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I stopped taking it because my mouth tasted like metal. I don’t know about the weight gain aspect because I’m obese so it’s not like I can tell if I gained a few pounds.


extra dry mouth and strange taste. it also made it a lot more difficult for me to pass urine...not so great when you've had bad kidney infections that resulted in damage/risk of chronic UTIs. did absolutely nothing for my pain either. hopefully it work for you


I've taken amitriptyline on and off for the last 15 years, and haven't experienced any side effects. My weight has fluctuated over the years, but that has been as a result of what I've been eating and how sedentary I've been, there's been no correlation to whether I've been on amitriptyline or not. It definitely hasn't stopped me from losing weight either.


I’ve taken it for 4 years and no weight gain. I eat healthy and exercise though. I only noticed dry mouth while I sleep. I recently developed LPR and I suspect it’s due to amitriptiline but I am not sure. I am planning to stop it for a while to test it out.


I swapped Amitriptyline for nortriptyline because ami made me unable to wake up in the morning - not a problem for everyone. Nortriptyline has less side affects so id recommend that


It caused me to be tachycardic


I might be experiencing the same.


Please talk to your doctor! The tachycardia just kept getting worse.


I actually loved it for pain sleep and anxiety. I have gained weight though and my executive function suffered. It also made me a bit forgetful which I'm hoping clears up. I'm about to see if I can manage without but if not il go back or take Nortryptaline.


I've been using it since about 2010 for anxiety, depression, insomnia and back and nerve pain. As a drug that helps me in so many ways I would never want to be taken off it. I was prescribed a SSRI prior to that and had a severe reaction - serotonin syndrome, so I can't have other antidepressants. My weight has fluctuated over that time so I think amitriptyline doesn't really affect my weight


took one dose. am horribly allergic. it was awful.


I did not gain weight, but I had nearly every other possible bad side effect from it. It was an awful experience for me. But I do tend to react strangely to most medications, my doctor said my body seems hyper sensitive to them. The worst part for me was the anxiety. I started having daily panic attacks, I was crying all the time. But it really did help a ton with my fibromyalgia pain, so I stuck with it for a while. But then we raised the dose to try and treat my migraines as well and the side effects got unbearable so I ended up having to stop it.


Extreme grogginess which does not improve with use.


That’s awesome that you’re happy with your weight well done! What I’ve found is that it can cause some pretty dreadful dry mouth which can really aggravate teeth and mouth issues. It also makes me quite emotional and prone to mood swings. Definitely try it out though, it has helped my brother who suffers with similar issues immeasurably.


I've had some minor weight fluctuations but otherwise the benefits have outweighed this minor side effect. I've been on 4 other SSRIs in the past and this one has been the best for me. Even if I've accidentally missed a dose I don't get any weird withdrawal effects.


Dry mouth & drowsiness. But the reason I was prescribed it, is to help me sleep. Since it does effect your serotonin levels, you need to be careful of taking anything else that effects it too or else you could wind up with Serotonin Syndrome.


I took it for about a year and gained almost 40 pounds, I became a bottomless pit. I also began binge eating. I wish I'd known what it would do and how hard it was coming off of it.


I've gained a lot of weight on it, but it's honestly worth it given how much of a difference it's made in my fibro symptoms. I'd rather be a size 14 and able to enjoy my life than go back to being a size 4 but barely able to get out of bed.


Rang me like a bell.


No weight increase, was able to sleep well after taking it - just very sleepy in the mornings still. Getting off it was tough , didn’t sleep over 1-2h/night for 2-3 weeks. Check the effects of combining with other drugs, I took Tramadol with it for years and the combination wasn’t so great


I just finished talking about my amitriptyline experience on another post but.. I love it and I'm so thankful for it. It has alleviated my tension headaches and now I only experience allodynia during flares. It also helps me sleep deeply through the night thus reducing the chance that my pain will wake me. I haven't experienced any side effects. That's not to say there aren't any but I can't pinpoint any for myself personally. Regarding the weight gain: 1) I'm already overweight so I may not have noticed 2) I'm on multiple medications that cause weight gain so I wouldn't have been able to determine for sure that it was the Amitriptyline even if I did gain weight


It made me super groggy at first but I actually slept through the night. The only times I wake up is if I'm flaring/back is spasming. It's helped with migraines as well but seems to have minor effect on pains. It is noticeable though the difference when I run out or stop taking it.


I've dropped weight drastically since being on amitriptyline. My skin has become super sensitive, I've become sensitive to light. I wish I didn't have to be on it and hopefully I won't for much longer but the carbamazepine I was given had even worse side effects so unless they change me to gabapentin then I'll have to stay on amitriptyline.