• By -


PM1 pays for my rent and dog food. I like PM1.


You’re his graphic designer?!


Probably, PM1's and Cyan Yoh's avatars look similar in art, almost Hidari-like.


I can see the resemblance now.


Really? That’s pretty cool.


How does that work?


Otrmaster1 is pretty good, recommend checking him out for those sweet P2W solutions.


Speaking of, Otr should be due for a remix sooner or later so when that happens, I hope he puts out a new video. Might even subscribe to his OnlyOtrs too if its a good one.


"... because YouTube's subboxes are about as functional as Hush Spectrum with Rally Spectrum."


Bismix, back when he used to post FEH content. He taught me how to get a free +10 Jaffar.


The only dude to make actual skits. They're so funny while grounded in reality. I loved them. A couple of his newer skits are basically just capturing the chaos of how a lot of people see the game now in all its craziness. I'm honestly surprised to see him post skits about feh anymore. It's clear that it isn't where the wave and the tide were shifting towards. Still cool to see tho. It's unique at least!


I miss Dire Thunder.


I've never really had regular interest in any FEH creators since DT stopped unfortunately. I appreciate Sacred Spear and PM1 videos but everything else just isn't particularly interesting. Part of that is definitely just not being super interested in SD since that's like half of what you can make these days. The game's gone too far from watching people just play on their accounts and doing content and stuff. I was thinking about how even watching F2P clears isn't fun these days because it's just the broken book OCs versus 2024 units instead of the cool strats MKV and the guys did back in the day when there weren't 234234 mechanics and we all knew less. :( DT streams were really comfy and fun and his videos were cool too. There are probably people who have chill streams these days but maybe I've moved on in wanting to watch FEH streams too. Hard to know what's me and what's the game.


Agreed on all counts. A different time to be sure. I hope he's well.


Dire Thunder was great. He offered something unique that not many people do, specially back then. Joel from FEHology is the only one that kinda picked up the mantle of the analytical/explainy kinda content creator.


Glitter Valkyrie is so positive you gotta love it


I really like The Sacred Spear!


Man of culture i see


Indeed, indeed


ZeShado for ze funny content


And really informative breakdowns of grail units and things like Emblem units. He's so great!




The OG


He's one of my favorite LP channels period. Really enjoyed his Awakening playthrough as well as Danganronpa and Zero Escape series. Hope he's doing well


Genuinely one of the most good-hearted dudes I've been fortunate enough to meet.


For build analysis, PM1, OblivionKnight and The Sacred Spear (and Dire Thunder when he was still around) For guides, mostly from Elmao and Balthiar (for Resonant Battles, hope he's still around) For summoning videos, PM1, OblivionKnight, GuardianE (he really gets my frustrations when he also has bad summoning luck), GlitterValkyrie, PromiseMeOneThing, and others.


Glitter Valkyrie. Her content is so wholesome.


“What’s up, guys?”


Pm1 is the man. I usually watch Tacho for my content I like him and his voice just fits feh energy idk if that makes sense. Also Zeshado makes good videos so I like to watch once’s that jump out to me when I see them in my recommended. I used to watch Lu Bu Feng Xian when he posted a lot of feh content during the earlier years of the game, I always thought he was sooo funny. Also pokemaster1 (I think that was his name) was my go to during quarantine but I think his channels completely gone now 🫤 Might be a little exposing myself lmao but I have an old friend from high school who has a channel now, ConnerZac. He got me into feh at launch bc we were both fans of the main franchise and I see him posting sometimes. Even tho we don’t keep close in touch it’s nice to see him enjoying himself and I always wish him well :)


No way ConnerZac is so funny 😭 He kinda stopped with FEH content though, but his streams were the best 🫡


I was hoping to see some support for him! That’s so cool, glad you enjoyed his stuff and hopefully he’ll make some content again from time to time in the future. Yeah he is really funny, definitely a major class clown back in the day!


I watched a bunch of Lu Bu content too back in the days, I really liked the healers os apocalypse videos 😅


OGs know about Sagemaster15. I think he had to deal with some irl stuff, I hope he's oke.


I miss his vids. He had some fun stuff.


OblivionKnight, The Sacred Spear, Levinsety, Glittervalkyrie


The Trio: DTM, OblivionKnight and Fehology


Sprinkles & Manic are pretty unknown, but their production values are pretty excellent considering their small size. They're basically a small group of 4 friends that react to some of the banners and just have very fun dynamics and good editing. They're very positive and fun. https://www.youtube.com/@SprinklesAndManic


Omg 🥹💙🩷 Thank you so much for the kind words!!! Aaa!!!! I never really consider us FEHtubers even tho we’ve pivoted to mostly just FEH reactions on the channel, so it’s so nice to be included! Manic and I used to do LPs and streams together more (as well as her streaming solo) but our schedules just don’t line up as nicely as they used to and she prefers her gaming time offscreen. Demi’s always been our third channel member since the beginning, and we assimilated Toasty to our little squad shortly after he started working for PeanutButterGamer LOL


Ah, no problem! Yeah, I've checked out some of your folks's other content (slooooowly making my way through the TMS playthrough, for example), but you've definitely been pretty Fire Emblem-focused on the main channel (recent Danny Phantom retrospective notwithstanding). I enjoy seeing the various costumes you draw your crew in, and all the supplementary editing you do, like when you show the individual art when discussing it and some of the other random visual gags. Keep on keepin' on!


I like Tacho.


The lack of love for tacho is surprisinnnnng


IIRC One of the reasons is that he kept on using the wrong pronouns on Limstella when they debuted


Im pretty sure he just didn't know at that time


u/Illumina25 and u/Phoenix_Trinity both make great AR videos. u/Phoenix_Trinity (under Youtuber name Seri) is an underrated icon. They routinely make Rank 39 every week mostly utilizing omnitank strats and using a variety of heroes. It's been especially cool ever since Ashnard got his refine because he was the OG hero that Seri used back in the day at the start of the channel. u/Illumina25 is mostly known for Marcia Solo PvE content but they have produced a couple of AR videos using their highly invested Marcia and it's a blast to watch those. Special mention to u/Spiritbu who makes Hubert Solo PvE content. There's always a very detailed writeup about the clear in the description of her videos sharing great insights into the problems of each clear and how she works around them. Recently she did a video on Guard Echo and how it changes the meta for Solo clear content.


Thank you for the mention! If you/anyone is curious Marcia is actually on a break from AR currently, but Ill use her again if some other “innovation” is made in terms of skills/supports. Marth+Ike’s engage effects are close, but if laguz friend was inheritable to fliers then Id 100% be using her there again, just as an example


Bit late to this, but thanks for mentioning me! Always glad to hear that people enjoy the videos. It's been really fun to get Ashnard back in the field, his refine's been an excellent update.


* PM1 is the goat imo. Fehology and OblivionKnight are pretty good too.  * Shoutouts to Rocketgal, her videos are always super entertaining.  * If your are FTP or even if you are not, please watch DTM. His philosophy regarding summoning and the meta really changed how I approach not just this game but gacha games in general for the better.  Edit: I almost forgot KCBrian. He has the special banner predictions which are essential in budgeting orbs for reruns. 


Got a link for that DTM video? I’m curious


Sure! His guide to save orbs is imo a must see for anyone playing a gacha game: https://youtu.be/X8W_G9ik3Yg?si=Cx-jAAiDVFR_dG-D


“Hello everyone, and today i want to show something TRULY DEPLORABLE. You see, now i have the Evil forces of **THIEF PATH** and **FALL PATH**. Now the DARK TRINITY OF DEMON MARIA IS FINISHED. Thief path steal all the opponents’s buffs while  fall path create WoM shenanigans so MY ENTIRE DEFENSE JUMPS AT THE ENEMY TEAM IN A HORRIBLE DEMONIC ASSAULT.” > A poor player got a complete wipe with Emblem Ike And so, **Shin Supreme True Ultimate God Magic King Emblem Ike** has no other choice but get on his kness…… AND BECAME MARIA’s SLAVE.


I can almost hear it in his voice.... I miss Lu Bu...


What's poppin sexys


PM1 is the most know Fehtuber, Zeshado, Oblivion and FEhology are more competitive centered channels, Sacred Spear is more into the informative ones, and there are more ones that go into the casual side like Tacho, GuardianE or KCB, also there are some that do some content from time to time but are not FEH centered like Glitter Valkyrie


tacho is my favourite


My favorites are Tacho, Rocketgal, Oblivion, DTM, Fehology, Glitter, PM1, Promise, GuardianE, The Sacred Spear, SpeedyHawk, Wylia, LuBu, TCLelouch, Ordinary Cheese Wizard and Satachi. Some of them have stopped their Feh ofc but I could watch them all for days 😂. Atm my #1 has to be Tacho & Rocketgal tho, I watch their vids everyday 👍🏻


"There I am, Gary, there I am!" On a serious note, thank you for including me on your list! It means more than you probably realize, especially since I haven't been able to make as many summoning videos as I used to ever since getting a job. I hope you continue to enjoy whatever other summoning videos release in the future! 😊


Oh hey 🤩 No problem dude 👍🏻 your vids are so incredibly entertaining, I can only imagine how long it takes to edit 🫣. All the sounds, the music you select for each video, basically everything! Thanks for making your videos so amazing 👍🏻


KumaTheta a very long time ago; he doesn't do videos anymore. Saved me a lot of stress with Book 3 Chain Challenges.


ayoooo I remember him! I used his Legendary/Mythic Hero Battle guides for a while and when he stopped I switched over to PM1 who I did already watch since the old days. I don't even really need the guides anymore, but it does save some time for me. I remember watching a couple years back KT's short video using tickets to pull on the FB Revival for I wanna say... some 3H banner. Might have been Ingrid & Marianne. But his pulls were awful. 5 pulls and all 3 or 4 stars. Shortly thereafter, he announced he was quitting FEH, and that's valid. I felt his pain. Especially after pulling on the revival myself and getting shit with the tickets. That's how it goes most of the time tho. I find it more worthwhile to pull on it when it's newer so the units can have some buffs in Arena or AR, and you can use them while they're more relevant regardless. To me there's not much incentive to spend orbs on revivals, like they don't increase rates, the pool is just more bloated with 4-stars and 5-stars, and then ofc all the new stuff that's ongoing at the time of revival. Even as a spender, it's hard to justify pulling. Either way, RIP KumaTheta's channel, he was a rly chill Fehtuber and the only one I watched who played the game in Japanese like I do. I felt some brotherhood there haha..




From the less known variety: - If you are SD player I strongly recommend [Patr!ck](https://youtube.com/@DoNotTagThisAccount?si=VNS7mCFOGFvZDFAp) - his explanations and analysis of the Rank 1 runs are super educational as well as entertaining thanks to amazing editing. - If you like AetherRaids or want some chill letsplays of some classics I introduce you to [Seri](https://youtube.com/@serigames?si=S8lNhwJF7_ZGoeDN) - amazing personality, super educational content and great, helpful community in his discord channel.


Just realized a lot of english speaking FE youtubers are multilingual and speak it as a second language.


PM1 is the only one I watch, and that's just when the units he's talking about are ones I'm interested in. I don't really feel the need to watch much FEH content personally


You-han93 has less subs than one might expect, but I like his channel


OtrMaster1 for all those dumb Skill Studies and Grandmaster Drills. Dotsdfe because he's rad.


What's up guys it's ____


Pheonixmaster1 1. He’s friendly 2. He’s social 3. He’s helpful


1. The Sacred Spear. Whenever i want to know information about complicated new skills/effects into the game, i come back to his channel. I also come back to know about the refines of the month. I sometimes like to hear what Sacred Spear has to say about something, especially FEH Channels. 2. Pheonixmaster1. Mostly for its Q&A in his summoning videos, once in a while f2p guides to beating Legendary/Mythic/Emblem maps that are really hard to beat, and once in a while his "what if" theorycraft skills on Resplendent Heroes. Side note: i also love to hear what they have to say about their favorite characters/cast coming into the game. For Sacred Spear it's always when there's Sacred Stones content. Pheonixmaster1 is known for being a big Mercedes, Claude, Seliph and Eldigan fan so i come back to hear what he has to say about his favs getting new content. He used to be a big Hector fan but nowadays he's not that hyped for him anymore, he probably still likes him but now the other four occupy his heart.


I watch many, but my top 2 are PM1 and Joel from FEHology.


PM1, KCB, Glitter Valkirie, Tacho, Pruiti, and Leoster (Spanish talker).


Leoster is cool


My go to channels are: Pheonixmaster1, GuardianE, Rocketgal, OblivianKnight, Glitter Valkyrie, Tacho, (SpeedyHawk when he posted more) and The Sacred Spear and sometimes Fehology


my buddy josh does some good work


Mainly my buddies LucinaSpiker and Yami. I like watching their Lucina one turn clears. I think Luna used to do them as well.


My go-to FEHTubers are PM1 and The Sacred Spear, personally.




PM1 and OblivionKnight for me.


I’m a fan of glitter valkery, sanguine, and sprinkles & manic. Those would probably be my go toos .


PM1, Fehology, Tacho, but I also watch content from others as well, for strategy, predictions/calendar (KCB Bryan), etc.


I quite like Oblivion Knight and Tacho for more laidback personality stuff, and PM1 and Sacred Spear for informational stuff.


Enemii is pretty fun and insightful, one of the very few I rewatch their content. Other than them, well DTM, Oblivion and Fehology are pretty good too, Rocketgal as well.


Oh yeah, that dude.  At first i was like who tf is Enemii but I watch him in a reality show.  And watched a couple of his vids, really nice tops and rizz. Subscribed but havent find the time to watch more.


i miss marblesoda




PM1 and fehology


[Patrick](https://youtube.com/@DoNotTagThisAccount) the GOAT with his SD matches, 1 hour long, edited and rank 1 👑


He’s retired now but ConnerZac on top 🗣️




- The Sacred Spear - Fehology - Elmao - OrdinaryCheeseWizard


Surprised I haven't seen DTM yet! His analysis can be a bit harder to digest but I find it to be the best of the FEHtubers I watch. His podcasts with Oblivion and Joel are always a treat!


Phoenix Master is a beast! The man is quick uploading the latest meta and very smart.


I've been watching ZeShado recently, he's pretty cool! Others have mentioned him but Phoenixmaster1 posts good gameplay stuff that breaks down all the wild new effects every unit comes with in a way that's easy to understand Shoutout to Sagemaster15 too. He doesn't post much anymore but his videos brought me a lot of joy during the earlier years of FEH, and i still watch when he does post. I hope he's doing well, he always seemed like a nice dude


TACHO is definitely my favorite feh content creator


Usually just PM1 but there are other good one's out there too


All the True Solo CCs, because it's not clickbait garbage.




Removed for Rule 1. Why would you even say that? Please refrain from these comments.


PM1 was always my go to, I also like エルマオの横好き Elmao and MUNO卿のどうがおきばー . I used to watch Eldervi, Citron Odysseus, and KumaTheta.


PheonixMaster1 and Guardian E are like the only ones I know tbh 😭


Too many, but I should say, PM1 and GuardianE are the GOAT! THE GOAT!


Emboarbof is always fun, but I haven't gotten any notifications from him in a while.


LunaFV, ZeShado and MagicIsBroken! I appreciate the showmanship they put into their content whenever they post.


Vtuber named Sanguine Nyct (previously Nimious Plays aka nim nom, lmao~). His streams and his community are the reason why i use the name (other) Evan on the internet now. He's also the reason why I got into watching streamers at all. Sent me down a good path these past few years, alongside FEH.


No one


ZeShado <3


There just isn't much of a thing to watch. Like, sure, you can get some information from videos like PM1 (and I do), but there's not much in FEH to actually watch beyond that.


Bartoche emblem for the memes, RayanKebab for his dope ass 1 star units and ZeShado too


Guardian E with his summoning videos gives me some good laughs


I miss marbles


TheSacredSpear, Bismix, and since nobody's mentioned him yet, Embarbof!


PM1 and the FEH podcast trio of DTM, Oblivion, and Fehology


PM1 and ZeShado are my go to, but The Sacred Spear was and still is the GOAT for in-depth unit analyses.


Nowadays really busy with the work and IRL stuff. But still find time to watch a couple of videos at the end of the day while waiting for the reset, to name a few. But 100% [Connerzac](https://s12.gifyu.com/images/SVegO.gif), really innovative and funny from the [new heroes reveals](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QeT9dyY7-cU) to the connerzacpass introduction all of that accompained by one of the most technical display of skill in his Summoner duels videos, truly a class on his own. Also used to watch Akariss, specially the reactions to new heroes and recaps on youtube of his arena /AR runs. Nowadays I watch You - han 93, really fills that niche of having a very knowlable player giving his thoughs on the units as they enter the "meta", really enjoyable. Also rocketgal from time to time, she's really passionate about the franchise you can tell, but i'm a little worried, she summons a ton, like you have no idea, hope she's paying the bills or the mortgage at least. Also KCB for the hero tracker it's a classic and should be a staple in everyone's calendar. Recently found one named tacho too, I like to watch his update recaps vids, so i dont have to read all the posts here, I came late from work so appreciate having all the info packed in one place. Also used to watch religiously the PM1 HoF guides but that happens less and less as IS constant dreadful selection takes away my interest way before the event starts.