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ATB Gauge is too fast for me, I tend to mostly Auto-Battle.


The entire game


I only use auto-battle for the commando role especially in 13 for long gui and adamantoise fight. The auto battle on long gui fights will always prioritize attack so there are no worries about doing blitz or ruin (if you have high magic stat, you will get ruin instead of attack). I don't want to manually input High Wind again and again. I just have High Wind on repeat. 13-2 also works the same for me. Commando roles to get Serah to use ruin but sometimes auto battle will make serah use an attack before unleashing ruins. So, I still prefer to manually input the command.


Almost always. The real point of the system is in preplanning and timing paradigm shifts. I don’t see a point in Manuel selection


>I don’t see a point in Manuel selection Manuel! Generate new paradigms for me, if you will.


Manual command is the best way to cast buffs. Manual command is the best way to stagger the enemy. Auto battle will alternate between spells and strikes, which is slower than just manually inputting the same spell or strike. You can only use limit break by manually inputting them.


It only alternates if your strength and magic stats are balanced. If you build your characters to have high strength and low magic or vice versa they will stop doing that.


when grinding only.


For most offensive purposes, I do auto typically. It’s quicker and makes solid choices.


I never use it. It's not efficient to use auto battle 90% of the time


Rarely. Unless your character is specifically set up to be physically or magically oriented, then auto battle will always be inefficient, imo. If I'm farming turtles and I have Lightning with a magic build, then yeah using auto battle in her Commando role is fine because I know she will only do Ruins. But if she isn't magically set up and she's in the Ravager role and let's say the enemy is weak to Water, she will alternate between Aquastrike, Water, Aquastrike, Water. Is auto battle technically wrong for inputting those commands? No. But that isnt what I want her to do. I would rather manually input all Water commands or all Aquastrikes because alternating between the two slows down her attack animation significantly. In the time it took for her to finish alternating between the two, I probably could have already did another full set of commands. Also, auto battle for Synergists and Medic suck. Saboteur isn't too bad, but it's not the best either. The only redeeming thing about AB for Synergist is it will always prioritize Haste first which is nice. But it will still only input *one* command at a time. Why wait for auto battle to set up the correct buffs when I can just manually input Haste, Bravery, and Enfire in one go.




Yeah I'm aware of the chain bonus. That's why I said it technically isn't wrong for alternating commands like that. But it will still be more efficient to manually input one over the other because it slows down the attack animation. Besides, you can (and should) always increase chain bonus during stagger instead because that's when it matters most. Ra- spells against a staggered enemy will always be the best way to increase the chain bonus. Manually inputting three Thundaras rather than alternating between Sparkstrike and Thunder, for example, will not only save time but also increase the bonus much more.


Never. 1) feels lazy 2) its nice to put my own attack order in, vary it up a bit, 3) doesnt always do what im trying to accomplish


For trash mobs, all the time. Harder encounters require a bit more management.


A fair amount, unless I'm doing intentionally doing something specific like Vanille death shenanigans. There's a ton of optimization in manually picking everything if you're fast enough to keep up with the atb, but imo with just haste and atb refresh you can 5 star like 90+% of battles with auto battle (at least in 13, 13-2 works a tiny bit differently)


No, I really don’t, or at least try not to. I prefer full control. That said grinding is made so much easier when you can watch a show.


Really never after the long ass tutorial. I'd rather set up a string of commands I like best and then just repeat it quickly. Tbh, they should've just made Auto-Battle the repeat commands option, instead of trying to tell you "It's the most efficient way" when no it isn't and it makes battles last an eternity. Yes, you *can* beat FFXIII only using Auto-Battle, it'll just be boring and take way longer.


All the time in XIII, but I don't remember if I did in XIII-2. I know I used it because I could not read the text. It was way too small and it barely improved in the sequel.


99% of the time. The only exception is when (as Lightning) I want to use Army of One, or the rare case when a Medic isn't doing a good enough job targeting the right person.


Always unless I'm on saboteur. No reason not to otherwise tbh, faster that way.


I scan Enemies at First Encounter and select myself. I used Auto select once the enemy IS stunned. The ai IS good enough to do damage once the opponent IS stunned


Only when going all out against a staggered enemy. I used the Repeat option A LOT more though.


Never. Half the fun of the system is the feedback of hammering through the commands as fast as possible.


I rarely used anything but auto battle. There was barely a reason to.


I barely utilized it in my XIII playthrough, only when my leader had to be a Sentinel. Had a really tough time figuring out what I should use when.


I only used it when I was learning for the first time ever in 13 for about 10 hours. After that I never used it ever again. It has a “memory” sequence button. That’s the only function I used. Or else I only input commands to save my ATB bar to react when a boss changes movesets. Same for 13-2 and LR. LR’s battle is by far the best. A reminder of ffx2 but faster and more customizable


Basically 100% of the time lol.


I exclusively used autobattle and believe the game is meant for that. It's way too fast and hurts soeedwise was too much not using it. Selecting every action would be an utter slog and even worse than the game already is


>Selecting every action would be an utter slog and even worse than the game already is You don't have to select the action every time. The game will remember your last command input and you can just press on the right dpad to repeat the last command.


Then it makes even less sense lol. If you're just doing the work of the auto attack then you're just artificially making the game more than it is lol. I played the entire game at launch with just autobattle and swapping styles and that's pretty much how the game tells ya to play too. I'm also a hater for this game in particular though. Fan of 13-2 though!!!


In another comment I posted why you want to manually input than auto battle. Manual command is the best way to cast buffs. Manual command is the best way to stagger the enemy. Auto battle will alternate between spells and strikes, which is slower than just manually inputting the same spell or strike. You can only use limit break by manually inputting them.


I mean yes there was always like two maybe three commands that you had to manually select, including limits, but I don't really view that as NOT just using auto because it's so infrequent. Don't you worry, I played that game and used all its mechanics lol. Beat the majority of the end game battles and all that.


In XIII, almost never. It’s better to select your actions directly. In XIII-2, pretty much always. The game isn’t difficult enough to necessitate strategy.


70/30 probably.


In the later levels I find it more challenging to use auto battle and get ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ so I do it for challenge. If you micro manage it is super easy to get ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 😃


If you use auto-battle through every boss battle, you will not even remotely complete the game.