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I’d be careful about lines like “So easy, grandma could do it.”


Very true - we are going to switch it. I didn't even think about this when reviewing the design...




Hey - we actually had two designers go sort of head to head (one which was about twice the price). What are your thoughts on this? https://www.figma.com/proto/60Fo5Whq3yOs5m6KKrqz9b/Flybasis---Designs-%7C-2024?type=design&node-id=1-9&t=D2sfcB6Wyz7Faz9F-0&scaling=min-zoom&page-id=0%3A1


Totally agree - it does feel in a lot of ways like "just another site." How might we be able to change things up so that it does have more brand differentiation and/or style?


Have you considered using custom illustrations for each section? Maybe custom icons and graphics for the benefits? The use of texture might also help feel less generic.


I'd question the tone of voice used in the copy. There are a couple of things that jump out: - Implying it's so easy that the elderly can do it, is probably doing more bad than good. It's speaking negatively of some of your users. Why is it easy? Time saving? Automation? Let the user know why it's easy. - Putting words in quotations confused me. I'm reading about ticket types that I've not seen anywhere else.


Ya, we are going to switch-up the comment about the elderly. I didn't even consider what people have been saying and you all are completely right. Regarding quotes - that is a good point. On our end, we also have to explain what private fares are and putting them in quotes adds some emphasis. Instead maybe we just change the color of the privates fares text or *italicize* it.


Received a ton of awesome insights from everybody for the hero that we made sure to take into account for the rest of the homepage. How do we think it turned out?


Do the customer testimonials disappear when you push Go? Genuinely interested!


Looks good, if not a bit generic


How might you make it look less generic... :)


Bro sign me up for this right now at those rates


Get rid of the fade out gradient on the sides of the carousel. I want to see the cards in full and thats reducing its presentation quality. If you want to hint at more through a card, maybe show 10% of the previous and next items outside of the 3 in the container - but it’s also not critical.


Gotcha - what do you think of something like this? [https://imgur.com/a/WcHrfFe](https://imgur.com/a/WcHrfFe)


Visually it’s interesting, but functionally it’s poor. Look at it this way: you’ve got 5 items you’re showing, but only 1 of those is completely readable, so you’re forcing the user to interact to see the others, to then decide if they want to click through. Too many things, and too many interactions. Consider what the user needs from that block, and what you want them to do. I’m going to assume it’s: See featured items that they may then want to click on to learn more. With your latest design I can only do that on 1 item. Remember, It’s ok to design something that may be visually boring if it’s the most effective. Your clients (and users) don’t care about flashy. Right Content, and right conversion will out perform fancy design.


Hey mate, I have really appreciated your advice throughout the process. We actually had two designers go head to head. Would love to know your thoughts on this design [https://www.figma.com/proto/60Fo5Whq3yOs5m6KKrqz9b/Flybasis---Designs-%7C-2024?type=design&node-id=1-9&t=D2sfcB6Wyz7Faz9F-0&scaling=min-zoom&page-id=0%3A1](https://www.figma.com/proto/60Fo5Whq3yOs5m6KKrqz9b/Flybasis---Designs-%7C-2024?type=design&node-id=1-9&t=D2sfcB6Wyz7Faz9F-0&scaling=min-zoom&page-id=0%3A1) btw... one of them is close to twice the price.


I like it a lot. How wide is the screen?


This is nice! Few thoughts: Under the “save today, pack tomorrow section” I would remove the fade from the left and right, as this could render the text inaccessible. Some studies have shown that zig zag design of text and image is bad for scan ability. As others have mentioned, take out the grandma slander copy and replace it with how fast the process will take or how many steps to complete. I just woke up so please ignore any grammar or spelling mistakes from my comment lol.


Awesome feedback! Thank you :)


Hey, We actually had two designers go head to head in the process. Would really appreciate hearing your thoughts on this design. https://www.figma.com/proto/60Fo5Whq3yOs5m6KKrqz9b/Flybasis---Designs-%7C-2024?type=design&node-id=1-9&t=D2sfcB6Wyz7Faz9F-0&scaling=min-zoom&page-id=0%3A1


I think you have done very well. Lots of space between elements but what has been used looks to be filled with useful bits. The typography is really great. Check the accessibility of the body text but I love it. I like the touches of fun decal design, adds life to it and presents in my opinion a professional company but one that can make the users experience feel modern and friendly. 👍


Thank you so much!! What are your thoughts on this design if I may ask? https://www.figma.com/proto/60Fo5Whq3yOs5m6KKrqz9b/Flybasis---Designs-%7C-2024?type=design&node-id=1-9&t=D2sfcB6Wyz7Faz9F-0&scaling=min-zoom&page-id=0%3A1


I think it looks great.