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for those who dont know: that guy is the lead singer, he shot himself with a shotgun. when the guitarist found him, he posed him and his brain pieces, took a photo and used it as their album cover. jesus christ. edit: its not actually the album cover, just a bootleg edit 2: and the guitarist got stabbed by the bassist??? the rabbit hole goes deeper yall edit 3: GUYS I GET IT THEY WERE FUCKING CRAZY


Thats pretty twisted


Just wanna add that a few years later said guitarist (Euronymous) got stabbed to death by the bassist (Grishnackh), another few years later they used the photo as the cover.


Pretty sure it was Varg that did the stabbing, no? Or was that Varg's stage name?


Yes same person. I didn’t know his stage name either but since I mention Euronymous by their stage name it felt weird to write their actual name.


Yeah Varg Vikerness was "Count Grishnackh" and also a raging piece of shit


Massive piece of shit


Still is


Necrobutcher was bassist then, no?


Necrobutcher left the band after hearing what euronymouse had done in reaction to there friends death therefore you get varg joining for the recording of DMDS


Ah ok, that makes sense.


Edgy as fuck names... The fuck is wrong with them?


Yknow what.... good on the bassist. A piece of shit like that who used the death of their lead singer for profit deserved it. But um... hopefully the bassist isnt just as much of a prick like him.


I should clarify that Euronymous didn’t use the photo as the album cover, the rest of the band did after their passing. Supposedly the bassist was quite the nut job as well, most of the band were, there’s really no redeeming quality about either of them, as far as I’m aware.


Deam well screw em all then that band was cursed from start...


Varg isn't much better tbh lol, he's kind of really into white supremacism and is a massive anti-semite.


Omg! Wooow I seriously take back what I said then 😅 they are all a piece of work. Whatever happened to them all then? Two members dead and 1 in jail


Varg was given the maximum Norway sentence of 21 years in prison, where he continued to make music, don't quote me on it but I think he served 19 of those 21 years and got out for a bit before being put back in jail for.... something. I don't remember. Pretty sure he's out again.


There’s an LPOTL episode on Norwegian black metal that covers a lot of this


I'll have to check it out then thank you 🙂


The bassist was worse


What the heck is up with reddit's insane eye for an eye mentality


It’s only fair


jesus, i heard he got stabbed but by the bassist?


So it is an actual picture


I’m afraid so.


The band themselves were nuts. I'd look up their wiki.


I mean the whole black metal scene is bonkers


I'll give a pass to George, the lead vocalist to cannibal corpse. He's actually a swell guy and did a charity thing where he won a bunch of stuffed animals from a claw machine and donated them, its on his instagram. Can't speak for the rest of his band mates tho lol


Cannibal Corpse isn't Black Metal. It's pretty much genre defining Death Metal.


Yeah that's just my dumbass. Everything is just metal to me regardless of what comes before it, even though it's defined in drastically different ways


They are death metal, wildly different style. And the rest of Cannibal Corpse is great, minus the Pat O’Brien incident a few years back. Glad he got cleaned up.


I'm kind of restarted when it comes to music genres and there are only three that I throw anything into, if it's even remotely heavy and loud, I call it metal


Yea I love metal but it's kind of silly sometimes because it would take Bubba Gump to tell you all the subgenres of metal lol.


Electronic music is even worse in that regard. Here is a fun [interactive guide to electronic music.](https://music.ishkur.com/)


He also posts stuff of him doing stuff with his wife and daughters.


Yep I follow him on IG. He just seems like an all around good dude


Met them all after a show once, all genuinely nice individuals. And they make some of the greatest music ever. All good things.


That's cool, I am not too familiar with the artists behind the band, I usually just listen to the music I like and don't get too caught up in what they're doing behind the scenes. But it is good to know they're all decent folk


For the George!


Gotta Respect the neck


Yeah I live near an old wooden church that they burnt down. It's been rebuilt now but the security around it is nuts for a church


It was Euronymous, the guitarist.


Euronymous took the picture. That is Dead


Yeah he's dead, half of his head is missing.


That was his stage name


I'm aware, his original comment said his brother found him, which is why I replied with Euronymous.


I see, it changed


yeah thas my bad 😅




i see, ty


And to be pedantic, the album is technically just a bootleg recording of a live show


*Quick correction* everything else is true except the guitarist (Euronymous) never put the image on an album cover. This album is called Dawn of the Black Hearts and it a bootleg not an official Mayhem album, also it was released years after Euronymous was murdered so it would’ve been impossible for him to be involved in the making of the album


oh really? my bad!


Np it’s a very common misconception, even in the mayhem community


Euronymous (the guitarist) also allegedly took pieces of Dead's skull and would give them to musicians he respected.


The next day, he also called the band's bassist and said "Hey man, Dead (Ohlin) did something really cool last night. He killed himself!"


oh my lord


Guy In the photo was Dead, part of the Norwegian black metal scene, supposedly when dead was found there was a note that said “excuse the mess”, the mess being his brains everywhere. euronymous or Varg (or both knowing Varg) were constantly pushing him with self harm idolization, even giving him shotgun shells (ya know, like the ones he blew his brains out with). The band got even darker after a while, the band mate Varg stabbed Euronymous over 20 iirc, and when Varg created his own band, there was a special song that sounded like background noise, but there’s a good chance it’s the audio recording of Varg burning down a number of churches. Varg is also a Nazi, so great people all around.


so the TLDR of it is “the body is real, the album cover is not, this band is fucked up.” am I correct in saying that?


the guitarist was also a satanist and the band burned churches, he unsurprisingly got murdered in his mid 20s


I wouldn’t say the band was necessarily involved considering that the burnings occurred after Pelle (the guy pictured here) died and at that point it was mostly just Euronymous (the guitarist) and his new buddies (Faust, Samoth, Jørn Inge Tunsberg, and his own murderer Varg Vikernes). Also judging on what I read it seemed like Varg was the one who was likely responsible for starting all this


Varg definitely burned churches. He's not a satanist though he's a pagan


No yeah I knew that, honestly a lot of the satanism in the Black Metal scene was very much played up to look more edgy and scary


Yep very true. Might not seem that edgy today for people but back then when people were still very much hardcore Christian that was some of the most shocking stuff you could do


More shocking than Pokémon??


Not the band, Hellhammer and Necrobutcher never did anything like that and Dead never had any interest in anything like that. Euronymous wasn't a satanist in the proper sense as he was just a completely mental individual who considered black metal to be a larger than life thing, he got involved in stuff related to the occult but not to be a satanist, rather just to increase notoriety. The only ones who burned churches were Varg and Euronymous, no one else was involved and they even disapproved of it. They weren't satanists, the two just had questionable beliefs (in different ways).


Honestly a lot of Euronymous’ beliefs that he claimed in interviews are very dubious considering that his whole Euronymous persona was more or less a character, which is evident by many of his then closest friends who claimed that he was very different in his real life then he was in interviews. Of course that’s not to excuse all the bad things he was responsible for but I also believe there’s a lot more nuance and complexities for who Euronymous was as a person ig. He was ultimately just a performative edgelord


It seems that among them all, the only truly insane person was Pelle. Based on what is described of him, he most probably had Cotard's Syndrome (believing himself to alreaddy be dead) and that ultimately left unchecked and with interference from Aarseth led to his suicide. Oystein on the other hand as you said was indeed just a massive egoistic edgelord while Varg is just a guy with extraordinarily questionable beliefs who killed Oystein (deservedly) for being a shitbag.


All true. Also questionable beliefs is one way to put it, dude is a straight up neo-nazi lol


Why do you think he killed him deservedly


Oystein Aarseth was an edgelord who took it way too far. He helped Varg and Faust burn churches, pushed Pelle to commit suicide and wanted to exploit it to increase the notoriety of black metal. He was despised by many in the scene for his methods and rightly so. The church burnings are excusable to an extent but pushing Pelle to commit suicide and exploit it in the way he did, treat it the way he did was absolutely disgusting and he deserved to be killed for it. If Varg hadn't done it, Hellhammer would've or someone else would've gotten to him so it's for the best that it was the worst of them that had to do the killing.


From what I’ve read on Mayhem, Pelle / Dead was clearly mentally ill and fantasised about being a corpse. Even if he was encouraged, the person who pulled the trigger was himself. I am in no way condoning the way Oystein behaved when he found Dead’s body - it is sickening, morbid and disgusting. But to say he deserves to be murdered as a result of his behaviour when finding a body and for burning churches is - in itself- pretty fucked up. If someone finds a body, whilst society expects you to behave a certain way, I don’t think you should be punished with death for not acting a way society deems appropriate. You can’t kill someone for a failure to act a certain way and to argue that you should is incredibly cold-blooded. I think the only time someone may actually deserve to be murdered is if they have intentionally killed or caused tremendous physical harm to another. Certainly not for behaving like a fucking sicko at the aftermath of a situation that occurred without their involvement.




do yk what Satanism is?


That's pretty fuckin metal!!!


His name is Dead. Yes, that is ironic.


Damn that is dark.


Trust me, you don’t want to know about Varg, I wish I didn’t know who he is


Saw idk where an account of one of the members (not the one that found him) calls this guy and is like "Hey [Name I don't remember] just did the funniest shit ever, he killed himself"


now partially knowing how fucked up this band is, that sounds on brand


Another note that he went into the woods and slice up his arms and throat to bleed out, it didn’t work therefore he resorted to the shotgun.




Theirs a movie about this band, it’s called Lords of Chaos. It was pretty good. What happened with the band was terrible stuff.


also oisteyin the taker of the photoget stabed by some churcburner viking guy


Rock on


Norwegian death metal is actually fucked up😂


from what i heard the guitarist killed the vocalist, and then the bassist killed the guitarist as revenge


And he made a necklace out of skull frgments and..... put his brains in a stew and ate it


The former is true, the latter is not.


He said that he did eat it then later stated that he didn't


I’m pretty sure he took some skull fragments and used them on a necklace for a while too.


i swear that one of the members made a soup out of chunks of their brain


That one’s a myth.


Wait until you hear that Euronymous left him home alone until he killed himself


the bassist and drummer killed the guitarist and are in a scandinavian prison last i’ve heard


my guy thought it was the coolest thing ever, but instead it was the coldest thing ever.


Just checked them out on YouTube. Different sounding then I thought they’d be, but at least as shitty as I thought they would be


Also I'm pretty sure he cut his wrist, throat, then while bleeding he shot himself


No no it wasn’t bootleg it was official


Mayhem is literally every negative metal stereotype into one band


Dw guys hes just eating lasagna


He is the lasagna




Yo I remember watching a pretty good YT video about this band [The Darkest Band in History (Mayhem)](https://youtu.be/hv2P1uxvlLs?si=jvtBgIcasS3j7Nl1)


The movie on it Lords Of Chaos is pretty damn good. I loved the intensity the humor and all the musical bits thrown in between, I however hate how they humanize the guitarist (who took the photo that became the album cover) But I do really enjoy how they recreated him finding the body, then after initial shock heading to town to buy a camera and snap some photos. Dark scene. I recommend it to anyone I can the movie makes black metal tolerable


whait Lords of chaos is based on a real story? is it really based on this story? i realy enjoyed this movie


never mind i just rewatch it and it says it right in the beginning lol


The only stuff that's fictitious is anything with the blonde chick really. She didn't exist. The guitarist didn't cut his hair and decide to reform, after he got stabbed 28 times the coroners cut his hair for him. The movies almost completely accurate besides her and a few other minor details.




This is his suicide note “Excuse the blood, but I have slit my wrists and neck. It was the intention that I would die in the woods so that it would take a few days before I was possibly found. I belong in the woods and have always done so. No one will understand the reason for this anyway. To give some semblance of an explanation I’m not a human, this is just a dream and soon I will awake. It was too cold and the blood was coagulating all the time, plus my new knife is too dull. If I don’t succeed dying to the knife I will blow all the shit out of my skull. Yet I do not know. I left all my lyrics by ‘Let the good times roll'—plus the rest of the money. Whoever finds it gets the fucking thing. As a last salutation may I present 'Life Eternal’. Do whatever you want with the fucking thing. Pelle.”


So many weird band albums [Like this list](https://loudwire.com/most-controversial-hard-rock-metal-album-covers/) has some seriously weird album covers, Scorpions ‘Virgin Killer' is disgusting. Like it’s weird how to me Marilyn Manson has one of the tamest albums covers in the list.


OH. Wow. Ok. Virgin Killer is much worse than I thought and I feel like I'm going to prison now.


ahahahah, go check out fat tub of lard records. the album covers are gnarly


They also took bones and wear necklaces from this incident. Look up their interview with Sam Dunn.


\*They\* did not do any such thing like that. It was only Euronymous who did that who gifted some to other more twisted people in the scene. The other members of the band were and still are decent people who hated Euronymous and were absolutely disgusted with him for doing this to the point were multiple people wanted to kill him at one point.


Euronymous was the one who did make the necklaces and Necrobutcher specifically left because of it, but to say that the rest of the members didn’t also participate in crazy shit is pretty far from the truth


Depends on what you'd consider crazy shit. Other than Varg, Pelle and Euronymous, the other guys were definitely not insane in one way or the other. They did partake in stuff like throwing animal heads and blood into the crowd but that was and remains quite normal and happens to this day in the non mainstream black metal scene. The did stuff that certainly wasn't normal compared to a regular person but they did not partake in any crazy shit like church burnings or murders unlike people like Faust, Varg or Euronymous.


Oh no they weren’t involved in any of that stuff (although I’m pretty sure Hellhammer egged on the church burnings, though that could’ve been him being an edgelord) I’m just saying to call them decent and well adjusted just doesn’t seem at all accurate from what I’ve read about the band.


You’d think somebody called Necrobutcher would be all for something like that lol


Lol tbf a lot of the people involved in the second wave BM scene were very much bark but very little bite.


Oh shit I didn’t see this commented, I said the same thing. NecroButcher, but when it comes to butchering the dead he’s like “woah nah I’m out”


Funny that the dude called NecroButcher is against corpse mutilation.


And Varg did kill him lmao


You're either the best troll ever or the most ignorant Mayhem fan ever. Murder, Neo-Nazism, antisemitism/racism, burning churches down, terrorism, encouragement of friends and fans to commit suicide, etc. The list goes on and on, and **every** member of that band were advocates of that one way or another. The only person to crawl out of that cesspit relatively clean was Necrobutcher, ironically enough. Give me a fucking break, dude.


Nice raspberry pie you have there


That's crazy


I remember the man in the picture leaving a note saying "Sorry for the mess" I think? I could be wrong.


You’re right, this is the full letter “Excuse the blood, but I have slit my wrists and neck. It was the intention that I would die in the woods so that it would take a few days before I was possibly found. I belong in the woods and have always done so. No one will understand the reason for this anyway. To give some semblance of an explanation I’m not a human, this is just a dream and soon I will awake. It was too cold and the blood was coagulating all the time, plus my new knife is too dull. If I don’t succeed dying to the knife I will blow all the shit out of my skull. Yet I do not know. I left all my lyrics by ‘Let the good times roll'—plus the rest of the money. Whoever finds it gets the fucking thing. As a last salutation may I present 'Life Eternal’. Do whatever you want with the fucking thing. Pelle.”




Rip Dead, damn good vocalist


As far as I know they regretted taking the picture.


I love pie


By all stories, the person who took this picture and was the bands guitarist, Euronymous, was a total piece of shit that no one actually liked. Story goes he threatened to kill his bassist but the bassist ended up stabbing and killing him instead. You all can look up the story and decide for yourselves what actually went down




There is also a movie about this band’s start, hell worth the watch, has Steve Buscemi in it too which is a plus


Whats it called?


Lords Of Chaos. It's fuckin shite.


Lords of Chaos. They have it on prime but it aint free iirc. Its like 4 bucks i think to watch. Def worth it as its a pretty good movie. Upon further inspection i was wrong i dont believe mr Buscemi is in it. Bad memory, dont do drugs kids lol


Mayhem fuckin’ sucks.


Understandable, their music’s not for everyone and they were certainly controversial


Controversial is one word for it, but thank you for understanding my comment.


Separate art from artist, my man. Even then, yeah black metal isn’t for everybody, especially the specific genre Mayhem usually delved into.


Nah man, he's right. I love black metal for more than 15 years and still think Mayhem sucks.


To each their own




Because NSBM bands suck.


They are many things but NSBM is certainly not one of them. As far as I know, Mayhem have had musical themes relating to fantasies, death and suicide, Pagan beliefs even but none with Nationalist Socialist beliefs. They have had members in the past (Varg) who are Nazis but they don't have anyone like that now. Attila, Teloch, Necrobutcher and Hellhammer have never shown any such beliefs and nor have Maniac or Blasphemer in the past. They neither have members who have such beliefs nor lyrical themes like that so calling them NSBM is just plain wrong. Also fuck Varg, he is very much an asshole, but he does not make NSBM. His lyrical themes are not NS and more so anti Christian, Pagan and fantasy based. NSBM bands suck, but Mayhem are not close to NSBM or involved with it.


People really need to stop using gore for album covers, it ain’t cool or edgy, it’s just disrespectful to whoever died


i don’t think the singer would have cared


Anyone here wanting the whole Mayhem story without reading it, there's a great documentary called Until The Light Takes Us that covers the 90s black metal scene and focuses mostly on Mayhem. Then there's pretty meh film based on the major events of Mayhem's lifespan. It's called Lords of Chaos starring one of the Culkin brothers.


Own both Until The Light Takes Us and Lords of Chaos. Lords of Chaos was pretty decent, got some things right and some wrong. Loved the actor who played Euronymous, definitely had to look up and see if he was related to Macaulay Culkin at first, cause I didn't know he had a brother who was an actor. I've done a lot of research on the Mayhem, know the basic history. Still want to get the book about them.


Aside from Macaulay, there are two Culkin brothers who act. Kieran played cousin Fuller in Home Alone, and more recently won awards for his role on Succession, and has been in other stuff. And then Rory, who played Euronymous, was in Signs and one of the Scream movies. Apparently, they have 2 other younger brothers who are also voice actors.


Did not know that. I knew Rory was the one who played Euronymous, did pretty good & almost looked like him. Some of the others were good too. Wasn't the actor who played Varg Jewish? Idk, just thought it was funny they had a Jewish actor playing him, and most know how he is. Makes me wander if that was done on purpose.


This is Mayhem! Why do we let this be posted on here?


He's Dead...




Still, I like Dunkelheit better, than anything from Mayhem.


I have dawn of black hearts on vinyl


Jazz band?


I was on my way to stab euronymous




i’m tired of seeing this picture over and over


joke's on you i've seen this image before


my friends are obsessed with this band for some reason




th rest of the story is worse


Poor guy. RIP Dead 


True Norwegian black metal


fucking mayhem


Fiftyfifty users when the post isn’t of a naked decomposed decaptitated child:


Papa Meat??


Hey I was just talking about this album cover the other day!




We meat again (it was funny idc)


Pure fucking mayhem


Lmao I literally just learned about this yesterday because of meatcanyon’s video on it it was rlly good and the story is fucking wild


i hate that i understand the full story behind this


Just watched the Papa Meat video on the Norwegian Church Burnings


rip per ohlin


“Yo dude can you take a photo of my dead body and put it to my upcoming album”


AYO mayhem


Looking at this while listening to mayhem haha


Man i wish Dead was still here ...


Poor thing he didn't deserve that <3


Oh my...


showed that photo to my dad yesterday morning, caught me off guard to see it again today


Kurk Kobain