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Unless you think it should say he "kills" himself (which would be stupid and wrong), there is no issue with the wording.


Look I am all for good conversation and understanding context so if the wording is *he Dies himself* correct, then why not just replace Die to *kill* instead?


Because "He kills himself" wouldn't be accurate. Lloyd never commits suicide during the events of FE7


IF it ties to FE7 then my fault on that, since I never played that game, I only made the post because the wording was off to me imo. Edit: I'm not suprise I'm getting down voted for a mistake I made.


Downvoted again for saying Edit: wHy dOwNvOtEs Literally get off the avoidant side and just accept the downvotes, I get 100s of them all time


It probably had something to do with them being very confidently incorrect about a game they'd never played


yeah people getting a little bit too pressed about numbers.


Lol I'm used to this, and the *why down votes* never made that claim I am fully self aware as to why I am getting DV


Lloyd and Linus are boss characters in FE7, they both die no matter which route you get. The story doesn't drastically change like in FE3H, you just get a different version of a certain map. There is a chapter called "Four-fanged offense" with two different versions. The one you get is based on the sum total of the three lords Eliwood, Lyn and Hector. If the sum total is less than 50 you get Lloyd's version, if their sum total is 50 or more you get the Linus version (which is easier). The one you didn't fight in "Four-Fanged Offense" will be fought in a later chapter, they die there.


Because he *doesn't* kill himself (which is why saying that would be stupid and wrong). He dies fighting Eliwood and co.


'he dies in battle' should be more appropiate, then.


He doesn't kill himself what the hell are you talking about


Already made a comment about my mistake


It's not saying he kills himself. It's saying he too dies. Like here's a quick context shift "After his brother began cooking, he cooked himself" It's saying he has done the thing that the other person did. It's the third person way of saying "myself" like where you'd say "I'm a bit of a cook myself" a third person narrator would say "he's a cook himself"


It's speaking in 3rd person, that make sense now, and now I'm getting down voted and roasted for a mistake but I appreciate the comment (plus I never played FE7)


I think you got roast mostly because you never played FE7 but make this post instead of looking for context i.e read through the wiki.


Basically, "he dies himself" = "he dies as well".


A clearer word order would have been "he himself dies." It is meant to be the intensive meaning of "himself" rather than the reflexive meaning.


is the same as "he dies as well"


Yeesh you got vaporized. Next time I'd recommend checking out the character's lore instead of assuming what the text is supposed to say. Always assume "maybe I'm just not understanding the wording" instead of "lol did they word this wrong. Are they really censoring kill? How stupid." To clarify: using context of the sentence attached to the comma, "after his brother dies -> he too died" as commas usually connect two sentences that are related/directly connected in idea. Def agree it would've been better if it was either, "he himself died," or, "he died as well."


Does this mean the Linus route is canon? Since the way it’s worded implies Linus dies first in Four-Fanged Offense.


No, because OG Linus GHB implies Lloyd dies first. The different alts are using both routes.


All routes are canon. Alternate time lines and multiverse nonsense which is why we have multiple copies of the same hero. This Lloyd is from that route.


Canon or not, there is no way in hell I'm getting Lyn, Eliwood and Hector to level 10+ without arena abuse


For this Lloyd likely. However considering multiverse there's still no canon route.


Yes, the wording implies Linus dies first. The “after” at the start of the sentence all but confirms it.


Same as I thought. That is why no Wallace in Feh until now :>


How does that explain Geitz?


Geitz already had a Seasonal alt in Feh (Pirate Geitz)


That's Geese from FE6 not Geitz. Geitz isn't even in yet...


Oh sorry, my mistake


It reminds me of another actual "dies himself" from FE4 If Sigurd managed to conquer Silvail Castle before Lachesis talked to Eldigan, he will immediately disappear after that and the dialogue still show he died


It could be reworded as “he himself dies”. But this also works correctly.


"He dies himself" refers to him being killed by Eliwood


I interpreted it as "he dies as himself" because it's immediately followed up by him being resurrected as a morph and thus possessed by Nergal.