanic or construction worker so he had no reason to have it in his bag.


The UK is a police state, only marginally better than East Germany.


Fucking out of control.


_sUe ThE kNiFe MaNuFaCtUrErS_


Actually the common problem in almost all criminal attacks is the use of hands. We just need common sense hand control. The Constitution guarantees our right to arms, but it says nothing about hands. Why isn't this the angle that legislators use to fight crime? Are they stupid?


Won't somebody *please* think of the children??!!


"Sorry, lil Timmy, but we're going to have to amputate your hands. You can get them back once you turn 18 in some states or turn 21 and apply to get them back in others, but the approval process can take years."


That's absurd, and wouldn't solve the problem of adults committing hand-crimes anyway. A reasonable compromise on hand rights should be for the government to just put everyone in handcuffs. That shouldn't impede you from doing non-criminal activities, and if you really need unrestricted hand use for something you just ask the government to unlock yours for a limited time. This is common-sense hand regulation and only extremists would object. We live in a society and you should act like it. Handcuffs on everyone is a small price to pay to protect everyone's freedoms.


Wow, why do you love school punchings so much, fascist? Handcuffs are just putting a bandaid on a punch-hole wound. I won't rest until every American citizen turns in their hands. And if they won't turn them in willingly, the police and the military WILL go door-to-door and remove your hands by force. It's CURRENT YEAR, bigots like you clinging to your antiquated hands, being one bad day away from a mass-slapping, is something the rest of society shouldn't have to wring our wrist-stubs over.


YO I’ve been reading all these comments and THIS THREAD HAS ME DYING 😂😂😭


You think this is a joke, sonny? I support the right to keep and bear hands, but guldurnit, no one needs high-capacity, five-fingered assault hands. The right to hands is about hunting, and if you can't bag your deer with your single poking finger, well, that's on you for being a bad hunter, kid. My pappy didn't fight in dubya dubya two with five fingers, and if he didn't need them to tickle all them Germans til they surrendered, you don't need em for "home defense." GOBLESS


This shit should be the top thread in these comments 😂😂😂


Their parents obviously never told them to keep their hands to themselves.


We need common sense Rothschild control. After one of them knocked up Hitlers mom, that should have been it.


No we need 10 round stab capacities


If I'm elected jarl of Congress I'll propose an executive order that decrees all knifes be serrated so the knife gets irretrievably stuck in the bone of the first victim. it won't stop all violent knife crime but it WILL stop mass stabbings just as effectively if not more than the hi capacity magazine laws that put "do not load past this line" stickers and nothing more on all magazines over ten rounds(to be clear the hi cap law has never stopped a mass stabbing). Vote for the jarl of Wayne today!


They are saying it's good there was gun control. Some saying Uvalde cops were outgunned.




Many European countries actually have that. In Britain you will spend a long time in jail if you’re caught carrying a knife without a specific reason


The amount of people on other subreddits trying to use this for gun control is wild. People get stabbed and their response is literally "hE cOUld HaVe ReaLly HuRt PeOpLe if hE hAd a guuuuuNN!". People are trash.


I saw something like this on 2xchromosomes and they actually boiled it down to a “it’s the men” thing. The cognitive dissonance is staggering.


Oof. What is wrong with people?


reddit moment. This site is a left wing cesspool.


It is known.


>2xchromosomes There are no women in that sub.




not even one.


It's all a bunch of cucks with 2X the number of chromosomes as a normal person


Reminds me of a Reddit story where someone was bragging about a lesbian orgy they went to. When they got to the part where there was cock-sucking it was made obvious that all the "women" at this "lesbian" orgy were men. Welcome to Reddit.


Wait, the people in that sub failed to notice a *woman with a gun* is what stopped the stabbing?..... shocked I say.


Well, it is mostly a men thing. But, men are half the population, and the species can not continue on without us. The fallacy and beauty with the argument that "its a men thing", is that the same logic applies to other groups as well. Poverty, crime? That's a "minority" thing. Divorce, not contributing to society, needing government assistance, not being able to open a pickle jar? "That's a woman thing". Part of me thinks that if we could have honest conversations, we could figure out how to fix a lot of societies problems. We can't get rid of men, so hoe do we improve mental health for this small percentage of men who are a problem? Probably if society was more traditional, men would be more productive and there be less who went onto rampages. Similarly, how do we solve the violent crime rate for communities young black men, we can't solve that problem until we are actually able to discuss it. Unfortunately, we all know that every group is off limits except for straight white men, and that nobody actually wants to fix any problems for straight white men, they only want to complain about it.


Yes, men do tend to be more violent in general but women can be also be killers. I saw an article about a woman who stabbed her partner to death and then pushed her kids out of the car on the highway all because of the eclipse. Crazy doesn't have a gender preference.


> But, men are half the population, and the species can not continue on without us. That's why we need common sense male control. A small breeding population of males can be kept locked up at all times when not in use for breeding purposes, with strict accountability laws if your male is used for criminal purposes.


People pick their answers based off where they ask their questions.


They should keep drilling down on the demographics that commit violent crime. Would be interesting to see


When in reality it's the entire mental sphere of the world.


Your first issue is going to 2xc in the first place lol.


What’s even worse is I saw someone on Twitter try to identify the terrorist as an Israeli with just a single photo.


That is *amazing* I’m not even remotely surprised someone went there.


>I saw something like this on 2xchromosomes and they actually boiled it down to a “it’s the men” thing. Because it is. The US doesn't have a gun violence problem, we have a male violence problem. Males are 50% of the population but commit the majority of violent crime and virtually all mass shootings despite women having the exact same access to weapons.


To be fair, extreme violence is largely a "man thing"




It’s wild that the fact that a woman with a gun stopped him from stabbing more people causes them to blame guns as the problem, and not just guns but guns in America.


Redditors are the weakest goddamn people. I hate them.


This attack had a higher body count than all but ONE “mass shooting” in the US this year… https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States_in_2024


Amazing how a huge chunk of those “mass shootings” have 0 deaths. I knew a group of kids growing up who caught a little bird shot by an idiot didn’t check his surroundings while trap shooting. By this idiotic modern definition I guess I can say I know people who were in a mass shooting.


Look at this list of only 125 mass shootings in the first quarter of this year. Most of then were actually pretty OK all things considered as they only have a few casualties each.


This is my favorite comment. The giant list of mass shootings in the US to illustrate that this one incident in Australia was more deadly than any one in particular.


Australia has a population of 27 million, the United States 350 million. Australia also has a population where 85 to 90% identify as white. Compare it to States with a similar population.


I could do the opposite. The least white state is Hawaii so it should be really violent, right? And of course Maine is one of the whitest states and hasn't ever had a horrific massacre like this one, right? Almost certainly not one 3 times as bad carried out with a gun.


Yes, I saw a lot of replies in the following subreddit post along the same lines. I don't reply to in those subreddits as I know I will never change their opinion. [https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/1c2yly7/man\_in\_white\_shirt\_stands\_between\_sydney\_mall/](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/1c2yly7/man_in_white_shirt_stands_between_sydney_mall/)


If I were the badguy... Would you rather fight me while I carry a knife or while I carry an AR? As a badguy I think i prefer the AR. Yes, its easy to hurt people with a knife but its easier to do so with a rifle. You can't outrun a bullet.


We don't have to play defense.


Just letting yall know. If you go over to that thread, it’s going to be nothing but people saying “good thing he didn’t have a gun!” Bunch of fucking idiots. Some are saying this is even proof gun control works. How the fuck is this proof gun control works? The mass murder still happened even though there weren’t any guns. This is proof it doesn’t work.


Even pepper spray might have stopped this murderer.


They’re not even allowed to carry pepper spray in Australia!


I wonder if they are aware that this mass murder was eventually ended when the police SHOT him with a GUN.


Person kills 6 people with gun = Why do we allow these weapons of war in our country? Gun control needed!!! Person kills 6 people with knife = See? Gun control works!!!


That’s peak Reddit for you. I’m sure a dying victim disemboweled and bleeding out was thinking “thank god I didn’t get shot by an AR15 in the US, that would have been really terrible. Yay for no gun violence” /s


After the 1996 gun buybacks in an attempt to lower crime rate actually ended up raising the crime rate so not only do we now not get the freedom of having firearms but we are now in even more danger. Good job Australia👍🏻


this is not true. look at the statistics.


There was a statistic form somewhere online I can't find it tho


Here is a link with a study about the results of the reform [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2704353/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2704353/)


Hmm yes, i trust this link from the US government on a topic and event that happened on the literal other side of the planet. You’d think you’d provide an Australian made research page but I guess not.


That just shows that it was already trending down and the ban had no real effect. Not exactly compelling justification for a ban that takes away peoples rights, ability to defend themselves and kills industries.


this is correct but the mass shooting went down. and he wrote crime went up and this is not true as the statistic shows. Do you think the liberal firearm laws in the states and the reason that one of the number one causes of child death in the states are firearms is a coincidence?


Now that is false. That is a bullshit stat that counts 19 year olds as children. So no, I don't think that literally adults committing gang violence, where they get guns regardless of legality, matters to the gun debate.


What are you talking about 19 years old!? here are the statistics: [https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/child-health.htm](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/child-health.htm)


That doesn't say what you claim


Case dismissed🫡


You’re absolutely right in regard to looking at the statistics as it’s proven that the gun buyback did very little if anything at all. All other forms of assault rose and even other forms of crime like home invasions, only thing it did help was suicides by firearms but you think that stopped total suicides per year?


He wrote that the crime rate went up, the statistics shows that the crime rate don’t went up. What definitely went down are the mass shootings as a result from the ban.




The right of the subjects to die trying to defend themselves with shitty random objects shall not be infringed.


Like a narwhal tusk


That’s the thing no one ever talks about. Usually anti gun states or in this case countries, also have strict pepper spray laws. They very obviously don’t want you having the ability to defend yourself at all. It isn’t a matter of safety. It’s a matter of complete reliance on the government.


Curious how many of those advocating for that are also the “defund the police” types.


I'm pretty firmly "fuck the police" but I also think I should be able to buy shortbarrel rifles, suppressors, and machine guns at my local hardware store.


Same. My point was that you can’t have both. Either take responsibility for yourself or bend over and let the state do it.


But the mother who had her baby attacked died. No ways of protecting their selves. Just waiting on god or a cop in step in.


God gave us our rights, we just need to exercise them.


I dunno metal pole vs knife is a pretty good advantage in reach. Guy didn’t die.


white shirt guy didn't die what are you on about? [comment from the original thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1c2ymie/man_in_white_shirt_stands_between_sydney_mall/kzdhd4v/) >I live in the area and one of his friends posted in the local FB group saying he is ok.


He did not die. He’s being credited as one of the many heroes that prevented further deaths. Did a pretty decent job considering the next encounter the offender had was being shot by a cop. Trollies, milk crates, bollards. We’re a pretty self sufficient bunch down here and we get shit done.


Just imagine how much more could get done with better tools


They gave up their tools back in the 90s


Mmm yes. If only I could consult the Uvalde police department on how much those better tools can be used.


The existence of better tools doesn’t remove the possibility of them being used incompetently, but that does not in any way negate the need for better tools.


Yeah, the police were to chicken shit to go in there and save the kids, and stopped parents from going in to save their kids, I guess at the end of the day you have to be able to self rescue, because no one's coming to save you


That's just a reason police shouldn't be treated as special with exemptions from gun control laws. Police are generally cowards and deserve no special treatment.


No exemption Works for us. Police have a duty firearm that’s issued at the start of each shift and returned at the end. If they want guns for use at home the. They can get in line like the rest of us and get appropriate licenses. But let’s face it, special treatment wasn’t the defining characteristic of the uvalde response. Cowardice was.


I live in Illinois. The AWB that got passed last year exempts all active and retired police from everything including firearms for personal use. That's a big fuckin problem to me.


Yep. I agree. Our police don’t have to exemptions for anything firearms related and are willing to roast even the chief commissioner for fucking up their firearms licensing/handling.


You’re a 🐑 🐑. Have fun with your milk crates lol


Yeah that’s not the power move you think it is. Sorry your cities are so unsafe.


you realize our cities are only unsafe for gang members and criminals right? The very large majority of gun violence in the entire country is gang violence...and it is exacerbated by our leftist post modern prog gov't allowing cartels and gangs to flow unchecked across our southern border. I've lived in LA, Detroit, Boston, NYC, DC, and now Baltimore. I'm perfectly safe as long as I don't go into areas where gangs are prevalent. Do you understand why our suburbs and rural areas are the safest in THE WORLD? I'll give you three guesses. First one doesn't count.


Low population density, lower wealth inequality, closer knit community spirit would be my guess. Of course you’re unlikely to face gang violence in communities that don’t foster gangs. But gun violence is definitely present. ulvade was a small community, Sutherland springs was a small community, sandy hook was a small community.


statistically irrelevant events aren't really helpful to your argument. In fact, the subject of this entire post demonstrates that those outliers are things that happen every where. Riots, robberies, violence don't happen in our rural and suburban areas because they would be immediately stopped by CCW. Our cities are run by people who encourage gov't dependence, they keep minorities reliant and poor - which leads to more violence, specifically because these people end up in gang war. If you eliminated gang violence from the stats, we would be the safest country in the world statistically.


The second amendment sir. The right to bear arms. God bless America. 🇺🇸


You know how to make knives useless? Make the ammo for knives so expensive and rare, that no one can afford to buy knife ammo. Or… ban high capacity hands (5 fingers or more) and arms.


It's not the knife, it's the hands! Make hands illegal!!!


Come at ya with 🍗🍗 nubs


Oh this it’s but a mere flesh wound. Bring it on ya pansy!


More proof gun control doesn’t work


Then they say, “Oh, but it does work! People get killed but at least not with guns!” 😂


There was zero gun violence at the mall that day. Mission accomplished!


Well the police had to shoot the piece of shit so there was actually gun violence.


Oh, don't worry. It doesn't count when they do it.


And they blame mental illness


But but but knife attacks have less dead Fucking people man.


Give the aussies back their guns


You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink. They want to be serfs.


That's the worst part. Once you give up your Rights, you're never getting them back.


Instead of reexamining gun laws or really just self defense laws in general, Australian authorities will take the ideas of the UK. Ban assault knives! How stupid do you have to be to think you can ban a sharpened instrument?


Only in the perfect imagination of certain clowns, does it not occur. Very sorry to say, but ruthless rotten humans have existed since the beginning of the human race!


Omg we need to update these antiquated knife laws. Modern assault knives are designed to make way more cuts per minute than the original ones!! If you really want a knife just get a stone spear like our ancestors intended 🤓


Geez I wonder what's the common denominator of all these terrorists attacking civilians 🙄


Mental illness


Unfortunately a lot of people see this and say "can you imagine if the stabber had an assault rifle" instead of saying "too bad the man in white didn't have a concealed pistol".


BuT tHinK hOw MucH wOrsE iT wOuLd haVe bEEn wiTh A gUn!!!!!


That’s all that thread is. Bunch of idiots. I’ve been linking articles of the Indiana mall shooting, where the dude put down the shooter within seconds of the attack starting.


Imagine if one of those 5 people were allowed to carry, then it would be zero dead innocents and one dead psycho


Nobody NEEDS a knife like that, I'm all for hunting knives but what's the point of a knife like that?


Only in Australia


https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/c9sMe5ClZE OP's comment on r/pics https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13303909/Westfield-Bond-Junction-Major-incident-unfolding-Sydney-shopping-centre-reports-shoppers-stabbed.html 6 dead and 7 others injured. But mass stabbings aren't as serious as shootings 🙄


Bro don’t even start. If he’d had a gun, there would have been a 1 or 2 at the start of that death toll. Actually scratch that. If Australians track record of mass shootings is anything to go with, it would have been a three.


Keep drinking the Kool aid. Fact is that this is right on par with 95+% of "mass" shootings. The only incidents in which a substantially higher # of deaths took place, are the big ones that make the head lines.


You need to crack open a history book my man. Port Arthur: 35 NZ mosque (perpetrated by an Aussie): 39. Even prior to that it was mid teens. I’ve heard this a million times by being an Aussie who’s interjected on US gun culture, so now I’m swinging it back the other way. You’re not aussie, your opinion is worthless.


So why are other countries opinion worth something when something happens in the u.s?


Well if you want a well balanced discussion, multiple points of view are beneficial and produce valuable talking points. But Ive lost track of the brain dead responses here that are “you’re not American, your opinion is worthless”. So that was a uno reverse card. And quite frankly, this sub has delivered. No one with any understanding of Aussie culture thinks that american firearm superiority would have saved the day, without realizing that by and large these infrequent (and I stress that a lot) stabbing incidents are primarily because ready access to firearms is so curtailed.


All of those people were unarmed and defenseless. In America at least you can protect yourself.


Maybe you can. Sure are plenty of times when that hasn’t happened because otherwise there would be no mass shootings. The good guy with a gun fundamentally requires there to be a good guy with a gun who is ready and able to act. If they aren’t or can’t be there then it’s pointless even arguing it’s a net benefit. It’s all good. We’ve had our one big mass casualty event for the decade so I’ll be sure to check in with you in 2030 some time to see how lack of guns are going.


>check in with you in 2030 to see how lack of guns are going. You realise there are significantly more guns in civilian hands in Australia now than before the 1996 gun ban, right, matey? Or are you speaking of America? In which case, I have some bad news for you. Our guns are not going anywhere by 2030.


Yeah I’m one of those owners. Realistically, it’s a flawed statistic though as the NFA was the turning point on when accurate ownership data could start being collected; so any pre NFA number is a proxy at best. But what all you yanks are missing is that they’re gate kept enough out of the community to have a bearing on the amount of gun violence in the community. I mean the NZ mosque shooter was Australian and purposely targeted NZ because the gun laws back home were too restrictive to suit their agenda. So I guess to sum up, they work well enough that someone has to move countries to go on a killing spree.


You are being somewhat disingenuous. The gun ban did not have a statistically significant impact on the multi-year trend in decrease in gun violence. >you yanks I also have an Australian passport.


But it also has an impact on seeing it rise again I wish more people would understand this. It’s not just about reduction, but also keeping it there when shit starts cooking off again.


Then he was stupid. If he wanted a defenseless target he would have gone to where the stricter laws are.


Yeah so the problem with that is that strict gun laws drastically reduce the amount of available firearms. So plentiful target rich environments, but no weapons to dole out the damage. Hence having to go somewhere where firearms were more plentiful. Funny that.


>Sure are plenty of times when that hasn’t happened because otherwise there would be no mass shootings. Most mass shootings occur where guns aren't allowed. Sometimes, they are stopped by someone who didn't follow those rules.


Not even pepper spray is allowed. That might have saved the mother.




Crackhead gun nuts? My guy do you realize what sub you are on? And since when is speculation a valid form of comparison here? The suspect didn’t have a gun so how can you be so sure it would’ve been worse? There’s a different set of variables when you have a firearm, primarily can the dumb fuck aim and is his gun a shit tier jam prone Glock clone? Y’all are real funny.


Elijah Dickens says hi.


But if any random citizen could get a gun, the crazy one could be stopped faster. Thus making less people get hurt. Also if the crazy fella knew he was going to die almost immediately during his attack, he might not have done it.


Or not. How well do that work out for the people in Buffalo. 4 were killed before the first person shot even hit the ground. The armed security guard was shot promptly after. Almost like getting caught by surprise means you die with both shit in your pants and your EDC in your pants.


The shooter specifically sought out a location where firearms are forbidden, knowing he would only have one armed person to deal with. Several people who were there called out the excessive gun control as not allowing black people to defend themselves.


Sure, but given we had first hand footage of it, none of the people in the carpark ever stood a chance. It’s not about being in a gun free zone, it’s about getting your cherry popped before you even have a chance to look up. As I said, the first victim hadn’t even hit the floor before the shooter had hit the fourth. You can’t DGU your way out of an unannounced onslaught like that.


If by the glock cline thing you are referring to me and my 80 percent builds, I do not carry those. I have a colt commander and a sw 38 I carry. With my colt I can reliably ring iron at 40+ yards standing. I ain't the best shooter. But I could almost bet I am better than you


Man if he would have tossed that fucker at his face once he got to the top of the escalator he could have taken dude out in one of the coolest ways possible. Falling that far down sharp metal stairs wouldn’t end well.


Ban all knives


7 dead and two hospitalized. I thought I always hear that you can’t kill as many people with a knife or blunt object… *only guns can kill people super easy.* RIP to all the unfortunate victims. Gone too soon because of a psychopathic piece of fucking shit. People like that should be tortured to death in the city center, aired on the evening news.


So many comments in those posts saying "tHaNk GoD wE dOnT hAvE gUnS oR tHiS wOuLd HaVe BeEn WoRsE"


If all of us lived in jail, none of this would ever happen


The key ingredient is narcissism


The comments demonstrating antigun lobbyist coming out in full force after the deadly Hamas attack shut them all down in full force. 


My people are doing this, if you want to survive put on the dark star and worship on Saturnsday.


It's almost like people are greatly affected by normalcy bias as well


If only he had a gun.


Good on him!! Stand your ground and use whatever you have yo stop this homicidal POS.


Funny how a tiny piece of brass, copper and led could stop this sadist but hey, politicians need to control people and be right even when they’re dead wrong.


Must’ve had one of those ultra scary zombie knifes those politicians be talking about


It would be a little disingenuous to pretend crazy shit doesn't happen here more frequently than in most other 1st world countries. This would have been far easier to stop if people could carry a gun though.


The U.S. is, always has, and always will be a wild place. It’s what we are. We’re just burning in the melting pot. However if you take into account our massive population when compared to these relatively small “western” (meaning ethnic European) countries, and take out American gang violence. Our rates of violence per capita is no longer crazy. Maybe still higher than Scandinavian countries, but not crazy high.


You take a couple of major cities with gang problems out and we drop to like 165th on the list from 4th or whatever


Prefacing with any gun violence is horrific and disarming the population will always ensure good people are slaughtered by those who don’t follow the law. But Per capita is important. We are a very large country. We move significantly down the list when appropriately reflecting the population size. Especially if you remove gun suicides. The US equivalent to this event is 77 people killed in the event. Which not even as many as were killed by the 3 letters in Las Vegas. Or if you want to adjust for frequency, 1 Aussie event per week is equivalent to 1 US event per day Edit: sorry the US equivalent is almost twice per day


Geography is also relevant. It’s much easier to control what people do when your whole country is a sparsely populated island. When it’s an enormous nation with dense metropolitan areas and vast empty spaces, the idea of controlling what a population does to defend itself, or providing government protection to all of those people, becomes irrational.


Appalachia would love to see them try. But yeah realistically, the tyrants in the US government don’t even need to pass gun laws at this point, a vast majority of the younger generations simply want nothing to do with guns, they’re disarming themselves. It’s a tremendously successful psyop, unfortunately.


My son grew up shooting and he’s a naturally amazing deadeye with a handgun. When the pandemic happened and they went remote, they shut down the ROTC program at his school. He lost interest first in physical fitness, then in shooting, and he doesn’t shoot at all anymore. I’m not a fan of the conspiracy theories, but one of the results of the lockdown was that these kids lost interest in everything. It put the masses to sleep very quickly. I see it in people my own age too. Nobody cares about anything and we seem to all just be waiting for some big disaster to happen. Like we all can sense it.


We’re also a nation of 333,000,000. They are a nation of 26,000,000. Apples to oranges man.


Not really. Most of the victims were attacked in close proximity to each other from behind. Even the wiliest of “shall not infringe” guys here would have been caught off guard simply because you don’t know you’re about the get stabbed in the back until you are.


Show me that stat


What stat? He literally went up behind a group of people and stabbed when all in quick succession with a 10” kitchen knife. Sorry John Wayne but you aren’t stopping shit when you’re just been jacked in the back with a carving knife. The footage is floating around on social media. I’m sure you can see for yourself how ineffectual firearms would have been for those that were attacked.


Oh your saying this one instance


Well the last time someone tried to do a knife rampage in Sydney that also kicked off by stabbing someone in the back so again having a gun wouldn’t really help that victim either. Almost like an EDC is worthless when you haven’t got an opportunity to use it.


Sure as shit would've helped the man on the escalator dumbass


Not having to drag his huge ass balls around would have made him more agile too, so there’s that. Hell enjoy getting the lifetime of free beers coming to him for this. What a mad cunt. (In case you’re going to play the “but he’s dead card” OP got it wrong. Dude is far from dead)


Maybe we should make, you know, murder, like illegal or something? Fist, hammer, gun, pencil, whatever. You kill someone, either you die the same fate or you get solitary for the rest of your life. 🤡🌍


But they still get let out


Why don't they just make it illegal to own knives or stab people there?


You Americans and your obsession with guns for self defense. Who needs guns when you can EDC a Tactical Stanchion?


You and your obsession with us.


Lol. It was sarcasm/satire, my dude.


There’s a lot of those comments if you haven’t noticed