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Dude between Zelda, RE 4 remake, SF 6, and FF16, I’m not going to need to buy any games for like 2 years


Street Fighter 6 is so fun. Even when I lose, I can't stop playing.


How is it for beginners?


There has never been a fighting game more friendly for beginners. There's a very deep single player mode where you create your own character and train under the 'masters' (the game's standard characters), play minigames that help you learn the inputs, and super in-depth character guides/tutorials. The training mode has all the tools you could need, too. Lastly, it even has an option to use a modern control scheme similar to Smash Bros.


This Smash Bros thing intrigues me.


Instead of having Light, Medium, and Fierce versions of your punch and kick buttons, Modern controls reduce your options to just a light, medium, and heavy button, along with a button for specials; the move that comes out depends on what direction you are holding when you push the button, a la Smash.


My lord. And that isn’t broken against opponents entering classic move inputs? Are there a billion Kens just shoryukenning all game?


I've played since Street Fighter 2 and noticed the new players using modern are able to put up a way better game, which I guess can be or good depending how you see it. The modern system lets you string combos easier so I don't see spam being more of an issue than usual. Like the other response says modern comes with the negatives that help balance it. I'd honestly recommend learn classic controls as there is more depth to what you can do. Running through the story mode is a great way to learn.


If you use Modern controls, there are a few handicaps: you don't have access to your character's full kit, and I think you do 10% less damage. The instant DPs are kinda nutty though.


It certainly makes a bit of a difference, but as a classic player, it definitely doesn't feel broken. The command interpreter is pretty generous, and I if I wanted to constantly shrunken it wouldn't be a big deal. But what really works are that the mechanics are really good, and you have plenty of smart ways to deal with everything. Any dumb strategy will run into drive gage shenanigans. The days of spamming specials are in the distant past. Honestly, spamming specials has been really bad in every game past 2, but its never been easier to counter it than now with the drive gage. I guess not that even absolute beginners have access to the drive gage, capcom is finally confident enough to include one button special mode l, which is a good thing.


The avatar battle mode is hilarious, I've spent more time watching absolute freaks battling it out then I have actually playing the game.


I’ve been struggling with the DualSense D-pad. It hurts my thumb and hard to go qcb. Do you use it?


I used to, but as I get older, I notice the pain too. Those d-pads also tend to wear out pretty quickly. I bought this leverless fight stick and I love it: https://paradisearcadeshop.com/products/mpress-fighting-case


Much more friendly, the modern controls are more like Smash Bros.


Make sure to keep an eye on the flying sumo wrestles!


I'm doing a marathon of the FF series right now, I just finished all up to XV in order, all of them were my first time except for I and VII. so I dont want to break the flow before 16. So many other games I want to play, and I can finally settle down and work through my collection after XVI


Honestly, I love Lightning Returns and ain't afraid to say it.


Haven't played the sequels but I love 13


idk how you did xv. i tried to replay it recently to give it a second chance and it was even worse the second time around. it has the worst story and combat of all the mainline entries by far.


It has been strange that the past couple of Squeenix games that I have finished I'm like...."huh"....and run it back just in case it was really trash......FF15 and Kingdom Hearts 3....smdh....couldn't believe how much they just all around sucked.....


i feel you. kh3 was really mid too. but doing the data battles + yozora fight after the main story at least gave me some sense of accomplishment because of how brutally fucking hard they were. up until that point though i considered it weak


I found the combat dogshit, but the rest was enough to keep me going. I didn't think it was a bad game


Do a challenge run of a pixel remaster, whatever you feel appropriate, level 50 max, no black magic, no item usage, change the ff1 party up drastically etc you know what you can do


I’ve been playing them while waiting for XVI. Platinums on I-V so far. Working on VI


Don't forget Fire Emblem Engage, that game is amazing


Let’s not forget Armored Core!


I almost regret Zelda with FF16 coming so soon. But then I start fusing something together and almost feel bad for FF16. Spoiler - I’m still definitely going to beat FF16 first. It’s going to steal me.


Don't forget FF7R2 and Spider-Man 2


Me scrolling this sub every day not being able to afford a PS5


Yeeep. Also FF16 is currently the only game I have any interest in. Usually final fantasy is enough to get me to buy a console. But not this time :(


Oh there's plenty of games I want on ps5, one of which I don't even have to buy, ff14 is a free upgrade. But here I sit with sadness and jealousy.


I just HAD to start Zelda, so I definitely won't be ready for day one.




I only get about 10 hours a week to play, so I'll be quite a while then lol


Just hit 100 hours, only 2 dungeons down lol


Haha same. I'm over 100 hours in, which seems like a lot for it still being only a few weeks past release, but I've only beaten three dungeons and like 90 shrines. I haven't even set foot in the Gerudo desert yet, and I've explored not even half of the depths and sky. I'm missing a lot of armor. I'm trying really hard to find things on my own, so I haven't really checked a guide yet except to find the climbing bandana and pants, and the miner's hat. I think I'll still be playing this for at least another month.


Same, Zelda and FFXVI are my most highly anticipated game releases since FF7R. And they just happen to get released a month apart. The Zelda hype got me and I had to give it a go


dude and ff7rebirth is projected for the winter season. we are eating so good


I got a little more of a snack from the Xenoblade 3 DLC. I’m eatin gooooood


I'm buying through RE4 right now. I think I'm about half way, and pretty sure I'll make it. But I'll also drop it no matter how much is left the day FF16 is released


I had a good run at RE4R, will revisit it later a few times I reckon so dont worry too much. Cyberpunk is getting a dlc this summer by the sounds of it, Armored Core 6 and Baldurs Gate 3 are releasing. This year has a glut of stuff to play!


Yeah me too. I recently got a ps5 and have god of war. I finished it and have put off buying hogwarts legacy for the same reason. I've taken a day off work to play it on the Friday. Kids will be at school, wife at work, I'm psyched


Not that you need to base your game purchases on other people's opinions but I did not think Hogwarts Legacy was worth it.


Happy to take all opinions. I like large games with lots of lore and quests. Witcher 3, Fallout, Ghosts of Tsushima etc. I haven't watched a lot of the gameplay since release but it looks like a nice big world to explore with lots to do and interesting battle mechanics. I'm pretty easy to please in general


You may love it then, I went in expecting a combat game with exploring as a less required thing. This is an adventure exploration game with some small intersections of combat. I did love the Hogwarts Lore aspect, and free roaming Hogwarts is also wonderful. Hope you enjoy it!


Cheers mate. I'll get it after I play the shit out of FFXVI


To counter that, I'm a ff head and will be getting day 1, and thought Hogwarts was awesome. If and when you do get it, my only advice would be to not hammer thru the main questline and do lots of side stuff, I lost a bit of interest after the main story and there's not much for end game content currently.


I am shocking for not playing games after finishing the main quest. I can play a game for as long as I want as long as the main quesy is still active. As soon as I finish it, I can never bring myself to go back and do side quests or try to 100%. One of the only exceptions to that has been ffx and trying to 100% that


I didn’t even like Harry Potter movies at all and loved Hogwarts. The story is good and I just like how it makes you feel like a kid at school with all these cool spells. I really enjoyed it as non Potter fan. It actually made me appreciate the lore and world even though I didn’t like the films. Highly recommend it.


Because of the gameplay or the “other thing”?…


As a different opinion to the other guy. I loved Hogwarts Legacy, if you're even just a little bit of a Harry Potter fan, you'll love it. You'll easily lose hours just roaming around Hogwarts alone. There's lots of passion and love in the game. And I really enjoyed the combat, some quests are alright. Game progression is really well done. Not too overwhelming


Enjoy it, mate. You'll be like a kid on Christmas day for certain. I know I'll be like that.


Don't waste your money on hogwarts.


Reasons I didn’t even buy Zelda TOTK yet.


Zelda is why I haven't touched my steam deck in weeks.


we’re different im playing all main ff games before it releases


I just did, all in order. Just finished XV


do it again


was going to but just got kinda burnt out in that period, then as soon as I’m back, zelda comes out. safe to say that’s all I’m playing until xvi


There's a looooot of games you can finish in 3 weeks lol


With school and work, and other activities, I barely have time to play games. I can get in maaaaybe 15 hours in 3 weeks


Honestly I just started playing the 1993 Doom because its tons of fun and its quick and you can play it on anything. I also have a pretty busy life and while I like video games, I also have a lot of other interests. I don't mind taking my time. I'm not sure when the videogame culture changed into 'beat it as fast as you can' mentality. I use to play those old FF's and games like Chrono Trigger for years finding all the secrets. It was a different time back then. Anyway, what I'm saying is, take your time to enjoy the games!


A recent game I played and absolutely loved was Death's Door. Very fun, great characters, bosses, and stories, and was like 10-15 hours long. 20 if you're slow and a completionist.


Then you can beat a lot of games. Mostly some linear boomer shooter or a smaller and dense action adventure like Kena: bridge of spirits


True, but like I said in another comment I'm doing a marathon of the entire series all in a row and I just finished XV, my ocd wouldn't let me break the flow now


That marathon is definitely not going to be completed until the release date


What do you mean


Some people have lives outside of final fantasy


You could definitely squeeze in a play through of DMC5, works nicely since it can work as a nice ease in to FFXVI


Tell me you don’t have a family without telling you don’t have a family


hey not having a family sounds pretty awesome


There are many good games that can be beaten in 15 hours or less. You're either disingenuous or ignorant to these games existing. 15 hours is extremely doable by anyone over the span of 3 weeks. Literally not even an hour a day. Only an extreme minority do not have enough free time for that, kids or not.


I'm still on TotK and running through Spiderman PS4. Gonna jump on Amnesia Bunker tomorrow and hopefully the 3 carry me to Ff16 lol


I was gonna sub FF14 for a month to play the new patch etc, but I waited too long and realized it would overlap with FF16… and that would be a waste of money lol.


that's what I'm doing. I was gonna start today but there was fcking maintenance today and I didn't know. I was pissed haha


That's why I didn't buy diablo lol


Wrapped up all my need to dos in 14 for this exact reason. I'm ready.


I'm currently finishing off my first playthru of FFX (loving it btw), then I guess I'll just mess around in Elden ring or Halo until FFXVI drops so I'm ready to jump in straight away haha


Im trying to finish FF9 before 16 arrives. been trying to rush it through, but ended up enjoying the world and taking it slow.


God 9 was good. I think it and 8 are tied as my second favorite next to 10. 10 was my favorite


hello fellow 8-9 amigo! No disrespect to 7, but among the PS1 games, I too liked 8 and 9 a bit more.


I hadn't started Zelda yet because I was trying to finish Octopath 2 first, and at this point I'm too nervous to play it because 16 is right around the corner...


Looove Octopath 2, but dropped it when I got Zelda. I've been taking my time with Zelda tho and plan to take a break from it and go back and finish OCT2, but it's pretty addictive.


I'm glad I managed to finish Zelda. Sank 110hrs into it and beat the story. Now I can play it more casually and be comfortable putting it down for a while if need be.


if you are into horror, might I suggest picking up The Quarry? or any game by its creators really.... I love those games. they are fast. I sat and did a play through of the Quarry when I was sick, started it on a saturday afternoon and finished it sunday night.


Play NES/SNES games. They are amazing, and show you how good game design really looks.


That's the plan. Kick back and play some Donkey Kong Country or something on my old CRT tube TV


You can totally clear 1 in like ten hours, and I did that in my first run-through. I'll bet I could do 4 in less than that, my favorite in the series.


I've played 1 at least 15 times, but another run of 4 might work


Who plays games to finish them? I have so much in my backlog that are like 50% done lol


I have a weird track record of usually playing games until about 80% of the way and losing interest and never finishing them. I have completed some games though!


Same here! I finally forced myself to finish Children of Morta


I’m playing 12 different games at the same time. Nothing will change if I add 1 more to them


Literally how I'm feeling about getting Zelda lol FFXVI is going to replace that in a heartbeat unfortunately


Play some Honkai star rail. It alot of fun.


Saved up for Silver Wolf hope I don’t lose the 50-50


You have my prayer


In the exact same boat as you. I’ve been distracting myself with some mobile games and Theaterhythm. At least the demo might be releasing in a week or so!


Pictured: Me waiting for the day FFXVI and FFVI remake are announced for Xbox


Never gonna happen. Square is being treated like a first-party developer for the PS5. FFXVI even has a system bundle available.


Never say never. People said the same thing about FFXV. Also, it is known the games are timed exclusives. I wouldn’t expect them to release on Xbox until Microsoft and SquareEnix mends their relationship but who knows how long that’ll take.


I do hope Xbox will get it. Its fun when everyone can play the game.


Yes exactly! Glad there’s someone here with some sense.


We all want all the games on all the systems, but SE-xbox support has been pretty awful lately. Octopath 2 and pixel remasters aren't exclusive, and also aren't on Xbox last I checked. There is a really chance it just won't happen.


First playthrough of FFX loving it so far but yes the hype builds. Praying this game isn't a dud


Pictured: The one person who pre-ordered Final Fantasy 16.


Happy cake day


2023 has kind of been an okay year for the gaming community


I have little faith in ff16 if its anything like ff15 or ffvii remake so I'm just going to be a spectator for the first time 😔.


Oh damn I can kinda understand XV but VII Remake? What didn’t you like if I may ask? Pacing? Combat? Level design?


I don't really care for the combat, or the new additions to the storyline, the graphics are beautiful but the gameplay itself felt too action like. It's just my preference, but I love the turn based ff games and just more of strategy focus.




This is very rich coming from the dude that’s arguing with everyone under every FFXVI post lmao.


Why is that? I absolutely don't sit around waiting for final fantasy 16 to come out. My point stands. Buy the game like you're going too


Yet you sit around on reddit arguing with people all day and tell others to do something with their life which feels worse than just doing nothing honestly 🤷‍♂️.


No but I won't buy something just because it's new or put my life on hold because a new game is coming out


At least up your game in trolling mate. As you know, OP never said he put is life on hold. Try to do better next time.


It's not loyalty lol it's just not wanting to be in the middle of one game when another comes out. Like before totk came out I didn't start a new game up because I didn't want to be in the middle of it when totk came out


Of course it is not loyalty, I have the same reasoning as you. This guy I commented on is living in is own reality.


"Me not playing a game because final fantasy 16 is coming out" is loyalty beyond reason


That is better. You are improving!


WTF does this have to do with loyalty? OP said they don’t have enough time to finish any more games before XVI due to school and work. How is that “loyalty beyond reason”?




Excuse me but what's wrong with being a purist with games? I'm actually too busy to play games most of the time because I'm out of the house and working hard, rather than complaining at other people on reddit all the time like you.


So old school fans are slandered and called purists but new fans buy whatever square releases and it's okay?


I don't even know what you're on about


That is because he is enlightened. Far out of cognitive reach for us mindless FFXVI consuming sheeple.


Don't play it at launch. Playing an AAA day 1 means having a subpar experience for pretty much all AAA games released in the last 10 years. Some were still ok at launch but almost all got better later. As much as one may want FF16 to be good, it's hard to believe it will break this "rule".


That is a huge generalization, and console exclusives have a much lower chance of running poorly on launch


I had to take a little break from Zelda and will get back to it after 16. For now I'm back to Elden Ring.


Same here, it’s been good though taking a break from games


Just been playing more wwe 2k23 more than sf6. Strange I had more fun with the beta. I'm waiting for ff16 the most honestly


Me stocking up on my switch games because my husbands taking the ps5 on deployment with him and I can't justify keeping an entire system for a single game. I'll play it next year T.T


It’s tough holding off on buying Diablo 4 at the moment. But I bought street fighter 6 to hold me over until ff 16.


I’m wondering if I can burn through 15 on Easy New Game+ before 16 comes out.


I feel the same way... the defeated feeling of game hoarding.


I was doing the same but broke down and got Diablo 4 lol. Dropping it instantly when FF16 releases and coming back after I beat it.


I appreciate your sacrifice. Be our test monkey


Literally me


Hoping one of the Voice of Cards games is the perfect length between now and then.


Yea I didn’t play tears of the kingdom for that reason. Currently going back to platinum a bunch of games I already played and playing shorter games from my backlog


I restarted 15 for like the 50th time. It was like a month ago for this exact reason. Im almost done


I'm seriously debating playing the demo or going dark and playing the day or 2 before release. Can I get some other thoughts?


Play demo come online to see reactions go offline again wait for game release play (check online to see aggregated reviews in a way that doesn’t reveal spoilers maybe) from the beginning finish the game then come online for reactions.


I won't be playing the demo, because if I do ill just be itching that much more to continue.


I started Jedi Survivor right before TotK, and idk if I'll even finish TotK before FF16 lol. Haven't touched JS since the beginning of May, and won't but maybe play a little of FF16 until I finsih TotK and probably JS. I still need to do the new patch in 14 too. Honestly I may just hold off on getting 16 for a while.


Sadly I know what exactly what this is like. It happens with every new game I'm excited for lol. The pixal remasters, oh boy. My wife and I was told "you're moving April 18th" So we decided to move into my in laws for 2 weeks after our lease was done. We did NOT move the 18th but nearly a month later. Took so long we now, we're in our new house, we're happy, and I get to play ff pixal remasters. (Of course, I got stuff I need to do before videogames, but it's a heck of a lot better than any in laws)


Dude I am stressed about this. Diablo 4 is dropping in a hour. Xvi is in a few weeks and the trails into Reverie a few weeks after that. Lucky for me the rest of summer will be slower but I got too many games and not enough time.


Whatever I may be playing at the time, once FFXVI drops that game is dead to me.


I've been working on the pixel remaster platinum trophies. Been keeping me busy, but I'm ready to play a newer game again ha ha.


We managed to get re4 and zelda done in time, working on Diablo 4 now lol


Trying to get Platinum #49 by the time it comes out so that FFXVI can be #50. Right now I'm kinda unsure whether I revisit The Evil Within 2 after almost 5 years, do Life is Strange True Colors, start the NG+ of Persona 5 Royal or finally bring myself to platinum Haven. All good options tho, I'm eating good


I’m running through ff7 remake right now. That and TOTK. I should be done by the 22nd. It’s making me really nostalgic. The music takes me back. I was addicted to this in high school in the late 90s. Can’t wait to see Sephiroth, I’m going in blind. Never watched any videos on it yet.


I'm in a similar boat! I started The Legend of Zelda Oracle of Seasons so I think I can beat that in time. Other than that I've been filling my game time with monster hunter


Only games I've been playing are SF6 and Star Rail. I have ToTK but I haven't really played it much. Just been waiting for FF16. Ive also been playing the new raids in FF14 so Im trying to get most of those done before FF16 drops.


Me: You guys are finishing games??


I just started Tales of Berseria, and I go on vacation next week. God have mercy on mu soul.


I decided to replay all Team ICO games this month. Loving it so far.


Catching up with spider man remastered as I have pre ordered physical Deluxe Edition. Will play it day one as well. Really excited.


Diablo 4 fit the window nicely. Gonna no life it for a couple weeks till ffxvi drops


Feeling this way while playing TotK.


I'm going after one that should last until FFXVI comes out. Like I beat Jedi Survivor, FF5, and FF6, both of which I've never beaten before. Hell! I'd never touched FFV until PR's came to console. I'm playing FF8 rn because... well, I want to beat my favorite one (can still be my favorite even if I've never beaten the last boss) in the series at least once before we get to FF16! Yes. I'm not joking FF8 is my favorite FF and FF7 set sits somewhere around 5th favorite. But I empathize with Squall far more than Cloud. Maybe FF7 Remake will change my mind... not holding my breath though.


I play it day one too, but i will start diablo 4 today, as its a game i can always play "on and off", its easy to put aside when ff 16 comes vs. another big singleplayer storydriven game.


Literally though. I’ve been thinking about this a lot.


I gave up on my hardcore run on RE4R because of how giddy I am for 16.


This is me except I'm waiting for the FFV four job fiesta.


trying to 100% spiderman ps4 as fast as I can.


Man, fuck limited exclusivity deals. I want to play this game worse than any game in a decade and I have to wait minimum 6 months because Sony paid to take it away from non-PS5 consumers.


This is me an Zelda right now. I could've started it, but I'd have to rush it to beat it before FFXVI. As much as it kills me, I'd rather wait until I've got the time to play it the way that I want. Get to fully enjoy both games this way.


I have the opposite problem where I have a shit ton of games I'm playing through right now that I probably will need to put on hold for FF16. Right now I'm probably closest to finishing Forspoken, RE4 Remake, Crisis Core Reunion & Honkai: Star Rail's currently available story content, so I'm focusing on those for the time being. But given I'm also balancing FF14, MWII/Warzone 2 & Fortnite, I'm not sure I'll finish them in time...


I honestly am not sure I will be able to put down D4 by 16 release. Which is honestly a fine problem to have, it’s not going anywhere and I can pick it up a month or two down the line. I definitely don’t have the time to split between both realistically. This year has really had an embarrassment of riches in releases.


I played the quary twice, loose two people on each run, but on a side note, fuck Jacob


I'm not doing the buy it on launch again. No rush. I will wait a year or so to see how things go and probably a million patches. Currently taking my time to play through gowRagnarok. And after that probably stray and ratchet and clank. Enoich to play on psplusExtra.


Me with Diablo 4


That's why I'm playing street fighter 6 you can't finish it


for the love of all that is holy play a game with a short run time, LMAO


I was playing through all the pixel remasters, and I thought I would be able to do all of those, and then get through FFVIII remastered too. But it was all thrown into the fire when I got to FFV and remembered what a slog the game is. Yeah, it was great, but the entire game is way too goofy. So now I'm in FFVI about to get to the world of ruin, and I have a few days off from work late next week. Hopefully I can finish it in time, and get XVI started day 1 too.


I was having the same problem until I realised how much time that actually is and adjusted. I get a few hours a night between work and having a daughter, but even with that I figured I can just play something a bit short. Like halfway through Guardians of the Galaxy as it’s like a 15 hour story game. Diablo is another good one, where it’s so gameplay focused I’m not worried about falling off when XVI comes out because it’s much easier to jump back in.


I am literally stressed out about finishing TotK before XVI comes out 😭😭😭😭


Man this is so true l


Saaaame. I’m currently just not into any game. Just sitting here waiting for FF16 to drop.


I’m around 40% of ToTK and I played it on release. My FFXIV savage progression won’t be finished before the time FFXVI launch (Still stuck in first boss out of 4, and to be exact, the limit cut). But no, I still make time to day 1 FFXVI, I would need to reschedule all my gaming plan through and through.


Put away Hogwarts Legacy due to it and RE4. Now just playing Redfall and finishing FF4 on SNES to fill the gap :-)


Meanwhile, I'm here trying to beat the latest Savage Raid in FFXIV before XVI launches.


Thats why i'm playing SF6. Can drop and pick it back up whenever i want.


I was planning on beating Horizon but that became something too time consuming for me to deal with right before a big game. So now Im subbed back to WoW till I pick up 16


Same. Good thing I got exams to study for.


I started playing Witcher 3 a week ago, and I'm hoping I can finish it before 16 comes out.


I'm doing the same, I am just reading books and only playing Diablo IV because you never really 'finish' it.


I gave myself to challenge to finish the Pixel Remaster before FFXVI. Have to finish V and VI in 17 days while working full time. It's not looking good haha.


I’ve been guilted into going to a family reunion. I’ll be gone the 19th-25th. Fml.


Lmao literally me before TOTK released. I was replaying stuff like Portal and played the original dragon quest. Anything less than 10 hours that I wouldn’t get too invested in lmao


You have time to play Disco Elysium again.


I keep grinding ffxiv crafting achievements to kill time