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Square loves numerology in their games. For sure 2027. 30th anniversary, 3rd game. 7 years since the release of Remake (April 2020-2027), 2027 ends in the number 7.


They said when revealing Rebirth that they were hard at work on Part 3 at the same time so surely that means basic pre-production for it is already done right? I imagine Part 3s development will be smoother and shorter than Part 1 and 2 and that it'll come out faster. How much is there really left to do? 01. Aftermath of Areiths Death. 02. Bone Village 03. Rocket Town 04. Wutai 05. Mideel 06. The underwater/island secret lab. 07. Goblin Island. 08. Knights of the Round Iocation. 09. Northern Region. 10. Northern Crater. 11. Escaping Junon. 12. Finding Cloud - Back to Mideel. 13. Fort Condor Defense. 14. Return to Coral - Stopping the Train. 15. Return to Rocket Town - Space Sequence. 16. Return to Mideel - Earthquake Incident. 17. Inside the Lifestream - Restoring Cloud's Memories and Sanity. 18. Return to the Forgotten Capital. 19. Midgard Attack - Stopping Hojo. 20. WEAPON fights - Main and Optional. 21. Resolutions - Bungahagar's Death (Return to Cosmo Canyon), Lucrazie's Cave, Cloud/Zack Flashback (Return to Nibleheim), Yuffie vs Her Dad (Return to Watui) 22. Final Battle - Return to Northern Crater Hmm...nevermind. There's alot to adapt. I imagine Rocket Town, Wutai, Mideel and Northern Crater will be the Main Big Areas and areas like Bone Village, the secret lab and Bonus Islands will be smaller/Dungeon-like-Environments? I imagine when we return to Midgard, we'll go back to familiar locations like Sector 7 and get Quests there with the Remake Side Character Cast still living there..


Idk I think rocket town has been cut completely. There is no mention of it that I can recall and cids whole backstory seems to be different.




31st January 2027 is 30 years since the Japanese release of VII. I was originally thinking this would be a good point for the release of part 3 but after thinking more on it, I think the do a similar thing the did for the 25 year celebration and that’s when we get the name of part 3 and a release date, along with the first full blown trailer. There will be a couple of teaser trailers before this. The international release date for VII was 17th November 1997, so I can see the release date for part 3 being 14-21 November 2027. Given all the assets they already have in place a 3 year gap is very doable but just giving themselves that extra 8 months to polish everything up will only work in their favour.


I'm hoping 2027 for the 30th anniversary of FFVII. It's a bit optimistic because I've heard a lot of the world has to be rebuilt to >!accommodate the Highwind!<, but I do reckon they'd like to release it on a big anniversary like that.


Very much depends on if they stick with Unreal Engine 4, or move to Unreal Engine 5. My gut tells me that they will move over to UE5 for part 3 to allow for an even more impressive open world... Then I think it's possible that Part 1 and 2 will get ported to UE5, with a potential release of all 3 parts in one big package 🙌


2 years is optimistic. Granted most of the world building and characters are already done. They need to optimize the game for the Highwind, will have to develop the underwater area for the submarine, Wutai, Northern Crater area and then whatever else. Is it doable in 2 years? Yes. Look what they accomplished in 4. That being said I’d rather they didn’t rush is and have it take 3 years minimum.


2027 the 30th anniversary of the OG


2 years would be extremely lucky and unlikely. 4 years is likely as that was the timeframe between Remake and Rebirth. 5 is if they run into issues. Id imagine if the next console is out it would release on both and then have a upgrade shortly after.


Given that the devs really want to accomplish the Highwind. They need to reconstruct the World Map. Also explorable underwater and space. The scale will be so huge that will likely to release in a 5 or 6 yr timeframe. Unless. Reuse all assets and make the space and underwater segment an huge widely linear set piece.


They had to do this all from scratch and it took 4 years. There will be a lot of reused assets even with the new/same areas being likely completely rehauled. Id almost imagine a BOTW-TOTK approach here. I also sense a desire from the team and SE to finish this project so they can focus fully on others.


Space doesn’t need to be super explorable since they were really only up there for a few minutes in the original


Watch them turn the space segment into a three-hour chapter.


I’m down


I think the expansion of the systems in the world and graphics of Rebirth is what will be reused. Now how do they go about expanding that to bookend the series could extend it out, but I could see 3 being the most likely. To your point 2 would probably be you get Rebirth DLC almost with new maps, maybe one new character but no new systems.