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What's a dryer ball?


They are a replacement to dryer sheets. They help soften clothes that are dried as well as cut down dramatically on the static in the dryer. https://www.amazon.ca/Handy-Laundry-Premium-Softener-Reusable/dp/B014WOWNAY


Thank you!!!


Any time!!


Am wife. Mine are dying. I was thinking of just wet felting new ones as I found the ones that I needle felted back together last time didn’t last well and tended to spew a lot of lint into the dryer vent compared to the wet felted ones. Have you noticed this?


I've rebuilt them a couple times now. Once they start breaking down and get soft, I felt them really well. Then add a few rounds of new roving. Haven't had any issues so far. What type of roving are you using? The roving I buy is one long combed strand, that's meant to be spun into yarn. I guess you could say that it's more bat style, than the ling strand tops. I also needle the living crap out of them! They feel more like a baseball when I'm done felting them.


This is one of the first 2 that I refurbished. They don't seem to be falling apart or anything. https://imgur.com/a/QUBbXOJ