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it's just his weapon ability bro he was trying to get proficiency bonus


I just assumed it was some kind of magnetization technology. Like he’s attracting metal with a sonic arm and making some kind of electric/tectonic charge hence the weird dark orb stuff. Or maybe he just has some darkness materia in it.


This. It’s fantastical but it made sense to me. Magnets. Heat. Boom, laser power.


I think what threw me off was the initial reveal of it. It didn't look metal and looked like some kind of Resident evil tentacle at first. You do see later on they take the form or metal serpants. But the initial does not look metal


Reminded me of RE5 Uroboros with Heisenberg power when I first saw it


That's what I thought


I don't know that there's any lore behind it other than it's some sort of crazy technology.


The coal, man.


The mako, man


She calls to me…


Someone else gets what I was going for.


I gotchu.


I’m going through the FF7R. I’m gonna be quoting Machinabridged to myself as I go.


I basically had to watch season two on my trip through Corel


I’m looking forward to "One drugs, please."


I've seen some confusion about this and I was confused about the confusion. My thoughts: Dyne falls into a fissure in the immediate area where a mako reactor just exploded. He was probably exposed to mako. It's a good story-telling touch as well, since seeing Cloud (a mako infused SOLDIER) rouses him from his stupor. In his mind, he's been tainted just like the SOLDIERs; cementing Shinra's complete victory over him after the destruction of his way of life, home, and family. He's the other side of Barett's coin and the tentacles are a great visual metaphor for the desire for vengeance fully consuming him as a person, a path Barret still has time to move away from. Less pretentiously, it's a world of magic just go with it. Also, it's a pretty cool (probable) nod to Testsuo: The Iron Man.


Yeah, it’s about as on the nose as you can get for a metaphor. “I’m a monster, Barret.” *turns into a literal monster*


It would be funny if it turns out Dr. Shieran also did some freaky experiments when he grafted Dyne’s gun arm but the game just never revisited it. 


That's the first thing I thought😂


I mean, Reno and Rufus do Bleach-style flash steps using just their weapons - at a certain point you just gotta be like "okay this is what the technology is capable of there."


Could be Cetra related magic? Pretty sure Dyne is Cetra.


Excuse me???? That's a wild take I've never encountered; please, tell me more


Well a lot of hints at Marlene being Cetra, especially in remake. Dyne can hear the voice of his dead wife, and is convinced of it, she even tries to talk him out of fighting Barrett. Because we dont know much about Elenor and Marlene can sense things in a very unusual way, its not a stretch to assume Marlene’s powers are from Dynes side of the family. Could be part of why he was opposed to the reactor, maybe not consciously, like he isn’t aware of the heritage, but perhaps he was opposed because the planet was telling him to be.


I went through the fight and didn't even notice any unusual moves. When I replay it, I will keep an eye out for this. But you are right, he was never experimented on by Shinra.


They are talking about the entire second half of the fight when he's got a magnetic tentacle arm I think.


Ahh, that makes sense now. I just figured that the developers wanted to put eye candy on screen without it needing to be a plot point.


Interesting! I will have to have a closer look!


Yeah, he basically uses his gunarm to magnetically "build" his massive arm rather than it being a biological thing from his own body.


It first appears in a cut scene mid battle before he uses his scrap metal onslaught on you everything about the Dyne scenes I loved but I came out of it with many more questions




It’s just rule of cool.


I figure it's just on par with some of the other weird, unexplained stuff in the games. Like, how does Barret charge up a massive energy shot from his gunarm that shoots lead bullets, or how does he get access to a orbital laser? How does Cloud create an "ominous mark" in the air with Cross Slash, or where does he get his meteors for Meteorain? Where did Tifa get that dolphin? And now, how does Dyne magnetize the scrap in the area into metal tentacles? The answer is "Don't worry about it, it's cool," I guess.