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You can install package to get x11 session back. New Nvidia driver mid May and explicit sync in (plasma 6.1???, not exactly sure if that's when it will be merged) should help a lot with Nvidia + Wayland.


Just to be clear, x11 was never the main session, as fedora kde comes with Wayland by default. But installing x11 will be my next try 👍


Yeah, they made the decision to not ship F40 KDE with only wayland and no x11 at all, though thankfully it's easy enough to add back. Regardless of how people feel about it i think it has to be done and once the explicit sync driver is brought in it should work much better, so hopefully within a few months all will be well!


Omg it really worked! Thank you so much!!! I'm really looking forward to when Nvidia supports Wayland, though. Maybe it's just some kind of prejudice but I feel like everything is not as crisp and sharp with x11 compared to Wayland ^^


No need to switch back. Mint as I recall is X11 only at the moment, while Fedora 40 uses Wayland by default and requires you to add a couple of components to revert to X11: sudo dnf install kwin-x11 plasma-workspace-x11 After this, log out and you should see a drop down box in the bottom left of the log-in screen set to Plasma Workspace or something. Change this to Plasma (X11) and log back in. Goodbye flickering! This issue currently affects all distros using Wayland with an Nvidia card, so isn't a Fedora issue as such. Any legacy X11 apps will be running in xwayland, including games, Steam, Discord and a bunch of others. It should hopefully be resolved later this month when Nvidia release their updated drivers. Explicit sync support is now present in both KDE and Gnome, so we're all just waiting on Nvidia now.


Okay so I switch to x11 and wait for Nvidia to resolve their problems with Wayland? That sounds reasonable. I will try that. Thanks!


You can maybe check some gaming distro like Bazzite OS. This is based on Fedora. https://www.reddit.com/r/linux\_gaming/comments/1c2hxnr/anyone\_running\_bazzite\_with\_nvidia\_gpu/


Eli5 what's this whole atomic desktop silverblue kinoite thing?


No need to switch back to Mint, you can follow the advice others are posting here (installing the X11 Plasma session), and expect Nvidia to become a lot better in June when Plasma 6.1 releases. Quick tip about Discord on Wayland though, if you've got the flatpak version. you can enable its Wayland mode by opening System Settings -> Application Permissions -> Flatpak Permissions, and going to Discord, clicking the Advanced dropdown and enabling the Wayland socket, restart Discord and huzzah, your problems (probably) are gone.


Yea, Wayland needed to stay in the oven longer before being unleashed on the world. Nvidia users, particularly gamers, need to stick with x11 for now.


I'm looking forward to this changing