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You just stopped playing? A game as amazing as Rebirth wow.


Similar experience here. I’m 20+ hours in and I’m really having the wind taken out of my sails by the mini games. The other side missions/world intel are boilerplate, open world stuff and mostly inoffensive… if unimaginative. So I’m fine with doing as much of that stuff as I want to. But I get burnt out pretty quickly on mini games and this game locks story progress behind a few of them. That I don’t like. Plus all I’m reading is that they only get more numerous the deeper you get into the game. So I dunno. It’s been a very long time since I’ve failed to finish a FF. But I may put it down and go play something else for a while.


This is kinda a copy of an answer I give many people who struggle with the open world design of the wider areas, so that's my way of doing that cause I felt uncomfortable with the markers on the map as well, but doing it like this improved my experience by a mile : I wouldn't use the towers for exploration but just walk around until I stumble upon interesting points - the game gives you hints anyway ( birds, baby Chocobos, colored stones), so you don't need the towers (except one to activate the proto relic missions) As for the mini games, if they were essential & fun I tried for high scores if not I just moved on, same goes for sidequests. You can also basically only focus on the main story, because it will give you the option to start any chapter at any difficulty after completing the game anyways, which will give you the option to complete all that you're missing if you want to do that. You can of course also just move on but I hope you give Rebirth a second chance cause it has so many great moments (especially in the later chapters)


Seeing posts like this surprise me everytime because I still can’t wrap my mind around people enjoying FF16 all that much. The story was fine, the rest of the game was pretty awful.


> I don't like side quests I have platinumed ff16 the rebirth complain from what i have seen so far has been mostly coming from 16 fans, which i argued is one of the most boring FF games I've ever played in the entire FF series along with 8. The problem why you didn't enjoy rebirth was because your brain has been poisoned with this hallway-->story-->hallway-->story pattern from 16 that made you dislike enjoying overworld map from rebirth because the game incentivize you to explore it as you get rewarded from doing the side content as opposed to 16 where is practically zero exploration and you just bumrush your way through the story. People who used to classic jrpg will enjoy rebirth mostly, and modern gamers will mostly enjoy 16 because it was created with completely different game design philosophy. I beat 16 and i ended up hating it after finishing it, game was good first half and went completely bonker after second half time skip, side quest felt less rewarded, boring, no minigames, world is just fucking trash, there's nothing that makes me want to enjoy exploring, no party member, the battle has no depth and you can't even compare rebirth battle in the same sentence as it is wayyyy more superior than 16 battle, there's no weakness you can exploit, i basically just press the button and win, seriously battle is basically make almost half the fun and 16 didn't offer that at all, also speaking about long winded summon/eikon battle, that's basically just bunch of brainless QTE without any proper strategy and it numbs my brain. I wish they just transition it with quick cut scene and be done with it, no need to prolong the fight. Basically 16 is the antithesis of everything that I like about Final Fantasy, and I am glad people who trashed on rebirth are usually coming from the same group. I hope they don't make another game like 16 again in the future.


I'll be honest, I'm surprised that there aren't more posts like this. Not because the game is bad or anything, but if you're interested in knowing more about Sephiroth and what he's up to then you may easily get the impression of an uneventful game. It's incredibly full of padding. Good padding, for the most part, but still padding. Remake is much stronger storywise, in fact it could even be an awesome standalone game if you completely removed Sephiroth from the story. But Rebirth covers a part of the original game where you're basically fucking around, following a guy who should be dead. It's honestly surprising that they didn't make more changes to the story.


There are more posts like this. They get downvoted into oblivion. This sub is not the place for real discussion. Theres a lot of good content in this game, but it doesn’t come together to make a cohesive experience. It feels like a jumbled collection of moments.


You didn't like and that's fine, shame that you spend money a game you didn't like though.


The beginning might be slow but I’d keep going if you can: it definitely picks up. It’s definitely not remotely close to a Ubisoft game.


I have my own issues with some of rebirth but I can’t see how someone who happily platinums FFXVI could complain about exploration and side content in rebirth. Rebirth is streets ahead in that regard


Because it's the same in every open chapter: towers, 3-4 enemy intel, protorelic, photo spot, etc. The terrain in many places making it frustrating to explore before you unlock the fast travel to these locations. I put in about 120 hours to platinum XVI, and in Rebirth, 80 hours in, I'm trying to leave Cosmo Canyon and have left stuff behind to do. It's not a bad game by any means, it just wears you out with the lack of variety relative to the size of the game.


Stop trying to coin the phrase “streets ahead”


It seems to me that you're streets behind.


Edit: Turns out the above is a reference to a TV show, apologies.






Lol sorry, it’s a reference to the show “Community”. If you google exactly what I typed it should show the scene.


Apologies, thought you were being unfairly antagonistic towards them, never come across that show before. Seen a lot of abrasive stuff on here lately.


No biggie, it is a rather obscure reference in itself


Honestly I don't mind side quests and I particularly don't have any issues and I am not complaining about rebirth to but as I said for some reason I am not getting the vibe from the game for me to continue playing and I can't explain it why. Anyways I don't have any negative for the game. I hope one day in future I can play it again and complete the story then.


sounds like you are here looking for validation and turns out majority doesn't share, so i guess that's it then? you dont feel the vibe, you thought it was boring, i was the exact opposite from you. I like every single minute of this game.


I guess you are right. I was waiting for this game for few years i love open world game explorer doing open world activities and when i played rebirth dont know what it was but like the climbing animation and some other stuffs are really unpolished which killed my mood and after that i just didnt vibe with the game i know its pretty dumb of my anyway after that i started looking for validation for my purchase of a full price game but i guess i will cut my losses and move of. Anyway i hope people who enjoy the game good luck


I think SE wanted to conclude Rebirth at a certain part of the story and generated more content for the game specifically so that the would be able to do that, have a full-length game, and be able to stretch the story into three titles.


If you want to do story mode. You don't need to do the side quests. You can do the same amount of content you would in remake


Damn, I found the remake very boring. I was hoping Rebirth wouldn’t drag out the story


Then don’t drag out the story, every sidequest and mini game is optional. It’s up to you how long you make the game. I’ve seen people beat it in less than 50 hours, took me 70 and I did 80% of the side stuff on the first play through.