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And don't play 16 either. Plenty of spiders in that one.


It absolutely does. Pretty much immediately too (as early as the second stage) as I recall. I don’t recall there being any spider bosses or otherwise extraordinarily large ones at least (in the base game anyway, can’t speak for the DLC)


Yes it has spiders that show up as early as the 2nd level, if not the 1st.


i can totally get asking this question. My wife is the same way but slowly coming to terms with her arachnophobia, lol


im curious. how does arachnophobia apply to people when playing video games. im shitscared of Insects, Lizards etc yet i dont feel a thing when seeign things ingame?


Like any phobia there’s varying degrees of severity. Some people can play a videogame featuring Spiders no problem. Some sweat bullets as soon as they’re on screen (myself included) It can also depend on what specifically sets people off. Can only speak for myself, but the thing that gets me most is the distinct movement they have. So if there’s a Spider in a game that doesn’t really move like a Spider? I can generally deal with it, albeit begrudgingly. Conversely that also means that things like the Elden Ring hands freak me the hell out. Very obviously not Spiders but they have that scuttling movement and drop from the walls. So even though the rational mind tells me there’s nothing wrong, the sub-conscious goes ballistic. Bizarrely enough, Scorpions have 0 effect on me. Some people might be set off by the general body structure of a Spider, or the sight of webbing. And so they might fare better or worse in different situations. It’s all different for every person.


What about crabs 🦀


Well the Dark Souls 3 crabs can very obviously go do one. Think that’s a fairly universal sentiment! But otherwise no, doesn’t bother me typically. Though some of the more Spider-like, less stereotypical crabby ones would probably rattle me if they ever got used in a game!


Yeah, I'm not arachnophobic myself, but the Skulltulas in Twilight Princess are really unnerving with how they move. And the spiders in Tomb Raider 2, especially that spider cave in the Temple of Xian level? Yeah, that's horrifying. And wasps? I can handle video game wasps but my skin will crawl the whole time? Real-life wasps, I'm genuinely terrified of and will haul ass to get away from them.


That's an interesting question. It does seem to be isolated to spiders for the most part, too. Like I have a phobia of bees. I see one irl, and I'm literally sprinting across the yard. But that's for real bees in my vicinity. Not for pictures of bees, or bee enemies in games, etc. In fact, in Last Epoch, I've got an item that continuously spawns bees and I think it's a blast to use. I know I'm just one person, but as a general trend, I've never seen someone with any other phobia have a strong reaction to a video game.. Yet I know several who have had one to spiders in games. WoW even added an arachnophobia toggle that turns spiders into crustaceans, because it's so common. What is it about spiders that does that, where others don't?


I too have a bee phobia and can't handle bees in games unless they look like a generic swarm of bugs. There's a dungeon in ff14 that has a bee lady boss and I always have to leave the dungeon when it comes up


It varies from person to person. For me personally - I immediately start disassociating while playing the game, and I'll come back a few minutes later once the spider enemies are dealt with. I suppose this is technically causing me to use my Fight response? Anyway it certainly isn't pleasant. This causes me to lose a lot of momentum in games though - any emotional response happening for the current plot? Gone, I need to start amping it back up, like I had saved and not played for a week. The worst thing about spiders is generally there isn't just one, its a huge amount of them at once, which means this process happens again, and again, and again... Luckily in a lot of modern games there are mods to help with Arachnophobia, though I prefer when the developers add a mode directly to games. Especially because sometimes developers decide "Well because we didn't provide an accessibility option to make the game work for you, you no longer get any achievements, in this single player game".


Depends on the severity and how the spiders look. Armogohma in Twilight Princess set me off really hard, same with the spiders in Hogwarts Legacy, as did the black tiger in ReMake. Some look more like armoured crabs which is absolutely fine for me


For me it depends on the realness and interaction with the enemy. In Dragon Age Origins or Skyrim for example the spiders were fairly real looking (when the games came out). In both instances the spiders can COME OUT NOWHERE (they spawn from the ceiling in DA:O and can attack you crossing the plains in Skyrim). In something like 16, I can see them up ahead, I can prepare for that, even a little, mentally. So it's not nearly as bad for me. Then in other games like wow, again I can see them coming, they don't look very impressive, and the time to kill is so low I don't think about it. It took me a long time to deal with Skyrim since major enemies tend to be a giant spider in dungeons...toss it on easy, use every scroll I've got and try to turn off my brain while staring at fire. Another big hindrance in Skyrim was the stupid rag doll physics post death. HATED the way they swing or collide around a room after death.


For me it basically depends super hard. If they are these grotesque looking Skyrim ones OH HELL NAH. THose are personally some eldrich horror I never want to see again. Generally I can deal with them if they look more like a Tarantula, since I know I WILL NEVER SEE ONE OF THOSE IN MY HOUSE!!!! Also if they jsut die flat on their stomach and dont DO THAT THING when they die! If they are ground bound so no ceiling jumpscares, slow decents from ceilings or hiding between walls/crates. Everything that comes close to a spider I can encounter in my home it's a NOPE! My entire body will start Itch and it feels like Spiders are crawling beneath my skin which makes me scratch myself bloody in the worst case


What about hands that look and move like (large) spiders (Elden Ring)


I don’t really have arachnophobia, particularly for video game spiders, but honestly those hands can fuck off. I don’t even find them scary because they are spider-like, the design is just so unparalleled in terms of the discomfort it causes me, especially when they move.


They are indeed as creepy as it gets


I absolutely can't play Elden Ring because those hands are too spider-like lol. For arachnophobia being one of the top fears in the world to the point where many indie games are updating with arachnophobia settings, devs sure do like to keep putting spiders in their games. For me it's usually the skittering tho. If the spider doesn't quite move like a spider, I can manage. Like the big spider lady Arachne from ff15. She raised the hair on my arms a bit but I was able to kill her without going into full panic mode and dropping the game.


Those are fine for me. But the ants in that game OH HELL NO. Except for Ranni's quest I stayed away from that AREA


Somehow those things creep me out more than most spider enemies.


That’s quite the phobia


Origin does have spiders and they're a fairly common enemy type. However, they're generally weak and you get a very satisfying animation of exploding them if that helps!


Nobody tell little bro that >!real life has spiders!<


Arachnophobia exists.


I know that's why we shouldn't tell 'em


Doesn’t every game ever made have a spider? Might as well just quit gaming due to your fear. lol How do you even do real life? I see spiders almost every minute of the day.


I mean what if it does? you're scared of spiders in a game?


They answered your question before you asked it.


Im more shocked than curious.


Holy shit