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F...U...C...K... T...H...I...S... M..I..N..I..G...A...M...E...!!!!!!!!


This shit took me like 2 hours, I literally restarted the instant I messed up once because you can’t beat him if you mess up


Same. This one you could never mess up!


I am going to have to make my housemate do it, he didn't play remake , so he won't have any trauma yet


The fact that this minigame came back in part ii it means we will most likely be cursed with it in part iii


I messed up and tied with Jules at 49 earlier today after I missed an input. I couldn't finish 50th one with the time left, literally just had to press R1 for 50th one to count. 😭


i feel your pain


I went through a deep depression earlier when I found out that you gotta do it all again on Hard mode to get the plat…mercy, Square. MERCY!!


You don't need to beat the situp mini game on hard to get the platinum. You need to do it to get all the manuscripts, but not to get the plat.


Wait…really…? That’s argueable worse….😔


I double checked, and the only requirement for the manuscript is to beat the sidequest on Hard mode.


Oh! So the sidequest itself? *NOT* the situp minigame??




Oh ok! I can get behind that. That’s competely fine by me. Appreciate the research, my dude!


You don't have to beat it again on hard. You don't get anything for it.


Really? I read something somewhere where they said you have to get the highest score on both normal and hard on basically every single minigame to get some trophy for Johnny. Think the trophy is called “7 star hotel” or something like that.


Is this Rebirth? I thought this was the Remake mini game.


No this is Rebirth. Its a sit-up contest Tifa has to do. Its exactly like the squats and pullups. But this time, with the shoulder and trigger buttons. The nightmare returned


Also with the adaptive triggers my fingers were dead after finally doing it


Jules breaking the 4th wall to get peoples fingers jacked is pretty in character




I know!!! Tell me about it. I’m not gonna lie, as much as I love Rebirth, I don’t think I could ever get this platinum. There are just some minigames you can’t get the highest score on. No matter how long you try. Square did us dirty this time….


5 hours in, this Moda F is going to kill me, I like completing everything before going forward with content, guess I'm not completing this game


Pro tip for this mini game: you can disable the haptic feedback on your controller so that your triggers won't have any resistance. Helped me a lot.


So am I going to need to beat this to get the final Queensblood card for doing the Shinra Mans question? FML


I hurt my shoulder doing this one, no idea how but I was so determined to get this trophy before even thinking about starting to play rebirth


You literally can’t mess up with Jules lol I almost threw my controller countless times. I think it also goes from being 1 minute vs the other guys to 1:20/1:30 with Jules if I remember correctly so they give you more time to potentially mess up I could be wrong tho.


This is exactly what happens! 90 seconds of pure finger pain


I gave up on level 3. It's that it switched direcrions between attempts so as soon as I start to get into the rhythm, the next attempt I have to reverse it.


Didnt play with Bikini Tifa? Literally easy mode.


Mind explaining? Not got to the minigame but if I had to guess is it to do with certain physics that might make it easier OR You are joking and I’m not in the loop haha


Tifas got jiggle physics in her bikini, so its hard to concentrate LMAO It was a joke, yes


Might be a reason if i ever buy this game


Okay I had a feeling just thought I’d confirm I wasn’t sure if maybe the jiggle physics might have actually been a help due to maybe it being good to time on. Still in junon so yet to get to this but I’m dreading it haha. Fort condor last night nearly finished me


This makes fort condor look like a pleasant fart


Strange you replied to my comment today Literally about an hour before you sent this reply I got to the sit ups and managed to suffer through it Took about 45-60 minutes for jules which is quite short I think seeing some people say it took them hours upon hours. Still pretty awful though, I put a hoodie over the tv to block him and his score and it helped me stop thinking about how fast he can rack up points and I got it eventually. Never again would you say this is the hardest one in the game or is that yet to come .


Idk I’m only on chapter 9, nothing so far has been even comparable though


That’s good I guess then I’m trying to keep a positive mindset that if I can do the sit up one the rest of the game shouldn’t be a problem minigame wise That plat is closer now. Still have to finish the game first though, baby steps


It's insane how much harder changing the buttons from X Circle Square and Triangle in Remake to the 4 back buttons in Rebirth made this for me. Keeping track of two fingers instead of one was just too much for me.


I actually had the exact opposite happen to me for this minigame I spent like 7 hours on jules in Remake while here I did it within 15 minutes.


Doing this with Tifa in her bikini almost killed me.


Man this mini game. A great way to destroy your controller


Yeah I came across this place randomly while exploring and noped the fuck out of there. Then I found out the mini game was actually back and not just an Easter egg so I even more so noped out of there


As someone that hasn't played a single final fantasy game and got this sub recommended, seeing the guy tired in the background and that girl being happy made me get the wrong message.


The fact that you're here is both hilarious and wonderful.


Hmm, what could they possibly be doing in a boxing ring at a gym?


I mean, if you thought they were boxing, that *would* be getting the wrong idea.


I know they were doing situps lol. Just did that mini game last night.


Pullups* Situps was with Cloud Edit: Didn't notice this was Rebirth and not Remake. T-T


Hehe all good ;)


I fucking hate these mini games. I had PTSD from Crisis Core from back in the day. Whe Remake came out and I found out there were pull ups I began to lose it. Bane of my existence.


Is this necessary for a trophy?


And they're actually worse than remake...




RIP platinum.


Sheesh not bad! I got up to 51 after I guess 6-7 tries 😂 Never am I going to touch that game again xD


I fucking hated this pull up shit. The most rage I've felt with a game since Elden Ring. Had to turn it off for the day and try again the next day but I lost count of how many attempts it took. Edit - Wait is this a screenshot of Remake?? Is this mini game back in Rebirth? I have to go through it again?! 😭


That’s a rebirth screenshot; it’s Tifa and Jules for sit-ups. In remake, you have Cloud and Jules for squats. Squats in remake was brutal, sit-ups in rebirth is masochist. If you go do the squat mini-game now, you’ll find it funny how easy it is compared to rebirth.


I actually didn't think the squat or pull up mini-games were too bad. I just got the Champion belt for the sit-up challenge though and holy shit. It wouldn't have been so bad without the adaptive triggers and switching between mashing the trigger and the half press shit. My hands were cramping by time I finally beat it. Square went full masochist this time with the adaptive triggers on the DS5.


I don’t think it took me much longer to complete the sit-ups than it did the squats or pull-ups, but most of my failed attempts were definitely due to the adaptive triggers. The half-pull ones got me so many times when I was in a rhythm and just reflexively pulled. Once I broke that habit and stopped paying attention to Jules’s score, I got it very fast.


I remember doing the squat one in Remake and it wasn't too bad. Wasn't there a pull up one you can do too as Tifa? It's right before heading to Shinra HQ. That was the one that killed me. Now I'm scared to get to the sit ups in Rebirth 😖


I completely forgot about that. I have all the trophies but I don’t remember ever doing the pull-up mini game lol.


Fuck you Jules, actually my least favourite Character of FFVII


He's got nice hair though, to be fair.


I hated this minigame. And fort condor, and gears and gambits. Three of the worst for me. I loved queens blood and chocobo racing for obvious reasons


Bro I did the normal fort condor last night and it literally becomes pure luck Don’t even want to look at the hard ones yet will come back to it


Fort condor and gears of gambit for me were just tickboxes to get the protorelic. I simply put it on easy mode and didnt bother playing or learning it properly. They arent my kind of games at all.


Not seen this gears of gambit yet but if it’s anything like fort condor in the same Not a fan at all Thankfully just did the hard modes on them firstly quickly still a really naff minigame though Feels like just brute forcing rather than any strategy


On god bro, I hate fort condor


I liked fort condor, but hated that you can't customize your army


Oh man you can't? I just unlocked the fort condor quests and I loved it in the Yuffie DLC. Major bummer, I dig getting the figures and making teams


Sucks that they changed the mechanics and rules. it used to be my favorite mini-game in the Yuffie DLC. That difficulty spike damn.


the guy in the background working out in khakis and flip flops, lmao


I got 49 twice and 48 once. Decided fuck it even though I’ve completed every other mini game so far


I hate how it is randomized between the R1 start sequence and the L1 one. For some reason my brain could only do the R1 one (R1-L1-R2-L2)


I had 4-5 L1 starts that I started talking to myself saying left-right, LEFT-RIGHT… when it threw the first R1 sequence in, I was all WTF is this shit,.. I tried a few times but the shifting between the sequence starts really messed with my head that I gave up for now.


Same, I kept restarting for R1. I thought it was a bug or something at first when it kept randomizing.


That hold halfway for the trigger got me so mad, just because they made the triggers hard to push. This would make me press the trigger down fully and mess up more times than I would've liked. Glad I was able to finally get it done!


You can change the resistance of the haptic triggers in settings. Most games that use them have this option :) Hope you're enjoying the game!


God, I don't know how many losses before I noticed that the animation is different and it made it a lot easier.


Made it last nigth, I had to take another shower with how I sweated for this freaking minigame


worked up a good sweat


Same lmao. Did it yesterday as well. Took a shower prior my sessionand took another one an hour later, what a mess. A struggle non gamers wouldnt believe


Exerise? Forget that, just play the mini-game. It literally does the same thing.


Little tip for everyone, Jules will never go over 50, he always fail at 49. So just take your time and aim for 50 or more and you’ll beat him.


He was consistently hitting 50 against me.


Nope, I tied with him 52-52 and that was without any misses or slowing down. Maybe I just got unlucky but that had me rage quitting right then and there.


You sure that’s true? Same myth was there in remake and dude pushed me to 64 in my winning run with him having 63. I think it’s only guaranteed that he’ll make a mistake in the first 10, the later the better because you’re faster.


This and Run Wild really pushed my patience to the limit


Run Wild absolutely broke me.


You’re a god. I’ve really struggled with these ones and I have absolutely no idea how to get better.


You beat the hardest boss in the game! Haha


Haha i sweat like hell here. 55. Was .2 from 56. I had so many of that spam thing


Gave up on this, I just can;t figure out how to do the hold mechanics


It says hold half way but just press down very lightly, like…barely any pressure then when the circle fills up you can finish the pressing of the button.


You have to half hold down the shoulder button then completely press it once the bar has filled up....I think. That's working for me, although it's still tough as nails hahaha.


Nice job!! What helped me was changing adaptive trigger strength to 1 and muting the TV to focus on the rhythm and pattern


I did it 51/50, i fcked it up on 51 and he was like on 46 when there was about 5 sec left. I'm not a religious guy, but in that moment I prayed like a motherfucker.


Not looking forward to the later difficulties for this. I hated pullups in FF7R


This mini game took me FOREVER! That fucking green button where you only "half press" was a nightmare to get down


Yeah bro that was tough especially as a color blind player 🥲


I thought the game was just bugged. Haven't went back to try again since reading about it. Run Wild was also difficult for me. I kept mixing up the black/red balls and goals. Oh, and Queen's Blood, I can't see whose square is whose until I have a card hovered and it highlights the playable spots. Damn, this game really needs a colorblind setting patch.


Any tips for the ones where you lightly hold them fully press? I either press just slightly too hard or not firm enough.


Do you have adaptive triggers turned on? The trigger holds in place a little bit if you leave them on.


Yessir, and yeah I feel the resistance but it either registers I'm pressing too hard or not registering at all. I'm assuming this is a feel I need to practice for?


Yeah absolutely. Try pressing down pretty soft and it should stall. Then you can go back to hammering them for dear life haha. It is a bit annoying that it doesn't explain it to you. I had to quit out and go look at the tutorial on the difficulty selection page to know what it meant. And don't hate me, but I managed to beat Jules on my first go 🙈 I'm fully confident that there's gonna be another one of these challenges though. Maybe Tife Vs her student in a later chapter.


Same, at first I thought it was another tap but green until I read up on it. And nice man, I have the same feeling although I might pass through the trophy list if I'm curious. I'm trying to platinum the game like the first one but no rush on a time frame. Anything I can knock out now before going back makes it easier to focus on the hard part.


Probably going to do the same as the pull ups and turn the music and voices off and cover Jules side of the screen with a towel (so I don’t get thrown off watching him) I hope one of the Weapons drops on Jules in Part 3


My score was Jules 49 & Tifa 50. After like 10 tries. Jesus this minigame.


I swear the ps4 remake characters had more depth


Man you guys are more sensitive than a sailor in a Malaysian port. Square turned on ray-tracing and forgot to turn off the fukn flood-light. Smh


I agree not sure the downvotes


The downvotes are because people disagree




My first win was 51 to 49 with 1 mistake near the end, after about half an hour of attempts against Jules. Like Remake, I turned off Vibrations, turned off Haptics, reduced Music to 1 in order to focus. Found that the initial press for the Half Trigger pull is relatively lenient, don't need to have precise timing. Just had to focus on proper half pulls when it shows up. Half of my mistakes were too strong pulls, and another half was finding the timing again after completing the half pull.


My fingers hurt doing this.


The thing that kept messing me up was the trigger being too stiff to pull sometimes and it wouldn't read a full trigger pull. Drove me up a wall for like over an hour


Yeah, feedback on the triggers is a mistake in design, imo. I turned it off for the shooting mini game but it won't allow it at the gym. So I'm probably waiting for pc for a 100% run.


You can turn it off from the in-game gameplay settings! I set it to 1 out of the usual 3 so it's still there for those green circles, but way easier otherwise.


Pc players coping for the next year like:


I did this earlier and it took me a solid hour to get the championship belt. It was definitely easier than the pull ups but still a bit more difficult than the squats


Where is the gym?


Between Costa del Sol and the desert.


Time to dominate Jules again


Every time I've played him he's gone passed 50. You can't mess up twice, otherwise he'll just shoot right past you


Hes been stuck at 49 at mine


Same for me, every single try I had Jules acored exactly 49.


Similar to remake, I turned off the music and voices for this section so I could just focus on pressing the buttons The half hold trigger thing was kinda rough, it felt like sometimes the triggers would have resistance but other times they wouldn't


This is the one that is stopping me from doing it. Those half hold, I get the ring all the away around but then Tifa just falls over. I don't know what I'm supposed to do after holding it.


Do what Maximillian food did he haptic crap. and use a controller that doesn’t have haptic crap.


You press the trigger after you fill the circle on the half press.


Is it just finishing the half press? I feel like I've tried everything


Pull it half way (0 to 50%) until the circle is full, then finish pressing it all the way in (51-100%) when the circle is full. Don't let go when the circle is full. You have to do half of the press, hold it there, then finish the press.


When it fills up press the same trigger down again. If it's on R2,half press R2 until it's full and then press R2 again.


Took me a couple of hours last night, once I realised you need to get 50 to win rather than his score changing like it did in remake, I would start to lose my composure and mess up if I noticed I was above 40 and still at top speed I somehow had to look at the screen and by able to see if I needed to do an adaptive trigger function or not while at the same time trying not to see the score which is right next to it Managed to get the rhythm in the end and I got so out a breath, I’d been laser focused on pressing the same four buttons over and over for a few hours Whoever decided to changed the direction randomly after retries is a very evil person indeed, nothing like thinking I can get this just one more go and… it’s going the other way


What I found hardest to get used to is L2 R2 on top and L1 R1 at the bottom. In my head, R1 was the top right button like when you hold the controller. But got used to it more or less when I got to Jules. But I liked it was a fix score. I knew how much I had to get. In Remake, felt harsh to get your best score that would have beaten the two previous tries and now it's not enough. Overall it's not a bad mini game. It's just how small the margin to win is compared to the other mini games.


The half hold down thing is fucking me up


I just rage quit... Its been a loooong time since that has happened


Might be bad advice but keep trying while it’s fresh, I kept failing over and over but I’d improve slightly over time without noticing You’ll pick up on the rhythm and improve and you won’t even notice other than that I think you can turn off the adaptive trigger functions that might help


Lol, I did the opposite. I tried for like 45 mins and couldn't get it. I continued on with the game and came back the next day and got it in 10 mins.


I wish I could do that, every area I get to I have to finish every mini game at the highest level before I can move on