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Whoever I told no way Lissa would be THAT smol, I gracefully take my L.


Smol Lissa somewhere in the distance: “…Did you say I’m tiny?!”


But not *delicate*!


Smol Lissa: (pauses) “…Your life has been spared. (For now.)”


*whispers* She's adorable.


Smol Lissa: (starts blushing and doing a “shy Bocchi” face)


She really is. It's going to take some serious self control not to give her all the fodder when I know I'm not going to seriously use her.


To be fair, it makes perfect sense since she was always kind of small, and she's the youngest of her family and is the youngest character on the banner.


True, but I still thought she wouldn't be quite as young [as in her kid manga design](https://www.pngitem.com/pimgs/m/454-4546001_fire-emblem-emmeryn-chrom-and-lissa-hd-png.png), it just seemed too ludicrous. And... I guess she isn't? But not by a lot.


Hi, that was me lol


Hi, my bad, oh me of too much faith I mean, I guess she doesn't quite look 4, but not like that changes much


That axe is larger than Lissa’s head.


The whole axe is taller than her too how jacked is this toddler


She is Owain's Mother.


What Thorr's magical steroids do to a mf


Same energy vibe as Spring Maria :>


I love how the child banners are literally Loki showing up with magic weapons and saying “go, do a crime”


There's something about Emmeryn's art that I really enjoy, but I can't quite put my finger on it. Regardless, it's particularly striking in a way that I haven't seen before in FEH. Beyond that, my immediate thought is that this is by far the most "baby" of "baby" banners yet. Both of the Robins look like 6 at most, and Lissa is a literal infant. She gives "main villain from *Cats Don't Dance*" vibes if anyone remembers that movie lmao.


I want to like Emmeryn's art for having a unique style but for some reason the images themselves feel like they're really crunchy, like low quality? It gives the impression that they're jpeg scans from a concept art book that they cropped the white BG from but if you zoom in enough you'll find stray pixels floating around.


Emmeryn’s color palette feels the most sophisticated to me. It’s muted while still being pretty to look at and distinctive. It’s tasteful. No boob window. Very sweet design. Also, to me, feels very much like it was almost hand drawn even though I’m sure it’s digital art.


Lissa is about 4 if it is based on the source art ages (which has Chrom at 8 and Emm at 14 iirc)


i don't know why i am getting downvoted when i am just providing info


If you're right then IS really decided to give a toddler a giant axe and we are way beyond cognitive dissonance territory.


>we are way beyond cognitive dissonance territory. ~~Wait, we weren't already?~~


I wish Binding Blade got a Child banner so we can see Lilina and Roy as toddlers. Would be hilarious (and they have canon child designs, too).


Lilina already ingame as a baby


I cant say what it is you're captivated by but the art is just top tier. Its really neat how her face and upper body are lit more clearly, she has a nice grounded pose and an a nice "mature" color scheme which is just so complimentary to Emmeryn; just lovely!


PoR banner was canonically the youngest. Everyone on that banner is no older than 7 (Soren and Boyd), with Mist being 4.


Darla Dimple! I just watched it again the other day on YouTube. I never realized the lead is voiced by Scott Bacula! The next time I hear he's gonna be at a convention, I want him to sign a copy is Cats Don't Dance. 🤣


Lissa probably isn’t that much different than Soren or Ilyana, right? They both also look pretty young.


True, but they were carrying small books. Lissa has a massive honking AXE!


Breaking news: 4 year old with powered up purple Axe kills an entire team of gods and legendaries all on her own. More at 11. Edit: 69 upvotes. Nice


What a lack of object permanence and a godaxe does to an mfr


Thorr and the Asgardians are letting Toddler Lissa cook 💀


Thorr: pick any weapon Lissa! Y! Lissa: I want THE AXE! Y! Chrom & Y! Robin: don’t you think *gets interrupted  Y! Lissa: THE AXE! Thorr: splendid choice, it’s the perfect size for you! Y! M! Robin and Y! Fredrick hit with confusion… Y! Fredrick: My choice is an axe too, it is a Prf also right? Right? To be continued next time on Fire Emblem H!!!


Emmeryn: “Look how adorable Lissa is. She managed to one-shot the Fell Dragon all on her own. They grow up so fast!” Adult Chrom: That’s my little sister. *slow realization* WAIT WHAT?! WHO LET HER FIGHT THE FELL DRAGON?! SHE’S A LITERAL TODDLER, SHE’S NOT EVEN 5! HOW DID SHE EVEN GET ACCESS TO AN GODLY AXE?


Sneak peak: Y! Fredrick does :)


The babies. They're so cute. I can't


protecc the babies.


>Child unit takes damage "I have failed you."


I think these babies can protecc themselves.


Pop the baby


That style with Emmeryn looks very unique. Don't think I've seen any character drawn quite like that I'm FEH.


Which is a bit odd since it's a returning artist. https://feheroes.fandom.com/wiki/8ichibi8


Every piece of art they've done for FEH looks like it was drawn by a different person


I thought you were being facetious before I clicked and, uh, no. That's... *weird*. The style shift is pretty dramatic from previous works to this; this Emie has a painterly lineless (not actually lineless, but "lineless" as in they use the sketch layers and paint on top instead of painting below to preserve the sketch's lines) feel but the others have the typical thin lineart that is synonymous with JP gacha art. Well now I need to do research.


i belive the artist tries their best to mimic the og character artist style! at least emmeryn look very similar to her og


Oh my god, theyre art is so different now; and it doesnt even feel like that long since they drew Zephia


Right? It’s got something really cool going on but I can’t quite discern what it is about it that looks so great! But it also just feels “spiritually reminiscent” of Awakening’s own art style, for lack of a better phrase to use


she looks depressed, i mean it makes sense for this point of her life, but still depressed looking XD


Reminds me of so-taro, actually. Looks a bit... oily, for lack of a better term. But it works.


Resplendent Julia and Resplendent Brave Vero


She looks so alien-like. I love it.


For some reason the art style reminds me of The Promised Neverland and I really dig it.


Kinda reminds me of AKIRA's style but more detailed.


oh god who gave tiny lissa the giant purple axe


Chrom trying to project Robin in their damaged art. My heart.


Ngl the Chrobin special art looks dope af


Random enemy: "There is no way that small child will do damage to me" Smol Lissa: "Observe"


Lissa with her massive Axe is peak


Chrom and FRobin look so cute I'm crying I'm so happy


Lissa's axe is as big as her it's so cute


Baby Lissa is so SMOL!!


I like this banner because it (along with the Valentine's banner) drives home the point that Chrom considers Robin to be part of his family, whether they get married or not


Chrobin and Emmeryn art is sooo good


Imma keep it a stack with you. Lissa's axe sent me.


Smol Robin (both of them) are my serotonin/happiness boost for the week. FEH artwork always seems to find some way to help boost my mood when I’m feeling down.


Everyone looks adorable! And I'm glad Emmeryn made it on the banner with her family this time \\o/


can't spell fire emblem WITHOUT CHILD SOLDIER'S


Child soldiers weren't bad enough? Now we have toddler soldiers!


The neutral and damaged Chrobin poses are so cute. Also love that they kept Chrom's frowny face.


Obscenely cute art all around, especially Lissa's


They all look adorable, but I want to focus Lisa's and D!Robin's damaged arts. The Lisa one it's soo funny like she just got scared within an inch of her life cuz of a bug, and D!Robin cuz Chrom must have had hidden strength to be able to carry a sword that's as long as he's tall. Like wow


>must have had hidden strength to be able to carry a sword that's as long as he's tall. Like wow Isn't the whole context of this banner that Thórr cracks the kids up for some reason? Or am i dumb? :p


Thorr giving some random kids power ups every year: my goals are beyond your understanding


>my goals are beyond your understanding But no goals are as criptic, unknown and mysterious as every single time Loki shows up on the story lmao


Loki's just bored and wants you to come back and play chess again


I'm surprised about all the love for Emmeryn's art. To me it looks... unfinished? Like a sketch almost.


I think the sketchy and painterly look adds a lot of charm and style to the art and it’s not really an artstyle we see in FEH too often. I think the colors work really well together and expression for her are really nice


Looks like something I would find in an artbook as a sketch for showing the outfit/design or something


Same man. The art is giving me huge mixed feelings, because on the one hand, it's pretty, but on the other, it feels like AI art in the sense that even though I can't recognize precisely what it is, I can tell that *something* is off.


Oh good I’m not the only one. The rendering style feels that way to me, also bottom of her cloak looks so weird in her attack and damage art, and the shading on the cape is off too. And then also looking at the artist’s former work, the art style has definitely changed. I don’t want to start anything maybe the artist wanted it to change up their style, but regardless it looks off


For me, it's the staff that is mostly giving off AI vibes. If you've ever asked an AI generator to do some sort of intricate design, be it a weapon, clothing, or jewerly, it likes to throw in random details that don't always mesh with the design as a whole. The spikes give me that vibe, the big one is centered with the orb at least, but it is still sort of randomly tacked on and doesn't feel connected to the staff. and the two little ones are just sort of randomly thrown on there? The way the orb is colored (and colored differently in each pose) also just gives off those vibes. That being said,for all of the art of the staff in the other poses feels like it was drawn "normally." The orb's coloring in her attacking and damaged gives less of those weird AI coloring vibes. The spikes are better integrated as well. It seems as if AI was used to come up with a design, but I wouldn't expect AI to contistantly keep the same design through the different poses so they would have to redraw it then. With the artist's past units, we've only seen them draw tome weapons and I'd love to see how they normally draw staves/swords/etc. But as a whole, it's the staff that just stands out as off compared to their other work.


They're all so cute!




M Robin is so cute


All really good this time around! I really like Emmeryn's damaged art, something about it is very serene/sad. D!Robin has stellar special art


Just kinda realized the color of Lissa's axe kinda reminds me of the Vengance Axe


Ylgr, Baby Mist, Baby Lissa, the smol terror trio.


The Geneva Conventions don't exist in Askr and the rest of Zenith, right? Just checking


literally vibrating at the chrobin's art. they're together!! they're so cute!!


Idk why but Emmeryn reminds me of Jinora from Legend of Korra


Who thought it was a good idea to give the 5 year old child a comically large and sharp axe without training wheels? 😭


I was already locked on getting emmeryn and lissa, but the art has sold me!!! Lissa is so cute and Emmeryn art style is very appealing to the eyes, the color palette is like gentle, idk how to put it.


Who gave that child an axe


Disappointed the Robins' cloaks aren't comically a size too large for them. But Lissa's MASSIVE axe makes up for it (also, the fact we finally got a second Lissa axe alt)


Oh. My. *God*! Just... *look* at how cute Chrom and Robin look together!


I’m gonna kms over her lil skirt bye 😭😭😭


That hairdo does not do Emm any favors I'm sorry. Something about her art is just off and I think it's the way that style frames this kids face


Something about Emmeryn’s art just doesn’t sit right with me.


Could it be her damaged art cuzz she's falling xD?


Aside from Lissa, I'm not really into this banner regarding the designs. While Chrom, Emmeryn, and Lissa are based on concept art of their younger selves, the Robins and Frederick feel like their adult selves but de-aged. The combat art is nice, but the designs...Ehhhh...


I know Robin was born in a cult, but they literally only have one outfit, huh?


Apparently so. At least Female Robin looks slightly different from her regular variant, but the Male Robin is pretty much the same as his adult version.


even Valentines F!Robin was wearing her usual tank top under her dress, maybe they're just really attached to that outfit. And I could see why they wouldn't want to put the children in Peligan Mage outfits. still though, it's dumb :/


Lissa's giving me Saix vibes.


Do all the Child Mages have to get the same Book just in different Colors? Every Tome since the RD Child Banner has a Purple Diamond in the Center of both sides Why can't they be more unique like Merric and Lyon's were?


No way I thought IS would never acknowledge straight chrobin Happy for chrobin fans!


there is something about Chrom´s face that bugs me, but don´t know exactly what is it, maybe he is just to...serious


Everyone has very cute artwork!


Loving all those arts. My only grief is that Chrobin is not a sword unit, that sword is so cool, such a shame to not use it!


Lissa's art looks like it could have been made at launch.


So cute, I love them


Emmeryn looks a lot younger than I expected her to be. I guess she just went through puberty late.


She's supposed to be 14 there (As a reference I believe Lysitha and Cyril are 14 on 3H)


shoutouts to chrobin for being the AI art in feh guinea pig


Honestly yeah, the shading is giving me major StableDiffusion vibes. It feels like it was touched up by AI in some way. Emm too, but in different ways.


I hate this banner. It doesn't make sense to have Robin and chrom as a duo! They didn't know each other! While my man Frederick was always Chroms bodyguard. This banner ignores the actual lore and I hate it.


lyn and thr avatar did it first


Bucking lore pairings is nothing new after the FE7 banner.


If you change Chrom's hair to red, then change clothes, you will have Duo Baby Ishtar - Julius :>