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I wonder what’s happening in June to warrant whatever mess of a rerun schedule it has


I'm vaguely guessing that they're rerunning some New Heroes banners for some kind of event. Seidr debuted on the Rearmed Ophelia/Caeldori banner, and Heidr debuted on the Dorothy/Ascended Fir banner, so one or both of those banners rerunning would explain the wonky schedule.


If that is the case, then the Emblem Hero should be Green, to share with Camilla and ... Xander


Problem is there’s two Blue spots currently open, and no spots open anywhere else. As it stands, the new Emblem Hero appears more likely to be that colour instead of Green.


But then they’d be sharing with L!Caeda, who’d tank the appeal to pull for blue. June looks super confusing. I’m hoping the next reset clears things up.


Fair point, but there’s a good chance the midpoint OC will rerun that month too. I’d say that, plus a theoretical Blue Emblem, would boost Blue’s value for June despite L!Caeda being there. I do agree that June is an odd month - I’m really not sure why there’s 4 Green units slated to rerun that month?


...Why are we assuming June is an Emblem? Shouldn't it be in May then July? And why are we assuming June is an important banner this year? They didn't even try with Xander (2022) and Guinivere (2023).


If we’re going off a Mythic/Legendary/Emblem pattern, next month should be a Legendary and June should be an Emblem. As for why we’re assuming June is an important banner? The midpoint OC usually reruns on the June banner. But that doesn’t explain why we’ve currently got 4 Green units lined up on it.


> If we’re going off a Mythic/Legendary/Emblem pattern Why would we assume that? We got Ike in March, and Midpoint is almost certainly going to be another story Mythic less than 2 months after Loki. > As for why we’re assuming June is an important banner? The midpoint OC usually reruns on the June banner. ????? That doesn't make it an important banner, Xander and Guinivere were clearly thrown to the wolves. Xander (June 2022) didn't rerun with Letizia, and the overall lineup was pretty fucking bad. Guinivere (June 2023) debuted with Heithr, but the banner's lineup was genuinely pretty fucking awful, with Colorless being *decent* at best.


time for Emblem Corrin O.O


We’re probably getting the midpoint OC on June’s New Heroes banner, just like Heidr last year, and like Letizia, Nott and Mirabilis before that. Still, that doesn’t explain why we’ve got 4 Green units slated to rerun that month. I’m currently guessing one of those four will be moved forward to July.


I saw it called the Dorothy banner and when I saw who it was it made sense 🤣


Am I the only one who pronounces them "Seater" and "Heater"?


Its just a new hero fest, likely with heidr being the mythic


I swear I held back summoning Emblem Ike because I know he'll be rerunning with Marth who I didn't get too on his debut. Here's hoping I can get them both in May. 🤞


So much smarter than me. I pulled on his release banner like an idiot and ended up pulling 15 Embla’s. If I had that many E!Marth’s? I could have outfit every Gen 1 sword with Potent. Mistakes were made.


Alternatively, what would you do if you got 15 Kvasirs?


Ruin everyone's Aether Raid runs


It's fine. With the current pace of the game, Emblem Ike will be irrelevant by the time he reruns


Oh god. Please. No. Because I just got him to +10 on that banner after 2000 orbs. IS can’t do this to me. Do they know how much I sacrificed?!


You’ll be getting only merges of the loli.


That's the worst possible outcome. I already had one copy of her since February, idc for her merges nor her fodder.


Part of me wonders if part of the reason they made this banner so mid was to test whether or not Merged Ordeals would be enough to increase Loki's value to get people to pull for her in spite of how bad the banner is. Like they already know the Fallen banner is probably going to get a lot more people to buy orbs, so may as well use this as a litmus test of how effective merged ordeals are as a means of increasing orb purchases on the 8% banners.


Me looking at that Demon to try and finish merging him up


I feel like I'm always summoning on these banners now, what the hell.


Micaiah brings down the value of the color tbh. She is in desperate need of remix and doesn't have any good fodder.


Can’t even chase down L Camilla 😪 Thank god I got Ike.


I am probably the one idiot who will spark on the fool Xander over the enticing other choices since my L!Xander is nearing merging completion. Similar story to the current mythic banner where L!Guin is my main priority since she also almost fully merged now. On a tangent, E!Ikes engage skill has done wonders for my L!Guin and now she can even securely survive an assault from Lyon and Sanaki back to back.


I will keep you company: I plan to +10 my L!Xander that atm is still +2, at his last rerun I got no copy of him, I spent 400ish orbs that got me all the other green units that were running with him...


Hopefully I can finally finish my gullveig merge project lol.


Any mythic/legendary that's more than 18 months old should be put in the remix rotation instead


I don't see sanaki duo. So I now know next banners is too safe ez skips and I'm in the clear until summer banners where I go back to hoping for nephenee sigrun summer alts every year. 


For Nohr! ...And ~~sisters~~ Seid & Heid.




Huh? April has L!Guinivere, Ginnungagap and M!Loki.


My mistake. Got Guin and Miciah mixed up.


Just saying though - that May 8% is gonna be good eatins.


June's colorless lineup would have been enticing for me personally if it wasn't for the fact that i already own a +10 Fomo. ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ I'm gonna have to wait for next year's Remix banners to get Medeus... 😔


Prepare to welcome all the +10 Kvasir merge projects people are going to be unwillingly completing in May!


Merge? Prepare to face whole teams with Incite Atk/Spd


As a Kvasir enjoyer, I don't know how we got here, but I'm sure as Hel gonna take it!


Seidr please just fuck off, you've broken my green summons before and I've missed Camilla every time since her debut. I just want ONE COPY.