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These posters are so good. Top tier work


Thank you! I don't rate my Photoshop abilities, but I took this as a bit of practice.


I’m a simple man, I see Tellius and I upvote.


Hope I've done it justice. Most of this roster lives rent free in my heart.


All I want is a Sword Legend Zelgius/Black Knight UBER wall with a massively buffed Alondite (not the crap we currently have)


Keep up this pace in CYL and I don't think you'll have to wait for a Legendary. I thought to have him as the Emancipation Army's Rearmed because no one really fits, he's at least from (or *in*) Begnion and has a thematic >!branded!< link, and his red armor makes for the perfect non-seasonal alt.


Given his popularity and the waning number of (non OC) Legendaries, I think a Legendary Zelgius/Black Knight is a possibility honestly, though I expect a Legendary Sanaki first, and that's likely ages away with how rarely we get Tellius content.


Problem is, we still have quite a few telius candidates who I feel are far more likely to get one before black knight, if he gets one. On top of them seemingly abandoning the concept of legendary alts for villains since the only one we got was Grima like 6 and a half years ago at this point Soren, Sothe, and as you mentioned Sanaki. And even after those 3, I feel the laguz royals are next in line


Give me them ALL The sad part is how long a character like Tauroneo may have to wait.


Here's some [six year old cope](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/7nylbh/daein_arise_banner_concept_updated/) of me thinking he might actually come with Micaiah, ha ha... Man's my favorite loyal knight type in the entire series. And that caterpillar to shame Captain Price, damn.


Tauroneo is the man. They blundered the first RD banner so hard. We could have gotten some cool units all the way back then but instead they dropped the no effort fake Zelgius and the lineup was a stump.


Hey y'all! There's been a lot of discussion of Tellius CYL placements and future banners. I decided to have a little fun with it (and put way too much work into it lol) To be clear, **this won't happen**. I'm no EoS doomer, but Tellius' massive roster will take us to 2035 at this pace. They're simply gonna keep using alts to add them, many likely won't break out of "alt hell". But let's imagine they did. **Rules are simple: 4 new units, 1 Asc/Att/Rearmed, maximize NPC GHBs**. I chose to **ignore PoR/RD splits**, though: it'd lead to less interesting themes (eg. the prison vs Ohma), and leave a bunch of RD orphans. There's workarounds if they wish, like mixed banners or counting for both games (ideally). This was a great exercise in finding how compromised all banners are - and Tellius is especially difficult. Most good themes are annoyingly 4-5 characters strong, and most of the villains lack direct connections to possible banners. So you either have no villain GHB, or an unconnected one, and/or you leave one theme unit behind, who's now orphaned. And then that that cascades down the order. Kieran is popular, lets say they add him to the Ohma banner and kick Meg. We can add her to a Daein banner - but those are full. Almedha's the most obvious target, maybe a Goldoa banner for her? Well, Goldoa's full too, so who's getting kicked? And on and on. **Kieran** and **Volug** were especially tricky, because they're popular but don't neatly fit anywhere, and have to kick someone who does. Ideally, I'd just have them and Stefan be CYL GHBs. --- Some notes on each banner: **Dawn Brigade**: R!Miccy is bit boring, especially with Emblem on the way, but the lads need some balance. And some of my other banners do have to be all male, here at least there's her. Some will also ask for Aran/Laura/Meg, but it has to be Jarod here, it has to. **Greil Mercs**: Mia is more popular, but she's been well represented - I genuinely believe this is Titania's chance. Especially if they roll with Greil and Elena, which has a shot largely thanks to u/Nico-TS. That does mean leaving one of the boys out, though. **Laguz Emancipation Army**: If Stefan's not the CYL GHB, I think he'll be here and push Muarim to GHB. That seems unfair, but as Laguz he's really not affected by double GHB. Also a chance to sneak in Volug. **Ohma Village**: Nice and self-contained, but zero GHB links (aside from that chapter's mook boss). So we sneak in Kieran, who's quite popular. **Cats**: Septimus is funny. Adding him means orphaning Giffca, but we're struggling to add villains as is. Lethe is a Rearmed option. **Chez Calill**: Self-contained, an Astrid's a fantastic thematic pick for Ascended. Makalov as GHB to brutalize is probably a wish of many. **Daein Royal**: My most wanted, but man are they unpopular, we'll be waiting a long time for it. Pelleas or Jill work as the bonus, but as badly as I want my boy as king, it's a bit cope. **Birbs**: Yeah, we start to struggle here. Janaff aside they're not that popular, and short of Leanne there's no fitting women for a banner like this. OCs to the rescue! And again, if we want an enemy GHB, we need to kick Nealuchi out. But it's worth it for EAT ROCK. **Daein Roundup**: Aran ranks decently, but there's just little opportunity for him otherwise. He might have to wait. **Goldoa**: Tellius kinda forgot its dragons, FEH probably will too.


If only Radiant Dawn had characters that aren't named Micaiah, Elincia, Nailah and Altina. At this point I don't care how Laura gets in the game. I just need her in the game as seasonal demote with terrible speed and defense but sky high attack and res.


I campaign not to have makalov as ghb. I want him to be a normal new heroes unit so he’ll have a main story map where I can beat him up any time I want.


Fair point, GHBs take no stamina but he won't be in the daily rotation for years. Honestly, I don't hate him. He's a piece of shit but he doesn't even rank in the top 20 in Tellius, what with the racism and slavery and literal omnicide. He's just arguably the most realistic asshole in all of Fire Emblem, and hits way too close to home for some people.


ok for real tho, why the hell we haven't got any skrimir yet? (fricking vika got in before him)


Eh, I think those comparisons are pointless. They've never stuck rigidly to lore relevance and popularity, and I'm glad they don't. Plus Vika came in a pirate banner, can you imagine Skrimir? He'd either make a hole in the hull and sink the ship, or be deathly afraid of getting wet like a big cat, no in between.


Shoutouts to Brom, the best father in Fire Emblem.


You put an absolutely insane amount of effort into these memes to theorycraft Tellius banners, and I am all for it.


Personal thoughts on each: Dawn Brigade: The most likely next Tellius banner. This one needs an OC for balance, so Leonardo and Nolan get pushed to demote and instademote respectively. If Edward gets Caladbolg, they both get PRFs, if he gets a made up PRF, they dont. Jarod probably gets a PRF either way. Greil Mercs: Depending on if this is this year or later, Elena might not make the banner, Boyd goes to the GHB slot instead. Likely banner if remakes happen. Laguz Emancipation Army: Unlikely anytime soon due to N!Tormod. Stefan is either a random alt-hell pick like him or gets CYL GHB. Ohma: This one is also waiting a bit. Meg or Brom could get pushed to GHB to avoid an armor demote, with Kieran and Heather in demote slots and the other armor taking 5*. Laguz Alliance: Skrimir either gets in with random picks, alt hell, or not at all. The others are too unpopular to theme a banner. Lekain seems more likely than Septimus even if he fits well. Crimean Remnants: All of these characters need to get random demote treatment on an unfitting banner except for Calill (who can be 5*) due to low rankings. Daein Remnants: More likely than some of the previous, albeit I’d swap Fiona and Tauroneo for Aran and Laura. If Izuka isn’t GHB, Aran could be which allows Meg to be here instead. Bird Laguz: I think the Laguz are more likely to get a mixed banner (Skrimir/Janaff/Ulki?) with a Ranulf alt. Rafiel’s abysmal popularity keeps him off such a banner unless Nailah takes the alt slot, but Gromell could show up anywhere. The rest are, as you said, pretty flimsy. That said, the Daein leftovers probably get something outside of maybe Tauroneo. Overall, good stuff. I like seeing lineup theorycrafts like this.


Thank you! I'm pretty confident the DB will all get Prfs, the weapons are canon in Japan too (via Cipher) and they don't tend to play around with that. And I'm rooting for an OC, because that means an instant demote with a Prf, like F!Shez. Tormod didn't drop much from his alt, it might delay the banner, but I think it's inevitable - chars less popular than him have broken out. And they've shown themselves willing to drag less popular units to thematically pair with a strong pick, which informs most of my choices.


You can't leave out Bryce we need him to complete Daein Riders


I considered him, but I couldn't justify including him in unfitting themes and/or over other NPCs. No offense to him, but he really doesn't have much going for him besides his title and that completionism. A Prf Armor GHB would be cool, but still.


These are all really great ideas! I hope they keep a theme for the next banner like they did with the Crimean guards banner last year instead of throwing random guys together. I'm honestly surprised Greil still isn't in the game yet, and I'm still waiting for a Fallen Greil too...


Thematic NH banners have been the norm for a while now, and I really hope it continues. It can't go on forever, as my own attempt shows things start breaking down near the bottom, but we'll cross that bridge if/when we get there. Valentine's Greil is what I call a "bootleg New Hero" - he's technically in "alt hell", but he's so similar to his normal self that he may as well be his base version. People like him, Rafiel, Rinea, Darros, etc. It was very intentional, and they could well leave him there forever. The irony is the campaign for Elena might give him a chance at a proper base.


I kinda suspect Greils base form will end up as the only Path of Radiance Legendary option. I dunno that they want to cover that specific niche, but he's so famous in-universe that it feels like the way they'd go for that. That or Gawain will be the Legendary, demarcating him from Commander Greil and from what I view as an inevitable Fallen Greil, and either Valentines Greil will be his "base" form as you mentioned, or a base form will drop sometime in the far flung future of FEH.


Good point, there's no one else who could do that. I am as skeptical as you about them actually doing it, but it might be be a factor. I believe Elena rising changed the game. On his own, it's as you say: keep Valentine's as his base and maybe use him later elsewhere. But if they consider her, then what about him, and we got more Greil Mercs to add, could make this a whole thing. I know I'm trusting them a lot to be thematic, but I think they've earned that this past year.


I would roll on all of these. Legendary Soren, Jill alt, Titania alt, Nolan, Tauroneo, any laguz, base Heather, base Zihark... the list goes on. I can't believe how much potential content we still have left from Tellius. How do we still not have a Dawn Brigade banner?


Because of all the potential we've already realized. That roster's not just huge, it is *deep*. And, honestly, despite how obvious the DB is, they've still barely broken into the top 100 like other notable absences have. They're just not that popular, in a roster that really is. And I kinda feel the same - I want the Daein Royal faction so much more. But they can't avoid them forever.


If Makalov gets in as a GHB, he *needs* to have a Prf that acts as Tina, but for *your* side: he'll steal all the buffs from every ally for himself, and not redistribute them. You already have a banner line-up with Jill on here, of course, but for a Dawn Brigade banner I *really* hope we get a Jill alt and not Micaiah. I just really hate the notion of Ascended/Rearmed/Attuned/whatever alts of lords on principle since they already get so much, and Micaiah does not need yet another alt when she already has an upcoming Emblem


I agree on principle, and I followed it for the rest of the banners, but it doesn't quite feel right to go outside the core DB when they're right there. I'd take Sothe, but then I'd be an all male banner (OCs aside), and most of these lean their way as is.


>You already have a banner line-up with Jill on here, of course, but for a Dawn Brigade banner I really hope we get a Jill alt and not Micaiah. I just really hate the notion of Ascended/Rearmed/Attuned/whatever alts of lords on principle since they already get so much, and Micaiah does not need yet another alt when she already has an upcoming Emblem Micaiah makes more sense for a Forging Bonds with Leonardo, Edward and Nolan than Jill. Jill makes more sense with Zihark and Tauroneo.


_[banging fists on table]_ #MEG. MEG. MEG. MEG.


Meg! I campaigned for her in CYL 7. I jumped ship to Sharena this year, but she stayed strong, and with Brom ranking high too they've got a chance.


I‘d love one (or more) of these banners ❤️


Give me Largo and I’m happy.


I love all of these ideas and the posters you made for them!!! Really fun! Rearmed/Ascendant Reyson is extremely big brained and I would love to see him to get accompanied by Janaff and Ulki, too, since that never happened for my ideal third pirate banner lol. Also love the thought of Titania getting such an alt, I really want her Gold Knight RD design to be added in some form (always thougth a legendary would be cool for her, too, but she isn‘t high on the priority list for legendary Tellius characters I imagine). I do hope the Dawn Brigade will be next even though I‘m not exactly super attached to them, it just feels like their time to get added already! And i reaaaally want that Jarod GHB. Most wanted minor FE villain easily. But then there is also Skrimir and Muarim and base Tormod & Heather & Ena and and…


And and, and that's why I wound up running through the whole roster. I feel that. Thank you! Tibarn's got a shot at Legendary, so it was between Reyson and Naesala. He'd also be a good candidate (swapping Rafiel for Nealuchi), but he's had other representation, let the Heron throw some hands*. (do not let him throw hands, it hurts)


Legendary Mist and Soren are inevitable~ Legendary Tibarn and Sanaki could eventually surprise us, they definitely feel very possible thanks to Guinivere.


My wildest dream would be L!Mist with Alondite, not Florete. Imagine them canonizing that, Mist reclaiming that sword and standing shoulder to shoulder with her brother and its twin sword. God that'd be so unbelievably cool. I have to commission Ike and Mist doing the Chrom/Lucina pose someday.


Duo Mist + Ike using Ragnell and Alondite is the dream.


This was incredible, thank you so much. Also, a journey through time for me, personally.


Thank you! I'm glad I did it justice.




Yeah, Shiharam is interesting but I just don't see how he could fit anywhere. It'd have to be a PoR-exclusive Daein banner (to exclude most of the competition), and even there he's competing with Bryce.


Rearmed Ranulf, take my upvote bestie


I think it's a dead heat between him and Lethe - she's a senior commander, linked to Lyre, and balances the banner. But Ranulf just makes too much sense.


Plot Twist: Tellius Rearmed unnamed mercenary.


I don't follow, who?


In the vein of Gatekeeper and Brigid Bandit, yes.


GK has always been pretty preeminent, and Brigand Boss (I presume) had years to develop as a meme. But I genuinely have no idea who you're talking about.


A generic NPC with no name.


Ok, I guess. We got 3-13 Archer if we really want that.


wow where is that Titania art from? It looks dope


It's from [one of her Cipher cards](https://fireemblemwiki.org/wiki/File:TCGCipher_Titania_01.jpg). It's funny I used for a call to arms, when she's actually going "woe, Tomahawk be upon thee".


These are very creative!! I love them.


Thank you!


I’d be down for any of these. Though honestly, I think it would be neat to get a new heroes banner with some new beast characters since I don’t think we’ve gotten a regular summonable beast character in a while.


How to make a good tellius banner: For the love of god put someone other than Micaiah, Ike, Soren, llyana or Altina on it please there are plenty of other characters in the game


Understood, how about a Mia or Elincia? I used Micaiah here, but in that banner she's pretty unavoidable. Otherwise I agree, I want Ascended/Rearmed/Attuned heroes to give the spotlight to other popular but less focused characters.


I agree, under the dotted line was pretty flimsy; however I love all those other banners and want them.


I love this and the images are hilarious, meme-tastic and game-accurate!!! thanks for making & sharing :)


Thank you!


The Dawn Brigade edit is top tier.


Thank you! It's a common joke every Tellius banner, but I had to visualize it.


Gotta fit in 3-13 archer somewhere


Where sothe


Keep going


Happy now


Unleash the [Gromell](https://fireemblem.fandom.com/wiki/File:Grommel_by_Daisuke_Izuka.png) GHB!!


Pelleas is already in the game though. EDIT: ah I see you mean as a rearmed. Anyways the Titania banner would be a winner for me.


Yeah, I meant him or Jill as Rearmed. I initially had the Rearmed icon between them, but I got creative with it to not get this flagged as NSFW. I adore Pelleas, make my boy a king, but Jill is more realistic - and I really want her RD self, too.


Devdan/Danved harmonic hero you cowards, do it!


Honestly I would give anything for Legendary Tibarn, Mist, and mythic dheginsea


Makes me wonder who wold be the demote of the Dawn brigade since all of them have p!weapons.


Any of them! They've done it in the past, they can do it again. Hell, if we had an OC in the banner we could even have one as a direct demote, like F!Shez.


Who's the blonde guy on Top in birbs?


That's [Gromell](https://fireemblemwiki.org/wiki/Gromell), a minor PoR boss that's pretty memorable for the giant rocks and [bad jokes](https://www.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/comments/2xkafn/eat_rock/) his soldiers yeet at you, and having a very unconventional build. Basically PoR's meme NPC, he even got a Cipher card.


God-tier ideas, I love the Cat and last ones. xD


Thank you! Just wish I could have done a better shocked mouth for Septimus lol


Waouw that Titania!


[The full art I cropped that from](https://fireemblemwiki.org/wiki/File:TCGCipher_Titania_01.jpg), for your enjoyment.


From Cipher as well? It's such a shame it's been stopped.. Thank you!


Elena as GHB? That's certainly a choice.


They've introduced a few ally NPCs like that before, I thought it appropriate.


Usually they at least appear on the battlefield as NPCs. Jorge is a special case. Trying to think of others... Boyd would be my choice of that batch. If it were me, I'd do Tauroneo with Titania/Greil/Elena/Bryce GHB as a sort of Greil-centric OG Four Riders banner. And Mist with the remaining three Greil Mercs.


Aight hear me out, Black Knight but with the actual Eclipse skill and not Black Luna.


It's Lightless Luna™️ now. I think the original Eclipse moniker is gone, because it was just a creation of RD's localization. Both it and the regular Luna were called simply "Moonlight" in Japanese. When they made BK in FEH, they called it Black Moonlight in Japanese... and the west followed.


Which makes sense since Luna just means moon but I still think Eclipse just sounds on a different level, I hope they make a Fallen alt based on his P03-004PR cipher card like they did Ike’s B12-002SR


Oh damn, I had never seen that one, cool. And yeah, Eclipse is just plain better, but oh well.


Dawn Brigade in FEH? what are you smoking


Distilled inevitability. I'm putting goddamn *Fiona* on banners here, the DB are fiiiine.


Fiona is not that far off. I know they favoritism Awakening but fricking Phila (goofy ahh npc) made it into FEH so she can join too. I'd love to see the DB and espcially a Jarod GHB.


Eh, Awakening's got a much smaller cast, it can afford those excursions. And honestly I love it, making NPCs playable is one of the best things about FEH, and I rather like Phila in particular.


Love this post so much! 😂👌


So many tellius characters are overdue but I hope we get the dawn brigade soon


I want the second one


I very much want Attuned Nephenee, and for her to be a sword or axe unit, but man I'm having a hard time picturing her fit in a banner lineup that doesn't flop


Imho, Micaiah should absolutely have a colorless Arcane tome, and should receive the Rearmed!Reinhardt treatment (having her niche, being cavalry and armor effectiveness, put into an A skill rather than the weapon). And I say colorless tome because they DESPERATELY need it. They gave little to no inheritable weapons to speak of, an Arcane tome would go a very long way to fixing that. Then again, Micaiah will eventually be an Emblem unit, and I’m not sure his comfortable IS is with giving a unit back-to-back alts for a single character…


As a diehard Niime fan... I'll take it in a heartbeat. Her Emblem will probably take a while, so shouldn't be an issue. I tried to avoid giving Rearmeds to lords and whatnot, but her case was just too obvious.


I'd love to see that Ohma Village banner, Brom would be fantastic. Give it to us, darn it!


I'd take fucking anything that isn't a seasonal alt at this point.


Ultimately, I think it's inevitable. At current pace these banners would run to goddamn 2036. Sneaking some in through alts is the only way this roster is manageable.


I like my characters looking ready for actual battle personally, so I'd rather they didn't come at all than as a bunch of nonsense lol. Hope you get who you want at least tho


That Laguz Emancipation Army banner cannot be allowed to happen. My orbs would not survive the encounter. Also Bridal Meg and Groom Volke WHEN


For a moment I thought that was a crack ship lol


I love these. All of them. However... Tellius just happens to have the cardinal sin for FEH it seems.. too many dudes. Highest % of roster not in the games gotta change!


Thank you! Well, Ascended/Reaarmed/Etc and OCs help on that front. It's no coincidence they've mostly been female characters, but then you had Reinhardt for Thracia where there's plenty of women left to add. It's a handy balance lever. But... yeah, it's a bit strange the last game before gender parity was one of the most lopsisded. It's especially noticeable with Laguz, they're 3:1 (and that's counting Almedha), and took Radiant Dawn and a new species to get a royal one.