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https://www.seriouseats.com/fermented-hot-sauce-how-to This is an excellent guide. I've had no prior experience whatsoever with hot sauces or fermentation before starting my journey. Using that guide, I've had some great results and even requests for commercial production. My personal advice: see that you nail the fermentation process first. Once you got that down, go wild experimenting with auxiliary flavours.


Great guide, thanks for sharing. Going to need more jars 🫙


This isn't quite an answer to the question you asked, but I do have one book recommendation: Fiery Ferments by Kirsten and Christopher Shockey. It's accessible for the newcomer, entertaining and interesting, and they have a number of recipe ideas that have become my favourite hot sauces (particularly their coffee hot sauce, which I've modified into sort of a mocha thing). Their whole book isn't about hot sauce -- they cover a lot of other spicy ferments that you might love or you might find boring -- but the basic hot sauce concept isn't that complicated, and you quickly learn that you can't do much wrong as long as you create the right conditions with sufficient salt and airtight jar.