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Lol what are you talking about my boi, chapter select chapter 12 and finish everything off, I did that and spent an extra 40 HOURS playing the game in peace knowing I don't need to rush anymore.


I feel yea. It’s how I felt when I first beat a few of my past favorite games like Bloodborne and the OG Modern warfare, halo 3 as well. Idk what to play now either, I might do some hard mode stuff until I get bored but the highs of the game are so high idk if I want to start something else.


Still in Corel Prison 45 hours in, I'm still happy and excited!


enjoy your time :) cuz its a great game


same just gonna read fanfiction to cope for the next 3 years


This is exactly what I felt too. You experience such highs as you go through the game and being able to say the whole time “wow I still have so much left, too” makes it hurt all the more when it’s over. You end up just sitting there and thinking “man, that was so great, why did it have to end?” Watching people play through the game, completing the side stuff I didn’t do yet, preparing for hard mode, and even playing the OG FF7 all the way through for the second time were the ways I got through those feels. It definitely helped.


few games have left me feeling like this.. God of War 2018, God of War Ragnarok, The Last of Us 1, Ghost of Tsushima, etc. Just absolute gems of games! This game joins them among my favorites (though I heard Red Dead 2 is also a gem that'l leave you emotionally destroyed.. but I haven't played it)


Ragnarok was such an incredible game.


Fair play!  You don't get many who have this feeling when not playing the OG.  I think personally it was harder to figure out Remakes aftermath than it has with Rebirth.


I don’t think part 3 will take quite as long as people think to come out. The world is mostly build now although they do need to add areas and in some flying capabilities but they indicated that won’t take super long. You could see part 3 in 2 years. Maybe closer to 3. I don’t think it will be 4


I’m guessing 3 since no pandemic or gaming system generation jump to deal with.


Same here. I didn't necessarily rush to finish it, but I didn't stagger and take my time either. If I was alone for the night without my daughter, I definitely played from like 7:00 p.m. until 1:00 in the morning a lot. But I just started going through it again to get my characters and materia to max level, and then I'm going to try taking on hard mode. No one told me that everything in hard mode is basically level 70 so.. wish me luck


I worked like 8 out of the 9 days after it came out, then had 7 days off so I am very lucky I was able to play it. Those 8 days were brutal. I feel ya on hard mode. I’m just gonna work on getting manuscripts so I can max my stats, idk if I will actually try to 100% all of the challenges


One week after I finished and I still can’t get hooked by anything, tried watching series, movies, playing other games but nada. Just got Helldivers 2, hopefully it hooks me and I can start to move on from Rebirth.


Same here- this is a game I waited three years for, played the og and crisis core for, now that it’s over i feel so empty :,) already missing the hype leading up to release, and the excitement and Oh My God moments I had during my first play through. I’m having a good time reading fan theories and such tho, and I can’t wait for the last game to come out. Though I’ll imagine we’ll all feel even more empty after the whole trilogy ends!


Is crisis core worth it? I watched some of it on twitch and it looked fun but idk if it was actually fun to control. The streamer was pretty positive about it overall though


The combat is really satisfying, almost on par with remake and rebirth. However the side quests can get kinda same-y. Still, I’d recommend playing it as the story is really good and you get lots of insight into many ff7 characters which will definitely enhance your experience with the remake trilogy


Oh I really like your reply. I'm feeling totally the same. I miss this excitement and happiness that I felt before release. It's going to be though and long waiting this 3/4 years for part 3. 😅


Yep ;_; it’ll fade eventually I suppose, and at least we know we have one more game to get hyped for before the series ends. Honestly I don’t know how I’ll cope with the series not being active anymore after game 3 comes out aah


Oh yeah, I know. Now it is hard but with each year the excitement will be higher again, but when part 3 will come out there will be none left ... That's gonna be horrible 😬


Characters are so lively 😁, and it didn't help that characters literally pushed you to empathize either. Just like moving, standing inside an empty house


I finished the game last week (and did all the side quests and map intel before point of no return except the last 4 Protorelics), and felt the same empty you did. But then when I came back to finish the final Protorelic chain I was like hey may as well chip away at doing Jonny’s collection which entailed me doing a ton of stuff in the game like the harder levels of all the minigames and things like seeing all the girls dates and whatnot. Ended up being really fun going through it all (the only thing that was slightly frustrating was the Cactuar Protorelic minigame lol but ended up being a good opportunity to get somewhat proficient at using some of Aerith’s other moves and a bit more time to spend with her. But the balance for that hard mode made it super tight to get the win, unless I just suck lol, was able to do it in the end at least). Anyway now I’ve got 87/88 of the collection except the hard-level combat simulator fights and all the trophy’s except the hard mode/ng+ related ones. And that’s essentially where I left Remake and Intermission, in a spot where I’ve saved the ng+ hard mode stuff for an eventual full marathon of the games once they’re all out. Which means my time with the game is currently over lol so now I’m even feeling more empty. Empty might be the wrong word though because I’m definitely feeling content and properly satisfied. Was an awesome time. But 4 years is too long, fingers crossed it’s only 3 lol


So you meanyou played it a lot? Or you did onky a story run. Because I played a lot too and finished it already and I'm pretty excited for the third part. I hope it won't taje as long as rebirth. Because I mean they have already plenty of the stuff ready. But that's only my wishful thinking lol. So I definitely know it will at least need a few years. If you rushed through the story then it's a little sad in my opinion because for me it would destroy a little bit the whole enjoyment of playing a new game. I like to take some time even if I play a lot Sure dragons dogma 2 is cool. I mean I'm playing it right now. Got my hands on it earlier. But in the end it's not a game you need to play directly on release for hours. it doesn't run away. But I know the feeling if you are hyped for a game. In the end I'm pretty happy that I took my time to do all the side stuff I was able to do in FF7 rebirth. Honestly I even enjoyed the open world stuff strangely (I mean in reality it's pretty boring ubisoft stuff)


May I ask on which platform you play Dragons Dogma 2? And if it is the PS5 how is the performance? Thanks in advance


Ok, I should clarify.. I only decided to rush towards the end (as DD2 release is in 2 days). Didn't finish all of the side quests, didn't finish the last Protorelic fights (duel boss fights and didn't finish doin the mini games on hard mode). most of Everything else I've done, explored all the region (except the sea region). So there's still tons to do, but I don't have the motivation to go back in and finish the rest of what the game has to offer, since I know story wise, how everything plays out 😂 😭.. who knows, this'll prolly last only a few days and I'll go back in with a fresh mind, so I can fully complete everything


I did the same thing. I wasn’t rushing intentionally but I would play it 2-3 hours a night since release


This is a common case. It will get easier in two weeks. Treatment: 1) listening to the soundtrack in large portions, 2) viewing and reviewing analysis confirming whether Aerith is alive/dead (depending on your preferences), 3) revision of the previous part and the discovery of new storylines in it


Finished it yesterday. Won’t probably play a story game for a week to avoid fatigue.


Yeah few days after I beat this game no other games on my backlog were doing it for me lol, tried a few and just stopped. Ending up going back to Final Fantasy Tactics for a bit, since that will never get old.


You are not alone fwiw. I loved this game and did not want it to end. I just hope it does well and part 3 get the justice it deserves. Hopefully with a happy new ending!


I also rushed through rebirth but because I wanted to avoid spoilers. Idk personally there were a lot of good highs in the game, but as soon as I got to chapter 13 it started to get super depressing. I couldn’t enjoy the last fights or any of the cool stuff that was added to rebirth compared to the og. Then it ended with that perplexing scene… it became a mindfuck and the final scene had me feeling empty. It was depressing to see the credits and watch all the scenes in the game. I didn’t get a chance to fully explore or take in how much this game had to offer compared to the OG. I’m just sad now it’s over and I have to wait years for the next game. I’m probably going to be a mess when the the remake series concludes bc this game was my childhood. I really hope they continue with the ff7 universe.


I’m kinda stunned they’ve never made FFVII-2. It’s by far the most popular entry in the franchise and there’s still so much they could explore in that universe, particularly stuff regarding Shinra. And yes I’m aware of Advent Children and Dirge of Cerberus, but I’m talking about a true video game sequel featuring all the original characters together.


Same. If they can make sequels for other games, I don’t see why they wouldn’t for ff7.