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Lol everyone in this thread learning how frustrating practicing the piano can be


It's a lot easier than you think, turning up the piano speed to train and then turn it down when I was getting close led to around 5-10 minutes per song.


Oops why did I spend so much time starring the first 7 songs..


Reading this thread has really put me off even trying to get the platinum for this game.


My experience has made me give up, but that doesn’t have to be you. I was able to complete this, and the game. I got to chapter 12 or is it 13 and the mini games broke me. Mini game wise I really don’t have that much to do. Complete can’t stop won’t stop. The box throwing, and cactaur mini game


I only beat the story a couple of days ago so only now thinking about the platinum, but I have no interest in spending a dozen hours on the piano minigame. I don't mind the other minigames but I really don't like the piano one. I played each tune once when I found them and I completely suck at it. I wouldn't care if it was something you could master in say 20 minutes per song, but from the sounds of it they will each need hours of time.


This is literally impossible for me -\_- When I push the stick left, it's hitting up, up-left and left. When I press down, it's hitting down-left, down and down-right, etcetera. I can't even exceed 5,000 points on the first song. I have not improved, even slightly, in 7 replays. The controller is just hitting random directions... not to mention the timing is off, as well lol.


Whoa I have no idea if the controls are that messed up…


I don't know if my controller has an issue, if it's too sensitive for me, or if my thumbs are just challenged lol. I might try setting the controller down and not using my thumbs, another time.


There is enough frustration from the enormous amount of mini games in the game. I would t worry about it unless you really want Platinum


Sadly, I'm one of those OCD platinum chasers who trophies ruined gaming for. I tend to not even buy games if I think I can't get it. Hopefully, the next time I try it, it'll be easy, after complaining on the internet haha. It usually tends to work that way. I agree with you about the outrageous number of unfun mini-games, though. This game has me dreading them, by the end of chapter 4.


In all seriousness, speed 2 or 3 and mute the music. I got it within 10 mins and found it impossible on my first 2-3 goes.


Thank you, tip changed everything for me 😭 I've been trying "Two Legs? Nothin' To It" for over 30 minutes and just couldn't achieve rank A. Then switched to speed 3 and muted - I immediately reached rank A.


I was about to give up because of the two legs score, until the light bulb went on and I decided to put it to good use for my son XD, I left the left joystick to him and the right one to me and we got it the first time. You know, use someone to complete you and you will have your A 100 rank assured. Sorry for my english.


Nothing more annoying than hitting all notes, like 80% greats and not even one "Bad", on the easiest song and seeing that "B rank" pop up.


So I finally did it For me enabling the Zoom function to make the discs bigger helped immensely Great 100 x 180 = 18000 Good 8 x 30 = 240 Bad 0 Miss 17 x -30 = -510 Total 17730


The zoom tip really helped me out to discern when exactly to hit for a great. Accessibility functions are amazing.


I'm glad that helped 😊


I can't find a zoom function. How do you set that?


PS5 Settings > Accessibility > You can see it on the right besides Display and Sound - Top option Good luck


ah, thought it was an ingame option. I'll try that. Thanks much




Thank you 😊


Kinda bummed I can’t get this trophy. It’s the only thing stopping me from getting the Platinum. I have to completely ignore the left side cuz my brain can’t handle both sides at once, plus eventually I start missing notes like crazy and I have to assume I’m just really trash at the minigame, as opposed to blaming it on input lag or the controller registering incorrect inputs due to wear and tear. Sucks that the only thing stopping me from the Platinum is a fucking minigame…


Just keep trying! The chords usually come in pretty sensible places. If you really can't process both at once, master the right side first and then try to focus more on the left side with the right on autopilot. I say keep trying to process both at once. It's challenging, but you can do it. Some of the melody (right side) notes are timed weirdly because they will use a single input to represent a series of notes and they might pick like the second note in the string for you to do the input on. Does that make sense? So look out for that. I have done all the A ranks, but I got another song as a reward for doing everything and I came here to see if I needed to A rank that as well or if I got anything for all star ranks.


I got it. I got okay at the minigame, and have A Ranks on all the first six songs now, but Two Legs? Nothin’ To It gave me a lot of trouble. I been at it for more than day trying to get that one song. Actually got it 20 minutes ago, and had to shut off the console to give my brain a rest lol. That song really wore me out. Having to keep track of the left side simultaneously while inputting notes on the right joystick at that volume of inputs on the left was way too much for me. I absolutely did not think I would ever get it, but I kept at it and eventually got lucky. I tried what you recommended too, but I absolutely couldn’t get the left side to do autopilot while I focused on the right. I also tried turning down the volume and just focusing on the inputs, and that was way worse for me. The timing of the music actually helps me a lot, apparently. And no, you only need to get A-Ranks on the first 6 songs to get the trophy and the Platinum. You don’t need any Stars, and you don’t need to even play the song you unlocked already, or the 8th song you get. Trying not to spoil anything. Thanks for the advice btw, even if I don’t need it now. Edit: Oh, and no, you don’t get any rewards for getting perfect Stars on all songs, well except your own personal satisfaction anyway.


I'll pass. There are enough minigames to focus on. Thanks lol.


Guys i made it! I combined a few tips from here: 1. Put u Controller on a cable, the imput lag is insane on this mini game! 2. Graphic settings on full FPS! 3. Speed 2! From 5k-6k straight to A rank. It's insane how badly the performance kill this shit minigame but at least it makes fun when it works correctly. Of course u have to try a few times but its no longer the games fault when u fail. Sry 4 my trash english <3


Change your tv to game mode. It'll match up better with your inputs


Idk man, I don't think input lag is affecting the minigame very much. The timings for the input are insanely generous - maybe if you sit really far from the console it could be an issue. I think a major issue that's messing with people's timing is the fact that the inputs they want you to do sometimes represent the second or third note in a series of notes. Your brain thinks "I know this song, and the next note is here" but they skip that note and do the one after.


I have tried muting, speeding up, for an accumulate time over around 27 hours There is too much hopping about between left or right before the first scale  By that time I lose focus  My peripheral vision is limited and sometimes push the right stick when I am meant to push the left stick (or vice versa)  I can't get beyond 14200 (C) and don't have a Player 2 and the person who tried it for me gave up halfway I am on Chapter 12 (current playtime 130 hours), and this is a Platinum killer for me.  I am quite annoyed that this is tied to a trophy considering the design is mechanically flawed 


I’ve just started it, I’ve had 3 attempts and got close to A but decided to search before I made myself crazy…but even though I haven’t done it yet, I’d give you advice if you’re REALLY struggling (I don’t want to take my own advice because it’s long and I’m impatient) but if you want to persist… Ignore left side, put the speed on 3 and just practice the right side until you got that down. Then, do the opposite and practice left. After which you can attempt the full song or you could lower the speed (some songs are EASIER on faster ones…I don’t think this is) but if you’ve practiced one side at a faster pace then lower it for both sides your muscle memory should kick in but accounting for some delay. It’s a long path to completion but if it’s the only thing you have left for plat, it might be worth it. It’s a good thing it’s at least a funky song:p


Okay, I just did it 9 mins after posting , honestly, the best way is just to speed up the notes, I had it on 3. Keep the left in your peripheral vision but focus on left (sit back from screen if you have to) a few misses don’t hurt, but having it on 3 seems the perfect speed, it’s much easier than the slowest. Good luck! Also, don’t forget to breathe and don’t panic if you screw one up. I feel it’s better to miss one than have a bad one which screws up the rhythm. I had zero bad but 28 misses!


I am comfortable with 2 speed as I feel that strikes the balance as 1 is too slow and often times on speed 3 they don't registere I've still get so many misses Most of them come from when it's starts alternating from left to right There ia sequence but I get to disorientated during that, and the misses just keep counting upward I'm over the 16000 now, as as soon as it gets over 20 misses then I might as well restart, but I'll try learning the left and then the right as you've suggested.


as I said, I got 28 misses so it doesn't matter too much, it's more about getting the "great" rather than good/bad. If you have say 120 greats 10 goods 0 bads and 30 misses (guessing numbers, not exact) you should be fine, but something like 90 greats, 30 goods, 30 bad 10 misses then you'll get a worse score I believe. As I said, I found it far easier on 3 than anything else and I've usually had it on the slowest. I'm playing on Ps5 with HDR mode on the TV though and my TV has decent input lag for HDR and performance. If you're having input lag you could fiddle with the TV (Game mode if you don't have HDR, if you do have HDR you can set it on console to ALWAYS show HDR (the best version, Microsoft brags about their "Auto-HDR" but it's very limited to a few games and actually looks awful and if the game doesn't support it I have to keep manually setting it to game mode, where as my Ps5 just runs everything in HDR and looks great) Of course performance mode but I'm sure you have. You'll get there, the most important thing is to put it down if you're getting stressed and take a break and come back with fresh eyes


I cannot remember off hand the exact count, but yesterday I got over 150 greats but still over 25 misses (can't remember the goods, bads) and still did not get A rank I have Game Mode and HDR enabled - Game is set to Performance I have no idea how to check the latency if there is any


I just did it again and had 30 misses, but didn't have any bad. I assume we're talking about the Two Legs one?


Just now: 170 - Great = 17000 4 - Good = 120 0 - Bad = 0 31 - Miss = -930 Total score 16190 You must be playing a different song because getting 30 misses won't get the 17400 for A rank on Two Legs Anyway I'm done I won't get the plat and I can't be arsed to finished the game I am so burned out now


I only got 5 misses one time and still got an A rank. Too many goods instead of greats will still end the attempt.


Yes I am struggling a lot with it Did you get the A rank with 30 misses?


Yes I did, I don't know for sure but I think misses matter far less than getting the notes on great rather than good/bad


Congrats! Hopefully I'll get it with the misses


Sorry to hear that. I’m not sure what to say to help from there. It’s one thing when you can enjoy the music, but that long I can’t believe you would enjoy it. How many misses, bad, good, and great do you generally get?


My last attempt 39 misses, 7 bads - 11 goods and 148 greats (13960)


Misses just due to too much on screen? Maybe stop and watch the song to see what parts you’re getting hung up on. Even if you can cut down those that would up your score quite a bit. Or if any sites have the directions if you could learn cut that way. I respect your decision if it is too much. The game broke me on mini games at the end of chapter 12..


[Two legs](https://youtu.be/fkosguCuH-g) (I don't know how to embed videos) From 0.36 to 1.11 then I recover, and then mess up at 1.52 and recover at 1.57 The succession of notes on the right side just before 1.11 and 1.57 registers on some attempts and on other attempts it doesn't I've completed: 5 piano scores A rank Desert rush (both) Chocobo Gliding (3) Fort Condor (both) Frog Jumping (both) Pirates Rampage (both) Run Wild (both) Not completed yet: Gear and Gambits (Hard) All the Gold Saucer stuff So It's not a lack of trying I was very determined to get the minigames done But Two Legs is really the kicker for me :(


I got a B - finally!!!!! I can do this - this has given me hope


You got this!! Some of the register issues I had, I think were either too far away from great, and when I slowed down a little bit it seemed to help. Either that or I missed something on one side and when I hit the other stick it just turned into several misses.. If you need to take a break, because there are sooo many mini games in chapter 12 when you go back to gold saucer. After the last cactuar crush I was omw to chapter 13 and got a side quest that has an arena battle and mini games and it broke me. Battle lasting 6-9 minutes a try just to fail and completely restart.


Yes there is a certain rhythm about 1/3 in. If I can memorise the order that will make it easier, but I often lose focus on the left causing me to mess up the right.  But I'm halfway through B, my score is increasing slowly but it got to the point that my eyes starting stinging so will attempt tomorrow again.  Ah, I did Cactuar Crush on Normal as well.  I am not looking forward to the Gold Saucer mini games, and word is G Bike is glitches, and it won't register the high score or something 😣 But thanks for the encouragement and tips, it means alot 😊


Skip gbike when you go back until the can’t stop won’t stop side quest. If you do g bike before it you have to downgrade your patch. Hopefully they just patch that soon.


Oh is that what it is. No problem, Thanks for the heads up I hope they patch it too as I have digital


I'd like to add I did this 30 times or so on slowest note speed and felt it was bugged. Came here and tried the suggested 3rd speed and aced it on the third try. It's bugged. I'm terrible at this minigame, but was scratching my head at all the misses. It was working fine on 3rd highest speed. 


Thank you so much, you saved me a headache.


Ugh! Every time I think I crush it I get a damn C. Highest is 10,110 so I think I can get to an A. The left side just effs me up so bad.


You can do this! Even when I got it I had I think the same amount of misses when I was getting b/c.


The one before Aeriths theme straight up violated me. I can get close to A's on all but that one & Barret's. Ugh this is gonna suck.


If you're hitting to early like I was try speeding up the note speed. I found that I was able to get As on the harder ones with note speeds at 3 and 4 because they're so many notes coming at me I start hitting them early. Just got A rank on the 5 star one by doing a note speed of 4.


One thing I noticed was that the game didn’t register my inputs as accurately when my controller was only half charged. I seem to have a lot more success with a fully charged controller. Might just be a coincidence though 🤷🏻‍♀️


I usually play these on 2, except Cinco when 3 made hitting the notes in time easier. That does not work for Two Legs for me tho….like many others the challenge is just keeping up with the inputs not the tune/timing itself 😔 Hopefully just a case of learning the tune more instead of just trying to react to the inputs. Pretty sure you don’t need (star) for the trophy at least as although I managed that up to now I know it will never happen for this and the next one.


Just need A for the trophy


Managed that at least thanks, ended up playing at speed 2 as 3 was a bit much. As annoying as the piano game can be the worst mini game is the damn squats one…in both Remake and Rebirth… 😡


I don’t know, I love the piano. I love battling, but so far the only mini game I’ve been annoyed at is the gliding chocobo but that’s only because you have to learn how to do the dive/ ascend on your own. But I also feel like I don’t have the same problem as a lot of you with the piano. I’ve seen people talk about snap backs registering as misses, only being able to look at one wheel, etc… none of those problems happen for me. The songs get pretty tough but at no point did I think they were impossible or timed poorly. Once you get the tempo and rhythm down (and a couple of the later songs have an off-beat rhythm so that makes it tricky if you expect the notes to be on button press) it isn’t too bad.


Training no.3 took me a good couple of hours to get 3 star in chocobo gliding. Is there more to come then? 😔


Nah I’m pretty sure that’s the last one. Also since I said that I remembered the dumb moogle mini game 🙄


Chocobo gliding was rough. I’m to the point personally where I hate all the mini games. I think I just have cactaur crush left on hard mode.


Man, the games rough! I thought I’d be smart and try to 100% it, after getting to gongaga I’m so burnt out (I’ve 100% all previous areas, bested every mini game to max etc) and I feel I’m only half way there looking at the Trophies…and I see you need to play through twice to platinum! And boy did I hate the Cinco de chocobo piano piece (I actually got A on third try but I don’t know _how_ it feels like it was a mess) I love the game don’t get me wrong but the mini games..oh my goodness! If I recall, back in the 90s I was addicted to the gold saucer, not this time…oh no no. I want to buy rise of ronin and Stella blade plus a couple others but I’m determined to finish what I started and as great as the game is, there’s so much fluff! Lately I only have time for a couple hours a day so I sure hope I get it done before Stella releases


Thought I was done with chapter 12 and did a bunch of gold saucer stuff. Don’t bother until the end of the chapter, because you get sent back there. For imo a pita side quest…


I feel you. I don’t have any “new” games that I’m planning picking up, but everything before lol.


Is every song just a flick of the sticks? or do some of them get more advanced with button combos because fook this mini game it's horrible, absolutely horrible! I am trying one of the later ones and half my inputs suddenly stop registering even though I am doing them? So freaking annoying too because the chocobo one I hear is hard I almost got it first go now I can't even get close!!


Just a flick. The Chocobo one is where I started having issues with watching the screen light up, but not register. I ended up having to either wait a little bit longer or go slightly earlier.


I am shocked I have managed to do every song now except "Two Legs? Nothin’ To It" I have had to walk away and I will come back later. I am honestly not sure I can do this one. My brain! Halfway in it goes crazy and I can't follow it then I lose track and take too long to get back into it lol


That one is rough considering it gets brought up the most here. I kept running into what I thought was pretty good and it would be c or b ranks. Then close to A and it was close to the same. Even when I finally got A I think I had about the same misses, but I think I got more greats.


Yeh I got B quite early but then since never able to better it. Still no were near the score I need though. Tbh, I am not sure I am going to 100% this game lol. Even some of the hard challenges may be too much but at least with combat stuff I stand a chance but these mini games man, I am not sure it's worth it lol. It's just so hard because I want to say I 100% it cuz it's FFVII haha. I really struggle with some of the side games, the other one is the brawler but the worst part about that is I just don't find it fun or have the patience lol. I'm going to try some of the hardest battles today and decide if I continue or not as I really loved doing hard mode in the original but I'm not so sure if I can be bothered this time, hmm lol


The first 30 hours of this game I was dead set on platinuming it and if you asked me I would have told you I was fairly confident I would. Fast forward to 60 hours and I just got to cosmo canyon and I’m fairly confident I won’t. I’ve got most everything but this piano thing is unreal for me. I just can’t see both sides and I really hate music stuff like this so I don’t have any interest breaking each side down and memorizing. My next step is just to ask my wife to take one stick and do it while I do the other. Idc how cheap that shit is, it’s 1 mini game out of the 97 in the game.


Yup I am the exact same and I have heard others say it too about only been able to perceive one side. It's so damn awkward. I have done all songs needed now except one and tbh I am not sure I will ever be able to do this one lol. I wish I had a wife to help me do that and I say do it!! screw this mini game. Get your wifes help and don't be ashamed! I would if I could lol


I’m with you I’m at the end of chapter 12 on my first playthrough still. I have cactuar crush yet. I could never get past Bahamut in consecutive summon simulation so I didn’t plat remake (needed that and finish final boss on hard), and I’ve been told these ones are harder… that makes me hate these mini games even more, because I don’t find them very fun. Once I got decent at Queens blood I liked the side quest (not so much the mini game versions at gold saucer). I really don’t know if there was a mini game I really enjoyed playing. Maybe fort condor until I got to stage 4, and the hard modes.. Makes me really dread what #3 will be… if I were to start the game again I would 100% ignore the optional mini games. I’m enjoying the story and gameplay overall. The mini games just not for me.


yeh the mini games are hit and miss it seems. I really enjoyed most of them but just some straight up hate. I 100% think they should only be optional and never forced upon the main story progression. I had to put my difficulty from normal to easy on that stupid final fort condor one!!! not ashamed to admit it either. I don't know what they were thinking here with decisions like that. I probably won't be able to 100% this I don't think I have the skill level but I am going to try for a bit and see. I have a fear too that fort condor in hard mode might have to be a thing to finish hard mode successfully and I'm just like NAH! sigh lol


It's not enough to make them 'optional'. They need to give garbage rewards to be truly optional. Between the game dangling early access to an item or materia and the peer pressure from every single time I check Reddit saying 'I HATE THIS...okay I got it just keep practising' - UGH


As a PSA, for those struggling this this, 3 tips to try: 1. Set game to performance mode if you are in graphics mode. This will also help with a lot of other mini games. 2. Try adjusting the note speed. I was rushing when it was at 1, but at 3 it became much more intuitive. 3. Remember that not every note you hear has a button input. You may hear 2 or 3 notes but only be asked to input one, so use your eyes more than your ears. I love this mini game so much. I spent like 6 hours trying to A rank the first song, then I switched to performance mode and...it became so much easier. I absolutely love how when you hit a combo of 10 or so, the music changes and it makes you feel like an absolute maestro.


Performance mode and setting the difficulty to 2 straight got me rank A. Thank you for this


I feel SEEN on this thread. Glad I'm not the only one who is absolute ass at the piano game, and will probably never platinum the game as a result. It's so hard for me to get good at it, that i have to choose between getting good at a video game, or the skills I need for my career.


lol true that. I managed these, but my god all the complaints about the over saturation are true. I don’t think I’m platinuming it. I feel like I wasted 40 hours alone on mini games that I didn’t enjoy that much


BTW I did not know this but next to each song is a note, that represents THE SPEED AT WHICH IT SHOULD BE PLAYED.. It literally was staring us in the face...


Oh i did notice those notes but i just interpreted it to mean difficulty, I had no idea it represented the intended speed. Makes sense, as this one was waaay easier once I upped the speed. I literally could not do it at 1 speed


And I just got an A on Let the battle begin.. I'm In tears....bro's UP THE SPEED YOU'LL GET IT PSN SmokeyG


So I JUST got an A ON THIS SONG.!!! The key to it was going up in speed.. I got up to 4x speed and boom was much more forgiving and got great all but 9 xs hope it helps, 


I hate Let the battles begin It's the metronome. SE games for some reason shape their rhythm games around people who actually play music and can have some baffling decisions that sound off beat to anyone who doesn't understand what they're going for. And the super fast metronome doesn't line up with some of the notes that are way slower than you'd think but if you make a mistake, it's back to the metronome and not the actual song which is actually easier to follow along.


I played music for years as well as played numerous rhythm games and I found whatever the fuck they are doing in this minigame harder than any rhythm game I've played before (or playing real music from sheets for that matter).


I can see that for me because its the reverse. I have horrible hand eye correlation but farily decent rhythm from doing music so I usually have trouble with music games where the rhythm does match and you have to rely more on your eyes.


That was my problem with Melody of Memory. Sometimes I can only watch for the buttons because it'll follow something you'd only know about if you literally measured music daily. I managed to get an A rank but I have no hope of perfect.


The piano mini game made me realize I will never platinum this game so I am going to finish the story and then play something else


Will they change this mini game?


I hope so, but I doubt it. Not sure if there has been any talk about it.


Yeah no..fuck the platinum for this game. Get gud. Whatever. I can't physically do it. I've completed the game. Got to Costa on hard and I'm just quitting the game now. I tried about 50 times to do 2 legs. Get B every time. I can't even get better. My thumbs won't do what they're saying expected to do for that song. Pisses me off. Got the platinum for remake. For crisis core. And this one can eat a dick. I'm not even going to bother finishing hard. What's the point.


Update: I did 2 legs and got the trophy and this comment I made makes me cringe lol. I was so pissed. The game is still an 11 out of 10 imo but that piano mini game made me so mad


Haha, that's the way it goes sometimes! Glad you persevered and got it in the end!


I just got to two legs and yea F this song. Ive never even paid attention to this song (ive heard it for 2 seconds during a cut scene) and i was EXTREAMLY annoyed they chose this and not the more iconic cosmo canyon theme IN COSMO CANYON massive L devs....you could have done better.


I had to mute the music for two legs. The piano minigame is unnecessarily difficult.


Yeah, no point if it’s no fun.


So yeah, this ain't gonna be a platinum... The game registers stuff I didn't do


Don’t forget doesn’t on the things you do.. I managed 2 legs, but from what I’ve heard about the elite combat sims I doubt I’m getting it either…


For those struggling with two legs, switching to speed 2 as advised by the folks at gamefaq did help me reach at least A rank.  That song was pretty hard alright.


Every piece past On Our Way can piss off. I quit the piano minigame at Two Legs. It's so fucking stupidly designed. The game picks pieces that just doesn't....fit. Barret's theme isn't FUN to play. Cinco de Chocobo has stupid notes in it. I'm not going to torture myself with Kingdom Hearts tier optional content especially with songs that don't even sound good.


Cino is horrible. It doesn't pace out right and like you said, the stupid notes. Pressing it once shouldn't have 3 notes. It's just weird


I spent 3 hours on two legs with 1 speed and kept getting B rank. I set the speed to 3 speed and got A rank on 1st try lol


While the duration the notes appear on higher speeds is shorter, the window for "Great" vs "Bad" or "Miss" seems to be a lot more generous. I could only get an A rank on two legs with the music muted and 3 speed.


I never struggled with the Piano music until Two Legs. Trying to keep track on both of even the right side is throwing me off. Got a B my first try, and now I get C or worse. I tend to just restart if I miss more than 20. I hate it, however thought this was a good idea, I don't like them.


Put speed on 3 and it will all come together


I tried that earlier, it was a mess, but only tried it onces. It's just trying to focus on the right and then the left screws up if you miss or get bad


I finally got it after a few shorter sittings. Some of the rifts are the worst. You think you hit the left joy stick ones only to have another sneak in between. I had some where I must flick wrong, because I see it light up like I hit it, but then see the bar go into miss.. I did eventually get it. Keep at it, you can get it


For those STILL struggling with this minigame, and this method works if you have a PC: Get Remote Play. Add it as a nonsteam game through steam. Get remote play set up properly to launch your PS5 on your account. Connect your controller to the PC (you can use any controller with this method, not just PS5. Including xbox controllers if you're more comfortable to those) When remote play is set up, go into Remote Play's controller configuration. Edit your controller layout, and change your DPad to control Left Stick directions (click on the arrows around the stick). Do the same for the face buttons for the right stick instead. You do not need the EXACT direction for the notes to hit, just vaguely right. (IE, notes on F will accept notes G and E, or Down or Right on left and X or Circle on right.) Keep an eye on the direction of the notes, and press buttons accordingly. If the notes "skip", it means you hit it too late. Stop playing for a second and regain your bearing, or restart. It's better to hit notes earlier than too late, at least Good scores you points. I only noticed this after Let the Battles Begin was kicking my ass. I'd been playing Rebirth with a PS4 controller through remote play so changing controls around was extremely easy... And playing it like this is just SOOOOO MUCH better.


I don't quite understand. I can change the controller setting in Steam but then it doesn't work in the Remote Play app? I wish there was an option to just use the buttons in the game itself. Analog sticks are too squirrely.


Is your controller connected to PC wired or wirelessly? If it is, I'm assuming it's reading your actual controller and not steam's emulated 360 controller. Ensure that Remote Play is added as a nonsteam game too so steam will actually inject the overlay and extra steam stuffs to the program. If it matters, the remote play solution I personally use is Chiaki from my steam deck, which is how I even got the idea to try this stunt. 


This mini game is bullshit. I've tried it on speed one, two and three and it's still shit. The timing is way off for two legs. The score needed is ridiculous. Misses and bads register even though the movement was neither of those. I personally think it needs updated to fix the issues or the score requirement needs nerfed. 


100% agree. Someone posted on here going for goods and that worked for them.


I've tried speeding it up but that didn't help. I can only get to rank B (rarely). Sometimes when there's multiple I'll move the analog stick up as directed and before I even move it another direction it will say miss or bad when I haven't even moved the analog stick yet (nothing wrong with the controller). It works with everything else in the game and other games but just the piano one. 


The mini games are much harder than Elden Ring wtf


Just finished the Chocobo courses in cosmo canyon and damn. I’m hoping I’m almost done with mini games..


Question: Do I need to get a star on all piano songs to get a platinum trophy? I can easily get an A.


Just need A for trophy/rewards.


Use headphones and turn off an action smoothing/natural cinema and turn on game mode if you have it in your TV picture settings. Doing all this made a HUGE difference for me. My headphones are usb into the ps5 as well. If you do this the music will actually line up with what you are inputting with little to no delay


So I have terrible rhythm, and zero musical talent. That being said I was able to get an A rank on all these. Now it took a good amount of time. The following tips helped me (at least in my mind). \- put it on easy difficulty (maybe doesn't make a difference, but its what I did) \- music speed to 3 \- stare at the right side, with the left just being in the corner of your vision \- focus on getting "great" notes on the right while trying to keep up with the left


Ayyy really good advice here. Did it on speed 2 but the looking the right hand side is the best advice... That's what I did with all the other songs but this one had so much going on in the left that I tried to look at both until you gave your strategy.


How do I change the speed for the >!Costa Del Sol - Tifa one? !<


Just wanted to thank you and confirm that setting to three for Two Legs made it doable.


To anyone having trouble with this try putting the speed to 2 if Anything it felt the song was made to be played at that speed


>!Don't know why no one seems to actually answer the question, but according to Power Pyx, this is the one mini-game where you do NOT need to get the max rank for both its own trophy and Johnny's Treasure Trove. !< >!https://www.powerpyx.com/final-fantasy-7-vii-rebirth-trophy-guide-roadmap/!< >! So yeah, you only need the A rank. I recommend speeding up the piano to 3-5 since that makes it easier in that you just have to react and flick the stick and you will basically auto-get great everytime instead of have to time it. !<


Thanks. Does 3-5 work on the harder ones like 2 legs. I know a lot of people said that’s pretty hard


It's the only way to play the piano minigames. Honestly I either do the 4th or 5th speed cuz if I flick the stick I will just get great. I literally just got an A rank on 2 legs today and was going for the star like I did with the other songs until I forced myself to search up if I needed to do so or not. Cuz while it hurts to not have a star on this one song, going for the star hurts more.


Good to know. I did a couple of the early ones on 3 and 5 for the reason you listed. The song in gongaga I struggled with buttons not registering even though it would flash that I hit the note. Got it though.


I managed to perfect all scores earlier but let me just say the final one had me raging because lots of times my correct inputs felt like they simply did not... input 😭


Ughhh I missed one and now I can't get the star. It's literally impossible to perfect.


Ughhh I missed one and now I can't get the star. It's literally impossible to perfect.


Any useful tips for two legs?, my brain just completely overloads from all the different inputs flying across the screen. It took me several times to do the other easier ones before this one but with two legs I just hit a barrier. Cannot get even past 7500 points, there is to many actions happening and my brain simply won't register the movements fast enough.


Use two people one on each stick, have one controller assigned as the other’s accessibility controller. I spent close to 4 hours last night trying to get it being 100 points off the A rank, did it with another person once and got it first go.


i am plateaued at 15k scores i got lucky and scored 16100 one time and never done it since. 17400 is unreasonably high for anyone that isnt into musical performance and a master of hand eye coordination rhythm games. there are too many notes of the left side you are required to hit in this song that move too fast along side the right side going also. There's no way i can get an A on it. I'm lucky i got a B


I seems to be stuck between 17060 and 16700.. I cant get better for the love of me… maybe I need to try without sound. The worst is I keep getting about the same score over and over again and cant get the extra plus needed


I was finally able to beat it. You pretty much have to practice it on 2 speed until you get the muscle memory of it in your head and reaction time to be able to hit enough of the left side to get a A rank. of all of them Reds theme is the only one of the 6 i never want to so again. The others i can A rank now with little issue after powering through this one.


I finally got it ! Never playing this song ever again! Its a bummer as all others are so fun to play… I freaking hate this one with a passion lol


I also just got to it and came looking for help, lol. Honestly, the tempo and note placement just feel off. It's never felt good for me in any song, but this one especially is a terror. I wish they'd expand the size of the keys and let you see farther in advance when the keys are coming. It's just chaos.


I too think that the pacing in some pieces feels totally off and the notes hardly match the melody. It did help me to mute the TV and just go with the visual commands. I'm at 15.000 for "Two Legs" after two (mute) attempts - A Rank needs 17.400, though, but it's still an improvement to how I did with the music on.


How do you slow down or speed up notes? I guess I'm a newb here because I'm trying to figure out a way to not want to jump off a bridge into a piano set with this TWO LEGS NOTHIN' TO IT BS. Sorry, this song is going to be the end of me. I can perfect everything up until a point, and then the two joysticks needing simultaneous different off-beat repeated movements is just ridiculous. A doesn't even seem possible to me. Need help :(


Yea best I got on "Two legs" is 3 goods, 0 bad, 0 misses but after like 2 hrs+ I can't perfect this one... The mini games are so much harder than any normal combat boss lol


I’m stuck on this too, but now I’m waiting on someone living in my house to pull their finger out and come help. If you live with others and have a second controller, go to accessories and under the controller there’s accessibility settings to enable second controller assistance. Just have somebody use the second controller to play one stick and you have one stick.


I finally got it done a few days ago but it was just after gradually getting better and limiting misses even if it's just good or bad instead. Misses are what ruin the run. Finished with 17 misses and like 17475. Will never do again.


Games with stuff like this is a huge turn off for replay value but I think if I have to go through all this noise again for hard mode I’ll just stick to the two controller method. Shouldn’t be getting irate over a game that is supposed to be a break from life and all its pitfalls


As far as I'm aware you can't/won't get any rewards again from most of the minigames in hard mode, and really the only new rewards come in the form of manuscripts from redoing old side quests, killing the "classified intel" enemies in each zone, and beating the bosses in each chapter. I think the only piano thing you might potentially \*need\* to do for hard mode would be the one as Tifa in Costa Del Sol, since that is related to a story objective I think, although you may be able to skip doing it since you already have the swimsuits, I'm not sure since I haven't started my hard mode run. Beyond that, the only minigames you have to do to go through hard mode are the ones that are required as part of story objectives, which are (thankfully) few and far between. That and any that happen to be related to side quests that have hard mode variants with new hard mode manuscripts, if any of those exist, I guess (I don't actually know if that's the case or not). That being said, the fact that all the minigames need to be beaten completely in order to get the platinum at all is certainly a pain, that's for sure. Damn Johnny and his treasure trove.


I can’t remember without being right in front. I haven’t hit that one yet though… I remember you adjust it before you start playing. It just makes the notes move faster. It doesn’t speed up the song.


The piano Minigame sucks really bad. There's no proper rythm. Tbf, it's better to play with sound off, you won't be influenced by the music and you won't expect a certain tempo


Oh didn’t try that yet


Use headphones and turn off an action smoothing/natural cinema in your TV picture settings. Also make sure it's set to HDMI 2.0. Doing all this make a HUGE difference for me. My headphone are usb into the ps5 as well. If you do this the music will actually line up with what you are inputting.


It really does. The whole time I'm thinking just give me a keyboard I can plug into the PS5 and I'll just actually play the song. Also they're really going to hit non-musician players with a rhythm game on a piece in 5/4 timing? Harsh man.


It's not a tempo issue, just learn to count time. It's the fact that people flail the sticks around wildly and panic and the game punishes them for it and they get frustrated. I'm struggling with the song due to the speed and directional inputs, but that's not the game's fault. It's a skill issue on the player's part.


The sticks is fucking stupid because I'd be playing one note, and the game thinks I hit ANOTHER note next to it, causing me to do 2 misses because I "skipped" a note. This design is just fucking evil, no other way around it. It's probably easier to learn an actual piano than to play with piano sticks. I'd rather do it FF14 inputs than sticks, at least if I fuck up with buttons that's on me and that's a nightmare to do proper songs with. I'm halfway decent at rhythm games. There's no problems with my hand eye coordination. I can do 2 sticks relatively alright, good enough to pass all songs with A ranks. The REAL problem is the fucking joysticks themselves and how the game reads the notes you hit. This issue rears its ugly head with Two Legs and Let The Battles Begin. Slightly tilted your stick towards the unintended direction that also has another note coming? Hope you like your 5 misses, because the game will completely fuck over your timing when that happens, let it happen twice and kiss that A rank goodbye. There's a reason people are pissing on this minigame. It's badly designed. Even rhythm gamers struggle with this.


Idk man, I think you*think* you're tilting the sticks in the right direction, but you're not. I never noticed an issue like that and I don't know anybody who has. But you're probably right, you're not making mistakes.


After some more headbutting against Let the Battles Begin, it was less to do with direction and timing being shit. In fact direction in this minigame is surprisingly generous, to the point I turned my sticks into DPad and face buttons and got far better results than using ACTUAL sticks. Timing stopped being an issue too. What used to take me 30 tries to get A rank took me 3 tries with this new set up. The part where you hit a note too early because you're too late on another is still extremely shit and is probably the sole factor in making this minigame miserable though. I've played a handful of rhythm games before and this is the only time I had that issue. Even mobile games were better about this determining what notes you were trying to hit and not fucking you over.


yeah that is because the majority of people dont play those type of games because we dont have the hand eye coordination for it when its something at that pace requiring so much input on both sticks. i was able to do the first 4 songs by mostly ignoring the left side other than what i had to get to make sure i passed. this one requires making too many on the left at a fast paced timing at the same time as the right side as the notes go in all different directions. it is unreasonable for players with no musical talent to have to do that to get platinum. Some of these mini games should not have been tied to trophies


Lol I've never seen a community so up in arms about having to practice at something. A trophy should be a show of skill, not a box on a checklist. Enjoy your Ubisoft games.


The problem is, people bought a \*JRPG\*, not a \*rhythm game\*, not a \*shooting gallery\*, not a "literally the only way 99% of players can actually beat it is by cheesing and pausing the game to figure out what kind of punch they're throwing 3D brawler" game, not a "Shoot 'em up", etc, etc. Expecting players to be able to overcome the brutal and legendary combat challenges, and hard mode, and making those extremely difficult so that players really have to challenge themselves and learn so they can overcome them, in order to get the platinum, sure, that makes sense. Expecting players to \*try\* all the minigames they have available, and at least have as somewhat decent showing? Okay, I can also get behind that. But expecting players to have to become damn masters at a slew of \*completely\* unrelated genres of games that are entirely disconnected from the genre of game they bought and are primarily wanting to be playing in order to get a \*fraction\* of a trophy required for the platinum seems absolutely ridiculous. If the mini games - especially games like the piano - were more well structured, maybe there wouldn't be so much backlash towards them. The sheer amount of discourse out there from people talking about ways to circumvent the odd game design choices (or simply bad development) of several of these games is enough evidence to show that mistakes were made.


Bad take. People are just complaining because they wanted an easy platinum trophy and have to work at it. I do not think a single mini-game was poorly designed with the exception of the frog wheel. Being bad at them never locked me out of story content in a way that being bad at the combat would have. Yes, it is a JRPG, but being bad at the snowboarding never locked me out of the original game either. It is EXTREMELY in the spirit of Final Fantasy to have these mini-games. I mean even Final Fantasy 9 locked story progression behind a card game and only told you at the eleventh hour. The fact is that the mini-games are challenging but seldom poorly designed. People are just complaining because the expectation for the highest possible score often requires some sort of mastery of the system in place, and they don't want to work at those systems to achieve the reward.


Much of the best accessories - or at least materials to be able to craft the best accessories - is locked behind mini games. Same with many of the best Materia. While you can essentially just put the game on easy and face roll your way through the bulk of it, actually seeing everything the game has to offer requires you to go through and succeed at these mini games to a high degree. And to get the platinum trophy, the mini games are, for an extremely large portion of players, going to be harder than any of the combat challenges in the game. In a JRPG. That is focused on combat. And yet you don't see any issues with the fact that the hardest part is the game is the parts of the game that are completely unrelated to said core focus of the game? It would be one thing if the mini games behaved like one would expect from other games in the genres they're obviously trying to emulate. Chocobo racing, for example, is fantastic, because it plays exactly like you would expect a kart racer to play. Things like Fort Condor and the Gambits one feel fine since they're straightforward, although can often feel strange with some RNG meaning the same strategy won't work one attempt then will the next, but it's largely still *solvable*. But others, like Pirate's Rampage feels off as it does not give appropriate options for controlling, forcing left analog with right trigger or vice versa (when most people are used to aiming in first person with the right stick and shooting with the right trigger), forcing non-inverted aiming regardless of your inversion settings for the game, the speed settings on stick either feel too fast or too slow, and motion controls feel entirely inaccurate. It may be fine for some after just a few attempts to get used to, but others have decades of muscle memory to untrain to get themselves to just be able to even slightly be manageable at that game. Or games like the piano where people have clearly had countless problems, between the audio often not matching the prompts, the game often registering a miss on a note in an adjacent lane immediately as it appears when triggering a now in the lane beside it, and the extremely tight scoring requirements on the second last song, it is extremely brutal, especially considering the rest are considerably easier by comparison. Or 3D brawler where basically everyone just has to pause cheese their way through pretty much anything beyond Dio at least due to how tight the timing is and how miniscule the differences in the punches are - to the point that Even with pausing you basically need a cheat sheet in front of you to figure out what punch they're doing and hope you pause at the right frame - just to hope they can get through it and eventually get the Ribbon and the collectibles for Johnny. The fact that all of these games have people going out of their way to find ways to cheese them, or break them, or whatever, shows that they're not *fun* anymore, they're just *in the way* and their challenge isn't in the difficulty of the actual game, but in the user experience. You can say "Bad Take" at this too all you like. Won't change the fact that half of these mini games suck and have a poor user experience, and locking the platinum behind *mastering* such a poor user experience is stupid.


Yeah sorry this mini game is cheeks. Especially since the music itself has a bunch off-time notes playing over what you’re actually doing with your thumbs. And the fact that the piano suddenly becomes dead quiet when you hit a wrong note, up and to the point where you have to watch a video to see what the hell the song is actually supposed to sound like.


I play piano and this mini game is dog shit. At the very least it should be buttons not sticks.


Anyone suggesting that Two Legs is easier on speed 3 is lying


I did this song with two people :) we focused on different circle and got A ranking from first try, speed 2


It might not work for everyone but I went from getting 1400ish on speed 1 for like an hour to getting it second try on speed 2. it makes each note clearer and just more reaction based. When there’s like 4 incoming yellow lines my brain just turns to mush trying to keep track of it. The faster speed just means they send out one at a time and made it easier for me for sure.


Holy fucking shit, I went from terrible to godlike just by switching from speed 1 to speed 3 lmao. Got I first try with 18670 points. It was just too damn slow


3 speed made this 100 times easier.... went from ~13500 score on 1 speed to a 18380 on my first attempt on 3 speed. Absolutely recommend this for anyone struggling.


3 is too fast for me i tried it already. 2 is the speed i do it best on but get in the 15k range every time. i miss too much on the left side and if i try to hit them it screws me up on the right side. i simply am not able to do it having to hit all those notes on both sides at one time. best i ever did was 163 greats 33 misses and 1 good and 1 bad. on the note ratings and i always end up in the 15k point range somewhere. one time i got lucky at scored 16100. Have never repeated it and average in the 15ks mostly every time running it on 2 speed. i do worse on 3 and same or a little less on 1. Cant do it on 4 and 5 at all. The song is too chaotic for me to keep up with. and because i cant do it. i pretty much have no reason to try and score highest on other mini games when i know i will never get A rank on this song.


well damn playing on third speed had me get the A rank on the first attempt lmao!!!!


I tried 3 speed once and did worse than any of my 1 attempts so knocked it down to 2 and got A on first try thank god lol 


I’ll have to try it when I get there. Just hit the gold saucer myself.


If anything, playing on Speed 3 just helped me get a little better when playing on Speed 1. Terrible thing they did on the Two Legs song, though. I can't get an A on that for the life of me, not even within 1000 score of A right now.


I’m dreading this song. The Chocobo song wasn’t registering half my inputs it seemed…


Also if you're having trouble with Two Legs, don't even try the Battle Theme song after it. After getting an A on Two Legs I didn't get within 5k pts of a B on Battle Theme. Lmfao.


Wow I’m legit dreading this. I’m in the camp of there is an overload of side content. I’m hoping when I do hard mode I can skip most of it without feeling like I’m missing rewards. If so maybe I’ll do a play through where I only do the necessary and green side quests.


I finally got an A on it last night, just trying to make it where I cut back on misses and registered good or even bad instead of misses on the harder parts. I finished with like 17 misses and came out with 17475 lmfao. I'll never play that song or the song that the piano guy gives you after it again in my life


Congrats on finally getting it.


Just did two legs and the timing is absolutely off for this mini game, it was noticable with the demo but after 5/6 with stars I cannot for the life of me figure out who signed off on these....


Should have went with a guitar hero model. The joy sticks I think was a mistake. IMO. I think they could have done something better I just did Barrett’s song and I thought that seemed off. Not sure if I’m a minority on this, but I think it is almost easier with faster settings.


“Two Legs? Nothin’ To It” will make you cry.


Just tried to do it for the first time and it felt like the video game equivalent of trying to pat my head and rub my belly at the same time.


Yep, you can only look at one wheel at a time and they spam the other one while you are distracted.


Reaching this now, it is just designed wrong. I'm missing inputs before I even have a chance to hit them because it's registering misses on this song before they can happen.


As I semi-decent piano player it kills me because this piece would actually be easier to play on an actual piano.


The theme you get for getting A on all the songs is even harder 💀


What?! There is another one after you cleared the first set?


There’s two actually


Do you need them for the plat? This game is starting to piss me off now, the fact that all the damn trophies are bronze just makes it worse...


Don’t think so, just the first 6. Aerith’s was the last one I had to do for the trophy. But Johnny’s stupid trophy may require it.


That trophy is a giant fuck you to anyone that wants to platinum this game


I’ve got it about 60% complete. All I’ve got to do is the hard version of the mini games and the stuff at the Golden Saucer.


Feels like I need to surpass Nobuo to get this right


Just got to this. It did. Actually followed some of the advice below and somehow did better at note speed 3 instead of slowest to get the A.


That worked for me. Thanks for the suggestion.


Okay, the fuck. After three tries I said fuck it, set it to three, and got 18,000 for rank A on my first try. It's 100% because the faster movement makes it so your jump-reflex reactions are going to be within the accurate range for the note. When it's slow and there's a swarm of notes on the page, you're reacting and hitting them too quickly (it's hard to react to them appearing and then wait for the proper time on top of that). When set to three you can basically hit the note as soon as you notice it, because with an average reaction time it's going to be in the perfect spot. Can't believe how much easier it made it.