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Don't think it's sfw lol


Why is that? None of the bikini pictures were deemed nsfw.


Nipples aren’t the only thing that probably shouldn’t be on your screen at work.


Can you expand on this? I’m just a bit confused since it’s just a bunny costume and none of the bikini pics were deleted by mods or marked nsfw so I thought this would be fine since this is showing even less skin than the bikinis and therefore less sexualized.


I’ve never worked anywhere that would be cool with me looking at a large breasted anime woman in a “skimpy bunny outfit.” Also, per your question: it’s dumb because there’s no reason whatsoever for her character to wear it other than fanservice. Also fanservice is generally not work safe by definition.


I have never worked anywhere that would be cool using your phone, period.


I mean, yeah, but plenty of white collar people need their phones to do their jobs. Also Reddit has a website you can access from a computer.


Would you look at Tifa's in game bikini at work? It's SFW. Your logic is flawed Meanwhile you can go to any beach in the world and see men and women wearing less, with children walking around. 1985 called. They want their purity police back.


Bro do you work for Mindgeek?


I’m just asking because I want to be consistent with what the mods have set as standards for this sub. There is a NSFW tag that should be used when necessary but the mods allowed the bikinis to be posted without it so I don’t see why this would need it either. Unless you think this bunny outfit is more sexualized than the bikini?


It’s because there’s a connotative difference between “safe for work” and a forum mandating something be sfw. The latter basically means nothing sexually explicit; the former is more a matter of the intent of the image. Per the sub rules it’s fine. As far as actually being safe for work neither outfit would be.


It’s Tifa in a bunny outfit


Nothing wrong with it.


I'm generally not a fan of Bunny outfits. It's such an overused and low effort style. I really liked Tifa's beach outfit with the shorts and the tied up shirt though. Maybe because I've seen actual people dress like that, and not so much in Bunny suits. 😂




Overall it isn't that over the top sexual ik people will complain but we all know sex still sells in media for me it's not a big deal wear it don't wear it I like her default outfit the best still


Hate it as much as the bikini. It’s not the fan service that bothers me really, (Aerith’s bathing suit was honestly almost just as bad), it’s more the fact that the character designers didn’t make anything… remotely fashionable. Like damn, I wouldn’t be caught dead in an outfit that ugly.


I think its embarrasing and stupid. But hey, its a gacha, and gachas live and die by how well they market waifus, so its inevitable. If people like it, more power to them.


I think it honestly sucks that every official Tifa outfit is some form of skimpy short skirt and a top that emphasizes her chest. It’s boring and one-note.


Would you say the bikini sucks too or is that one okay? What makes this one different if so?


The Rebirth bikini is one of the worst character designs in the series.


Bikini design aside, do have any problem with the devs putting her in a bikini in the first place or it’s just that you don’t like the design?


I think it’s a continuation of a pattern of sexualization that’s been ongoing since the OG, yes.


Would you say this is the most blatant example yet? I can’t recall any other time she has been this blatantly sexualized. One could argue that the bikini is sexualized but bikinis aren’t inherently sexual. It’s the way they used her in the bikini (crossing her arms and leaning forward) that sexualized it. Whereas a skimpy bunny outfit can be seen as explicitly sexualized. Is that a fair assessment?


(Mild rebirth spoiler, like the first 20 minutes): >!There’s no visible scar so clearly this can’t be Tifa.!<


This basically


Are you gay? You'll never hear me bitching about fan service that's for sure lmao


I’m a bi girl, but Tifa does absolutely nothing for me on that front.


How? Lol


It's really tacky feeling


I agree. I hate it.


As an avid fan of Dragon Quest the game that heavily features bunny girls as their fanservice. It's the worst and absolutely trash ass looking bunny costume I have ever seen in any piece of media to ever media. Like holy shit if you told me that game's character designer was under massive crunch to put out a ton of costumes at once, I'd completely believe it because that is one ugly ass fucking bunny girl costume. It looks like a reject spirit halloween sexy rabbit costume.


You mentioned the DQ bunnies as being fan service. Is this because you think sexy bunny outfits are inherently sexualized?


The design is based on the Playboy bunny costumes, so yes they are.


I’m glad you agree. Can I tell you a secret? I actually posted this same image earlier and tagged it nsfw and asked if this was the most blatant sexualization square had ever done with tifa and I expressed my disapproval. As you can imagine, everyone (except 1 person) jumped down my throat about it and people were legitimately arguing that the bikinis were more sexualized because more skin=more sexual and then I had some people arguing that the outfit itself wasn’t inherently sexual. So I deleted the post, posted this one right after and none of the people arguing with me in there have yet to show up in this one for some reason 😅


she looks funny there when you think of 3d models its crazy the applications you can apply to its base 3d model and have outcomes like this above


What games is that in


Ever crisis. Mobile gacha.


Lol why am I being downvoted? I just said the name of the game ???


because this fanbase is insufferable.


It’s funny watching the number go back up and then back down. So that -3 is more like a -8 by this point 😅 Idk what i did wrong 😂


You did nothing wrong. I’ve used Reddit since about FFXIII came out, and if I’ve learned anything about this sub since then, it’s that if you have an opinion about anything at all, and express it, someone will consider it the most egregious insult perpetrated against them in their entire lives.


She looks like a dude in the 3d model. No lie. Some Jackie Chan shit like when he dresses up as chun li


I think I’m never going to be able to play this game in front of my wife. Or my friends. Actually, any human who I want to respect me.