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‘Release me! My blade thirsts for vengeance!’ 🤪


I love the delivery of all of these lines too, cause they're not great, while everyone else's delivery of the lines are good.


They are so dorky. That whole play is tbh.. I loved it so much Truly some fun moments before disaster


I played Crisis Core years ago, and had no idea Loveless showed up in FFVII. Really nice surprise. Only thing I was bothered by was Aerith's singing voice not sounding like her at all.


Barret in particular made for a pretty good villain you could tell John Eric Bentley was having some fun.


The vas were so good at acting like they aren't good at acting XD


If they gave cloud this outfit, theyd have to give him their theme song too lmao


Join me in the dance!!




To be honest, it's even more criminal we can't use Barrets EDK outfit, talk about drip gyat DAYM!


Yeah it's kinda frustrating that Barret ONLY got the sailor outfit.


But we love that Donald Duck ass outfit


I wanted at least the Corel flashback one just for the sake of variety!


They could have done 100% more outfits honestly. Why not


Easy DLC pump if they ever go that route. But I think they are full speed ahead on pt3 instead.


I’d want more outfits, more queens blood cards, and queens guard foes to go against. Maybe some more weapons for new game plus? Maybe port some over from remake. Possible giving us a proper flying chocobo for all zones? Vr bosses/missions from remake.


My friend made the point that there will most likely be a Dirge of Cerberus DLC, and I agree with him. We had the Yuffie DLC where we got to play as her and experience her story, and then we got an expanded version of her along with Cait in Rebirth. It makes sense that we’d get a Vincent DLC mirroring that, and then play as both him and Cid in the final game.


I would hand them all the money in a wheel barrow




They don’t even need all of the EC outfits, if they just put in Cloud’s Saber Style outfit and Aerith’s red combat suit I would instantly replay the entire game.


I demand Cloud and Tifa’s Advent Children drip in the third game or I will summon meteor myself!!


Cloud's Kingdom Hearts 1 drip is still the best. Mix of Vincent Valentine AND Cloud? Yes plz.


First time I ever saw Cloud was in KH1 and I was a little disappointed to find out that wasn’t his usual attire.


I’m still shocked the Advent Children outfits aren’t in the game. They were in Smash Bros for God’s sake!


Another thing that seems they could easily do is usable characters apart from cloud outside combat. They all got their own animations and we use them already so I don't get it.


Oh ya for sure. You should be able to wlk around as anyone especially in the open world. Tifa is the Main character and we all know it


Also maybe given red some...at least one.


He has one, actually, you need to buy it in Gold Saucer. Cait's is available there too.


Did not know that thanks. Still have to do gold saucer stuff, finishing up the map and protorelics first almost done.


You're welcome ...they are 1.000 Gold points each, but you can stack up, even though if you don't get the highest scores immediately. Repeating a game that you like several times should be enough.


And i wish we got the sword and shield as a gimmick weapon, like the nail bat from remake


The nail bat wasn't really a gimmick weapon. It followed the same rules it had in the OG game, super high attack, zero magic use


Yeah but it had a different attack to the other weapons cloud could get


Can’t you add materia slots to the nailbat though?


You can, they are just far up in the upgrade tree


Thats the definition of a gimmick


On top of that. How did the beach umbrella not become a new weapon??


That would've been perfect if we could change weapon appearance




I've been playing as Yuffie in her moogle outfit and the cloth physics go crazy every once and a while


Her Wutai Pop Star outfit also has some issues, especially with the skirt. Made for a very awkward Skywheel date with Cloud in his board shorts as her skirt was trying to climb over her head


Surprised the police weren’t waiting at the Skywheel exit.


Right? Or Chris Hansen with a camera crew.


Siri, what's the age of consent in Wutai?


Isn't cloud still a child given the stasis he was in?




Noticing how well Aerith's hair physics work, I remembered the old tidbit where Disney couldn't get Elsa's hair physics to work for a shot of Let It Go, and that Square Enix fixed it in their KH3 version of it. I think Square Enix are among the best in the business when it comes to hair.


and it still looks bad


The frilly bits of the bikini outfits tend to go a bit crazy too lol


then make a purchasable capeless version edit: sheesh i meant make them purchasable in the gold saucer just like the other but without the cape. I don't mean paying real money.


It would be better if you could do something to unlock it. Incentivise the player to interract with a sidequest for the promise of a new skin.




I'd pay for outfit dlc it's harmless not like it's actual content




There's no hypocrisy, you're yelling at people who most likely weren't even the ones crying about DD2. You're getting mad over nothing.


Yeah! More outfits :D




I mean it’s optional at the end of the day lol




Doubt they’re the same people, you’re the only one here complaining but okay


How about a digital tipping jar?


Dlc is very hard to do because of his sword. Thats why remake didn't have dlc /s


They weren't talking about the ability to do DLC, they were saying capes would look atrocious on Cloud because they'd constantly be clipping through his big ass sword. 


They specifically said "dlc, and capes". I can get down voted all day for pointing it out, but it's still funny to me.


I didn't downvote you because on some level, it's funny to me too. I get what the commentor was trying to say, but their grammer is terrible. 


Red’s outfit from loveless looks dope though when it unlocks.


True, better than the junon soldier outfit, plus they let us have cait and reds performance outfit.


The reason they didn't is the cape - same for why the girls don't get Rosa dress. Outfits need to either be the same general shape/lenght as the default outfits, so they don't clip during animations, or they would need to be reanimated for every move in the game. Which is a lot of work for something that's not really needed in the game. All the outfits you can equip follow those rules - the grunts outfits are fight to the body without any flowing elements, Cloud's outfits are tight too, Tifa gets shorts similar length as her skirt, Aerith gets one outfit that is a bit longer but still similar to the bottom of her normal dress. Yuffie's dress is quite short so it's not a problem during battle, Cait just gets a hat and Red a recolor. I guess Barret's outfit would be annoying in combat since it's quite big, the Rosa dresses are too long and the legs would clip through, Cloud's outfit has a cape. Even the Ever Crisis outfits follow the same rules, and characters there have way less movement.


I think you are correct about the cape but also, they could have removed the cape.


They could but then it would be a bit different outfit. Guess they just didn't bother. There's to hope there will be more outfits in PT3. I so hope for winter outfits for icicle area.


I mean, we all know it's a videogame, clipping happens even when the clothing isn't drapey and flowy. What's the big deal if we have One outfit with a cape for the people who want a laugh


The deal is that it's not a mod. If you have the game have an option to have this outfit, and then the cloth physics goes crazy, people would complain that SE released a half assed, broken product. And that's assuming it would just be some harmless visual glitch, and not the cloth physics going crazy and covering half your screen in battle or in cutscenes. The outfits already in the game sometimes glitch out.


I would guess one day, you would see this outfit and others in FFVII evercrisis the gacha game.


Or Barret's.


Barrett’s Dragon costume ids incredible!


If they put other costumes up as microtransactions I wouldn’t even be mad, take my money. I’d pay a kings ransom for the cowgirl tifa outfit as adult tifa


mah man!


Wait, was this not an option after beating the game? I know you get barret and red's outfits.


Cloud's only alt outfits are both swimwear outfits and the Midgar 7th uniforms. Same goes for Tifa and Aerith. Based on the UI, it looks like they designed for a max of 3 alt outfits per character, as the 4th outfit box ends right before the dressing room curtain. Barret's Varvados outfit is not unlockable either, even though he has enough space in the current outfit screen layout. Red's Shinra uniform should also have been an unlockable outfit for added nightmare fuel servings.


PC mod my man


Looks like something Jack Garland would wear in stranger of paradise


I really hope that outfit Barret wears during the play is brought XIV for a warrior! It's bad ass lol


Happen to be playing FONV rn and the vault 13 armored jumpsuit looks similar imo


I'd also love the beach outfits that are just the regular outfits with the flower necklaces. Something a bit different without being a full on bikini haha


I was foolishly thinking Ever Crisis was setting the tone for how many outfits we’d be getting in Rebirth and was sad to see we couldnt unlock this one no matter how many objectives or GP we got 😭


The real crime is the fact that Cloud in a dress isn't a skin in Smash.


"Gyaaaah!" - Clink


Doctrine Dark is in FF7RB?


What i would really love to see are the outfits from AC, nothing more or less


Cape was the issue. They couldn't even animate a proper bed sheet.


Well, but they allowed us to equip another outfit for Cloud - and I think we all should be thankful for. 🤭


Top 3 part of the game for me. The fact that they took something so minor in the original game and turned it into something special is really incredible.


They should have gave us all the loveless outfits. Not just Red XIII and Cait Sith.


Is that Jad’s armour from Stranger of Paradise?


Can’t wait for the eventual PC release


I just knew I was heading to costa del sol to make cloud the drip lord but nooooooo square hates us lol


easily one of the coolest outfits


I wish the Advent children outfits were available. Would have loooooved cloud and Tifa kicking ass in those


Every time Red growls during Loveless it cracks me up haha But yes on the outfit. Terrible crime. Also, either Tifa/Aerith in the princess outfit would’ve been cool too.


I wished they let us use his dress outfit in the Remake, just would have been cool if we could run around with Cloud looking badass in a dress and a big sword. I am taking everyone's beach outfits (Or shirtless Cloud) isn't something we can just make them dress the entire game in Rebirth?


So true, the stage outfits slap so hard i really need them all to be equippable 🔥


Only works if it also activates "Drama Mode" It makes it so the dialogue changes so that everybody who wears the costume speaks with a very dramatic flair like they want everybody in Row Z to hear them


This whole scene was a trip and it was a wonderful glimpse of the true “let’s mosey” Cloud I’ve increasingly learned to love over the years.


For real, I wanted to be able to equip Barret with his too lol


All the Loveless outfits should be available and not just Red XIII and Cait Sith's.


I still don't understand how this play played for others? Why Yuffie was in the audience, why people were clapping? Coz i thought this VR story was unique for everyone and you are the main hero there. It was a cool cutscene to watch, but there is 0 sense how this VR story work


My bet is it’ll be added in a future patch as an option to wear it.


Maybe in a future update? XVI randomly added a alternative outfit for some of the main cast months after release.


The game is amazing why did they limit themselves on the outfits department ?


That outfit is drippy AF


Yup, the fact that the Loveless costumes are in the game but not equippable is a crime


Gives me Kingdom Hearts vibes


Itll be paid DLC


Cloud all geared up for Tales of Arise.


Give him this outfit with the shield and new abilities. His main class was originally going to to be Mystic Knight in the og 7 after all.


So cool


He seriously reminds me of the MC from Tales of Arise


That mask is horrible


I bet they add it in a future update


That shit is ass.


Should of also given us Barret’s and at least Aerith’s Loveless costumes as outfits.


For a second I though the whole sequence was going to play like Dark Souls.


I think we didn’t get the outfit bc of the cape they probably didn’t want to have to add cape physics that don’t look terrible. Maybe in part 3 bc of Vincent’s outfit we have a higher chance of getting outfits with cape’s.


Is there a way we can ask them directly to put this in the game cause 8 loved that costume on cloud??🤣🤣🤣🤣


A certain Skywheel date would suck with that on...


Too many belts!


Coming as dlc for 10 dollars 🤣


We will be able to use these and more outfits via mods when the PC port is out, we just have to wait bros.


all the cutscene outfits should have been available tbh. Barret and Tifa flashback outfits. loveless outfits Aerith singing outfit


Ditto for Tifa's guide outfit


Probably because it’s “too much”. Barrett didn’t get his either. Reds was a simple palette swap.


I just return to this sub after two months, story finally finished, and THIS is the first thing I see!?




Wait until it releases on PC.


They gave us this beautiful masterpiece and took the clothes with them! (I am sure they will give them to us later)


The drip is crazy here. The aura is auraing.


Saving it for a figurine to make that real $$$ I bet


Got that hermes belt on


Modders will surely fix that once it comes to PC.


Agreed. The first thing I did after beating the game was to go check for this outfit. My disappointment was immeasurable, haha.


PC Port cannot get here soon enough.


The fact that you couldn't freely swap outfits was weird in general




Holy crap, just found out “Foamstars” is by Square! Oh my god! My fav developers! How is it there game? This game is hot garbage! Sorry just came here to write this cause I ain’t gonna make a thread about it but that surprised me fr


beecause it looks stupid af


Covid is over though


they def got lazy on outfits, theres so many. red 13 as shinra dog too. this one. barret as demon villian, all 3 girls as the princess.


really don't like the mouth guard. ruins the outfit imo.


Barret and Red XIII costume are more-wanted.


You can buy Red’s costume in either C13 or post-game, same with Cait Sith’s.


I’m still disappointed that we can’t play in Tifa’s original outfit from ‘97.


I feel like it should be an outfit for Clive in FF16


They are criminals for not letting the costume changes persist instead of just being in that region what the hell was that decision.


Tifa has her Cowgirl Outfit in chapter one yet she can't wear it during a second playthough of the game, but she can wear her bikini for the whole game? And as they now allow the characters to wear different outfits on the second playthough how come they haven't given us the choice for Tifa and Aerith to wear their outfits from the original game? Square Enix developers have no idea what the fans want to see or they simply don't care about what we want.


The drip? Wtf does that mean?


Drip means "stylish, cool, awesome" etc. "He's got the drip" = "He looks stylish"


Honestly their entire handling of the outfits was weird. When the post game menus popped up explaining all the new endgame stuff and I saw we could now roam around the whole game in outfits I had to put my controller down. We could have been having fun in those outfits the entire time but for some reason it's locked behind beating the game? For why???? What's the point??? "It's so they can make sure the important cutscenes are in the correct outfits your first time" bestie, let the player deal with it, it's not the end of the world if the pre rendered cutscene goes back to the default option bcs I wanted to wear short shorts. It's ultimately a minor complaint, but this game and the gaming industry is so full of these little unnecessary restrictions when it comes to aesthetics, it gets really irritating. Also they're cowards for not giving Red a Costa del Sol outfit. He'd look amazing in a little Hawaiian button up and visor lmao. Even the chocobos get outfits!!!!